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Red-tailed hawks constantly on the hunt in the Kootenai Valley
The Red-Tailed Hawk is the most common hawk in Boundary County. They were named for the variety of hawks that has a brick-red tail.
LeeVern Koehn, 85
LeeVern Koehn passed away May 25, 2024.
Judgement on elk poacher unfair
I have started a letter several times in the past few weeks and after reading Tim Saunders letter concerning this matter. I’ll say I agree with him that Roland Hall getting off after killing at least one bull elk out of season (a felony) is a bunch of hooey.
Letter to the Editor: Kudos to Cowell
ACCIDENT: Kudos to Sgt. Willie Cowell

Valley View Elementary, Mountain West Bank purchase book vending machine
Valley View elementary will now be the home of a book vending machine, dispensing books and not snacks for students.

Raven or crow? Here's how you know
When Edgar Allen Poe had to find a bird annoying enough to drive a man insane, the choice was easy: a raven. Corvids — the avian family that includes ravens and crows — are notorious for causing mischief to humans and animals alike.

Book Talk at the Pearl Theater
Book Talk at the Pearl Theater

McGrane pays visit to local elections office
With local elections just around the corner, Idaho Secretary of State Phil McGrane makes it clear that the system is safe, secure, and ready for Tuesday. McGrane, who toured North Idaho in advance of the Nov. 7 local elections, said the visits allowed him to touch base with county clerks and discuss election operations to ensure they have what they need for Tuesday.

Dan ‘Danny’ Keith Miller Dan ‘Danny’ Keith Miller
Dan “Danny” Keith Miller passed away Friday, June 12, 2020, at home at the age of 70.

Shirley Darlene Estabrooks
Shirley Darlene Estabrooks

Sydney Aaron Stevens
Sydney Aaron Stevens

Joyce Ellen Johnson
Our beloved Wife and Mother Joyce Ellen Johnson passed away in her sleep New Years Day 2017 at her family home in Porthill, Idaho.
Legals January 18, 2018
NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. CV-2018-9 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY In the Matter of the Estate of: JANE MARIE REIFSTECK, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or within sixty days after the mailing or delivery of this Notice, whichever is later, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated, and filed with the Clerk of the Court. Dated this 9th day of January, 2018. /s/ James Stemmene 2820 Grandview Drive Clarkston, WA 99403 (509) 758-7654 BFH Legal 9836 January 18, 25, 2018 February 1, 2018

Child care crisis deepens
United Way of North Idaho seeks solutions via private, public connections
While the federal poverty level for a family of four in 2019 was $25,750, the average bare-minimum cost of living for a family in Idaho, according to the ALICE Household Survival Budget, was just over $63,000.

Love of boxing inspires man to try MMA cage fighting
Living by his mantra, mentally ready, physically prepared, civil in mind and savage at heart, Kevin James, 29, is making his way into Mixed Martial Arts fighting.

Mike Crapo (R), 66 Incumbent U.S. Senator
1. Our nation is facing very troublesome times on many fronts. The importance that we follow the Constitution and the right principles of governing has never been greater. I am committed more than ever to the values that first prompted me to run for the Senate: limited government, low taxes, less spending and individual freedom. Americans must speak out strongly today to preserve and defend our Constitution and the system of limited government and freedom.

Pastor travels to mission in Africa
BONNERS FERRY — Charlie Frederico, the Teaching Pastor at Grace Bible Fellowship, will be embarking on a mission, along with Phil Schlener, to Sierra Leone, Africa on Oct. 21. This will not be a vacation — they will not be visiting wildlife refuges or going out to enjoy the sights. Instead they will spend two and a half weeks teaching from morning until night.

Badgerettes dance their hearts out at state
NAMPA, Idaho — The Bonners Ferry Badgerettes Dance Team danced their hearts out in the Idaho High School State Dance and Cheer Competition on March 17.

New BCEDC director is announced
Boundary County Economic Development Council new executive director is Dennis Weed.
Paying for the Pig Skin Three Times.
Paying for the Pig Skin Three Times.