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Meet the candidates
In order to help voters make up their minds in the 2016 election, the Herald sent each candidate the following 12 questions and asked each of them to respond with 12 succint answers. The questions were:
Sage Dixon is the only true Republican choice
Spreading untruths about your opponent is the tool of those with no argument.

A great start for local students
Dear Friends,

Life Flight to add helicopter critical care transport base to Cd'A
The new service will augment existing helicopter and fixed-wing services in north-central Idaho, eastern Washington, and western Montana.

Timberlake wins league, hosting softball and baseball districts
Timberlake to hold softball and baseball districts after winning league.

Supreme Court rejects state attempts to ban Trump over Capitol attack
WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump says the Supreme Court opinion unanimously restoring him to 2024 presidential primary ballots is a "BIG WIN" for America. The court Monday rejected state attempts to hold the Republican former president accountable for the Capitol riot. The justices ruled a day before the Super Tuesday primaries that states cannot invoke a post-Civil War constitutional provision to keep presidential candidates from appearing on ballots. The court wrote in an unsigned opinion that that power resides with Congress. The court's move ends efforts in Colorado, Illinois, Maine and elsewhere to kick Trump off the ballot because of his attempts to undo his loss in the 2020 election to Democrat Joe Biden.

The panhandle health district’s health board met for a special meeting to discuss a potential mask mandate; the motion was denied and postponed following further discussion.
The Panhandle Health District’s health board met for a special meeting last week to discuss a potential mask mandate; the motion was denied and postponed following further discussion.

Stone enlists after Pearl Harbor bombing
When Clyde Stone graduated from Bonners Ferry High School in 1941 he had no idea that World War II was approaching.
Rene Arlan Mesenbrink, 80
Rene Arlan Mesenbrink, 80, passed away Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2010, at in Davenport, Wash., at Lincoln County Nursing home.

Jimmy Eugene Merrifield
Jimmy Eugene Merrifield was born March 16, 1957 in Bonners Ferry, Idaho to Raymond Willard Merrifield and Irma Artice (George) Merrifield. Jim was the youngest of the four Merrifield children.
Legals June 21, 2018
CITY OF BONNERS FERRY Timber Sale Advertisement Notice is hereby given by the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, that the following described timber will be offered for sale by sealed bid to the highest bidder. Bids must be received at the City of Bonners Ferry, 7232 Main, City Hall, Bonners Ferry, ID by Friday, June 29, 2018, 4:00 p.m. Bid envelopes are to be marked in the lower left-hand corner: Sealed Bid, 2018 Timber Sale. Species/Product Est. Volume Minimum Appraised Bid/Stumpage Value Douglas-fir/western larch* 149 MBF $220/MBF Net Scale $32,780 Grand fir/western hemlock 10 MBF $220/MBF Net Scale $2,200 Western redcedar* 60 MBF $990/MBF Net Scale $59,400 Ponderosa pine 1 MBF $80/MBF Net Scale $80 Other species 5 MBF $220/MBF Net Scale $1,100 Totals 225 MBF $95,560 *Species to be bid, other species to be paid for at above values Sale Location: Portion of West 1/2 , Section 11, T62N, R2E, Boundary County, Idaho State of Idaho slash holdback fee of $4.00/MBF will be paid by the purchaser. A bid bond of $5,000.00 in the form of a certified check, cashier's check or bank money order must be enclosed in the sealed bid. Bid bonds will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The successful bidder shall be required to post a total performance bond of $10,000.00 at contract execution, with $5,000 of this amount being satisfied by the bid bond. The successful bidder must show evidence of adequate liability and worker's compensation insurance. All timber must be removed and paid for by August 28, 2018. The City of Bonners Ferry reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any informalities in the bids received, and to accept the proposal deemed most advantageous to the best interests of the City. Additional information, contract, bid form and a map of the sale area may be obtained from the City of Bonners Ferry (208) 267-3105, or Mike Wolcott, Inland Forest Management, Inc. (208) 263-9420. BFH Legal 9919 June 14, 21, 2018

Boundary County pulls together for Montana
BONNERS FERRY — Living day to day in smoke-filled Boundary County is difficult at the moment. People cannot go about life in their usual way. In the last days of summer, when everyone is normally clamoring outside to soak in the sun’s warmth, people now spend their days inside their houses, places of work, or their vehicles. Those that are forced outside for their jobs or daily lives, are experiencing side effects, such as headaches, coughing, and sore throats.

Holiday shopping fun in the '9B'
BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry is a small town, with many local small businesses, and the people here embrace that small-town feel. Part of the joy of a small town is the support given to one another, and the 9B Ladies on the Loose event — part of the Hometown Holidays on Dec. 7, put on by the Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce — allowed the community to do just that.

Don't be fooled by a coot

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 49: Headlines from 7/17 thru 7/20 and interview with USFS District Fire Manager Sam Gibbons
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Josh McDonald go over the latest news coming out of the Coeur'd Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, and the Shoshone News-Press from July 17 - 20.

Man dies in multi-vehicle accident on U.S. 95
BONNERS FERRY — According to the Idaho State Police, on August 6, at 1:46 p.m. a fatal multi-vehicle accident occurred on U.S. 95 at milepost 534.9, north of Bonners Ferry, blocking both lanes of travel for hours.
Gov. Little appoints Dave Bobbitt to F&G commission
Governor Brad Little announced today his appointment of Dave Bobbitt as the Idaho Fish and Game Commission Panhandle Region representative.

From the Archives - March 16, 2023
After Ned Dyer (who owned a farm on the North Bench) retired, he spent his summers in Boundary County and winters in Arizona.
Legals September 19, 2019
Public Notice: Cabinet Mountains Water District The Cabinet Mountains Water District would like to apply for grant funds for water system improvements to improve supply, storage, pressure and fire flow throughout the system. An assessment of the beneficiaries is a requirement of the funds. To accomplish this, the Panhandle Area Council, an outside consultant for the District, will be conducting an income survey to provide the necessary beneficiary data. This survey will soon be found at random households within the service area. Your confidential response is very important, as it will aid the District in assessing the benefit of this project. When you receive your survey, please follow the instructions to complete it and return it in the self-addressed stamped envelope that is provided with the survey. BFH LEGALS 10270 SEPTEMBER 19, 2019

Evening grosbeaks: Magnificent but elusive
Last weekend I was scanning the ponderosa pines surrounding my bird feeders when some unfamiliar birds caught my eye. I reached for my Nikon with my 600 mm lens to take a picture of the birds. Suddenly they weren’t just birds; they were spectacular and handsomely attired in yellow, black and white. They were about the size of a robin, but more compact and thicker bodied; smaller than a Steller’s jay