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Confused for Hawks, Golden Eagles: The Adolescent Bald Eagle
Community Calendar
Coming Events:

Spring Run Off
There was a mix up in last week’s column. New pictures were given, but the old story was reprinted. I think we were just so excited the snow was gone and we were blinded by the sunshine!

Lady Badgers Track on a three-meet win streak
Bonners Ferry High School’s Lady Badgers post wins at the Kellogg Invitational, InterMountain League Quad, and Priest River Invitational.
Legals April 20, 2017
LEGAL NOTICE Boundary Community Hospital 6640 Kaniksu Street Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 HVACEquipment and Control in a Surgery Room. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Boundary Community Hospital is engaging Honeywell IntI. Inc (HBS) for a design build proposal to install HVAC equipment and control in a surgery room. The scope of work includes generating construction documents that accurately describe the mechanical, plumbing and electrical system improvements. Boundary Community Hospital is requesting proposals for engineering and design services from qualified firms for the engineering scope of work. Further information and scope of work specifications may be obtained from the Boundary Community Hospital Facilities Director at 208-267-3141 or email at DeAnna.g@bcch.org. All labor and materials must conform to or surpass all specifications. A site visit will be conducted on May 4, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. Communications and Written Questions All communications, including written questions, shall be directed to DeAnna Galbraith, DeAnna.g@bcch.org, 208-267-3141. E-mail is preferred. Written requests for clarification or information shall be due by 12:00 noon on May 10, 2017 and responses to all questions will be distributed to all responders on or about May 12, 2017. SEALED PROPOSALS must be submitted no later than 12:00 noon on Friday, May 19,2017. The PROPOSAL will be submitted to the individual indicated below: Boundary Community Hospital 6640 Kaniksu Street Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 Attention: DeAnna Galbraith, Facilities Director Email: DeAnna.g@bcch.org Phone: 208-267-3141 The successful proposal, if awarded, shall provide the services as determined by Boundary Community Hospital. Boundary Community Hospital reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. Dated this 7 day of April, 2017 DeAnna Galbraith, Facilities Director Boundary Community Hospital BFH Legal 9659 April 13, 20, 27, 2017

Swing on in to the Pearl for Carl Rey and the Blue Gators
Carl Rey, a 40-year veteran of the Jazz and Blues music scene, blends his classic “old style” to the contemporary edge of his band, The Blues Gators, this Saturday night for a swing dance and concert at The Pearl.

Happy Easter
Do you recognize this building? Do you know where it is located? If you have an answer, please email doyouremember@meadowcrk.com or call the museum. If you would like to stay anonymous, just let us know.

Valley View April newsletter
Valley View Elementary School (VVES) is a busy place with so many great students and hard-working staff. At VVES we have students and staff that go out of their way to hold doors, pick up garbage on the campus, give an encouraging word when needed, and are just wonderful citizens to be around. It really is a great place to work and share life with others.
IPNF issues county road closures
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho -- The Idaho Panhandle National Forests issued additional road closures on multiple Forest Service roads in Boundary and Bonner County for public health and safety due to flooding damage and unsafe conditions. Warmer weather, snowmelt and heavy spring rains are creating soft road surfaces and spring “break up” conditions on many Idaho Panhandle National Forests roads.
Community Calendar
Coming Events:
Legals April 13, 2017
LEGAL NOTICE Boundary Community Hospital 6640 Kaniksu Street Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 HVACEquipment and Control in a Surgery Room. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Boundary Community Hospital is engaging Honeywell IntI. Inc (HBS) for a design build proposal to install HVAC equipment and control in a surgery room. The scope of work includes generating construction documents that accurately describe the mechanical, plumbing and electrical system improvements. Boundary Community Hospital is requesting proposals for engineering and design services from qualified firms for the engineering scope of work. Further information and scope of work specifications may be obtained from the Boundary Community Hospital Facilities Director at 208-267-3141 or email at DeAnna.g@bcch.org. All labor and materials must conform to or surpass all specifications. A site visit will be conducted on May 4, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. Communications and Written Questions All communications, including written questions, shall be directed to DeAnna Galbraith, DeAnna.g@bcch.org, 208-267-3141. E-mail is preferred. Written requests for clarification or information shall be due by 12:00 noon on May 10, 2017 and responses to all questions will be distributed to all responders on or about May 12, 2017. SEALED PROPOSALS must be submitted no later than 12:00 noon on Friday, May 19,2017. The PROPOSAL will be submitted to the individual indicated below: Boundary Community Hospital 6640 Kaniksu Street Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 Attention: DeAnna Galbraith, Facilities Director Email: DeAnna.g@bcch.org Phone: 208-267-3141 The successful proposal, if awarded, shall provide the services as determined by Boundary Community Hospital. Boundary Community Hospital reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. Dated this 7 day of April, 2017 DeAnna Galbraith, Facilities Director Boundary Community Hospital BFH Legal 9659 April 13, 20, 27, 2017
Community Calendar
Salmon Patties
This is a quick recipe for those in a hurry.

Badgers come out swinging, improve to 7-2
Legislative news from Rep. Heather Scott
The 2017 session proved to be what I believe is the beginning of real change in the Idaho legislature as debates and conversations are starting to shift in the right direction. More legislators are beginning to question the agendas and motives behind bills and policy in an attempt to expose top down centralized planning and crony capitalism at the expense of citizen.

Happy Easter
Do you recognize this building? Do you know where it is located? If you have an answer, please email doyouremember@meadowcrk.com or call the museum. If you would like to stay anonymous, just let us know.
Cancelled Events
Newspaper Association: End of Idaho Legislative Session Report
The First Regular Session of the 64rd Idaho Legislature adjourned sine die at noon on Wednesday, March 29, 2017 on the 80th legislative day.

Badgers get swept by Bulldogs; then sweep Trail, BC
The Bonners Ferry Badgers baseball team began their home season with two losses from the Sandpoint Bulldogs last Friday. They bounced back on Saturday to sweep the Trail, BC Hawks to improve their early record to 3-2 for the season.
BFFD memorial chosen for Tour of Honor
BONNERS FERRY — The Firefighter Memorial, in front of the Bonners Ferry Fire Department Station No. 1 at 7137 First Street has been chosen as one of seven Idaho memorials to be included in the American Motorcycle Association’s Grand Tour, Tour of Honor — A Ride to Remember.