Monday, June 29

City: No parade, fireworks permit has been sought
BONNERS FERRY — So far, no complete parade permit has been submitted — or issued — by the city for a parade on the Fourth of July, Bonners Ferry officials said Monday.
Thursday, June 25
Dirtbike racing is back
9B Arenacross is bringing dirtbike racing back to Northern Idaho with over seven thousand dollars in prize money, on Saturday, June 27.
Stolen vehicle driven into river
BONNERS FERRY — Mikael Merrifield, a Moyie Springs resident, was spotted by Boundary County Sheriff deputies in a stolen vehicle on Cow Creek Road, which resulted in the truck becoming lost in the Kootenai River, according to a Boundary County Sheriff’s Office press release.
Legals for June, 25 2020
Tuesday, June 23

NIC makes room for virtual learning
SANDPOINT — North Idaho College’s Silver Valley and Bonners Ferry centers will cease operation at the end of the year, leaving Sandpoint as the only satellite center for NIC.
Monday, June 22

A rare chance for athletes to compete
SANDPOINT — A rare event took place Saturday at Sandpoint High School — a track meet.
Thursday, June 18
Boundary County Police Records - June 9-14, 2020
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office Bonners Ferry Police Department
Victoria Rae earns Northern Lights scholarship
Northern Lights, Inc. has announced local scholarship winners.

From the Archives - June 25, 2020
Who’ll give me a dollar?

Who you gonna call?
The “Ghost Busters” theme by Ray Parker Jr., “Who You Gonna Call,” comes to mind when you see the attacks to defund police and the lack of support that law enforcement is experiencing on a national level in response to recent events.
2020 Rotary Scholarship winners announced
Bonners Ferry Rotary Club have announced the organization’s 2020 Scholarship Award recipients. The scholarships awarded by the Bonners Ferry Rotary Club are derived entirely of local fundraising efforts by the club and the generous contributions of various local businesses and individuals.
KVRI looks to minimize bear encounters
BONNERS FERRY — On Monday, June 15 the Kootenai Valley Resource Initiative (KVRI) met to discuss a variety of business topics to include updates to the Grizzly Bear Subcommittee.
Veterans service officer to visit Bonners Ferry
On Thursday, June 18, a representative from the Idaho State Veteran’s Service Office will be in Bonners Ferry to answer questions about current veteran’s benefits, assist with ongoing claims, and take new claims for benefits for eligible veterans and their dependents.
Do we control the government or does it control us?
“The virus is real and it’s not socialism,” claim the socialists. Whether or not it’s real is beside the point.

City to consider several utility rate increases
BONNERS FERRY — On Tuesday, June 16 the Bonners Ferry City Council met for their second meeting of the month. The meeting was attended by interested community members in person and via Zoom, an app that allows people to attend from outside the meeting chambers.
Boundary County Court Records - June 18, 2020
Warren T. Allred, born 2003, charged with infraction failure to provide proof of vehicle insurance on May 29 by BCSO. Disposition: Found guilty on June 12 with fines of $75 and costs of $56.50.
Boundary County Calendar - June 18, 2020
Coming Events:
Take precautions but don’t stop living
COVID-19 is a serious virus and it is easily spread. However, many things cause death to Idahoans. For the year 2018, according to the Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics, 235 Idahoans died of influenza/pneumonia, 248 from motor vehicle accidents, 184 from alcoholic liver disease, and 418 from suicide. In 2020 to date, 87 Idahoans have died from COVID-19.

A Katka Road view
Idaho Department of Lands to host burn permit webinar
Event is online today at 5:30 p.m.

More accurate forest inventory methods to increase harvest of trees
Aged and over-crowded trees are at the most risk for insects, disease, and wildfire, and now the Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) can better determine where those trees are located and how to better manage endowment forests.
U.S. delays repairs for remote road in county
U.S. officials will delay the repair of an impassable northern Idaho road in important grizzly bear habitat near the Canadian border because of a lawsuit filed by environmentalists, according to court documents filed June 11.
North Idaho COVID-19 cases rise; none in Boundary County
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County is one of two counties in the Idaho Panhandle that has yet to note a confirmed COVID-19 case. The other county without a confirmed case is Shoshone County.

Volunteers sought for North Idaho trail project east of Bonners Ferry
BONNERS FERRY — The Idaho Trails Association is looking for volunteers to help with their North Idaho trail projects.

Looking for a snack

Keeping an eye out

Concerns about traps discussed
BONNERS FERRY — The week of May 11, Idaho Fish and Game Commission rejected a petition regarding signage concerning traps. The argument on behalf of trappers is that they said signage would encourage people to tamper with their traps.

Dan ‘Danny’ Keith Miller Dan ‘Danny’ Keith Miller
Dan “Danny” Keith Miller passed away Friday, June 12, 2020, at home at the age of 70.
Bonners Ferry groups receive Innovia grants
Bonners Ferry groups are among those receiving grants from Innovia Foundation. The foundation recently announced 165 grants totaling $746,012 from the COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery Funds for North Idaho and Eastern Washington.

John Bradley Standal, 73 John Bradley Standal, 73
John Bradley Standal, 73, passed away on May 21, 2020, at his home in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. A service is to be held at 1 p.m. July 18, 2020, at Trinity Lutheran Church, 6784 Cody St., Bonners Ferry.
Power outages reported Tuesday night
Power outages reported Tuesday night
This Week in History - June 18, 2020
100 Years Ago

Mirror Lake golfers hit the links
Game of the Day for the Mirror Lake ladies’ week of June 9/10, 2020, was “Most one-Putts.” Only two brave ladies played on cloudy Tuesday evening, both winners. Julie Williams got the award for most one putts, low gross (41) and least putts (15). Renee Murphy won low net (37).

Black bears are busy looking for food
“Black bears (Ursus americanus) are found throughout both the foothills and forests of Idaho. Between 20,000 and 30,000 black bears roam these wild lands. These bears share space with a human population that is expected to grow by more than 15 percent during the next 10 years. This means that human/bear encounters will continue and likely increase.”
District offering free grab-n-go meals
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County School District 101 will be providing free grab-n- go meals to all children 18 and younger at the sites listed below this summer. No meals will be served at any sites June 29-July 3.
Are you looking at me?
Idaho Trails Supporter sticker to support recreational access
The Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation’s “Idaho Trails Supporter” Sticker became available for the public beginning on Saturday, June 6, National Trails Day.

Zoe Betts Zoe Betts
After 90 wonderful years here with us, heaven gathered an angel into its arms and carried Zoe Betts to her eternal resting place.
Kootenai River Days set for July 21-25
Kootenai River Days set for July 21-25
County officials increase planning, zoning fees
BONNERS FERRY — The Boundary County Commissioners met at the University of Idaho Extension Office Monday and Tuesday, June 15-16, to discuss aspects of the Planning and Zoning department.
Legals for June, 18 2020
Friday, June 12

Brave little camper
Bonners Ferry boy with cystic fibrosis gets new RV through Make-A-Wish Foundation
Thursday, June 11
Bridge work starts June 22
Trout Creek South Bridge on the Westside Road will be replaced with a new two-lane bridge starting around June 22, according to Boundary County Road & Bridge officials.

COVID-19 cases rise in North Idaho; none reported in Boundary County
BONNERS FERRY — While new novel coronavirus cases were diagnosed in the region, the Panhandle Health District said none of those cases were in Boundary County.

From the Archives - June 11, 2020
This 1908 photograph of A.J. Kent sitting in his office is labeled “Products of the Kootenai Valley, Idaho.” A.J. had his hand in many industries in the county: mining, lumbering, and farming. He operated a real estate office and was a substantial land owner and businessman. He was quite the promoter of the area.
Second Harvest to distribute food on Friday
Second Harvest to distribute food on Friday
The true definition of socialism
It is with great dismay that I read an ongoing stream of letters to this and other publications in the Northwest making repeated referral to the statewide lockdown over COVID-19 as “assaults on liberty” and “socialism”, and that covid itself is a lie.

Emmitt D. Driver, 70 Emmitt D. Driver, 70
Emmitt D. Driver, known to many as “Bo Driver,” died at the age of 70 at Boundary Community Hospital in Bonners Ferry, Idaho on Memorial Day, May 25, 2020, 30 years to the date that he made Bonners Ferry his permanent home.
A unique sendoff for the BFHS Class of 2020
BONNERS FERRY — Pomp and Circumstance. While this traditional music was not played during Bonners Ferry High School’s Saturday, June 6, ceremony, organizers and school district professionals attempted to instill tradition within this very untraditional event.
A few thoughts from the book of Zechariah
Zechariah Chapter 8
Seen 'n' Heard - June 11, 2020
Seen 'n' Heard - June 11, 2020

Richard Gene Poulton Richard Gene Poulton
Richard Gene Poulton was born on March 12, 1954 in Gillette, Wyo., to Bill and Pat Poulton. He grew up in Roundup and Baker, Mont., until the Poulton family settled in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, when Richard was in eighth grade.
Time’s running out to apply for property tax reduction
June 15 is the last day for eligible homeowners and disabled veterans to apply for a reduction in their 2020 property taxes. They must give their completed application to their county assessor by that date.
Bonners Ferry Farmers Market celebrates 40 years
BONNERS FERRY — The Saturday, June 6 Bonners Ferry Farmers Market 40th Anniversary was a hit.
This Week In History — June 11, 2020
100 Years Ago
Honoring those who serve
BONNERS FERRY — During the early evening hours of June 5, in a light, steady rain, varied law enforcement and fire protection agencies, along with a number of community members, met on the lawn of the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office to pay tribute and honor those fallen in the line of duty.

How ya doing these days?
Whew! It’s been a just over a month since Idaho’s “first phase” of reopening occurred. At this point in time, most businesses are back open, and on normal or almost-normal hours. Some still require provisions, such as masks and limited capacity, but as a whole, things are getting moving again.

Glendle Ferdinand ‘Sonny’ Munier Glendle Ferdinand ‘Sonny’ Munier
Glendle Ferdinand “Sonny” Munier of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, the bravest man I know, passed away on June 4, 2020. Services to be announced.

Foster Lynn Mayo
Foster Lynn Mayo, retired deputy police chief of Bonners Ferry, died Sunday, May 24, 2020, of complications from cancer surgery at Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Wash.

Roy L. Neely Roy L. Neely
Roy L. Neely from Naples, Idaho, passed away quietly in his sleep on May 30, 2020, in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
Parade honors BFHS seniors
BONNERS FERRY — On Friday, June 5, vehicles from varied law enforcement agencies, fire departments, the Boundary County Search and Dive Rescue, personal owned vehicles, classic cars and hot rods lined up for a parade to honor the Bonners Ferry High School graduating class of 2020.
Boundary County Court Records - June 11, 2020
Kevin A. Althauser, born 1975, charged with misdemeanor driving without privileges on Feb. 2 by BCSO. Pleaded guilty. Found guilty with a plea agreement on June 1 with fines of $327.50 and costs of $172.50; 30 days jail time with 27 days jail time suspended; credit for 1 day time served and unsupervised probation from June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021.

Practices begin for rescheduled DYM program
The Bonners Ferry Distinguished Young Women program began its annual practices back in February for a planned program on April 25, 2020. However, the best laid plans were derailed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Officials have tips for appealing tax assessments
BONNERS FERRY — The Boundary County Assessor’s office has recently mailed out property tax notices to property owners. Some property owners have been subject to value increases on their properties, many of these increases are more than 60 percent.
Boundary County Sheriff’s Log - June 11, 2020
Bonners Ferry Police Department There was an arrest for excessive driving under the influence at Highway 95 and Riverside Street at 12:37 a.m. Boundary County Sheriff’s Office
Cookie sales teach local Girl Scouts entrepreneurship
BONNERS FERRY — Local Girl Scout Troop 3801 has been selling Girl Scout cookies on Main Street for the past two weeks.
Property tax deadline nearing
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County Treasurer Susan M. Larson would like to remind all Boundary County taxpayers that the deadline for paying the second half of the 2019 property taxes without penalty is Monday, June 22, 2020, due to June 20 falling on a weekend.
Robin eggs: As blue as the sky!
Robins lay three to five beautiful blue eggs and generally raise two broods of babies each summer. Robins often stay in the same area all year.
Human Rights Task Force earns regional award
BONNERS FERRY — The Boundary County Human Rights Task Force has been recognized by the Pacific Northwest Conference (United Methodist Church) Board of Church and Society with its 2020 Martin Luther King Jr. Award as part of its Peace With Justice program, has recognized the with its 2020 Martin Luther King Jr. Award.
Boundary County Calendar - June 11, 2020
Coming Events:

Mirror Lake Ladies Golf - June 11, 2020
Game of the Day for the Mirror Lake Ladies, week of June 2-3, was “Mystery Partner, Low Net.”

Senior shop students finish cabinetry projects
BONNERS FERRY — While this year has been far from normal for Bonners Ferry High School students, you would never know it from the projects crafted by the school’s cabinetry students.
Second Harvest to distribute food on Friday
Second Harvest to distribute food on Friday
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Legals for June, 11 2020
Thursday, June 4

COVID-19 community spread identified in Bonner County
SANDPOINT — While the number of COVID-19 cases didn’t go up in the region, community spread has been identified in Bonner County, Panhandle Health District officials said Thursday.

City enacts hiring freeze due to revenue decline
BONNERS FERRY — The Bonners Ferry City Council meeting appears to be back to normal with all members seated in the city office and a few attendees still utilizing the Zoom app to attend remotely.

Colonel Al W. Farnsworth, USAF Colonel Al W. Farnsworth, USAF
Colonel Al W. Farnsworth, USAF, passed away quietly at his home in Bonners Ferry, Idaho on May 27, 2020.

Eagle-eyed care

Bertling wins five-way primary
BONNERS FERRY — The winner between the five Republican candidates for the County Commissioner District 2 seat is Tim Bertling, who received 842 votes in the May 19 primary election. The results of the mail-in election were announced Tuesday night by the Boundary County Clerk’s office.

Search and dive team rescues stranded hikers
NAPLES — Early on Sunday morning, May 31, members of the Boundary Search and Dive Rescue Team responded to an SOS alert from a personal Garmin inReach device in the area of McCormick Creek in the Pack River drainage.
Volunteers practice their rope rescue skills
BONNERS FERRY — On Thursday, May 28, the Hall Mountain Volunteer Fire Department volunteers met to freshen up their rope rescue skills off of a steep embankment, adjacent to Highway 95.

Sheriff’s office offers OHV safety course for young riders
The Boundary County Sheriff’s Office recently taught an off-highway vehicle (motorcycles, ATVs, and side by sides) course for youth who want to be able to ride on Forest Service roads and OHV trails without a driver’s license.

Cheer team recognized for spirit, service
Because of the school closure and athletic cancellations, Bonners Ferry Badger cheerleaders were unable to compete at the state level or host their annual cheerleading awards ceremony.
Police Log - June 4, 2020
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office

Boundary Community Hospital: Here to help with emergencies and COVID-19
The COVID-19 Pandemic has had many negative impacts on the medical field, but one unanticipated impact is on community members who are experiencing time-sensitive emergencies like stroke and heart attack.
Road closures announced
Road closures announced

Margaret (Mag) Graham, 86 Margaret (Mag) Graham, 86
“Good Night God Bless” …
UI offering theater arts scholarships; application deadline is June 13
The University of Idaho Department of Theatre Arts is calling high school seniors with an interest in theater to create a short video for a chance to win one of two $1,000 scholarships for fall 2020.
More COVID cases in North Idaho; none in Boundary County
BONNERS FERRY — While additional confirmed cases novel coronavirus have turned up in the region, none are in Boundary County the Panhandle Health District said on Wednesday.
Boundary County Calendar - June 4-10, 2020
Coming Events:
Idaho companies support student internet fund
Idaho Business for Education announced this week that several Idaho companies, foundations and individual Idahoans have committed more than $260,000 to an Internet for Students Emergency Fund in the Idaho Community Foundation.

Coldwell Banker celebrates second location
BONNERS FERRY — On Friday, May 29, the Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony downtown for a new business.
Court Reports - June 4, 2020
Tikere Scott Adams, born 1999, charged with infraction injurious materials on highway prohibited on May 7 by BCSO. Disposition: Found guilty on May 27 with fines of $15.50 and costs of $56.50.
Bridge work is scheduled
Westside Road at Trout Creek Bridge will be closing later this month for bridge replacement.
9B Focus on Business event is June 18
9B Focus on Business event is June 18
Forest service prepares to open campgrounds
The Forest Service staff on the Idaho Panhandle National Forests is preparing campgrounds for forest visitors in alignment with state orders and federal phased reopening plans.
Local farmers market to celebrate 40 years
BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry Farmers Market vendors and community members have something to celebrate this coming Saturday, June 6.

From the Archives - June 4, 2020
Manufactured by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company in Winston-Salem, N.C., this “George Washington CUT PLUG” Tobacco Tin was donated to the museum by Katherine Anderson.
Bonners Ferry does not cast stones or build walls
On May 21, Warren Campbell, minister of the Lordship Church, attended a meeting sponsored by the John Birch Society where he challenged the city of Bonners Ferry’s vision statement. His need to make this challenge shows he has not been in this community long.
Friday ceremony to honor law enforcement officers
BONNERS FERRY — The Boundary County Sheriff’s Office and Chaplain Corps will host a local memorial observance to commemorate law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others.

Highway 95 project nears completion
BONNERS FERRY — Crews are nearly complete with sidewalk work as the U.S. 95 reconstruction project in town is scheduled to wind down for the time being.

Rising water on the river

Mirror Lake Ladies hit the links
Game of the Day for the Mirror Lake ladies, week of May 26-27, was “Ace of Aces.” On Tuesday evening, May 26, Julie Williams won Ace of the Month with a low gross of 39 and low net 33. Gerry Ann Howlett had the lowest putts.
Unique BFHS graduation is Saturday
BONNERS FERRY — This year’s high school graduation will be historic, and hopefully, the only one like it for years to come.

Patriotism during a pandemic
The word “patriot” is derived from Latin and Greek words for fatherland. Other languages say motherland. The implication is that a country is a family, and citizens are brothers and sisters.
Library reopens
BONNERS FERRY — The Boundary County Library has reopened.
Texting scam reported
BONNERS FERRY — There’s a new scam circulating around Boundary County that involves residents’ cell phones.
This Week In History - June 4, 2020
100 Years Ago
Kootenai Heart Clinics to continue Bonners Ferry services
While Kootenai Heart Clinics will be closing its Spokane locations by Aug. 31, it will be keeping its clinic and services in Bonners Ferry open.
School district to provide free grab-n-go meals this summer
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County School District 101 will be providing free grab-n- go meals to all children 18 and younger at the sites listed below this summer. No Meals will be served at any sites June 29-July 3.
Decision on planning, zoning fees postponed
BONNERS FERRY — The 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, June 2 Boundary County commissioners meeting was canceled and moved to 1:30 p.m. the same day.

It’s morel mushroom hunting season
“Hunting morels is like bass fishing. You cover ground until you find one, then slow down and search the area carefully. Concentrate the rest of your hunt on similar areas, on the theory that you’ve found the “pattern” for the day ...” — Field and Stream Magazine by Phil Bourjaily
Legals for June, 4 2020
Wednesday, June 3

Bertling wins GOP commission seat race
BONNERS FERRY — The winner between the five Republican candidates for the County Commissioner District 2 seat is Tim Bertling with 842 votes. Phillip Sweet had 559 votes, Will Hedrick 464, Tim Tucker with 319, and Aaron Surprenant with 181 votes.
Monday, June 1

COVID-19 cases jump to 90 in region
SANDPOINT — While Bonner County dropped to five cases, the five northern counties saw a jump of 8 COVID-19 cases, bringing the total to 90.