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Legals July 20, 2017
PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of Directors of the Bonners Ferry Urban Renewal Agency will conduct a public hearing on August 8, 2017 at 5:00 PM at City Hall to review the budget and actual line items below: The public is invited to comment on the preliminary budget at that time. ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED GENERAL FUND: 9/30/2015 9/30/2016 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 Revenues: Beginning Balance $ - $ - $ 50,000 $ 100,000 Property Tax Increment 27,000 57,331 48,600 40,059 New Project Tax Increment 25,000 18,000 Interest 194 200 Total Income $ 27,194 $ 57,331 $ 123,800 $ 158,059 Expenditures: Developer Reimbursement $ 3,000 $ 25,000 $ 18,000 Capital Improvements 86,800 126,959 Accounting/Admin/Bond Consulting 3,600 5,400 6,000 6,000 Professional: Legal 1,966 3,173 2,500 2,000 City of Bonners Ferry Reimbursemen 21,618 Audit 400 4,527 3,000 4,500 Office Expense 193 968 500 600 Total Expenditures $ 30,777 $ 14,068 $ 123,800 $ 158,059 Ending Balance $ (3,583) $ 43,263 $ - $ - BOND FUND: Revenues: Bond Sale Proceeds $ - $ - Property Tax Increment 81,000 45,631 56,300 56,401 Interest 131 251 150 Total Income $ 81,000 $ 45,762 $ 56,551 $ 56,551 Expenditures: Principal Payment on Bonds $ 24,555 $ 4,626 $ 34,666 $ 35,251 Interest Expense on Bonds 28,445 25,579 21,885 21,300 Transfer to Bond Reserve Payoff Bond Cost of Bond Issuance 14,493 Total Expenditures $ 53,000 $ 44,698 $ 56,551 $ 56,551 Ending Balance $ 28,000 $ 1,064 - - Total Revenues $ 108,194 $ 103,093 $ 180,351 $ 214,610 Total Expenditures 83,777 58,766 180,351 214,610 ENDING BALANCE $ 24,417 $ 44,327 $ - $ - BFH Legal 9719 July 20, 27, 2017

Our country and state are changing rapidly
The legislative session is flying by.
Legals October 20, 2016
Pursuant to Idaho code #55-2306, the contents of unit #28 belonging to Benny Watt, 3246 Deep Creek Loop Naples, Idaho will be auctioned off to satisfy the lien. The action will take place at 3-Mile Storage on October 29, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. The unit contents are as follows: household furniture, toys, etc. BFH Legal 9556 October 20, 27, 2016

Family seeks missing cat
Family seeks missing cat

Herald welcomes new staff writer
Alabama siege over
A young boy has been rescued after six days from his capture who killed a caring and responsible bus driver. Everyone has prayed for the boys safety and well-being.
Border Bob's wins first prize in BBQ contest
Bob Hovish, known as Border Bob in Bonners Ferry, took first place in the barbecue pork ribs category at the Pacific Northwest BBQ cook-off in Coeur d’ Alene on Fathers Day.
Greenfield Naturals offers online, locally
BONNERS FERRY — A new multi-faceted online business has hit the Web.
Retired teachers meet for lunch on first day of school
What do retired teachers do on the first day of school? Fifteen had lunch at Chic n’ Chop.

From the archives - October 21, 2021
From the archives - October 21, 2021

Russell Jay Mock, 61
Russell Jay Mock, 61, passed away on Sunday, October 3, 2021.
Time to start fishing anglers, the panhandle awaits
One of the many outdoor features we enjoy in the Panhandle is the abundance of lowland lakes that are available for public fishing. There are around 68 small, low elevation lakes with public access for anglers in the Panhandle Region.

How MUSTIE helps a middle school library trim its shelves
Boundary County Middle School principal Mark Fisk shares the MUSTIE system for trimming the middle school library shelves.
Beware of people with fraud in mind
Fraud — it’s a word that doesn’t even sound good. In the computer-driven world we live in, there are a huge amount of scammers that I generally identify as “parasites.”
Remembering Josh
As a civilian, the closest I’ve come to war is what I’ve read in magazines and newspapers, or what I’ve seen on TV.
George Washington: A Thanksgiving proclamation
Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor — and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me “to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.”
Qualifying for unemployment benefits
Dear Working It Out:
Tribute to Frederick Eugene Guthrie
This is a tribute to Frederick Eugene Guthrie, patriarch of the Guthrie family, who departed this life on the last day of the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Ten.
Monitoring election practices important
n years past I used to scan media accounts of election campaigns around the world that featured widely acknowledged miscounts, intimidation at polling centers, and similar practices.
Night Out Against Crime event scheduled Aug. 22
“Hello, Grandad, is that you? This is your grandson.”