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Walter Richard Worley, 85
Walter Richard Worley, 85, of Bonners Ferry passed away peacefully on March 14, 2014, at the Extended Care Facility, Boundary County Community Hospital.
Claims of corruption not backed by facts
The following statement was read at Monday night’s Boundary County Republican Central Committee meeting by vice chairman Les Pinkerton.

Tractor Supply hearing to be redone
Boundary County commissioners approved two road variances for a Tractor Supply store, which will be built at 87 Homestead Loop, but due to an appeal and a procedural error the commissioners will redo the hearing.

Stone enlists after Pearl Harbor bombing
When Clyde Stone graduated from Bonners Ferry High School in 1941 he had no idea that World War II was approaching.
Woman accepts plea deal related to drug charges
On July 9, Tina Cornella, 59, pleaded guilty to three charges in a plea agreement which included possession of a controlled substance, driving without privileges and drug paraphernalia.
Airport acquiring land for pilot safety
Trees growing into the instrument approach zone at the Boundary County Airport are threatening the existence of the instrument approach.
Political misinformation and attacks on Woodward
If you’ve recently received junk mail attacking Jim Woodward, a native of Boundary and Bonner counties, brace yourself for more as Idaho’s primary election approaches. This malicious misinformation campaign, unprecedented in our state, is largely the work of a few discontented far-right extremists. It’s a departure from our usual electoral process.
Legals for June, 24 2021

Community Mourns the loss of Rockey Burkholder
Residents are mourning the loss of a valued member of the community; Rockey Burkholder, 72, passed away Dec. 7, at 7:27 p.m. at the Bonner General Hospital.

Watchman pleads with commissioners
Boundary County Watchman requested “peace” with Boundary County commissioners in regards to a “cease and desist” letter from the county advising the group to stop using the county emblem.

BCSO hosts another successful OHV training
Last week saw a large turnout for the Idaho State Parks and Recreation Off- Highway-Vehicle course provided by the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office.

Kirby seeking re-election as Boundary County Commissioner
County Commissioner Walt Kirby has spent the last 13 years serving the residents of Boundary County.
Legals November 28, 2019
SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Case No. CV11-19-0304 IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY ROSANNE SMITH, Plaintiff, vs. ALESANDRO COLLECCHI, a widowed man; THE ESTATE OF JACQUELINE COLLECCHI, and her unknown heirs; TODD COLLECCHI, SR.; THE ESTATE OF TERRY F. CRISMAN; LUCAS CREEK HOLDINGS, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company; ZIONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK; MOUNTAIN WEST BANK; and all UNKNOWN PERSONS claiming an interest in the following real property: Beginning at the Northwest closing corner of Section 9, Township 65 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, thence South 01°07'30" East along the West line of said Section 9, Township 65 North, Range 1 West, Boise meridian, a distance of 155.10 feet to the West Quarter corner of said Section 9, a concrete post with a brass plate, thence continue South 01°07'30" East a distance of 170.99 feet to the point of intersection with the center line of old State Highway #1; thence South 79°09'00" East along the center line of old Highway #1, a distance of 3526.24 feet, thence North 33 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this description, thence North 220 feet to a point, thence East 189.63 feet, thence South 255.91 feet to the North right of way line of County Road, thence Northwesterly along right of way to the POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS A tract of land situated in Government Lot 2, of Section 9, Township 65 North, Range 1 West of the Boise Meridian, Boundary County, Idaho; more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the North line of said Government Lot 2 which is North 89°40'22" East 990.00 feet from the Northwest corner of Government Lot 2, said point being co-incident with the Northeast corner of that parcel described in Instrument No. 16329; thence, leaving said North line and along the East line of that parcel described in Instrument No. 16329, South 00°19'38" East, 1036.96 feet to the Northerly right of way of County Road No. 51; thence, along said right of way North 79°04'34" West, 222.19 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGGING, thence continuing along said right of way North 79°04'34" West, 14.36 feet; thence leaving said right of way and along the Westerly line of that parcel described in Instrument No. 16329, North 00°19'38" West, 220.00 feet; thence leaving said Westerly line and parallel to the North line of Government Lot 2, North 89°40'22" East, 15.04 feet to a pasture line as it was found to exist March 1, 2005; thence along said pasture line South 00°04'57" East, 222.81 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Approximately 0.970 acres. Also known as Boundary County parcel number RP65N01W097942A. Defendants. NOTICE: YOU HAVE BEEN SUED BY THE ABOVE-NAMED PLAINTIFFS. THE COURT MAY ENTER JUDGMENT AGAINST YOU WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE UNLESS YOU RESPOND WITHIN 21 DAYS. READ THE INFORMATION BELOW. TO: UNKNOWN PERSONS; THE ESTATE OF JACQUELINE COLLECCHI, and her unknown heirs; and THE ESTATE OF TERRY F. CRISMAN You are hereby notified that in order to defend this lawsuit, an appropriate written response must be filed with the above designated court at 6452 Kootenai St # 22, PO Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID, 83805, (208) 267-5504, within 21 days after service of this Summons on you. If you fail to so respond the Court may enter judgment against you as demanded by the Plaintiff in the Complaint. A copy of the Complaint and Amended Complaint are served with this Summons. If you wish to seek the advice or representation by an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your written response, if any, may be filed on time and other legal rights protected. An appropriate written response requires compliance with Rule 10(a)(1) and other Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure and shall also include: 1. The title and number of this case. 2. If your response is an Answer to the Complaint, it must contain admissions or denials of the separate allegations of the Complaint and other defenses you may claim. 3. Your signature, mailing address, email address, and telephone number, or the signature, mailing address, email address, and telephone number of your attorney. 4. Proof of mailing or delivery of a copy of your response to Plaintiff's attorney, as designated above. To determine whether you must pay a filing fee with your response, contact the Clerk of the above-named Court. DATED: November 13, 2019 By:/s/Jamie Wilson Deputy Clerk BFH LEGAL 10320 NOVEMBER 28, DECEMBER 5, 12, 19, 2019

ProPublica examines disparities in COVID-19 response
Nonprofit investigative journalism organization ProPublica is highlight the disparity between Idaho and Washington's novel coronavirus response

Jiu-Jitsu teaches wellness in all forms
BONNERS FERRY — Master Sylvio Behring from Brazil returned to teach another seminar at the local Bonners Ferry Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu studio (BJJ). Owner and teacher, Sam Brown, invited his mentor Mastor Behring to conduct teaching seminars to each age group, children, young adult, and adult students.
Hospital levy unneccesary
On May 27, we the property owners and taxpayers of Boundary County will have the opportunity to vote for or against a property tax levy by the Boundary Community Hospital.

Teaching the coding trade to the community
BONNERS FERRY — In Idaho, the current unemployment rate has been steady at about 3 percent as of May 2018, but the Innovation Collective is actively working to change that.
Legals May 30, 2019
LEGAL NOTICE Pursuant to code #45805 the contents of B/D Mini storage units: #148- McCalmant #143-Adams Will be sold at the facility on Saturday, June 8, 2019 at 9 a.m. BFH Legal 10190 May 30, 2019 June 6, 2019

Wanted: 2018 Mrs. Idaho America contestants
The Mrs. Idaho America Pageant is now searching for representatives from across the state to compete at the 2018 Mrs Idaho America pageant.

'Idaho is becoming redder'
McGrane says Gem State still very much a Republican stronghold
In a 30-minute speech to about 100 Coeur d’Alene Rotarians at The Coeur d’Alene Resort on Friday, McGrane offered voter registration numbers to back up his statement.