Thursday, June 27
Legals June 27, 2019
The following is a synopsis of the official Boundary County Commissioners' minutes per Idaho Code 31-819. Detailed minutes are available for public inspection at the Auditor's Office in the Courthouse during normal working hours. Minutes of open meetings held on May 6, 2019 through May 28, 2019. Approved Motions: Sign: Certificates of Residency, Idaho Dept. of Health & Welfare Mosquito Surveillance contract, Standby Preventative Maintenance Agreement with Western States CAT for Restorium generator, Volunteer Maintenance Agreement/MOU, Letter of Concurrence for snow removal equipment for Airport, Property Tax Cancellation form for tax year 2017 for parcel #RP011200000210A, Certification of Board of Canvassers for election held for City of Moyie Springs on 5/21/19; Authorize Airport Mgr to complete FAA Surplus Registration form; Ordinance 2019-2; Require those who work on county projects to have workers compensation insurance; 4/29-4/30, 5/6-5/7, 5/13-5/14/19 minutes; Application #19-094, with understanding that necessary signing of plat will not become final until receipt of written confirmation from private landowners of satisfaction & that adequate water has been supplied to them from their own properties; Pape' Machinery bid with contingencies; Appoint Walt Kirby as Acting Chairman at Panhandle Health District budget meeting; 2019 piggyback from Idaho Asphalt for liquid asphalt & sign Independent Contractor Agreement; Certificates of Compliance for Wells Fargo Bk & Columbia Bk; Cancel/extend various taxes; Nominate Walt Kirby to Panhandle Health District Board; 1 indigent matter; 2019 Alcoholic Beverage License for Good Grief; Amended minutes of July 30, 2018; Economic Development Council budget as presented. Denied Motions: 5 indigent matters. Commissioners reviewed claims for payment. Fund totals are as follows: Current Expense ($)45,144.33, Road/Bridge 46,780.20, Airport 19,892.30, District Court 7,316.51, Justice Fund 40,828.19, 911 Funds 10,819.85, Health District 14,304.25, Indigent/Charity 15,731.26, Jr. College Tuition 1,650.00, Parks/Recreation 3,538.16, Revaluation 1,603.71, Solid Waste 126,470.24, Tort 273.68, Vets Memorial 123.95, Weeds 4,611.66, Restorium 22,416.34, Waterways 485.96, Grant, Boat Safety 815.19, Hospital Supplemental Levy 19,562.64, Grant, Emergency Communication 9,116.52. TOTAL $391,484.94. Trusts: Boundary Co. Drug Court 148.48, Sale Tax Collected 208.84, State Unclaimed Property 241.89, Driver's License 9,732.50, Motor Vehicle 187,955.48, Sheriff's Fund 571.75, Restorium Memorial Fund 0.00, Odyssey Court Acct 22,322.75, Odyssey Bond Acct 1,542.25, Odyssey Restitution Acct 2,523.88. TOTAL $225,247.82. GRAND TOTAL $616,732.76. Payroll $631,967.61. Citizens are invited to inspect detailed records on file in the Courthouse (individual claims & Commissioners' allowance & warrant register record 2018-2019). BFH Legal 10197 June 27, 2019

Stitchin' Dreams, sewing love one stitch at a time
BONNERS FERRY — In Boundary County, quilting is a popular pastime for many members of the community. There are a few shops that sell fabric in the area, Stitchin’ Dreams is one that specializes in the quilting field.
BCSO targets boating under the influence as holiday nears
As boaters begin to prepare for the Fourth of July holiday, thousands of law enforcement officers across the United States will be on heightened alert looking for those violating boating under the influence laws. Law enforcement agencies will be focused on educating boaters about safe boating practices, which includes keeping alcohol off the boat for both operators and passengers.
Seen 'n Heard
The Kootenai Trail Road-Atkins Canyon is now open to traffic.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Local man faces 3 counts of rape
BONNERS FERRY — Ryan Ian Mason, a 20-year old Bonners Ferry man, has been charged with three counts of rape in two separate cases, with the first case allegedly involving a 15-year old girl.

Why is that white truck spraying along county roads and what is he using?
You may have seen a Boundary County truck out spraying roadsides and have wondered why? State law requires that Noxious Weeds be controlled. Idaho state statute title 22, chapter 24, list all the responsibilities of county governments and landowners. So, what is a noxious weed? Noxious is a legal term that the Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) uses to classify a plant that is considered to be injurious to public health, agriculture, recreation, wildlife, or property. The state has 67 weeds on the Noxious weed list. Boundary County has approximately 32 of these weeds. Noxious weeds are non-native invasive plants that came from other parts of the world. Some noxious weeds were brought to the United States as ornamentals, came in ship ballast water, packing material, or in seed mixes. When these plants were introduced here, they didn’t have their natural “predators” with them to keep the populations in control. These weeds outcompete the native species of plants. Weeds are typically spread by seed dispersal. The wind, water, animals, machinery, and people carry seed from one location to another. Some weeds can also spread from plant parts. It is estimated that Noxious Weeds cost Idahoans over $300 million dollars each year.

Bear grass is blooming
While on the south and west face of Harvey mountain last week with my daughter Cara and grandson Ashur, we rounded a corner and were surprised by the hundreds of bear grass blooms filling the side of the mountain in front of us. The magnitude of blooms was the largest I had ever seen and one I won’t forget.

Get ready to celebrate the Fourth of July
BONNERS FERRY — The Boundary County Fairgrounds will be busy on July 4, beginning with preparations for the evening’s events.
Gun Club News
Saturday, June 15
Sheriff's Logs
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office

Cabinet-Yaak/Selkirk Mountains grizzly monitoring update
Our 2019 field season began in early May with the arrival of our field technicians for work and training. We spent almost a week on training before crews dispersed to the field. We have two bear capture teams and one hair collection team in the Cabinet-Yaak plus one trap team and two hair collection teams in the Selkirk Mountains. Crews began capture and hair collection efforts on May 18.

BFHS grad makes dean's list
Natasha (Litterell) Jackson, a 2013 graduate of Bonners Ferry High School, recently made the dean’s list at Portland State University.

Kootenai River Run fun
BONNERS FERRY — With the previous day’s rain having flushed the excessive heat and humidity from the air, and the sun breaking through to take the early morning chill away, it was ideal weather for the annual Kootenai River Run (KRR) race on Saturday, June 22.
Court Reports
Kevin L. Biard, born 1965, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by BFPD on May 30.

Bonners Ferry wrestlers compete at national duals
BONNERS FERRY — On June 11-15 the 2019 U16/cadet USA National dual tournament was held in Spokane, Wash. The USA National team Idaho had two teams competing with seven wrestlers representing Bonners Ferry Wrestling Club. Those representatives were Eli Richards, Andrew Sandelin, Jake Summerfield, Isaiah Shottanana, Kyle Smith, Evan Barajas and Jackson Rickter.
Letter to Editor
AMBULANCE: Can put the hurt on your wallet
Found: fish cleaning tray
Lost & Found

Badger Volleyball Camp a success
Girls from Boundary County, north Idaho, and Texas came together to play volleyball last week during a four day volleyball camp. Current middle school coaches and high school JV and Varsity players helped teach volleyball skills, plyometric exercises, and game like situations.

BFHS Class of '79 plans 40th Reunion
Mark your calendar … the weekend of July 12 and 13, the BFHS Class of 1979 will celebrate its 40th Reunion, to coincide with Kootenai River Days.
Community Calendar
Coming Events

Teamwork takes practice
BONNERS FERRY — When it comes to protecting communities and the people who live in them, our local fire departments know no boundaries. Help is not only given when needed, but prepared for in advance.
Lillian Ruth (Koehn) Mastre
Lillian Ruth (Koehn) Mastre

Mirror Lake Ladies' Golf Report
For the week of June 15-16, Game of the Day was “Most One Putts.” Jenny Link, Flight A, won with a whopping 5. Adding to a very good day, Jennie also won Low Gross, Flight A with 44, Low Putts with 11 and Jenny had a chip in on Hole #1. Linda Bogden tied with Jenny for Low net in Flight A with scores of 36.

Move the arms and torso together
Move the arms and torso together

Montana officials ask residents to help contain wasting disease
LIBBY — Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks plan to remove and collect samples of roughly 200 white-tailed deer to test for Chronic Wasting Disease in the Libby area.
Eastport Fourth of July Celebration
All welcome to Eastport Fourth of July Parade

Swedish singer visits Bonners Ferry
BONNERS FERRY — On June 21, the much anticipated Swedish singer/songwriter, Sofia Talvik, made a stop in Bonners Ferry at the Pearl Theater on her 2019 tour through a portion of the U.S.
Thursday, June 20
Road & Bridge Construction/Delays
Kootenai Trail Road-Atkins Canyon will be closed on Wednesday, June 19 through Monday, June 24. Use alternate route. The Road and Bridge Department appreciates your cooperation during road construction projects and road delays. If you have any questions, please contact the office at 208-267-3838. Please keep checking back for scheduled construction or delay updates. Please drive safely through construction areas.
Legals June 20, 2019
PUBLIC NOTICE The Boundary County Commissioners will have their representative sell at Public Auction beginning at 10:00 a.m., on Tuesday, July 2, 2019 in the Boundary County/University of Idaho Extension Office, located at 6447 Kootenai Street, Bonners Ferry, Idaho (behind the Boundary County Courthouse) for cash to the highest bidder, the following described properties, to-wit: Please note: Copies of the complete legal descriptions & Assessor's parcel maps can be reviewed and obtained in the Commissioners' Office. Property # Legal Description Prior Owner Property #1 Lots 17, 18 Dennis M. Garrett Block 16 Bonners Ferry Addition Sec 27 T62N R1E Parcel #RPB0120016018AA Approximate Acreage: .196 Address: NNA Camas Street, on the north side of the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho Property #2 Lots 19 through 24 & North Part of Lot 25 Dennis M. Garrett Block 16 Bonners Ferry Sec 27 T62N R1E Parcel #RPB0120016025AA Approximate Acreage: .685 Address: NNA Camas Street on the north side of the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho Property #3 Lots 3 & 4 Dennis M. Garrett Block 4 O'Callaghan's Acre Tract Sec 27 T62N R1E Parcel #RPB0700004004BA Approximate Acreage: 1.976 Address: NNA near Apache Street, north side of the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho Property #4 Lot 7 Phyllis C. Cutler XMAS Hills Subdivision (Meadow Creek) Sec 1 T63N R1E Parcel #RP011600010070A Approximate Acreage: 3.52 Address: 292 Fortyniner Lane, Bonners Ferry, Idaho Property #5 Tax 27 W L Kinnear Sec 19 T61N R1E Parcel #RP61N01E194060A Approximate Acreage: .360 4736 Deep Creek Loop, Bonners Ferry, Idaho Property #6 Tax 27 Enlightened Living LLC Sec 13 T61N R1W Parcel #RP61N01W134205A Approximately Acreage 10.0 Located approximately 7.5 miles southwest of Bonners Ferry, Idaho (NNA near Castle Lane) Property #7 N 250' of Tax 7 Alan Wilson Sec 4 T62N R1E Parcel #RP62N01E042400A Approximate Acreage: 5.18 Located approximately 6 miles northwest of the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho (NNA near Moon Shadow Rd) Minimum bid for each parcel will be announced at the time of the sale. All successful bidders must provide $100.00 non-refundable deposit in the form of cash or cashier's check to secure the bid and shall have three business days to provide Boundary County with certified funds for the balance of the amount due. The Commissioners reserve the right to refuse any and all bids. Boundary County makes no warranties expressed or implied regarding these properties. BFH Legal 10193 June 13, 20, 2019
Cyril Willard Mastre
Cyril Willard Mastre

Joseph Gary Perez
Joseph Gary Perez
Mirror Lake Ladies' Golf Report
Game of the Day for the Mirror Lake Ladies week of June 11-12 was “Low Gross.”

Horsepower Collides ... and everyone wins
BONNERS FERRY — A crowd gathered at the Boundary County Fairgrounds once again for the third annual Horsepower Collides event.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Home decor, kitchenware, fabric available at Dot's Country Kitchen
BONNERS FERRY — Dot’s Country Kitchen is not a brand new business in Boundary County, but it is one that fills a niche in the community.
Bradley Booth
Bradley Booth
Leroy Eugene (Gene) Ehrmantrout name was printed incorrectly in the June 13 issue.
Operation Dry Water targets boating under the influence
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office is taking part in Operation Dry Water to deter boating under the influence, a national boating under the influence enforcement and education campaign.

Yolanda DeBoer
Yolanda DeBoer

Nancy Kay Peck Solt
Nancy Kay Peck Solt

Pace, rebounding and freshmen highlight Bulldogs' scrimmage versus Badgers
SANDPOINT — For 40 minutes in the middle of June, high school basketball season was back.

Rotary Club brings circus to town
BONNERS FERRY — From Leo the Clown to Francis the Lion, cotton candy to peanuts, the ambiance in and around the classic big top circus tent was filled with excitement from beginning to end of the two performances that took place on June 12.
Best of Boundary County 2019 voting is underway
Voting has begun to discover what readers believe are the best businesses of Boundary County.
News from Boundary Ambulance
Boundary Ambulance recently requested additional funding from the county commissioners.
Sheriff's Logs
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office
Coming Events

Gene Ehrmantrout
Gene Ehrmantrout

Mango Slaw
Mango Slaw
Seem 'n Heard
n Gary L. hinting to bigger, better, more spectacular fireworks this year!

Fire near Moon Shadow Road controlled
BONNERS FERRY — A large column of smoke was spotted by firefighters coming from an area south on Moon Shadow Road around 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 13. North Bench Fire and Idaho Department of Lands both responded to the scene and spent time trying to locate the source.

Local team takes on Yukon River Quest
BONNERS FERRY — Julie Kirk and Josh Friedman are embarking on their grand adventure once again, taking on the Yukon River Quest, a paddling race to the midnight sun, from Whitehorse to Dawson City. The paddlers will race almost straight through with only two mandatory breaks.
Court Reports
Babtiste A. Aitken, born 1985, charged with misdemeanor driving without privileges by BCSO on Oct. 24, 2018.

Fundraiser to assist family of young child hit by truck
BONNERS FERRY — Tyler and Heather Navarro recently welcomed their new baby girl Olivia on May 18, making Tucker a big brother. When Heather and Olivia came home on Monday, Tucker was much more attached to dad than normal.

Bonners Ferry man charged with fraud
LIBBY — A Bonners Ferry man operating financial services in Troy has been charged in Montana 19th Judicial District Court with multiple felonies related to the sale of annuities to Libby and Troy residents, including exploitation of an older person.
Spaghetti feed, auction to help Leon Brown
A Gun Raffle fundraiser for Leon Brown will be at the Ponderay Events Center on July 13 at 4 p.m. The event will have a spaghetti feed, raffle drawing, and auction.

Florence Marion 'Jill' Bosworth
Florence Marion ‘Jill’ Bosworth
Swedish singer to visit Bonners Ferry
Swedish singer to perform at The Pearl: Swedish singer/songwriter Sofia Talvik will be performing at the Pearl Theater June 21 at 7 p.m.

Sheriff's office teaches kids OHV safety
Shift into gear for the summer. Boundary County Sheriff’s Office provided another OHV (Off Highway Vehicle) training course for youth on Saturday June 15.

Western paper birch: A tree whose bark peels into sheets
One of the first deciduous trees I learned to identify in Boundary County was the western paper birch. I was fascinated with the white cream bark that peels into sheets, and the oval leaves with double toothed edges.

Motorhome fire blocks highway
BONNERS FERRY — Hall Mountain Fire was called out to a burning motorhome on U.S. 95, mile marker 519, on the north side of Rock Creek on June 13, just after 1 p.m. The fire resulted in the highway being shut down completely for about an hour.

Calling all Boundary County growers
With the resistance growing, now is the time to fight back!
Thursday, June 13
Legals June 13, 2019
PUBLIC NOTICE The Boundary County Commissioners will have their representative sell at Public Auction beginning at 10:00 a.m., on Tuesday, July 2, 2019 in the Boundary County/University of Idaho Extension Office, located at 6447 Kootenai Street, Bonners Ferry, Idaho (behind the Boundary County Courthouse) for cash to the highest bidder, the following described properties, to-wit: Please note: Copies of the complete legal descriptions & Assessor's parcel maps can be reviewed and obtained in the Commissioners' Office. Property # Legal Description Prior Owner Property #1 Lots 17, 18 Dennis M. Garrett Block 16 Bonners Ferry Addition Sec 27 T62N R1E Parcel #RPB0120016018AA Approximate Acreage: .196 Address: NNA Camas Street, on the north side of the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho Property #2 Lots 19 through 24 & North Part of Lot 25 Dennis M. Garrett Block 16 Bonners Ferry Sec 27 T62N R1E Parcel #RPB0120016025AA Approximate Acreage: .685 Address: NNA Camas Street on the north side of the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho Property #3 Lots 3 & 4 Dennis M. Garrett Block 4 O'Callaghan's Acre Tract Sec 27 T62N R1E Parcel #RPB0700004004BA Approximate Acreage: 1.976 Address: NNA near Apache Street, north side of the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho Property #4 Lot 7 Phyllis C. Cutler XMAS Hills Subdivision (Meadow Creek) Sec 1 T63N R1E Parcel #RP011600010070A Approximate Acreage: 3.52 Address: 292 Fortyniner Lane, Bonners Ferry, Idaho Property #5 Tax 27 W L Kinnear Sec 19 T61N R1E Parcel #RP61N01E194060A Approximate Acreage: .360 4736 Deep Creek Loop, Bonners Ferry, Idaho Property #6 Tax 27 Enlightened Living LLC Sec 13 T61N R1W Parcel #RP61N01W134205A Approximately Acreage 10.0 Located approximately 7.5 miles southwest of Bonners Ferry, Idaho (NNA near Castle Lane) Property #7 N 250' of Tax 7 Alan Wilson Sec 4 T62N R1E Parcel #RP62N01E042400A Approximate Acreage: 5.18 Located approximately 6 miles northwest of the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho (NNA near Moon Shadow Rd) Minimum bid for each parcel will be announced at the time of the sale. All successful bidders must provide $100.00 non-refundable deposit in the form of cash or cashier's check to secure the bid and shall have three business days to provide Boundary County with certified funds for the balance of the amount due. The Commissioners reserve the right to refuse any and all bids. Boundary County makes no warranties expressed or implied regarding these properties. BFH Legal 10193 June 13, 20, 2019
Fireworks in Bonners Ferry: A friendly reminder
As the Fourth of July holiday approaches, the City of Bonners Ferry would like to issue a friendly reminder to city residents and those visiting the city for the holiday about city ordinances and Idaho State Code regarding fireworks inside city limits.
Second half property taxes due by June 20
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County Treasurer, Susan M. Larson, would like to remind all Boundary County taxpayers that the deadline for paying the second half of the 2018 property taxes without penalty is Thursday, June 20, 2019.

Elizabeth Anne Syron
Elizabeth Anne Syron
Agencies team up to locate missing child
BONNERS FERRY — On the evening of June 10, a 14-year old autistic child went missing from her house in Bonners Ferry.

Gun Club News
Bonners Ferry High School Team, Dukes Claybusters:

Mirror Lake Ladies' Golf Report
For the week of June 4-5, Game of the Day was “Low Net” and “Mystery Partner.” The Mystery Partner winners Wednesday morning were Anne Bonar and Linda Rupley. Since there were only three players on Tuesday evening, there was no mystery and they all won!
Thomas Allen Stahl
Thomas Allen Stahl, 55 passed away on January 9, 2018. A memorial Celebration of Life will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, June 15, at Twin Rivers Canyon Resort, 1823 Twin Rivers Road, Moyie Springs where friends and family will gather to celebrate Tom’s life with a potluck and music.

Garlic Dill Pesto Salmon Wrap
Garlic Dill Pesto Salmon Wrap

Fun, big bucks at bull bash
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County once again came together for the annual Bull Bash event at the Boundary County Fairgrounds on June 8.

No headline

Boundary County Middle School ends another school year!
Another year has already ended for BCMS and it will surely go down as one of the best ones yet. It was sad to see so many faces preparing to leave BCMS for the final time and even more gut wrenching to see the sadness in their faces as well. We had a great last three years with the outgoing eighth graders and this year seemed to summarize their entire career at BCMS: Awesome!

BCSD's Pflueger bids farewell
BONNERS FERRY — As Boundary County School District Superintendent Gary Pflueger handed out diplomas for the last time, he was able to see the students go from little shoes to big ones, and continue on as they take the first step towards the rest of their lives.

Compass Grille offers affordable cuisine
BONNERS FERRY — The Compass Grille has recently opened next to Bonners Ferry Bottom Dollar, serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner for those on the go. With some outdoor seating, summer customers can sit down and enjoy their meal at an umbrella-covered table.
Betty Kelson
Betty Kelson, 83, passed away May 2, 2019. There will be a celebration of Life on Saturday, June 15, at 1 p.m. at the Eagles in Bonners Ferry. Friends of the family are invited to attend.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago
Community Calendar
Coming Events

Bicycle Rodeo teaches students summer safety
BONNERS FERRY — On June 10 at Valley View Elementary School, students just beginning their summer break had the chance to learn about safety at the Bicycle Rodeo.
Boundary County Sheriff's Office launches Text-To-911 program
After joining a statewide grant process, Boundary County is pleased to announce another means to contact your Dispatch Center in an emergency. Sheriff David Kramer and 911 Administrator Crystal Denton joined this opportunity last fall and have since been getting our equipment and staff ready for this added responsibility to your Dispatchers. With this new service citizens and those that are traveling through Boundary County can now send a short message service (SMS) text message to 911 for emergency help when unable to make a 911 voice call. This new Public Safety Service is available to wireless customers of AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless cell phones.

'Tis the season for turkey chicks
Recently I was driving up the Ball Creek road west of the Westside Road and 10 miles north of the Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge headquarters when around a hairpin curve I saw a mother wild turkey nervously sitting on the ground with her wings spread out.

Ceremony marks opening, improvements at city pool
BONNERS FERRY — The City Pool in Bonners Ferry has undergone some renovations. There is new paint and various other things that were done to improve the facility, with more renovations planned for the future.

Thompson, former Herald owner, dies
SANDPOINT — Happiest in North Idaho’s woods and lakes, Pete Thompson wasn’t one to sit still.

Local artist Cason Neal recognized by governor
BONNERS FERRY — During the Capital for a Day event, local artist Cason Neal was recognized with his artwork of the Idaho State bird, the Mountain Bluebird, with the Sawtooth Mountains in the background.

Glenn Russell Fodge
Glenn Russell Fodge

BFHS artists featured at recent Art Walk event
BONNERS FERRY — On May 21, local artists and businesses came together for the Art Walk.
Court Reports
Loretta Marie Bennett, born 1955, charged with infraction required turn position and method of turning by ISP on May 28.
Second Harvest
Second Harvest to distribute food June 20
Valerie Sandaker
There will be a Celebration of Life for Valerie Sandaker, Saturday, June 22, 2019 at 1 p.m. at Great Northwest Territories Event Center, 998 Mountain Meadow Road, South of Bonners Ferry, Highway marker 498. Everyone is invited. Lunch served.
Letter to the Editor
TRADE DEAL: Hurts rural communities
Sheriff's Logs
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office

Douglas James Wheaton, Sr.
Douglas James Wheaton, Sr.
Leroy Eugene (Gene) Ehrmantrout
Leroy Eugene (Gene) Ehrmantrout
Thursday, June 6
Legals June 6, 2019
LEGAL NOTICE Pursuant to code #45805 the contents of B/D Mini storage units: #148- McCalmant #143-Adams Will be sold at the facility on Saturday, June 8, 2019 at 9 a.m. BFH Legal 10190 May 30, 2019 June 6, 2019

Idaho Department of Lands holds fire training event
BONNERS FERRY — Every year the Idaho Department of Lands holds a two-day training event in the woods as new firefighters begin work at the start of the fire season.
Cheer team forms for 2019-20 season
BONNERS FERRY — After a great week of tryouts, we have selected the 2019-2020 BFHS Cheer Team.

Carol Jean Robinson
Carol Jean Robinson

Cliff swallows build nests from mud
BONNERS FERRY — During the past several weeks I have been observing a remarkable darting bird. In fact he is so quick at times he is hard to follow in flight.
Court Reports
Gary L. Abbott, born 1947, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by BFPD on May 2.
Seen and Heard
It’s the last day of school, enjoy the summer! Don’t forget it is early release.

Coldwell Banker Customer Appreciation Day

Mirror Lake Ladies' Golf Report
For the week of May 28 and 29, Game of the Day was “Ace of the Month” and “Longest Putt on Hole #9.” The last Tuesday and Wednesday of every month are “Ace” days. At the end of the season, all the “Ace” winners compete for the grand prize “Ace of Aces” which is announced at the Mirror Lake Ladies’ awards and recognition dinner in October. Nobody won longest putt. Not due to lack of trying. Pin placement was particularly atrocious.
Douglas James Wheaton
WHEATON, Douglas James Sr., passed away June 2, 2019, at his home near Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Born Dec. 4, 1924. A complete obituary to follow.

Bonners Ferry High School class of 2019 graduates
BONNERS FERRY — Students gathered with their family and friends on June 1 at the football field as they bade farewell to the Boundary County School District.

Recipe Corner
How can you tell if those eggs are fresh? The good news, it is easy.

Rod Benders host 20th annual car show
BONNERS FERRY — The streets of downtown Bonners Ferry were lined with cars for the Rod Bender’s 20th annual car show. This event has continually brought the most people for any one day, yearly event to the area.
Bicycle Rodeo at Valley View Elementary
On June 10 from noon to 3 p.m., Valley View Elementary will be hosting a Bicycle Rodeo. All bikes get a safety inspection and the first 25 participants will receive a bicycle helmet. Lunch will be provided by Boundary County School District. The event will feature rules of the road and bicycle safety.

Best Shot

Golf Tips from a Pro
When addressing the golf ball before a shot what do you look at? The ball in general? Your club? The top of the ball? Who knows?

Gift basket fundraiser winners named
BONNERS FERRY — The Friends of the Restorium hosted a gift basket fundraiser at Super 1 Foods.
Thomas Allen Stahl
STAHL, Thomas Allen, 55, passed away Jan. 9, 2018. A memorial celebration of life will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, June 15, 2019, at Twin Rivers Canyon Resort, 1823 Twin Rivers Road, Moyie Springs, where friends and family will gather to celebrate Tom’s life with a potluck and music.

Pinkerton receives statewide sports award
BONNERS FERRY — Emma Pinkerton was recently honored with the statewide Spirit of Sport Award, presented by the Idaho High School Activities Association.

Capital for a Day in Bonners Ferry
BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry was the Capital for a Day on May 30 for the first time since Governor Brad Little was elected, but it will be the fourth time over the past year that he has come to the area. This is the second one for Little, the first one being in his hometown of Emmett. The city hall was two blocks from his house, and four blocks from his office.

BFMS students ride horses to school
BONNERS FERRY — There is a law in Idaho that states if kids ride their horses to school during the last week, the principal has to watch them.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Double graduation for local student
BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry High School student Michael Cardinal, who just graduated, also became the first student here to graduate with an associate’s degree at virtually the same time from North Idaho College. He graduated NIC on May 17, and from BFHS on June 1.

Fire in north Bonner County
Sheriff's Log
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office
Community Calendar
Grizzly bear euthanized near Copeland
On June 1, Fish and Game Conservation Officers euthanized an adult grizzly bear near the town of Copeland in a joint effort with U.S. Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Meier retires from PIO, Emergency Management
BONNERS FERRY — Mike Meier failed retirement three times — three times because he has always felt a calling to help where he can.
John P Arrington
ARRINGTON, John P., passed away May 27, 2019, at his home in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Born May 23, 1945. A complete obituary and services to follow.
A correction for the article, Amended guilty plea entered by Corsi: Boundary County Prosecutor Tevis Hull is not waiving making a sentencing recommendation.
Cats being shot in Bonners Ferry
BONNERS FERRY — In the areas of Latah and Benewah Street there have been numerous reports of house cats being shot with a high powered pellet rifle.