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Valley View Elementary School news
Valley View Elementary School (VVES) is off to a great start after spring break and we are excited to begin our educational field trips, our annual Outdoor School event, and beginning to get outside and learn. The wonderful staff at VVES is passionate about kinesthetic learning and creating lifelong positive memories in an educational setting.

The bird with the barbed tongue and a drum roll
During the winter I had noticed on several occasions a small to medium size bird foraging mainly on the trunks and limbs of trees and sometimes on shrubs. It was an energetic bird in his search, often probing, scaling off bark, and excavating into dead wood in pursuit of insects. The bird had a fairly square head, a long, straight, chisel-like bill, and stiff, long tail feathers to lean against on tree trunks. His bill was nearly the same length as his head. The bird was entertaining as he would hitch up tree trunks and along main branches in search of his food. He would sometimes feed at the base of trees, along fallen logs, and even on the ground and particularly at the bird feeder. He had a slowly undulating flight pattern like most woodpeckers.
Traveling back in time: this day in Bonners Ferry history
History for January 5th, 2017
Legals July 25, 2019
PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of Directors of the Bonners Ferry Urban Renewal Agency will conduct a public hearing on August 14, 2019 at 6:00 PM at City Hall to review the budget and actual line items below: The public is invited to comment on the preliminary budget at that time. ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED GENERAL FUND: 9/30/2017 9/30/2018 FY 2017-18 FY 2019-20 Revenues: Beginning Balance $ - $ - $ 125,000 $ 160,000 Property Tax Increment 77,431 91,524 60,000 66,725 Interest Total Income $ 77,431 $ 91,524 $ 185,000 $ 226,725 Expenditures: Developer Reimbursement $ 20,000 $ 20,000 Capital Improvements 2,979 13,487 131,900 164,625 Accounting/Admin/URD Creation 6,000 6,000 6,000 14,000 Professional: Legal 1,612 1,430 2,000 3,000 City of Bonners Ferry Rebate 20,000 20,000 Audit 4,478 4,642 4,500 4,500 Office Expense 1,005 166 600 600 Total Expenditures $ 16,074 $ 25,725 $ 185,000 $ 226,725 Ending Balance $ 61,357 $ 65,799 $ - $ - BOND FUND: Revenues: Property Tax Increment $ 28,275 $ 28,275 $ 53,988 $ 53,988 Interest 42 39 150 150 Total Income $ 28,317 $ 28,314 $ 54,138 $ 54,138 Expenditures: Principal Payment on Bonds $ 6,584 $ 35,251 $ 37,045 $ 38,930 Interest Expense on Bonds 21,691 18,887 17,093 15,208 Total Expenditures $ 28,275 $ 54,138 $ 54,138 $ 54,138 Ending Balance $ 42 $ (25,824) $ - $ - Total Revenues $ 105,748 $ 119,838 $ 239,138 $ 280,863 Total Expenditures 44,349 79,863 239,138 280,863 ENDING BALANCE $ 61,399 $ 39,975 $ - $ - BFH Legal 10220 July 25, 2019 August 1, 2019
Wrestling team holds firewood fundraiser
Every year the Badgers wrestling team raises money by doing a wood drive.
Shelton Chiropractic opens two offices
Dr. Joshua Shelton has opened Shelton Chiropractic in Bonners Ferry and Troy, Mont.
Boys soccer wins opener, falls in overtime at state
The Badgers boys soccer team traveled to the 3A State Tournament in Twin Falls, playing their first-round match against McCall/Donnelly. They won 1-0, with Jayden Clair scoring the goal.
Senator Jim Woodward has to go
Do your homework before voting to reelect him.

It’s on: Gonzaga vs. Baylor for the national championship
Baylor made a mockery of the first Final Four game, stifling Houston for a chance at the program’s first national title. Then Gonzaga made miracles happen, winning on one of the greatest shots in NCAA Tournament history.

Keough addresses bills related to area
The pace is picking up at the State Capitol as many issues are now being discussed and debated. I would like to update you on a couple that I have been working on that are particularly important to our area.
Sage grouse conservation
As a lifelong Idahoan, I share an interest in protecting our environment and its unique wildlife. I recognize the importance of our natural resources to our economy and way of life. Given the need to protect the balance between environmental stewardship and our economy, I have concerns with the Bureau of Land Management’s sage grouse management plans that have shut out the state and general public from the important decision-making process. I continue to fight for adherence to the solutions for sage grouse habitat generated by the state and associated stakeholders.
Living BONNERS FERRY sign?
Dear Editor,

Airport News
The year 2018 was a busy one at the Boundary County Airport. Spring and summer ushered in new students and huckleberry pancakes. On the last Saturday of every month, May through September, the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) hosts a Fly-In breakfast open to all community members. The proceeds benefit the Young Eagles Flight Scholarships for local youth. The next breakfast will be in May 2019, and Northern Air always posts reminders on our Facebook page, so be on the lookout!
Biblical story documents sacred right
The Biblical story of Jacob and Esau documents a most sacred right foolishly surrendered by Esau to his brother in order to quell his temporary hunger.

Lindsey Michelle Christopherson – DYW Participant #3
P.E.O. is happy to sponsor Lindsey Michelle Christopherson. Lindsey is the daughter of Stan and Aimee Christopherson. She has two sisters, Ashley and Sammy, and one brother, Alan. Lindsey plans to attend Eastern Washington University where she plans to study child psychology. She participates in Dance Team and National Honor Society and enjoys dancing, painting, and running in her spare time.

Ashlyn Hittle DYW Participant #5
The Boundary County Middle School Leadership is proud to sponsor Ashlyn Hittle. Ashlyn is the daughter of Spencer and Barbara Hittle, and has three sisters, Alanna, Amy, and Amanda. Ashyln plans to attend college where she plans to become a Licensed Practical Nurse and work abroad. A historical figure that interests Ashyln is Jesus Christ. A modern personality who intrigues her is Donald Trump.

Madison Emily McIntyre - Participant #1
Moyie Shrine Club is happy to sponsor Madison Emily McIntyre. Madison is the daughter of Brian and Kirsten McIntyre. She has three sisters, MaKenzie, Macy and Marias. After graduation, Madison plans to attend college at Idaho State University and study Dental Hygiene. Extracurricular activities she enjoys include soccer, track, cross country, swimming, photography, skiing, and hiking.
Twice-battered chicken Parmesan easy to make
Cooking with Sarah
Cooking with Sarah is a weekly column featuring recipes submitted by readers.
Semester 1 is a wrap; BFHS welcomes semester 2 and hopes for more sun!
In total, the semester flew by, and I don’t know where the time went. I am thankful for a great semester, and there are many people that I will be thanking in the coming weeks for helping BFHS put another semester under our belt.

BFHS cheerleaders keeping the spirit
BONNERS FERRY — Cheerleading is a year-long sport. The girls cheer for football games, basketball games, the Dig Pink volleyball game, wrestling, and they compete in competition in March.