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Badgers lose playoff opener
February 22, 2018 midnight

Badgers lose playoff opener

COEUR d’ALENE — In the first round of the 3A District 1 tournament Monday, Feb. 19 at North Idaho College, the Timberlake Tigers beat the Bonners Ferry Badgers 51-39.

Shrimp, Avocado & Mango Salad
February 22, 2018 midnight

Shrimp, Avocado & Mango Salad

I have never much liked mangos, but when I saw them on sale at the grocery store I thought I might try a salad using one. It turned out much better than I expected with the addition of some spice. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

February 22, 2018 midnight

Community Calendar

Coming Events:

Friends of BCSD #101
February 22, 2018 midnight

Friends of BCSD #101

We are halfway through the 2017-18 school year ... how did that happen? I find it truly amazing how times moves faster the older I get! When I was in school, time moved sooooo slowly; must be the new math!

February 22, 2018 midnight

VVES lists first semester honor roll students

The following fifth grade students made the first-semester honor roll at Valley View Elementary School:

Logging a big part of area history
February 22, 2018 midnight

Logging a big part of area history

BONNERS FERRY — The logging industry has been a part of Boundary County since the early 1900s. With the rise and fall of the economy over the decades, the industry has adapted and grown to new and more innovative techniques and the utilization of more advanced equipment developments over the past century.

Bald eagles take up residence here
February 22, 2018 midnight

Bald eagles take up residence here

About three weeks ago I saw a pair of bald eagles begin to build their nest. Situated in a fork of a tree about 70 feet above the water, the building of the nest was an incredible sight.

Paradise Valley Stables rides into spring
February 22, 2018 midnight

Paradise Valley Stables rides into spring

BONNERS FERRY — Many residents in Boundary County own at least one horse, and the abundance of mountains, trails, and even our local rodeo gives horse owners a good reason to enjoy utilizing their investment.

Badger wrestling sends 15 to state
February 22, 2018 midnight

Badger wrestling sends 15 to state

RATHDRUM — It was a solid showing for the Bonners Ferry Badgers, who placed second by just nine points on Saturday at the 3A District I-II wrestling tournament at Lakeland High School.

February 15, 2018 midnight

Community Calendar

Coming Events:

Spotting a great horned owl is such a hoot!
February 15, 2018 midnight

Spotting a great horned owl is such a hoot!

Contrary to its name, the great horned owl has no horns! It is named for the tufts of feathers that sit on top of its head, called plumicorns. Scientists don’t know why these owls sport the tufts, but they do have a few theories. The tufts might help members of their own species to recognize each other among the forest around them, or they may use the tufts to blend into their surroundings. Making them look more like broken tree branches than a tasty meal.

February 15, 2018 midnight

This Week in Bonners Ferry History

100 Years Ago

Life Flight called to accident on Peterson Hill
February 15, 2018 midnight

Life Flight called to accident on Peterson Hill

BONNERS FERRY — An two vehicle injury collision occurred around 5:30 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 10, at the north end of Pleasant Valley Loop near the top of Peterson Hill. The collision involved two Ford F-350 trucks, and one of the drivers was taken to a hospital by Life Flight.

Meet and greet means business
February 15, 2018 midnight

Meet and greet means business

BONNERS FERRY — Over coffee, doughnuts, and conversation, the members of The Coalition teamed up with the Bonners Ferry Entrepreneurs and held an entrepreneur meet and greet at The Plaza Downtown, which allowed upcoming business owners to network with other existing and potential local business owners in the area.

February 15, 2018 midnight


SANDPOINT — Jesse Sandelin (160) and Evan Barajas (106) helped the Badgers take an early 18-0 lead, before Sandpoint turned the tide and won the annual Battle for the B-Cup wrestling dual 47-30 recently at Sandpoint High School.

Badgers third in BFHS Invitational
February 8, 2018 midnight

Badgers third in BFHS Invitational

BONNERS FERRY — The Badgers had nine wrestlers place in their individual weight class and finished third in the team standings in the Bonners Ferry Invitational tournament on Saturday, Feb. 3.

February 8, 2018 midnight

Break up road closures may come soon


A day in the life: The Deputy
February 8, 2018 midnight

A day in the life: The Deputy

BONNERS FERRY — With an office consisting of more than 1,200 square miles, the Boundary County Sheriff Deputies spend a lot of time on the road, keeping the citizens of Boundary County safe.

Spicy Chicken & Eggplant Stir-Fry
February 8, 2018 midnight

Spicy Chicken & Eggplant Stir-Fry

Spicy Chicken & Eggplant Stir-Fry

Eika Willis wins BCMS National Geographic Bee
February 8, 2018 midnight

Eika Willis wins BCMS National Geographic Bee

Eika Willis, an eighth grade student at Boundary County Middle School, won the school competition of the National Geographic Bee on Jan. 29, and a chance at a $50,000 college scholarship. The school Bee, at which students answered questions on geography, was the first round in the 30th annual National Geographic Bee, a geography competition designed to inspire and reward students’ curiosity about the world.