Thursday, November 28
Legals November 28, 2019
SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Case No. CV11-19-0304 IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY ROSANNE SMITH, Plaintiff, vs. ALESANDRO COLLECCHI, a widowed man; THE ESTATE OF JACQUELINE COLLECCHI, and her unknown heirs; TODD COLLECCHI, SR.; THE ESTATE OF TERRY F. CRISMAN; LUCAS CREEK HOLDINGS, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company; ZIONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK; MOUNTAIN WEST BANK; and all UNKNOWN PERSONS claiming an interest in the following real property: Beginning at the Northwest closing corner of Section 9, Township 65 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, thence South 01°07'30" East along the West line of said Section 9, Township 65 North, Range 1 West, Boise meridian, a distance of 155.10 feet to the West Quarter corner of said Section 9, a concrete post with a brass plate, thence continue South 01°07'30" East a distance of 170.99 feet to the point of intersection with the center line of old State Highway #1; thence South 79°09'00" East along the center line of old Highway #1, a distance of 3526.24 feet, thence North 33 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this description, thence North 220 feet to a point, thence East 189.63 feet, thence South 255.91 feet to the North right of way line of County Road, thence Northwesterly along right of way to the POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS A tract of land situated in Government Lot 2, of Section 9, Township 65 North, Range 1 West of the Boise Meridian, Boundary County, Idaho; more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the North line of said Government Lot 2 which is North 89°40'22" East 990.00 feet from the Northwest corner of Government Lot 2, said point being co-incident with the Northeast corner of that parcel described in Instrument No. 16329; thence, leaving said North line and along the East line of that parcel described in Instrument No. 16329, South 00°19'38" East, 1036.96 feet to the Northerly right of way of County Road No. 51; thence, along said right of way North 79°04'34" West, 222.19 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGGING, thence continuing along said right of way North 79°04'34" West, 14.36 feet; thence leaving said right of way and along the Westerly line of that parcel described in Instrument No. 16329, North 00°19'38" West, 220.00 feet; thence leaving said Westerly line and parallel to the North line of Government Lot 2, North 89°40'22" East, 15.04 feet to a pasture line as it was found to exist March 1, 2005; thence along said pasture line South 00°04'57" East, 222.81 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Approximately 0.970 acres. Also known as Boundary County parcel number RP65N01W097942A. Defendants. NOTICE: YOU HAVE BEEN SUED BY THE ABOVE-NAMED PLAINTIFFS. THE COURT MAY ENTER JUDGMENT AGAINST YOU WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE UNLESS YOU RESPOND WITHIN 21 DAYS. READ THE INFORMATION BELOW. TO: UNKNOWN PERSONS; THE ESTATE OF JACQUELINE COLLECCHI, and her unknown heirs; and THE ESTATE OF TERRY F. CRISMAN You are hereby notified that in order to defend this lawsuit, an appropriate written response must be filed with the above designated court at 6452 Kootenai St # 22, PO Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID, 83805, (208) 267-5504, within 21 days after service of this Summons on you. If you fail to so respond the Court may enter judgment against you as demanded by the Plaintiff in the Complaint. A copy of the Complaint and Amended Complaint are served with this Summons. If you wish to seek the advice or representation by an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your written response, if any, may be filed on time and other legal rights protected. An appropriate written response requires compliance with Rule 10(a)(1) and other Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure and shall also include: 1. The title and number of this case. 2. If your response is an Answer to the Complaint, it must contain admissions or denials of the separate allegations of the Complaint and other defenses you may claim. 3. Your signature, mailing address, email address, and telephone number, or the signature, mailing address, email address, and telephone number of your attorney. 4. Proof of mailing or delivery of a copy of your response to Plaintiff's attorney, as designated above. To determine whether you must pay a filing fee with your response, contact the Clerk of the above-named Court. DATED: November 13, 2019 By:/s/Jamie Wilson Deputy Clerk BFH LEGAL 10320 NOVEMBER 28, DECEMBER 5, 12, 19, 2019
Coming Events:

Trifekta Tattoo opens in downtown Bonners Ferry
BONNERS FERRY — Seventeen years of professional tattooing experience comes to Bonners Ferry by way of artist and business owner, Henry Huff.
Seen 'n Heard
Happy Thanksgiving from the Herald staff!
Hometown Holidays events are Dec. 7
Hometown Holidays is three great events in one day, happening on Saturday, Dec. 7:

Brooks joins the Bonners Ferry Herald team
BONNERS FERRY — Tonia Brooks joined the Bonners Ferry Herald in September of 2019 as a reporter, bringing a wealth of education and practical knowledge that made her an immediate asset to the team.

Hummel honored as BCSD Classified Employee of the Month
Darcia Hummel is the Classified Employee of the Month for Boundary County School District 101.

Election recount request made
BONNERS FERRY — On Nov. 19, both David Sims and James “Dick” Staples, City of Bonners Ferry mayoral candidates on the Nov. 5 general election ballot, received a letter from Glenda Poston, the Boundary County Clerk, Auditor and Recorder.

'Winter Delight' free concert is Dec. 8 at BFHS
The Bonners Ferry Community Orchestra will present their “Winter Delight” concert on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 8, at the BFHS Becker Auditorium. Performance time is 3 p.m., and doors will open at 2:15 p.m.

Holiday market celebrates 15 years
BONNERS FERRY — On Saturday, Nov. 23, the 15th annual Bonners Ferry Holiday Market was held inside the middle school. Many creative and talented vendors were set up with various items for sale.

Wrestling club ends its fall season
The Bonners Ferry Wrestling Club’s fall season has come to an end. There were five North Idaho League Tournaments and (for those who chose to) the Final Tour of America USA Wrestling Bigfoot Tournament held at the Spokane Convention Center this last Saturday.

From the Archives
In the Museum archives, there are many scrapbooks which contain vintage postcards. This is a beautiful postcard. Happy Thanksgiving!

Giving it their best shot
BONNERS FERRY — With beauty all around, from mountains dotted with golden larch trees in the fall, to the numerous rivers, creeks, and lakes, to the blanketing snow of winter — it is no surprise that Boundary County attracts and inspires many photographers, amateurs and professionals alike.

Know when to call 911 this holiday season
An unrelenting deluge of waves slammed the jagged rocks of Yaquina Head on the Oregon Coast, with an intensity guaranteeing the destruction of any human body caught in between. The ancient basalt monoliths, having been driven upward from the depths of the Earth by the violence of an angry fault line ages ago, had become a quickly sinking life raft for a handful of cold and frightened beachgoers stranded by the incoming tide. I watched from the safety of my ambulance on the nearby rocky shore as a Coast Guard rescue helicopter swooped in overhead to pluck the victims from a certain and savage death.

No headline
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished six weeks of bowling
Jeanne Osborn got high scratch game 178, high scratch series 452, tied for third handicap game 247, and got third handicap series 659. Michelle Sweet got second high scratch game 165 and high handicap game 253. Nancy Clatworthy got third high scratch game 151 and second high scratch series 423. Alice VanGundy got third high scratch series 420. Lila Finley got second high handicap game 248 and second high handicap series 681. Nina Saunders tied for third high handicap game 247 and high handicap series 694.

Vintage Christmas Market brings shoppers to town
BONNERS FERRY — Like the 12 days of Christmas, there have now been 12 years of the Vintage Christmas Market, one of the annual events that signifies the beginning of the holiday season. It began Friday, Nov. 22, and went through Saturday, and the people were ready and waiting at the Boundary County Fairgrounds for the doors to open on the first day.
Court Reports
Tony C. Aleman, born 1985, charged with infraction motor carrier overweight (1-4000 Lbs.) exceeding allowable gross by POE on Nov. 16.

Turkey Tips
With Thanksgiving coming this week I thought to remind those getting a frozen turkey to take care:

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It's Thanksgiving ... let's talk turkey!
“Forever on Thanksgiving Day, the heart will find the pathway home”
This Week In Boundary County History
100 Years Ago
Sheriff's Logs
Monday, Nov. 18
Thursday, November 21
Legals November 21, 2019
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Boundary County Board of Commissioners will hold public hearing at 1:30 PM Monday, December 9, 2019 in the Memorial Hall at the Boundary County Fairgrounds, 6567 Recreation Park Road, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 to accept public comment on and consider Urban Subdivision Application, 19-176 by Jim Ball. This application involves establishing an Urban Subdivision on parcel number RP62N01E2349035A (totaling 4.06 acres), located in the Rural Residential Zone on the west side of Shamrock Rd in Paradise Valley. This request is made in conjunction with Ordinance 9B18LOV2: 11.3.7. Urban Subdivision: Subdivision by long plat to create lots intended for residential development in which any lot proposed is less than 2 1/2 acres in size. Written comment may be mailed by 12 PM 28 November 2019 to Planning and Zoning, PO Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, faxed to (208)267-7814 or emailed to Written comment will be accepted at public hearing provided the material is read into the record. There may be a five (5) minute limit per person on verbal testimony. Further information is available on this application at the Planning and Zoning Office, room 18 located in the Extension Office behind the Courthouse, and the application is available for public review. Information is also available by calling (208)267-7212 or by visiting the county website at Anyone requiring special accommodation due to handicap or disability should contact Planning and Zoning (208-267-7212) at least two (2) days prior to the hearing. BFH LEGAL 10314 NOVEMBER 21, 2019

Raven or crow? Here's how you know
When Edgar Allen Poe had to find a bird annoying enough to drive a man insane, the choice was easy: a raven. Corvids — the avian family that includes ravens and crows — are notorious for causing mischief to humans and animals alike.
This Week In Boundary County History
100 Years Ago

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Pearl Theater seeks new volunteers
At its recent annual meeting, members and guests were given an astonishing number: In fiscal year 2018-2019, volunteers graciously gave 27,892 hours in helping The Pearl Theater, 7160 Ash St., Bonners Ferry, support and promote the performing arts in Boundary County. And, after a year that saw a lot of change, it was recognized that the majority of those hours were given by just a handful of supporters.

Betty Ehrmantrout
Betty Ehrmantrout

Badgers win opener, lose at the buzzer
ST. MARIES — Holly Ansley scored nine of her 18 points in the first quarter as the visiting Badgers defeated the Lumberjacks 58-36 on Saturday in the nonleague season opener for both schools.

Eleventh annual Turkey Trot 5K, 10K set for Nov. 28
Bonners Ferry is looking forward to another fun, family-friendly, and free Turkey Trot 5K/10K fun run this year on Thanksgiving morning. Organizer Carolyn Testa will be there with her A-Team of volunteers at the Boundary County Fairgrounds at 8 a.m. for the run, which begins at 9 a.m.
Fire on Songbird Lane
BONNERS FERRY — There was a fire in a manufactured home around midnight on Tuesday, Nov. 19 on Songbird Road. North Bench Fire responded with auto aid from South Boundary Fire and Paradise Valley Fire.

Italian Sautéed Eggplant
Italian Sautéed Eggplant
Court Reports
Gregory L. Ball, born 1961, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by ISP on Oct. 21.
Makin' wild things great
Face it ... Living in North Idaho very often involves eating wild critters. From trout to grouse, bear to elk, many times it is the result of a day afield that we serve up in a variety of ways. Here are a few simple tips and techniques to making your next meal from the wild ... taste just the opposite.

North Bench Fire raffle winners announced
On Nov. 11, at the monthly Board of Directors meeting for the North Bench Volunteer Fire District (NBVFD), the Board held a drawing for a locally made quilt and a custom built Elite .22 rifle locally made for the NBVFD by Craig Wheatley owner of Tactical Innovations.
Seen 'n Heard
Stacey F... quit sending us your leaves.

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FFA raises funds for scholarships and more
BONNERS FERRY — Learning to do, doing to learn, earning to live and living to serve, the motto of the Future Farmers of America is something that our local chapter strives to achieve.

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Rescue dive team receives donation
BONNERS FERRY — Michael McClaskey, a Vietnam veteran, passed away on Fathers Day, June 16, but he is still finding a way to help the community of Boundary County.
Coming Events
Sheriff's Logs
Monday, Nov. 11

Sam's Stop & Shop opens on Main Street
BONNERS FERRY — Sam’s Stop & Shop is open for business, and the owners are excited to serve the community.

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New park planned in Moyie Springs
MOYIE SPRINGS — The Moyie Springs community and outlying areas now have a recreation destination closer than driving to the county fairgrounds park.

Student flies with Experimental Aircraft Association
BONNERS FERRY — Sixteen-year-old Nicole Blackmore’s first time in the air was when she was in the seventh grade. She recalled hearing horror stories about airplanes, though now has plans to become a commercial pilot and try her hand at aerobatics.

Catch and Release
Casting a perfect line, letting the fly settle smoothly on the water, enticing the trout to see a free lunch and take the bait. Well, that is something that I am still working on — my fly fishing is still at the stage of several attempts to get the line to properly lay out and connect with the water so that I don’t scare all the fish away.

BFHS volleyball senior Victoria Rae nets all-Intermountain League honors
The All-Intermountain League 3A Volleyball Team was announced at the conclusion of the district tournament championship game on Oct. 24 at Kellogg High School.
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished five weeks of bowling
Carolyn McNeill got high scratch game 172, second high scratch series 424, and high handicap game 237. Alice VanGundy got second high scratch game 167 and third high scratch series 422. Melayne Stevens got third high scratch game 164, high scratch series 429, second high handicap game 235, and second high handicap series 642. Zetta Graupner got third high handicap game 231 and high handicap series 670. Nancy Clatworthy got third high handicap series 631.

Shook Twins return for Thanksgiving weekend show
BONNERS FERRY — Originally from Sandpoint and now making their music out of Portland, Ore., homegrown stars Katelin and Laurie Shook return home for Thanksgiving once again, and as they have for several years now, and the Shook Twins will be live on stage with John Craigie at the Pearl Theater Friday, Nov. 29, giving Bonners Ferry another reason to be thankful as we head into the holidays.
Thursday, November 14
Legals November 14, 2019
The following application(s) have been filed to appropriate the public waters of the State of Idaho: 98-8010 VICTOR CHERVEN LINDA TANAKA 255 BUSSARD LAKE RD BONNERS FERRY, ID 83805-5583 Point of Diversion NWSW S11 T64N R02E BOUNDARY County Source GROUND WATER Use: DOMESTIC 01/01 to 12/31 0.04 CFS Total Diversion: 0.04 CFS Date Filed: 10/31/2019 Place Of Use: DOMESTIC T64N R02E S11 NWSW Permits will be subject to all prior water rights. For additional information concerning the property location, contact Northern Region office at (208) 762-2800. Protests may be submitted based on the criteria of Idaho Code § 42-203A. Any protest against the approval of this application must be filed with the Director, Dept. of Water Resources, Northern Region, 7600 N MINERAL DR STE 100, COEUR D ALENE ID 83815-7763 together with a protest fee of $25.00 for each application on or before 11/25/2019. The protestant must also send a copy of the protest to the applicant. GARY SPACKMAN, Director BFH LEGAL 10312 NOVEMBER 7, 14, 2019
Adopt-a-Kettle Salvation Army volunteers needed Nov. 26 - Dec. 24
Can your group adopt-a-kettle for one day between Nov. 26 and Dec. 24? Volunteers are needed on Fridays, Saturdays, or any other day, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

U.S. 95 project in Bonners Ferry nearly complete
According to the Idaho Transportation Department, the highway construction in Bonners Ferry is expected to end before Thanksgiving, depending on the weather conditions.

FFA members prepare for 71st annual Harvest Auction
For 71 years, the community of Boundary County has continued a tradition of supporting agriculture education in the community. Once again, the community has come together and donated items to help the next generation of agriculturalists and leaders. All are welcome to attend this fun-filled event on Friday, Nov. 15, in the Bonners Ferry High School Gymnasium.

Michael Glenn Summerfield
Michael Glenn Summerfield
Seen 'n Heard
It’s doing the “S” thing again... people have to remember how to keep all four tires on the road.

Spaghetti Aglio E Olio with Wilted Spinach and Mushrooms

Roma Delila Peterson Jeppesen Daniel
Roma Delila Peterson Jeppesen Daniel
Early deadline
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, the Herald will publish on Wednesday, Nov. 27, which means that all deadlines for that edition will be a day earlier.

Deep Creek Trail: A great fall hike
Sheriff's Log
Monday, Oct. 28

Ice rink now open
BONNERS FERRY — The community now has the opportunity to glide across the ice — except it is not actually ice — day or night throughout the winter. On Saturday, Nov. 9, the Memorial Park Ice Rink celebrated its grand opening,
This Week In Boundary County History
100 Years Ago

Four Badgers earn district, IML cross-country honors
Three Bonners Ferry cross country team members were honored recently by coaches in North Idaho’s District I.

Electric vehicle charging station coming to Bonners Ferry
The city was notified this week that its grant application to install an electric vehicle charging station has been approved by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality. The DC fast-charging station will be installed next to the Visitor Center in the spring.
Coming Events:

Two shop fires keep firefighters busy
BONNERS FERRY — Two shop fires had firefighters busy on Thursday, Nov. 7, on Moon Shadow Road and Huff Road.
Court Reports
Zachary M. Bradley, born 1998, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (16 MPH or over) by BCSO on Oct. 21.
Up to the 'challenge'
BONNERS FERRY — His boots are made for walking, and that ‘s just what Mayor David Sims does. He’s walked 10,000 steps all just for you.

Quality car audio store arrives in Bonners Ferry
BONNERS FERRY — There is a new audio store in Bonners Ferry next to Riverside Auto.
Riverside Road project receives funds
The City of Bonners Ferry is pleased to announce that the 2.7 million dollar Riverside Road improvement project has been selected for funding under the Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP).

Snow provides rude wakeup call to local drivers
BONNERS FERRY — The vehicle accident calls were streaming in, one after another, during the initial hour of the snowfall on Tuesday, Nov. 12.

Freedom isn't free
BONNERS FERRY — Thank you for your service.
The Tuesday's Troubles have finished four weeks of bowling
Jeanne Osborn took it all, high scratch game 170, high scratch series 491, high handicap game 251, and high handicap series 734. Alice VanGundy got second high scratch game 164 and second high scratch series 472. Nancy Clatworthy got third high scratch game 161 and second high handicap game 239. Melayne Stevens got third high scratch series 402. Michelle Sweet got third high handicap game 233. Lila Finley got second high handicap series 651. Virginia Sanborn got third high handicap series 646.

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Cummings earns second, third at state meet
BOISE — Bonners Ferry High School swimmer Julia Cummings competed at the 4A state swim meet on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 8-9.

Sobriety, motherhood thanks to Drug Court
BONNERS FERRY — A very special baby shower was held at the Boundary County Courthouse on Thursday, Nov. 7.
War orphan, local author, to hold book reading and signing
It took nearly a lifetime to overcome severe anxiety and sadness, but Bonners Ferry resident Mary Friedmann Berges is now sharing her story of loss and love with the world in her new memoir, “Finding the Light Within: My Journey of Healing After the Holocaust.”

New photo club to meet Nov. 23
BONNERS FERRY —Does photography have a warm place in your heart? Is it an activity you want to learn more about? Do you want to share your experiences and knowledge with other like-minded folks?
Gun Club News
Bonners Ferry High School Trap Team, “Dukes Claybusters”: Nice day for practice — great scores. High score today with his first 25X25 was Dillon McLeish — congratulation Dillon. Melanie Campbell almost again, with a 24X25 and Wyatt McDonald 24X25, Colin Fairchild 23X25. We have a new member, Torsten Conover, with 22X25, welcome. Ryan Carelli 21X25 and Ilena still improving with each practice.
Thursday, November 7
School district discusses closures, upcoming breaks
With the winter months at hand, Boundary County School District #101 wants to inform patrons that emergency school will be announced on the following stations:
Leases to allow farming at Wildlife Refuge
Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge will be holding an informational public meeting from 2-3:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 14, at the refuge center’s Education Barn to discuss the refuge’s future farming program.

Boundary County Human Rights Task Force: Native American Heritage Month
Since 1990, at the request of Congress, U.S. presidents have annually declared November to be “National American Indian Heritage Month.” For many Native peoples, November is a time of thanksgiving and celebration marking the conclusion of harvest season. Early Native farmers in the Americas domesticated avocados, beans, cacao (chocolate!), cotton, cranberries, maize (corn), papayas, peanuts, peppers, pineapples, potatoes, sunflowers and tomatoes. Give thanks and celebrate, indeed.
Coming Events:

Five Badgers earn all-IML soccer honors
Three boys and two girls players from Bonners Ferry High School were named to the all-Intermountain League soccer teams.

Letter to the Editor: Veteran's Day Celebration
VETERANS: Come to Nov. 11 event

Boundary County Waterways Board, Kootenai Tribal Wildlife Program install animal-resistant garbage receptacles
On Wednesday, community members successfully completed the installation of four BearSaver CE Series trash receptacles at the Search and Rescue, Deep Creek, Copeland, and Porthill boat launches.
Staples wins mayoral race by slim margin
BONNERS FERRY — Those who say “every vote counts” may have had this year’s Bonners Ferry mayoral race in mind.

Stray bullet strikes man in his own home
BONNERS FERRY — It’s deer season in North Idaho.
Letter to the Editor
Ambulance: Who pays for this service?
Gun Club News
Bonners Ferry High School Trap Team, “Dukes Claybusters”

New gym to focus on fitness, martial arts
BONNERS FERRY — A brand new family fitness center will be open soon in Bonners Ferry.
Veterans Day event is Nov. 9 at Pearl Theater
The Pearl Theater is excited to welcome America’s Sweethearts as a very special Veterans Day event on Nov. 9. The Pearl will present this amazing singing and dancing trio, reminiscent of the Andrew Sisters, as a thank you to all who have served or are currently serving in our armed forces.

Zucchini-Lime (Lemon) Bread or Muffins
Zucchini-Lime (Lemon) Bread or Muffins

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Giving Tree program helps make Christmas wishes come true
During this holiday season, the agents, brokers, members, affiliates and staff of the Selkirk Association of REALTORS® (SAR) are taking the words of Winston Churchill to heart: “We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give.”

Veteran photos sought for Nov. 14 Bonners Ferry Herald
These photos were shared by veteran Gerald Higgs.
The Tuesday's Troubles have finished three weeks of bowling
Nancy Clatworthy got high scratch game 177 and third high scratch series 451. Helen Heritage got second high scratch game 165 and high scratch series 471. Evelyn Smith got third high scratch game 173. Alice VanGundy got third high scratch game 165 and second high scratch series 459. Melayne Stevens got high scratch series 464.
Sheriff's Logs
Monday, Oct. 28

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Fashion for a cause
BONNERS FERRY — With white string lights criss crossing the ceiling of the new venue for the Fall Festival and Fashion Show, the models wound their way through the tables, stopping occasionally to talk about the clothing or let someone feel the fabric.

Villelli honored
Don Duffy recently presented Angie Villelli with the 2019 Mary Epstein “Above and Beyond” award in recognition of her service working with the Women’s Cancer Group and the Panhandle Health office in Bonners Ferry.
Court Reports
Jonathon Ryan Eby, born 2001, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (16 MPH or over) by ISP on Oct. 2.

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No headline

Cummings heading to state in freestyle, backstroke events
COEUR d’ALENE — Bonners Ferry High School swimmer Julia Cummings competed at districts on Wednesday, Oct. 30, at The Kroc Center in Coeur d’Alene, earning her shot to represent the Badgers at state.

Chili feed benefits Honor Guard
BONNERS FERRY — The City Fire Department heated up on Nov. 2, with mild to raging hot chili, brought in for the annual Chili Feed Competition to benefit the Boundary County Fire Rescue Honor Guard.
Local EAA flying scholarships
Scholarships are available to local students wishing to take to the skies with their very own Private Pilot License. After another successful year of pancake breakfast fundraising, the Bonners Ferry chapter of Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) is offering more scholarships for the 2020 year. The members thank all the people that supported our monthly breakfast fundraising activity throughout the 2019 summer. Not only the local community continued to support us, with additional advertising and good weather we had many people driving and flying from outside the area to attend our breakfast.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Badgers cap off memorable season at state meet
The Bonners Ferry Badgers concluded their season at the Port Neuf Wellness Complex in Pocatello for the Idaho 3A State Championships.

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City Surplus Equipment- Sealed Bid Auction
The City of Bonners Ferry is disposing of a number of items by sealed bid.

The magpie: Handsome and dressed in a tuxedo
“He is a handsome creature, with snowy white decorations, and is a singer; he has a murmurous rich note that is lovely. He has talent, and cuteness, and impudence; and in his tame state he is a most satisfactory pet — never coming when he is called, always coming when he isn’t, and studying disobedience as an accomplishment.” — Mark Twain (1835-1910)
Seen 'n Heard
Unplanned color coordination at the Herald office on Tuesday.