Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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Reaching out to Idaho farmers, ranchers in crisis
July 11, 2024 1 a.m.

Reaching out to Idaho farmers, ranchers in crisis

Farming and ranching are inherently risky, and the risk can fuel stress. Farmland and modern farming equipment are incredibly expensive. Demands on the land and water needed to farm continually increase. Regulations get ever more complicated. Farm labor is limited or insufficient.

Jehovah's Witnesses returning to in-person meetings
March 24, 2022 10:50 a.m.

Jehovah's Witnesses returning to in-person meetings

After two years meeting virtually, congregations will meet together again in April. All congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses across the world are being encouraged to begin holding in-person meetings in April.

Massage is good for your health
March 7, 2019 midnight

Massage is good for your health

BONNERS FERRY — Getting a massage can not only be a relaxing treat to oneself, but can also boast many different health benefits. A few of those are decreasing blood pressure, stimulating the immune system, pain relief, increased circulation, reduced stress and anxiety, it promotes bodily relaxation, and assists with sleep.

January 2, 2020 midnight

Memo from the Museum

Organizations of all kinds depend upon volunteer services from members of the communities they serve. The Boundary County Historical Society is one of these 501(c)(3) entities that operates through financial support and volunteerism of those living in our community and those who visit our Museum.

Deadline for flag football and T-ball fast approaching
April 20, 2021 6:12 p.m.

Deadline for flag football and T-ball fast approaching

Summer is almost here, which means it’s time to register your kids for flag football and T-ball through Boundary County Parks and Rec. Parents are encouraged to volunteer as well.

June 2, 2016 1 a.m.

'Long Live Idaho' campaign promotes healthy eating and active lifestyles

CALDWELL – The Healthy Eating, Active Living (HEAL) Idaho partners, powered by the University of Idaho’s Eat Smart Idaho program, have launched a statewide campaign aimed at inspiring Idahoans to eat healthier, lead more active lives, and help their children do the same.

Mt. Hall and Naples head into home stretch of school year
May 5, 2016 1 a.m.

Mt. Hall and Naples head into home stretch of school year

May is here, Mount Hall and Naples have been busy, productive places for the past eight months, and I don’t think things will slow down until June 9th.

Four local Coldwell Banker agents honored
March 21, 2019 1 a.m.

Four local Coldwell Banker agents honored

BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry’s locally owned Realtors office, Coldwell Banker North Woods Realty, wishes to congratulate four of its agents for achieving the level of International Sterling Society with Coldwell Banker for the 2018 production.

August 31, 2023 midnight

Legals for August, 31 2023

Jail receives good marks in inspection
August 16, 2018 1 a.m.

Jail receives good marks in inspection

BONNERS FERRY — For the second year in a row, the Boundary County Jail has been recommended for certification, a feat that Boundary County Sheriff Kramer had been told was impossible a little over a year ago.

November 7, 2019 midnight

Letter to the Editor

Ambulance: Who pays for this service?

September 8, 2022 1 a.m.

Vote for Johnson and against extremism

Do you want more extremists in Idaho government? That’s what we’ll get unless enough moderate voters pay attention to the November election, and vote Steve Johnson, not Scott Herndon, for Idaho Senator.

May 7, 2009 9 p.m.

Forever stamps money-saving option

A looming deadline for increasing the cost of a first-class postage stamp to 44 cents from 42 cents has kept the Bonners Ferry post office busy.

This Week in History - Jan. 19, 2023
January 19, 2023 1 a.m.

This Week in History - Jan. 19, 2023

Local history in Boundary County, from Naples to Porthill and From Bonners Ferry to Moyie Springs.

September 14, 2017 1:30 a.m.

Legals September 14, 2017

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR FEE INCREASE The County of Boundary has proposed to increase its solid waste fees by an amount of 7.6 percent of the solid waste fees collected the previous year. The purpose of the increase is to fund the operation costs, disposal of wood/tire waste, scale system, recycling and site engineering for the Solid Waste Department. The last solid waste increase was in the 2016- 2017 budget. The following schedule is an estimate of what this change may mean to a Boundary County user: CODE *CYY FROM TO A 12 Residential, Bonners Ferry $ 102.00 $ 109.80 B 12 Residential, outside Bonners Ferry $ 121.80 $ 131.04 D 12 Service Business, Professional $ 121.80 $ 131.04 Practices & Farm Shops E 24 logging Contractors, Building $ 243.60 $ 262.08 F 38 Trades, Manufacturing Machine Shops $ 385.70 $ 414.96 G 38 Retail Stores, Restaurants, Bars $ 385.70 $ 414.96 H 72 Nurseries, Newspapers, Greenhouse $ 730.80 $ 786.24 I 125 Chemical Applicators, Commercial $ 1268.74 $ 1365.00 Grain & Seed Elevators, Garages and Gas Stations J 24 Lumber Mills $ 243.60 $ 262.08 K 135 $ 1370.24 $ 1474.20 L 75 Grocery Stores & Convenience $ 761.24 $ 819.00 M 150 Stores, and Special Categories $ 1522.50 $ 1638.00 N 450 $ 4567.50 $ 4914.00 O 4 Residential B Motels: Each Unit $ 40.60 $ 43.68 P 1.2 Residential B RV Parks: Each Unit $ 12.18 $ 13.10 Per CYY Light Demolition Compactable Debris brought to the landfill $ 8.32 $ 8.95 Heavy Demolition Non-Compactable, brought to the landfill $ 24.96 $ 26.85 Construction Debris brought to the landfill $ 8.32 $ 8.95 Animal Carcasses over 100 pounds (per carcass) $ 24.96 $ 26.85 Commercial Disposal Charge: Brush/Lawn Waste, Separated Lumber, Wood Chips - $6.70/cu yd Clean Stumps under six inches (at face): $11.20/cu yd: Over six inches (at face): $22.40/cu yd **CYY means cubic yards per year. The budgeted cost per CYY for landfill would go from $8.50 to $9.15 and per CYY for total landfill and collection costs would go from $10.15 to $10.92. All citizens are invited to attend a public hearing to be held at the office of the Boundary County Commissioners in the Courthouse, 6452 Kootenai St., Rm 28, in Bonners Ferry, Idaho at 10:00 a.m., on Monday, September 25, 2017. The purpose of the hearing will be to receive public comment and to explain the reasons for the proposed increase of the solid waste fees. Any person requiring a special accommodation due to a disability condition should contact the Boundary County Clerk at (208) 267-2242. This contact should be made at least two days prior to the hearing. BFH Legal 9770 September 7, 14, 2017

September 14, 2023 midnight

Legals for September, 14 2023

July 14, 2022 1 a.m.


The GROW! Community Garden is located on the grounds of Trinity Lutheran Church on Buchanan Street in Bonners Ferry. The public is welcome to visit, but cannot harvest the produce due to the beds/plots being rented out.

July 16, 2020 1 a.m.

Selkirk Association of Realtors announces scholarships, grants

BONNERS FERRY — Each year the Selkirk Association of Realtors gives thousands of dollars to local groups in need of funding for their community projects and programs in Boundary and Bonner counties. This year, real estate officials locally granted more than $21,000 to individuals and groups in the two counties.

June 10, 2021 1 a.m.

Idaho Humanities Council Announces SHARP Grants

The Idaho Humanities Council has received funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities as part of the American Rescue Plan. The primary purpose of this funding is to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the coronavirus. The funding is also meant to assist Idaho’s humanities-based organizations restore and sustain their core functions.

June 7, 2021 5:40 p.m.

Idaho Humanities Council Announces SHARP Grants

The Idaho Humanities Council has received funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities as part of the American Rescue Plan. The primary purpose of this funding is to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the coronavirus. The funding is also meant to assist Idaho’s humanities-based organizations restore and sustain their core functions.