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December 29, 2016 12:30 a.m.

Legals December 29, 2016

SUMMARIZATION OF ORDINANCE 2017-1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS OF ORDINANCE 2015-2 BOUNDARY COUNTY ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF BOUNDARY COUNTY, IDAHO, AMENDING SECTIONS OF ORDINANCE 2015-2, BOUNDARY COUNTY ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Boundary County, Idaho, that the following be and is hereby adopted as an ordinance of Boundary County: Modify Section 2: Definitions Organize by category, alphabetically; Define addressable, ground disturbance, setback, structure, accessory structure, and subdivision. Modify Section 7: Conditional Use Permits Removal of requiring proof of compliance with state and federal agencies in Subsection 7.8.8. Modify Section 8: Special Event Permits Categorize exemptions and add public facilities. Modify Section 10: Standards for Specific Uses Correct typographic numbering error. Modify Section 11: Subdivisions Remove language concerning transfer of development rights; remove profile requirements for preliminary plat requirements; correct some typographical and numbering errors; include profile requirements in final plat requirements; add a place for administrator signature on final record of survey requirements. Modify Section 12: Variances Incorporate/replace considerations; add terms and conditions Modify Section 13: Mediation and appeals Correct typographic errors. Modify Section 18: Amendments Correct numbering errors. Modify Section 20: Parcel divisions Identify deciding body; correct typographic errors; clarify applicant submission procedures for both primitive and simple parcel divisions; clarify final record of survey content; correct administration requirements for transfer of real property to family members. ADOPTED THIS 20TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 2016. Chairman Dinning "aye" Commissioner Pinkerton "aye" Commissioner Kirby absent COUNTY OF BOUNDARY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS s/Dan Dinning, Chairman s/LeAlan Pinkerton, Commissioner absent, Walt Kirby, Commissioner Attest: s/ Glenda Poston, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners The full text of Ordinance 2017-1 is available and may be obtained from the Boundary County Clerk's Office at the Boundary County Courthouse, Bonners Ferry, Idaho during regular office hours, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday excluding holidays. This summary is true and complete and provides adequate notice to the public per I.C. 31-715A. s/Glenda Poston, Boundary County Clerk BFH legal 9594 December 29, 2016

December 22, 2016 12:30 a.m.

Legals December 22, 2016

NOTICE OF PENDING ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF BOUNDARY YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, AS FOLLOWS: That a delinquent entry was entered as of January 1, 2013 in the records of the COUNTY TREASURER, TAX COLLECTOR OF BOUNDARY COUNTY, STATE OF IDAHO, for the following described properties and that the name of the last known address of the record owners of said properties are as follows: The record owner for all parcels listed below is: ENLIGHTENED LIVING LLC c/o Jeffrey J. Crandall, Attorney Crandall Law Firm 8596 N. Wayne Dr., Ste. B Hayden ID 83835 RP61N01E193158A E 60' TAX 30 SEC 19 T61N R1E $834.35 RP61N01W132852A E2S2NE4NW4 LESS PART TAX 27 SEC 13 T61N R1W $621.31 RP61N01W134202A E2N2SE4NW4 LESS PART TAX 27 SEC 13 T61N R1W $584.99 RP61N01W134500A W2S2SE4NW4 SEC 13 T61N R1W $652.46 RP61N01W134951A N2W2NE4SW4 LESS PART TAX 24 SEC 13 T61N R1W $652.97 RP61N01W240157A TAX 19,W2NE4 LESS: N2NW4NE4,SE4NW4NE4 TAX 20 & 32 SEC 24 T61N R1W $789.20 RP61N01W240600A E2N2NW4NE4 SEC 24 T61N R1W $661.22 RP61N01W240750A W2N2NW4NE4 SEC 24 T61N R1W $738.77 RP61N01W241050A SE4NW4NE4 SEC 24 T61N R1W $736.92 Said delinquent entries were made in respect of unpaid taxes assessed for the year 2012. Additional cost of advertising and interest will be charged to the date of payment. You are further notified that if said delinquent entry is not redeemed at the Treasurer's Office, Room 27, in the Boundary County Courthouse, I shall make application to the Boundary County Commissioners at a Hearing to be held on January 30, 2017 at 10:00 AM, for a TAX DEED conveying the above described property to Boundary County, State of Idaho, absolute title, free of all encumbrances, except any lien for taxes which may have attached subsequently to the assessment herein above referred to. You are further notified that the record owner or owners or any party of interest as defined by Section 63-1005 Idaho Code may appear in person or by counsel and be heard, and cross examine any evidence appearing therein, and to obtain and present evidence on behalf of said record owner, owners of said party in interest. That all inquired or objections shall be directed concerning this notice and the information contained herein to the Boundary County Treasurer, Boundary County Courthouse, Room 27, P.O. Box 218, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, Phone 208-267-3291, no later than five (5) days prior to the Hearing date noted above. Susan M Larson Boundary County Treasurer and Ex-officio Tax Collector BFH Legal 9588 December 22, 29, 2016 January 5, 12, 2017

December 15, 2016 5:38 p.m.

Firefighters hot over chemical spill

A recent chemical spill incident has upset some Paradise Valley firefighters, who voiced their concerns to the Paradise Valley Fire Commission Tuesday night.

December 15, 2016 midnight



December 8, 2016 midnight

Non-resident hunting licenses now on sale

It’s not quite the same as opening day for hunting, but it’s an opportunity for nonresidents to have an opening day for deer and elk in Idaho as the limited pool of 2017 tags are now on sale except the popular Sawtooth Elk Zone tags.

December 8, 2016 midnight



December 1, 2016 midnight

P&Z Commission recommends dissolving zoning ordinance

The Plannning and Zoning Commission recently voted to dissolve a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) ordinance after the committee came to the agreement that the ordinance was not being implemented properly and therefore should be done away with.

December 1, 2016 midnight

Kirby doesn't represent everyone

Recently, during a Commissioner’s meeting, in front of several witnesses, Walt Kirby stated, “I don’t represent everyone.”

December 1, 2016 midnight

Bonner County residents oppose timber sale on Sunnyside Peninsula

Residents of Bonner County are organizing to stop a proposed timber sale called “Sunnyside Cedar.”

IDFG gets to know our elk a little better
December 1, 2016 midnight

IDFG gets to know our elk a little better

For the past several years, Idaho Fish and Game has been working on a project to get to know our elk a bit better. Efforts and methods to monitor elk populations have always been a high priority for Fish and Game, but recently, new technology has given us an opportunity to walk a mile in our elk’s “hooves” like we never have before.

November 24, 2016 12:30 a.m.

Legals November 24, 2016

SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION ON COMPLAINT FOR JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE AND DECLARATORY RELIEF Case No. CV-2016- 282 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., Plaintiff, v. CHRISTI K. FINLEY aka CHRISTI FINLEY; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF PHILLIP E. FINLEY, JR. aka PHILLIP FINLEY; HORIZON CREDIT UNION; UPF INC.; STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND TAXATION; STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR; AND DOES 1 THROUGH 20, INCLUSIVE, including all parties with an interest in and/or residing in real property commonly known as, 1749 Roosevelt Rd, Moyie Springs, ID 83845, and legally described as: LOT 6, MCCLURE SUBDIVISION, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 62 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST, BOISE MERIDIAN, RECORDED JUNE 13, 1979, IN BOOK 2 OF PLATS AT PAGE 18A, RECORDS OF BOUNDARY COUNTY, IDAHO. Defendants. TO: DEFENDANTS THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF PHILLIP E. FINLEY, JR. aka PHILLIP FINLEY and DOES 1 through 20, inclusive, Including all Unknown Individuals With An Interest In Real Property commonly known as 1749 Roosevelt Rd, Moyie Springs, ID 83845: You have been sued by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., the Plaintiff, in the District Court in and for the County of Boundary, Idaho, Case No. CV-2016- 282. The nature of the claim against you is an action for declaratory relief and judicial foreclosure of the real property currently known as 1749 Roosevelt Rd, Moyie Springs, ID 83845 and legally described as: LOT 6, MCCLURE SUBDIVISION, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 62 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST, BOISE MERIDIAN, RECORDED JUNE 13, 1979, IN BOOK 2 OF PLATS AT PAGE 18A, RECORDS OF BOUNDARY COUNTY, IDAHO Any time after 20 days following the last publication of this summons, the court may enter a judgment against you without further notice, unless prior to that time you have filed a written response in the proper form, including the Case Number and paid any required filing fee to the Clerk of the Court at 6452 Kootenai Street, P.O. Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 (208)267-2242, and serve a copy of your response on the Plaintiff's attorney, Elisa S. Magnuson, at ALDRIDGE PITE, LLP, 13125 W. Persimmon Lane, Ste. 150, Boise, ID 83713. A copy of the Summons and Complaint can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the Court or the attorney for Plaintiff. If you wish for legal assistance, you should immediately retain an attorney to advise you in this matter. Dated this 8th day of September, 2016. GLENDA POSTON CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: Jamie Wilson DEPUTY BFH Legal 9576 November 24, 2016 December 1, 8, 15, 2016

November 23, 2016 10:13 a.m.

Court Records

David E. Barros, born 1958, charged with misdemeanor driving without privileges on July 6, 2014 by BFPD. Disposition: Dismissed on Nov. 17. No fines, costs or jail.

November 17, 2016 12:30 a.m.

Legals November 17, 2016

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Boundary County Commissioners will hold public hearing at 1:30 PM Monday, December 05, 2016 in the Commissioner's Office at the Boundary County Courthouse to accept public comment on an Amendment Application, 16-111 by the Planning & Zoning Administrator. Application 16-111 involves amending Ordinance 2015-2, Land Use Ordinance, to review proposed changes, specifically addressing updates to: Section 2 - Definitions Section 7 - Conditional Use Permits Section 8 - Special Event Permits Section 10 - Standards for Specific Uses Section 11 - Subdivisions Section 12 - Variances Section 13 - Mediation and Appeals Section 18 - Amendments Section 20 - Parcel Divisions The proposed updates are both typographical (correcting formatting and spelling/numbering errors), and substantive. (Substantive changes are changes to actual content which add or delete verbiage thus altering the potential interpretation of an ordinance. An example might be the addition to an ordinance section to state 'No dogs allowed'. Not hard to interpret, but if the words did not exist before, the addition of these words (or removal of them) would be considered a substantive change.) The deadline for written comment and material for 16-111 is 12 PM Monday November 28, 2016. Written comment may be mailed to: Boundary County Commissioners, PO Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, faxed to (208) 267-1205 or emailed to planning@boundarycountyid.org. Written comment will be accepted at public hearing provided the material is read into the record. There may be a five (5) minute limit per person on verbal testimony. Further information is available on this application at the Planning & Zoning Office, room 16 of the Courthouse, and the application is available for public review. Information is also available by calling (208) 267-7212 or by visiting the county website at www.boundarycountyid.org/planning/. Anyone requiring special accommodation due to handicap or disability should contact the planning office at least two (2) days prior to the hearing. BFH Legal 9570 November 17, 2016

November 17, 2016 midnight

No headline


November 10, 2016 12:30 a.m.

Legals November 10, 2016

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Boundary County Commissioners will hold public hearing at 1:30 PM Monday, December 05, 2016 in the Commissioner's Office at the Boundary County Courthouse to accept public comment on an Amendment Application, 16-111 by the Planning & Zoning Administrator. Application 16-111 involves amending Ordinance 2015-2, Land Use Ordinance, to review proposed changes, specifically addressing updates to: Section 2 - Definitions Section 7 - Conditional Use Permits Section 8 - Special Event Permits Section 10 - Standards for Specific Uses Section 11 - Subdivisions Section 12 - Variances Section 13 - Mediation and Appeals Section 18 - Amendments Section 20 - Parcel Divisions The proposed updates are both typographical (correcting formatting and spelling/numbering errors), and substantive. (Substantive changes are changes to actual content which add or delete verbiage thus altering the potential interpretation of an ordinance. An example might be the addition to an ordinance section to state 'No dogs allowed'. Not hard to interpret, but if the words did not exist before, the addition of these words (or removal of them) would be considered a substantive change.) The deadline for written comment and material for 16-111 is 12 PM Monday November 28, 2016. Written comment may be mailed to: Boundary County Commissioners, PO Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, faxed to (208) 267-1205 or emailed to planning@boundarycountyid.org. Written comment will be accepted at public hearing provided the material is read into the record. There may be a five (5) minute limit per person on verbal testimony. Further information is available on this application at the Planning & Zoning Office, room 16 of the Courthouse, and the application is available for public review. Information is also available by calling (208) 267-7212 or by visiting the county website at www.boundarycountyid.org/planning/. Anyone requiring special accommodation due to handicap or disability should contact the planning office at least two (2) days prior to the hearing. BFH Legal 9570 November 10, 2016

November 10, 2016 midnight

No headline

Got an event or meeting to add to the Bonners Ferry Herald community calendar? Email reporter Dac Collins at dcollins@bonnersferryherald.com or call 208-267-5521.

Do It Best Corp recognizes Pro X
November 10, 2016 midnight

Do It Best Corp recognizes Pro X

The locally owned Pro X Home Center was one of seven businesses recognized in Do It Best Corp.’s annual report. The 2016 report, which was released at the end of October, drew attention to Pro X because of the overwhelming success of its newest location at 510374 Hwy. 95 in Bonners Ferry.

November 3, 2016 1:30 a.m.

Legals November 3, 2016

PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following locations are designated as polling sites for the Election to be held November 8, 2016 in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, County of Boundary: Precinct Location BF/Kootenai Exhibit Hall at Fairgrounds (6550 KootenaiSt.BonnersFerry) Copeland Mount Hall School (1275 Highway 1 Bonners Ferry) Moyie Springs Moyie City Hall (3331 Roosevelt Rd. Moyie Springs) Naples South Boundary Fire Station #1 (20 Stagecoach Rd. Nples) North Bonners Ferry Exhibit Hall at Fairgrounds (6550 KootenaiSt.BonnersFerry) Valley View Exhibit Hall at Fairgrounds (6550 KootenaiSt.BonnersFerry) The polls will be open from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Any person requiring a special accommodation due to a disability should contact the Clerk's Office at 267-2242 at least five days prior to the election. For further information or any questions regarding this notice, please call the Boundary County Clerk's Office at 267-2242. Glenda Poston Clerk of the District Court BFH Legal 9554 October 27, 2016 November 3, 2016

November 3, 2016 1 a.m.



November 3, 2016 1 a.m.

Survival tips for big game hunters

Every fall, hunters get lost in the woods, and while most escape no worse than tired, chilled and hungry, the hazards of being lost in Idaho’s woods shouldn’t be underestimated. For that reason, Idaho Fish and Game reminds hunters of precautions they can take to prepare themselves for an unexpected stay in the woods: