Tuesday, March 04, 2025

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The legislative debate goes on in Boise
April 22, 2021 1 a.m.

The legislative debate goes on in Boise

The 2021 legislative session looks like it may be one for the record books.

April 8, 2010 9 p.m.

All of community's athletes are as important as others

I am writing this letter in response to the April 1 letter from Gordon Allured. I should first explain that I am a supporter of athletics. I am very passionate about opportunities for our children in everything from PTO basketball to Boundary County Youth Rec Sports and on up to middle school and high school sports. I am the parent of past high school athletes. I want to be clear that I am not against athletics in Boundary County. I do, however, disagree with almost everything in Coach Allured’s letter.

GUEST OPINION: DAVE KRAMER - Reducing the chance of becoming a victim
July 18, 2019 1 a.m.

GUEST OPINION: DAVE KRAMER - Reducing the chance of becoming a victim

Boundary County is considered a safe place to live overall but looking at the crimes committed by people in custody show that we are not immune to any type of criminal activity. You do not have to be paranoid, but it is wise to use common sense and realize that not everyone that lives, or visits Boundary County has your best interests at stake. What I mean by that: there are things that you can do to reduce the chance of being a victim, especially to thefts. The first part is the realization that “yes, I could be a victim” instead of the mindset that, “This is Boundary County and I don’t need to lock my doors or take the keys out of my vehicle, or think that no one would steal my stuff.”

Bonners Ferry’s first Pride event a success
July 4, 2024 1 a.m.

Bonners Ferry’s first Pride event a success

BONNERS FERRY — “We felt seen last night, we felt heard last night, we felt validated, we felt like we mattered, we felt safe last night to just be.”

Killer who killed UI students still at large
November 16, 2022 1 a.m.

Killer who killed UI students still at large

Police say the killer or killers who stabbed four University of Idaho students to death remains at large, and the violence has prompted many students to leave town. The Moscow Police Department said Tuesday that the attack was targeted and maintained there is no imminent risk to the community. But so many students have left campus that university officials said a candlelight vigil originally scheduled for Wednesday would instead be held after the Thanksgiving break. Police say a knife or sharp weapon was used in the attack on the students. Autopsies expected to be completed later this week could provide more information about how the victims were killed.

Spring in Yellowstone is a joy to behold
June 2, 2016 1 a.m.

Spring in Yellowstone is a joy to behold

This year our spring vacation took my wife and I to the east entrance of Yellowstone, 53 miles west of Cody Wyoming to one of the most impressive national parks in the United States. After entering the east gate and traveling the 27 miles to Fishing Bridge we were impressed with the vast beauty of the park and the immenseness of Lake Yellowstone. The park has over 40 major waterfalls, approximately 300 active geysers and about 10,000 thermal features. The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone is 1,500 to 4,000 feet wide and 1500 feet deep.

2007 Jr. Miss…Girls Just wanna have fun
April 27, 2007 9 p.m.

2007 Jr. Miss…Girls Just wanna have fun


January 22, 2009 8 p.m.

Woman proud of career path

My name is Connie DeCoe Munier and I am a medical transcriptionist.  I recently won the western states election and am now secretary-elect of AHIDI-WEST.

December 13, 2018 midnight

Friends of BCSD #101: 'Halfway through the 2018-19 school year'

This edition of the “Supt Scoop” will be divided into three parts: current success, future challenges, and the cost of attendance (an article printed January 17, 2017)!

Donald Bruce (Don) Plumlee
September 17, 2020 1 a.m.

Donald Bruce (Don) Plumlee

Donald Bruce (Don) Plumlee

Lowman announces candidacy
February 22, 2024 1 a.m.

Lowman announces candidacy

Chuck Lowman, a District 1B candidate for the Idaho House of Representatives, is focusing his campaign on three areas: education, economy, and efficient government.

Library shown support by community members
July 21, 2022 1 a.m.

Library shown support by community members

After a Boundary County Library Board meeting was canceled “in the interest of public safety,” community members descended on the library Monday to show their support through messages of encouragement and gratitude on the nearby sidewalks.

November 20, 2008 8 p.m.

Legalizing marijuana would not be a good thing for Idaho

This morning I received in the mail my weekly copy of The Herald and was reading the editorial page of your paper when I saw Mike Oehler’s letter about County Commissioner Ron Smith.

September 24, 2009 9 p.m.

Government: A mess we need to clean up


August 3, 2017 1 a.m.

A view of the fair

The Boundary County Fair provides a true family Fun Night, with prices that make it affordable to take the whole family out.

Carson Umphenour - Mr. Bonners Ferry High School Participant #6
March 30, 2017 1 a.m.

Carson Umphenour - Mr. Bonners Ferry High School Participant #6

Carson Umphenour, also known as “Peaches,” likes to go mudding and lifting weights. His plans after high school include attending North Idaho College to become a diesel technician.

David Cossairt - Mr. Bonners Ferry High School Participant #5
March 30, 2017 1 a.m.

David Cossairt - Mr. Bonners Ferry High School Participant #5

David Cossairt likes to play piano in his free time. His dream girl is a tall, attractive woman in a black dress.

Athlete of the Week Oct. 2-8
October 4, 2022 10 a.m.

Athlete of the Week Oct. 2-8

Helene Rae, sophomore, is named Athlete of the Week for Oct. 2-8.

Idaho legislators gearing up for 2024 session
November 2, 2023 1 a.m.

Idaho legislators gearing up for 2024 session

November meetings will help set stage for legislative session

Idaho legislators will set the stage for the upcoming 2024 legislative session during a series of seven meetings at the Idaho State Capitol in Boise over the next two weeks. Although the 2024 legislative session does not begin until Jan. 8, activity will pick up inside the Statehouse halls starting Thursday, with the first of seven consecutive days of meetings. During some of the meetings, legislators are expected to discuss deadlines for the legislative session and begin looking at budget requests and revenue reports.

Birding tour slated in Libby
September 24, 2020 1 a.m.

Birding tour slated in Libby

Birding class in Libby