Thursday, July 28

8 Canadians injured in bus accident
BONNERS FERRY — Eight people were injured when a bus full of Canadian tourists crashed Monday morning 10 miles south of Bonners Ferry.
Crystal Marie Anderson
Crystal Marie Anderson, 84, passed away on July 20, 2011, at Life Care in Sandpoint, Idaho.
Frank Michael Lucanto
Frank Michael Lucanto, 73, passed away on July 23, 2011 at his home near Naples, Idaho after a brief illness.
Robert Wayne North
Robert Wayne North, 75, passed away as a result of an accident near Boswell, British Columbia, Canada on July 20, 2011.
Nettie Mae Giesbrecht Unruh
Nettie Mae Giesbrecht Unruh, beloved wife, mother and grandmother, was born Oct. 5, 1932, in Livingston, Calif., to Benjamin and Marianne Regehr Giesbrecht, the first of five siblings. Born with music in her soul, she sang her way through life.
Amelia "Amy" Trice, 75
Amelia "Amy" Trice, 75, passed away July 21, 2011, at Deaconess Medical Center, Spokane. A wake began at 5 p.m. on Sunday at the Kootenai Tribal Hall near Bonners Ferry.
No new details on traffic stop death
BONNERS FERRY —The Idaho State Police is still investigating the death of Daniel Mittlestadt of Mount Shasta, Calif., who died during an attempted arrest by a Boundary County Sheriff’s deputy.
Monday, July 25

8 injured in bus crash
BONNERS FERRY — Eight people were injured when a bus full of Canadian tourists crashed Monday morning 10 miles south of Bonners Ferry.
Thursday, July 21
Sandpoint man dies in crash near Libby
LIBBY — One person was killed in a two-vehicle crash near Libby on Friday.
Boundary County looking for bids for construction
Boundary County Commissioners are accepting sealed requests for proposals for the construction of a 36 foot by 52 foot addition to the county waterways building on Riverside Street.
Bonners Ferry Chamber has a deal for new members
The Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce is offering area businesses mid-year specials to new members interested in investing in the benefits of membership and offering half-off discounts to become members for the rest of the year.
County to sell extras to the public July 27
Boundary County will hold a public auction at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 27, at the Boundary County Community Restorium, 6619 Kaniksu Street, Bonners Ferry, to sell surplus Restorium property to the highest bidder.
Joshua Richard Peters, 29
Joshua Richard Peters, 29, died in a car accident near Libby, Mont., on Friday, July 15, 2011.
Alice 'Lou' Louise Stevens
Alice ‘Lou’ Louise Stevens was born on May 12, 1941, and died July 14, 2011.

Kootenai Tribe's donations keep local DARE program on the road
With the help of the Kootenai Tribe of Bonners Ferry the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program is going strong after 20 years.

SWISH sweeps through the streets of Bonners Ferry
Seventy teams signed up to compete in SWISH in downtown Bonners Ferry over the weekend, continuing what is sure to be a long-time summer tradition.

Jumping in with both feet at the Bonners Ferry pool
The community pool has been swimming with kids of all ages this week with the summer heat finally arriving.
Idaho ends FY 2011 with more money
BOISE – Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter announced Tuesday that the State ended fiscal year 2011 on June 30 with significantly more general fund tax revenue than expected, but not enough to warrant big changes in the cautious, conservative approach to budgeting that yielded such a positive result.
Saturday, July 16

Emergencies keep local agency busy
Five incidents required the assistance of the Boundary County Emergency Service crews this past two weeks.

Dale Arthur Sargent, 81
Dale Arthur Sargent, 81, passed away at the Mountain View Home in Bonners Ferry, on July 8, 2011.

Marie Magdelena Allen, 90
Marie Magdelena Allen, 90, passed away on July 11, 2011, after a year of exceptional care by the staff at the Boundary County Nursing Home, in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.
Habitat buys land to build homes
Boundary County Habitat for Humanity has purchased property in Bonners Ferry that will allow the organization to build up to seven homes.
Thursday, July 7

Area couple records Special Olympics in Greece
David and Andrea Kramer returned from Athens Greece this week after a three-week photography assignment with the International Final Leg Law Enforcement Torch Run.
Free lunches are plain old socialism
The Boundary County Schools in their ongoing effort to promote socialism has implemented its free meals program that not only provides free lunch but breakfast and a snack at the pool.
No fireworks show a slap in the face
I’m going to ask or state this as polite as possible.
Volunteers plan to SWISH
Swish is the region's biggest three-on-three basketball tournament behind Spokane's Hoop Fest.
Talk to your kids about harm from parties
It is spring and as the weather gets warmer our county’s high school aged students will be planning outdoor parties where illegal drinking often occurs.

Thunder wins first place in their Hoopfest Division
The Bonners Thunder, a group of 12-year-old boys from Bonners Ferry, came in first place for their division at Spokane’s Hoopfest on June 25 and 26.

Fast pitch team does well in Spokane
The Northwest Athletics, a fast pitch softball team of five girls from Bonners Ferry and six girls from Rathdrum, took second place in the Spokane Fourth of July Shootout tournament.

Golfers get in the swing for DARE
The first Drug Abuse Resistance Education night golf tournament was a glowing success.
Work to begin on Moyie River bridges
Drivers traveling to and from Canada through the port of entry at Eastport, can expect delays as repair work begins Monday, July 11 on the Moyie River bridges, the Idaho Transportation Department announced.
Young male cougar spotted in Bonners
Bonners Ferry residents on the North Hill are on high alert after a cougar was spotted in Jim Marx’s driveway home Thursday morning.

Students snag ferocious beast as BFHS mascot
One reader sent us a story about the possible legend behind Bonners Ferry High School acquiring a Badger as the school’s mascot.
HUD gives money to Idaho tribes
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded a total of $2,529,561 to the Coeur d’Alene Tribal Housing Authority, the Kootenai Tribe, the Nez Perce Tribal Housing Authority and the Sac and Fox Tribal Housing Authority in Idaho to help address their affordable housing needs.

Holmes's open Wild Horse Merc
Walking into Wild Horse Mercantile and Saloon almost feels like walking into a Norman Rockwell painting.
Kid job law does not sit well with some
BOISE (AP) — A new state law allowing public schools to employ children under age 14 didn’t sit well with some lunchroom and janitorial staffers who fear the measure that went into effect this month will place their jobs in jeopardy.
Violent crimes in Idaho decrease last year
COEUR d’ALENE — The number of violent crime offenses in Idaho decreased more than 10 percent last year compared with the year earlier, according to a state report released Friday.
Still no answer from FDA over alleged salmonella
Owner of Evergreen Produce in Moyie Springs, Nadine Scharf’s frustration grows each day as she waits to hear from the Food and Drug Administration.
Ed Fairbrother
Ed Fairbrother of Bonners Ferry Idaho passed away unexpectedly at his Katka Mountain home on June 16, 2011, with his wife Wendy and grandson Nicolas by his side.
Carol Jean Phillips, 71
Carol Jean Phillips, 71, passed away at her Naples, Idaho, area home on June 29, 2011.
Lee Franklin McGlocklin
Lee Franklin McGlocklin passed away on July 3, 2011, at the Boundary County Nursing Home in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.