Tuesday, March 04, 2025

All results /

March 4, 2021 midnight

Legals for March, 4 2021

October 26, 2017 1 a.m.

Sheriff's Logs

Oct. 16

TRAVEL SOFTBALL: The North 16U takes third at Wheatfield Classic
June 20, 2024 1 a.m.

TRAVEL SOFTBALL: The North 16U takes third at Wheatfield Classic

The North 14U will head to the Montana Rumble Tournament set to be held June 21-23 in Missoula. The North 16U gets a week off before returning to play June 28-30 at the Bitterroot Brawl in Stevensville, Mont.

Boundary County Calendar - Aug. 11, 2022
August 11, 2022 1 a.m.

Boundary County Calendar - Aug. 11, 2022

The events, activities and meetings taking place in Boundary County over the coming week.

Boundary County Calendar - March 16-23, 2023
March 16, 2023 1 a.m.

Boundary County Calendar - March 16-23, 2023

The events, activities and meetings taking place in Boundary County over the coming week.

September 26, 2019 1:30 a.m.

Legals September 26, 2019

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission will hold public hearing at 06:00 PM Thursday, October 17, 2019 in the Extension Office located behind the County Courthouse to accept public comment on an Urban Subdivision Application, 19-176 by Jim Ball. This application involves establishing an Urban Subdivision on parcel #' RP62N01E2349035A (totaling 4.06 acres) which are located in the Rural Residential Zone on the west side of Shamrock Rd in Paradise Valley. This request is made in conjunction with Ordinance 9B18LOV2: 11.3.7. Urban Subdivision: Subdivision by long plat to create lots intended for residential development in which any lot proposed is less than 2 1/2 acres in size. Written comment may be mailed by 12PM 9 October 2019 to Planning and Zoning, PO Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, faxed to (208) 267-7814 or emailed to planning@boundarycountyid.org. Written comment will be accepted at public hearing provided the material is read into the record. There may be a five (5) minute limit per person on verbal testimony. Further information is available on this application at the Planning & Zoning Office, room 18 located in the Extension Office behind the Courthouse, and the application is available for public review. Information is also available by calling (208) 267-7212 or by visiting the county website at www.boundarycountyid.org/node/66/. Anyone requiring special accommodation due to handicap or disability should contact Planning and Zoning (208 267-7212) at least two (2) days prior to the hearing. BFH LEGAL 10272 SEPTEMBER 26, 2019

August 3, 2017 1 a.m.

Sheriff's Logs

July 24

February 8, 2018 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 8, 2018

NOTICE TO CREDITORS CASE NO. CV-2018-28 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY MAGISTRATE DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: SANDRA SUE JOHNSTON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Public Administrator of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of the Notice to Creditors, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must both be presented in writing to the undesigned at the address indicated, and filed with the Clerk of Court. Dated this 22 day of January 2018. SUSAN M. LARSON Public Administrator P.O. Box 218 Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 BFH Legal 9840 February 1, 8 ,15, 2018

Boundary County Calendar - July 20-27, 2023
July 20, 2023 1 a.m.

Boundary County Calendar - July 20-27, 2023

The events, activities and meetings taking place in Boundary County over the coming week.

Wrestling wins dual meets; has success at 'Rumble'
January 31, 2019 midnight

Wrestling wins dual meets; has success at 'Rumble'

BONNERS FERRY — On Jan. 22, the Badger wrestlers faced off against Libby/Troy at the Bonners Ferry High School gym, winning the dual meet 48-24.

Easter Egg Hunt Saturday
April 17, 2014 10:15 a.m.

Easter Egg Hunt Saturday

Elizabeth Ann DeHeer
May 27, 2010 9 p.m.

Elizabeth Ann DeHeer

A daughter was born to Lisa and Sean DeHeer of Nashville, Tenn., on May 4, 2010, at Vanderbilt University Hospital in Nashville.

January 8, 2010 8 p.m.

Samuel San Bileg

A son was born Oct. 31, 2009, to David and Tsend-Ayush Sisson in Bugant, Mongolia.

No headline
October 6, 2016 1 a.m.

No headline

August 29, 2019 1 a.m.

BFH New Office Hours

New office hours for Herald: Bonners Ferry Herald office hours, beginning Tuesday, Sept. 3.

May 9, 2024 1 a.m.

Seen and Heard


LITTLE LEAGUE: BF Navy Juniors 6-2
May 23, 2024 1 a.m.

LITTLE LEAGUE: BF Navy Juniors 6-2

Halfway through the season, the Bonners Ferry Navy Juniors team is now 6-2.

BCSD Special meeting Aug. 5
August 3, 2022 1 p.m.

BCSD Special meeting Aug. 5

Boundary County School District board of trustees has scheduled a special board meeting for Friday August 6, for reasons of personnel. The meeting will be at the District Office 7188 Oak St. Bonners Ferry, ID 83805.

BFHS football meeting July 27
July 20, 2022 1 p.m.

BFHS football meeting July 27

A Bonners Ferry High School football meeting for players and parents is scheduled for Wednesday, July 27th, 7 p.m. in the football bleachers.

May 4, 2017 5:50 a.m.

Legals May 4, 2017

PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following locations are designated as polling sites for the Election to be held May 16, 2017 in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, County of Boundary: Precinct Location BF/Kootenai Exhibit Hall at the Fairgrounds (6550 Kootenai St. Bonners Ferry) Copeland Mount Hall School (1275 Highway 1 Bonners Ferry) Moyie Springs Moyie Springs City Hall (3331 Roosevelt Rd.) Naples South Boundary Fire Station #1(20 Stagecoach Rd) North Bonners Ferry Exhibit Hall at the Fairgrounds (6550 Kootenai St. Bonners Ferry) Valley View Exhibit Hall at the Fairgrounds (6550 Kootenai St. Bonners Ferry) The polls will be open from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Any person requiring a special accommodation due to a disability should contact the Clerk's Office at 267-2242 at least five days prior to the election. For further information or any questions regarding this notice, please call the Boundary County Clerk's Office at 267-2242. Glenda Poston Clerk of the District Court BFH Legal 9666 May 4, 2017