Sunday, March 02, 2025

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September 28, 2012 2:09 p.m.

Tribe works to restore river fishery

Projects will restore habitat for sturgeon, other native fish

Sharing the Schweitzer experience with less fortunate children
September 19, 2019 1 a.m.

Sharing the Schweitzer experience with less fortunate children

People come from all over to enjoy North Idaho’s world-class outdoor activities. However, while tourists and those involved in the local ski industry clearly understand the joy that snow sports offer, many in the shadows of the mountain have no idea.

Naples Elementary wins the book lottery
December 12, 2019 midnight

Naples Elementary wins the book lottery

NAPLES — The Idaho Lottery’s Bucks for Books program delivered a couple really big gifts to the Naples Elementary School on Thursday, Dec. 5.

August 12, 2021 1 a.m.

Idaho children will receive free school meals this year; income guidelines set

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is offering free meals to all children in eligible schools running USDA meal programs for the 2021-22 school year. This “Seamless Summer Option” also was offered last year because of the pandemic.

June 2, 2022 1 a.m.

Bridges to be repaired across county

Boundary County commissioners have applied for funds from the Leading Idaho Local Bridge Program to repair several structures in the county.

May 29, 2008 9 p.m.

Residents asked to support C, B school athletic teams

A group of parents have got the school board to pass the C teams for high school freshmen teams. We also passed having B and C teams for the middle school.

April 26, 2018 1 a.m.

This Week In Bonners Ferry History

100 Years Ago

Mildred Lavina Mendenhall
November 22, 2018 midnight

Mildred Lavina Mendenhall

Mildred Lavina Mendenhall

Zebras that fly!
June 15, 2017 1 a.m.

Zebras that fly!

Last weekend while driving to the Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge I stopped by one of my favorite parks just northwest of the refuge office to see if the butterflies were getting nectar from the lilac bushes in the area. As I walked through the bright green grass in the beautiful park I noticed many butterflies flying around the beautiful purple, fragrant lilacs, almost dancing in the spring air.

Zebra swallowtails make their appearance
May 30, 2019 1 a.m.

Zebra swallowtails make their appearance

Recently while driving to the Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge I stopped by one of my favorite parks just northwest of the refuge office to see if the butterflies were getting nectar from the lilac bushes in the area. As I walked through the bright green grass in the beautiful park I noticed many butterflies flying around the beautiful purple fragrant lilac, almost dancing in the spring air.

2018 Penguin Plunge set for Saturday, March 17
March 1, 2018 midnight

2018 Penguin Plunge set for Saturday, March 17

Once again it is “Freezin for a Reason” time, Penguin Plunge 2018 — the event that supports Special Olympics and is simply a lot of fun to watch. Sheriff Kramer has promised the icy bits in the Kootenai River will be small.

Yellow-pine Chipmunks an expert at rock hopping!
July 26, 2018 1 a.m.

Yellow-pine Chipmunks an expert at rock hopping!

On one sunny morning last week when I was at Brush Lake, I noticed a chipmunk scampering among the rock piles in an area west of the boat ramp road and west of the lake. He was running jerkily and stopping non-discriminately on the rocks pausing only for a minute then continuing his rock hopping.

County accepts ARPA funds for projects
July 28, 2022 1 a.m.

County accepts ARPA funds for projects

After consulting with county attorneys, Boundary County commissioners accepted the first two American Rescue Plan Act payments for various county projects at the July 18 meeting – some in attendance were not pleased.

Spangler wins 2016 Distinguished Young Women's Medallion
May 5, 2016 1 a.m.

Spangler wins 2016 Distinguished Young Women's Medallion

Saturday night Bonners Ferry’s Distinguished Young Women program, Around the World in 80 Days awarded Brittany Spangler the official DYW Medallion. Brittany was sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi and her talent was original slam poetry. Along with 2016-2017 DYW Medallion, she was awarded $2,200.00 scholarship, $150.00 state travel allowance, gift basket from the Kootenai River Spa, photo shoot with Mica Jae’s Photography, and gift certificates from Hair Connection, Larson’s, Homestead Coffee Co. and Kootenai River Brewing Co. She was also awarded $700.00 scholarship for self-expression; $700.00 scholarship for talent and $700.00 scholarship for interview. 2016-2017 DYW, Brittany Spangler will go on to State competition at Idaho Falls in October.

Summer reading program a hit with Bonners Ferry kids
July 20, 2017 1 a.m.

Summer reading program a hit with Bonners Ferry kids

Where can you find 50+ kids on Thursdays in July? Why, at the Valley View Summer Reading program! This year’s program is starting strong with 47 kids attending our first session, and 60 kids on July 6. With teachers and support staff volunteering their time, we have opened our library. Kids of any age are welcome, and everyone has lunch, checks out books, plays chess, listens to a story read by our downtown librarians, and makes a craft.

January 4, 2008 8 p.m.

Boundary County 4-H needs adult volunteers

Boundary County Extension Office is recruiting youth for its 4-H program and also is in need of adult volunteers to lead clubs.

August 20, 2009 9 p.m.

Discount on prescription drugs

Boundary County residents can now participate in a free program that will give them an average 20 percent discount on prescription drugs.

May 31, 2018 1 a.m.

School district to participate in summer food service program

Boundary County School District #101 is participating in the Summer Food Service Program. Meals will be provided to all children, ages 1-18, without charge.

February 6, 2020 midnight

UI Extension 'Landscaping for Fire Prevention' workshop is Feb. 13

Forest fires are a fact of life in the Inland Northwest. Homes located on forested lands (the “wildland interface”) can be at high risk from forest fires. Rural homeowners can lessen that risk by modifying their houses and landscapes to make them less likely to ignite and easier for firefighters to access.

February 6, 2020 1 a.m.

UI Extension ‘Landscaping for Fire Prevention’ workshop is Feb. 13

Forest fires are a fact of life in the Inland Northwest. Homes located on forested lands (the “wildland interface”) can be at high risk from forest fires. Rural homeowners can lessen that risk by modifying their houses and landscapes to make them less likely to ignite and easier for firefighters to access.