Thursday, February 22
Legals February 22, 2018
Bee Line Water Association Annual Meeting to be held on: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 @ 6:30PM Location: Youngwirth, Davis & Associates 7193 Main Street Bonners Ferry, ID BFH Legal 9850 February 15, 22, 2018
Sheriff's Logs
Feb. 12

Artist of the Month: The Camera's Eye Photography
“God has blessed me with the gift of photography,” said R.L. Belden, owner and photographer of the Camera’s Eye Photography. “I enjoy looking through the eye of my camera and seeing amazing beauty. Whether it is mountains, rivers, old buildings or cars. The opportunities are endless. Sharing with you makes me smile.”

Friends raise money to help local animal shelter
BONNERS FERRY — They haven’t come up with a name for themselves yet, but one small group of ladies are making a name for themselves anyway.

Shrimp, Avocado & Mango Salad
I have never much liked mangos, but when I saw them on sale at the grocery store I thought I might try a salad using one. It turned out much better than I expected with the addition of some spice. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Letter To The Editor: Senior Citizen Alert
Seniors, beware of phone scam

Badgers lose playoff opener
COEUR d’ALENE — In the first round of the 3A District 1 tournament Monday, Feb. 19 at North Idaho College, the Timberlake Tigers beat the Bonners Ferry Badgers 51-39.

Think spring!
BONNERS FERRY — With the recent blanket of snow that fell on Boundary County, residents may ponder the coming of springtime. Warmer weather, sunshine, most likely a lot of rain, but most of all, the return of life. Flowers will soon be poking their first greens above the ground, seasonal wildlife will return, and new life born as the animals bring their young into the world.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago
Court Reports
Eric R. O’Connor, born 1977, charged with misdemeanor driving without privileges by BFPD on June 12, 2017.

Badger wrestling sends 15 to state
RATHDRUM — It was a solid showing for the Bonners Ferry Badgers, who placed second by just nine points on Saturday at the 3A District I-II wrestling tournament at Lakeland High School.

Kermit Wilford Bandimere
Kermit Wilford Bandimere
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished twenty-two weeks of bowling
Nina Saunders took it all high scratch game 171, high scratch series 423, high handicap game 254 and high handicap series 672. Helen Heritage got second high scratch game 162, third high scratch series 414 and third high handicap game 224. Jeanne Osborn got third high scratch game 157. Carolyn McNeill got second high scratch series 420. Nancy Furtado got second high handicap game 239. Evelyn Smith got second high handicap series 611. Regina Colby got third high handicap series 608.
A heartfelt thank you
The Fry Healthcare Foundation Festival of Hearts was a resounding success raising more than $40,000 to benefit Boundary Community Hospital. The majority of funds raised during the event will be used to purchase two Stryker Gurneys for Outpatient Surgery and the Emergency Department.

Paradise Valley Stables rides into spring
BONNERS FERRY — Many residents in Boundary County own at least one horse, and the abundance of mountains, trails, and even our local rodeo gives horse owners a good reason to enjoy utilizing their investment.

No headline
Bonners Ferry School Trap Team: 'Dukes Claybusters'
I sure hope you parents are as proud of your kids shooting as I am, as these scores are very good. For shooting in the worst weather we’ve had all winter, 10 degrees and snowing sideways with a hard wind.

Bald eagles take up residence here
About three weeks ago I saw a pair of bald eagles begin to build their nest. Situated in a fork of a tree about 70 feet above the water, the building of the nest was an incredible sight.
Seen and Heard
Ida T. attempted to make a snow angel under her truck on Monday.
George Douglas Gemind
George Douglas Gemind, 57, passed away at his Bonners Ferry area home on Feb. 18, 2018. Services to be announced and a full obituary to follow.
Letter to the Editor: Wake UP! Stand Up! Don't be Bullied by the ITD
Wake up! Stand up! Don’t be bullied by ITD!

See Runaway Symphony this Saturday at The Pearl
Runaway Symphony comes “From Out of the Woodwork” to play old favorites and new as Bonners Ferry fans celebrate their long-awaited return to the Pearl Theater on Feb. 24 at 7 p.m.

Logging a big part of area history
BONNERS FERRY — The logging industry has been a part of Boundary County since the early 1900s. With the rise and fall of the economy over the decades, the industry has adapted and grown to new and more innovative techniques and the utilization of more advanced equipment developments over the past century.
VVES lists first semester honor roll students
The following fifth grade students made the first-semester honor roll at Valley View Elementary School:
BFHS girls drop two games at state
NAMPA, Idaho — The Panthers of Snake River defeated the Badgers 58-51 in the first round of the 3A girls basketball state tournament at Skyview High School in Nampa, Idaho.
Community Calendar
Coming Events:

Friends of BCSD #101
We are halfway through the 2017-18 school year ... how did that happen? I find it truly amazing how times moves faster the older I get! When I was in school, time moved sooooo slowly; must be the new math!
Boundary County Middle School congratulates many
Congratulations to our January Citizens of the Month who were celebrated for their fairness at all times. Sixth grade: Dillon McLeish, seventh grade: Maggie Bateman, eighth grade: Jaden Villeli, and staff: Mrs. Heigel and Mr. Arthur. February citizens will be honored for caring.

Missing Bonners Ferry girls are found
BONNERS FERRY — On Feb. 14, two teenage Bonners Ferry girls, Kaia Kramer, 13, and Alisa Hannaman, 14-15, went missing, believed to have been lured away from their homes. The vehicle stolen from a relative transporting these girls was found in Williston, N.D.
BFHS First Semester Honor Roll
The following students made the first-semester honor roll at Bonners Ferry High School:
Saturday, February 17

No headline
BONNERS FERRY — The Boundary County Sheriff’s Office is reporting that two teenage girls may have been lured away from their Bonners Ferry homes.
Thursday, February 15
Legals February 15, 2018
Bee Line Water Association Annual Meeting to be held on: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 @ 6:30PM Location: Youngwirth, Davis & Associates 7193 Main Street Bonners Ferry, ID BFH Legal 9850 February 15, 22, 2018

Life Flight called to accident on Peterson Hill
BONNERS FERRY — An two vehicle injury collision occurred around 5:30 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 10, at the north end of Pleasant Valley Loop near the top of Peterson Hill. The collision involved two Ford F-350 trucks, and one of the drivers was taken to a hospital by Life Flight.

SANDPOINT — Jesse Sandelin (160) and Evan Barajas (106) helped the Badgers take an early 18-0 lead, before Sandpoint turned the tide and won the annual Battle for the B-Cup wrestling dual 47-30 recently at Sandpoint High School.
Freezin for a Reason
Freezin for a Reason: The 2018 Penguin Plunge is just around the corner so warn up your best costume and get ready for some real fun.

No headline
Court Reports
Ian M. Mohar, born 1985, charged with felony willfully withholds or conceals knowledge of a felony from a peace officer, judge, or jury, by BCSO on Nov. 8, 2016.

70th Annual Bonners Ferry 8th grade Basketball Tournament
BONNERS FERRY — Most locals remember playing or watching the annual middle school basketball tournament growing up. The American Legion started the tournament in 1949. This year Bonners Ferry will host 25 teams from eight different schools. There will be four different divisions with teams from Bonners Ferry, Sandpoint, Libby, Lakeland, Kellogg, Timberlake, St. Maries and Priest River. Games will start at 8 a.m. this Saturday and will be played at Bonners Ferry High School, Boundary County Middle School, and Valley View Elementary.

Robert Charles Portrey
Robert Charles Portrey
Seen and Heard
Olaf and Carole Lethrud would like to thank Lynn Bush, Tim Swilley, Lisa Ratzloff, Sharon McNair, and the young men from the Mennonite church, for helping them after their car accident with a semi truck on Dec. 22 on King’s Row.
Sheriff's Logs
Feb. 5

No headline
Letter To The Editor
Whistling a foul on court plans
Dukes Clay Busters
Dukes Clay Busters

Meet Boundary County's own 'Batgirl'
BONNERS FERRY — A day in the life of a resident of Boundary County may look much like the last, and have the potential to carry over into the next day. Work, school, learning, and building relationships, are scattered through the many agendas of the community. There are daily and weekly routines that residents are used to, and straying from those can come with surprising consequences.

It's mid-winter; you never know what you'll find ...
BONNERS FERRY — A few Boundary County residents found some unexpected surprises on their properties last week.

LeRoy Joseph Vogl
LeRoy Joseph Vogl
No headline

Lady Badgers on to state!
BONNERS FERRY — The Lady Badgers are headed to the 3A state tournament for the first time since the 2012-13 season, when they won the consolation trophy.

Crowds attend annual Gun and Horn Show
BONNERS FERRY — For hunters, gun or knife collectors, or just outdoor enthusiasts, the annual Boundary County Gun & Horn Show is often viewed as a way to dust off the sleepy snow of winter and get excited for the coming year.

DelMar Fish and Sweet Potato Fries
A twist on ‘fish and chips’
This Week in Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

VVES Certified Employee of the Month: Anna Fuller
Mrs. Anna Fuller has been teaching in Boundary County School District for the past seven years and is currently educating and supporting students at Valley View Elementary School where she has taught for five years. She currently teaches first grade and does a fantastic job at personalizing education, preparing students for success and making learning enjoyable.

Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce meets about Kootenai River Days
BONNERS FERRY — The Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce came together Feb. 8 at Mugsy’s Tavern and Grill to discuss the plans for this summer’s upcoming Kootenai River Days. Members discussed the events, from the Bull Bash to entertainers, that are to be held over the week, as community members continue to add ideas with each discussion. There is talk about having a wild game cookoff and a business display competition, which will not only allow community and business members to showcase their talents, but attendees will have the opportunity to vote on their favorite business displays.

Naples Food Cupboard provides, needs help
BONNERS FERRY — A person or family does not need to be homeless, or lazy, or irresponsible, to need help. Many people across the country and in our own community live paycheck to paycheck. One small circumstance — whether it be losing a job, a cut in hours, a medical bill, or unexpected car repair — can leave a person or family struggling.

Jiu-Jitsu teaches wellness in all forms
BONNERS FERRY — Master Sylvio Behring from Brazil returned to teach another seminar at the local Bonners Ferry Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu studio (BJJ). Owner and teacher, Sam Brown, invited his mentor Mastor Behring to conduct teaching seminars to each age group, children, young adult, and adult students.
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished 21 weeks of bowling
Helen Heritage got high scratch game 200, high scratch series 475, high handicap game 263 and second high handicap series 664. Donna Kent got second high scratch game 166, second high handicap game 258 and high handicap series 677. Jeanne Osborn got third high scratch game 164. Alice VanGundy got second high scratch series 425. Regina Colby got third high scratch series 420. Shirley Elliott got third high handicap game 234 and third high handicap series 653.

Meet and greet means business
BONNERS FERRY — Over coffee, doughnuts, and conversation, the members of The Coalition teamed up with the Bonners Ferry Entrepreneurs and held an entrepreneur meet and greet at The Plaza Downtown, which allowed upcoming business owners to network with other existing and potential local business owners in the area.
Community Calendar
Coming Events:

Spotting a great horned owl is such a hoot!
Contrary to its name, the great horned owl has no horns! It is named for the tufts of feathers that sit on top of its head, called plumicorns. Scientists don’t know why these owls sport the tufts, but they do have a few theories. The tufts might help members of their own species to recognize each other among the forest around them, or they may use the tufts to blend into their surroundings. Making them look more like broken tree branches than a tasty meal.
Thursday, February 8
Legals February 8, 2018
NOTICE TO CREDITORS CASE NO. CV-2018-28 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY MAGISTRATE DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: SANDRA SUE JOHNSTON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Public Administrator of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of the Notice to Creditors, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must both be presented in writing to the undesigned at the address indicated, and filed with the Clerk of Court. Dated this 22 day of January 2018. SUSAN M. LARSON Public Administrator P.O. Box 218 Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 BFH Legal 9840 February 1, 8 ,15, 2018
Show some critter love!
Enjoy some treats, help animals: Valentine’s Day Charity Bake Sale will be held at Super 1 Foods on Saturday, Feb. 10 starting at 9 a.m. There will be goodies of all kinds, from regular to gluten free to sugar free, cookies, breads, brownies, and more.

A day in the life: The Deputy
BONNERS FERRY — With an office consisting of more than 1,200 square miles, the Boundary County Sheriff Deputies spend a lot of time on the road, keeping the citizens of Boundary County safe.

Community supports South Boundary fire district
BONNERS FERRY — The South Boundary Fire Protection District has been protecting its community for many years, and as the community grows, they are growing as well.

Boundary County Classified Employee of the Month
Mary Krejci is many things to the students at Naples Elementary School. In addition to being the helpful Title I reading and math teacher, she is the origami teacher, the candle-making teacher, the lunch duty, the recess duty, the loving hug and the helpful, happy smile. She is the soft voice of comfort when kids need a calming presence.
Community Calendar
Coming Events:
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished twenty weeks of bowling
Jeanne Osborn got high scratch game 176, third high scratch series 433 and second high handicap game 241. Carolyn McNeill got second high scratch game 173 and second high scratch series 456. Melayne Stevens got third high scratch game 173, high scratch series 465, third high handicap game 239 and second high handicap series 663. Donna Kent got high handicap game 252 and high handicap series 673. Nina Saunders got third high handicap series 655.

James (Jim) F. Lyons
James (Jim) F. Lyons
Michael Young
YOUNG, Michael, 72, passed away Jan. 26, 2018, in Tucson, Ariz., with his daughters nearby. A former U.S. Marine, he was a long time resident of Bonners Ferry and former chief financial officer at Boundary Community Hospital. A full obituary and services to follow. Adair Funeral Home, Tucson, has been entrusted with arrangements.
Bonners Ferry School Trapshooting
Bonners Ferry School Trapshooting

Naples Elementary School
Students and Families, Welcome to 2018!

Thomas Allen Stahl
Thomas Allen Stahl
Seen and Heard
n Kudos from a very grateful Parker Canyon resident to Boundary County Road & Bridge for the outstanding repairs on our road. You did an awesome job!

Yoder's celebrates grand opening
BONNERS FERRY — The Yoder’s market opened its new location the morning of Saturday, Feb. 3, with a ribbon cutting ceremony accompanied with fun activities for community members to enjoy. There were guessing games, cheese sampling, deli sales, homemade brownies accompanied with ice cream, served by Bill and Tammy Henshaw, and many friendly faces during the opening celebration.

Spicy Chicken & Eggplant Stir-Fry
Spicy Chicken & Eggplant Stir-Fry

Ice fishing on Dawson Lake
Gun & Horn Show returns
Kootenai Valley Sportsman Association will hold its annual Gun & Horn Show at the Boundary County Fairgrounds, Feb. 9-11.

Bath-ologie makes scents for customers
BONNERS FERRY — There are several local people who are distributors of a Multi-Level Marketing company — one of whom is Teresa Norman, a distributor and consultant for Bath-ologie.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

No headline

Badgers battle state-ranked Kellogg
BONNERS FERRY — The Bonners Ferry boys’ basketball team used a late rally to force overtime, but couldn’t pull out a victory, falling 66-56 to the state-ranked Kellogg Wildcats on Wednesday, Jan. 31.

Eika Willis wins BCMS National Geographic Bee
Eika Willis, an eighth grade student at Boundary County Middle School, won the school competition of the National Geographic Bee on Jan. 29, and a chance at a $50,000 college scholarship. The school Bee, at which students answered questions on geography, was the first round in the 30th annual National Geographic Bee, a geography competition designed to inspire and reward students’ curiosity about the world.

Joyce V. Baker Gross
Joyce V. Baker Gross

Robert Roy Purinton
Robert Roy Purinton

Hospital Pie Sale returns
The famous Boundary Community Hospital Auxiliary Pie Sale will be Thursday, February 15 this year, and is in the basement of the Trinity Lutheran Church, 6784 Cody St. You may purchase a whole pie or by the slice. The coffee pot will be on, ready to serve.

Focusing on the wily pheasant
In the winter mornings and evening in Boundary County, moose, elk, coyotes, mule deer and white-tailed deer might be seen. Ponds are frozen over and remaining waterfowl move to the ice-free Kootenai River. They continue to feed in grain fields. Bald eagles concentrate around the flocks of ducks and geese. Red-tailed hawks hunt for mice in the fields. Elk herds often wander down from the Selkirk Mountains to the Kootenai River Valley in the evenings and head back up to the forest at first light in the morning. However, it was a ring-necked pheasant that caught my attention last week as I was traveling the Farm to Market road in northern Boundary County.

Lady Badgers stay alive in districts
COEUR d’ALENE — The Lady Badgers and the Kellogg Wildcats faced each other three times in 11 days ... and could have a fourth matchup on Friday.
Kenneth Wayne Kelson
KELSON, Kenneth Wayne, passed away on Feb. 5, 2018 at the Boundary Community Hospital ECF. Services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 11, 2018 at St. Ann’s Catholic Church in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.
Sheriff's Log
Jan. 29
Public Hearing Correction
In the January 25, 2018 Notice of Public Hearing legal published by the Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission it was noted that the public hearing for a Conditional Use Application, 18-042, 18-043, 18-044 and 18-045 by Levi Falck DBA FALCKCO LLC would be held on Tuesday, February 15, 2018. The correct date is Thursday, February 15, 2018. It was also noted that the deadline for written comment and material is 12 pm Tuesday, February 8, 2018. The correct date is Thursday, February 8, 2018.
Break up road closures may come soon

Badgers third in BFHS Invitational
BONNERS FERRY — The Badgers had nine wrestlers place in their individual weight class and finished third in the team standings in the Bonners Ferry Invitational tournament on Saturday, Feb. 3.
Court Reports
Haley M. Cromwell, born 1995, charged with felony, aggravated driving under the influence by BFPD on July 21, 2017. Amended to misdemeanor reckless driving.
Leroy Joseph Vogl
VOGL, Leroy Joseph, 91, passed away on Feb. 4, 2018 at the Community Restorium in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.
BCMS First Semester Honor Roll
The following students made the first-semester honor roll at Boundary County Middle School:
Let the BFHS choir sing for your sweetheart
BONNERS FERRY — On Valentine’s Day, the honor choir at Bonners Ferry High School will be doing their annual singing Valentines.
Thursday, February 1
Legals February 1, 2018
NOTICE TO CREDITORS CASE NO. CV-2018-28 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY MAGISTRATE DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: SANDRA SUE JOHNSTON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Public Administrator of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of the Notice to Creditors, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must both be presented in writing to the undesigned at the address indicated, and filed with the Clerk of Court. Dated this 22 day of January 2018. SUSAN M. LARSON Public Administrator P.O. Box 218 Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 BFH Legal 9840 February 1, 8 ,15, 2018
Vicey Joyce Gross
GROSS, Vicey Joyce, 89, passed away on Jan. 29, 2018 at the Community Hospital Extended Care. Funeral Services are 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 3, 2018 at Mt. Springs Church with private interment in the Grandview Cemetery.
Stanley Mastre
Stanley Mastre
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Lady Badgers win two league games, eye districts next week
BONNERS FERRY — With the postseason beginning Monday, the Bonners Ferry girls’ basketball team topped two Intermountain League foes before facing a tough task in defending state champion Timberlake.
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished nineteen weeks of bowling
Jeanne Osborn got high scratch game 160, high scratch series 442, third high handicap game 226 and third high handicap series 640. Melayne Stevens got second high scratch game 155 and tied for third high scratch series 396. Helen Heritage got third high scratch game 150 and second high scratch series 404. Alice VanGundy tied for third high scratch series 396. Nancy Furtado got high handicap game 247 and second high handicap series 656. Lila Finley got second high handicap game 243 and high handicap series 666.
Birth Announcement
Rosanna Joy Holdeman
'9-1-1 What is Your Emergency?'
“9-1-1, What is your emergency?”

The coyote: Clever, evasive and always hungry
“The coyote is a long, slim, sick and sorry-looking skeleton, with a gray wolf-skin stretched over it, a tolerable bushy tail that forever sags down with a despairing expression of forsakenness and misery, a furtive and evil eye, and a long, sharp face, with slightly lifted lip and exposed teeth. He has a general slinking expression all over.

No headline
Thomas Allen Stahl
January 17, 1962 - January 09, 2018
Wrestling results
The Bonners Ferry wrestling team traveled to Shoshone and Kootenai counties last week and faced stout competition in two dual meets and the North Idaho Rumble tournament.

No headline
Mary Mesenbrink

Well-known author visits local kids
BONNERS FERRY — The students of Valley View Elementary School and it’s staff welcomed the renowned author of children’s books and magazine articles, Kelly Milner Halls, on Thursday, Jan. 25, after having to reschedule from Wednesday’s school cancellation due to the winter weather.
Seen and Heard
n Don’t let Ida T. go to the bakery to sell ads.
Community Calendar
Coming Events:
Community raises money for girl- Correction
The amount raised for Abigail Blockhan was listed incorrectly in last week’s paper. The correct sentence is: “The community came together and raised over $12,000 for the family through the silent and live auctions and the spaghetti feed.”
Rosemary (Pepper) Stockett
STOCKETT, Rosemary (Pepper) passed away on Jan. 28, 2018, at her home in Truth or Consequences, N.M. She was the wife of Charles Stockett, who was pastor of the First Baptist Church in Bonners Ferry in the 1980s.

Multi Level Marketing in Bonners Ferry
BONNERS FERRY — Although Multi Level Marketing (MLM) has been around for a long time, with the advent of Facebook and other online venues, it is now enjoying a resurgence. It is a controversial system that allows a company to sell products or services through a consultant or distributor.
Court Reports
Karston B. Skeen, born 1976, charged with unlawful possession of wildlife by IDFG on Dec. 16, 2017.

Creamy Broccoli-Kale Soup
Here is a different kind of vegetable soup. It is pureed. You can add your own choice of an herb to for your taste. It makes about 4 servings.
Bonner Ferry School Trapshooting
Dukes Clay Busters had three very tough shooters on the half way shoot day this week. Junior - Wade Rice broke 21 - 16 yards and 19 handicap for a total of 40 in JR class. Sub Jrs - Rebeckah Erickson broke 14 -16 yards and 13 in the handicap for a total of 27 and Faleen Eberhardt broke just two less for a total of 25. I thought these were all good scores as it was shooting very hard and it was overcast. Four more weeks to go in the Spokesman and Sky I Net shoots and six more for the Camas Prairie shoot. Don’t forget good grades first, integrity, and marksmanship.

Jesseka Frazer-Musson's family arranges letter campaign, rally
BONNERS FERRY — “Retribution is at the heart of just about all judicial systems that deal with law and order. To the extent that punishment is supposed to fit the crime, retributive justice can be distinguished from revenge in the sense that defendants are expected to give up something in return for the offenses they committed,” according to J. Hirby, in his article “Definition of Retribution in Criminal Justice.”
Lost and Found
Lost and Found: According to Boundary County Public Information Officer Michael Meier, the Sheriff’s Office has a collection of assorted keys, cell phones, and other items that have been turned in over a period of time, with their owners unknown. If you have lost items please check with the Sheriff’s Dispatch center to see if we may be able to reunite you with your lost property.
Sheriff's Logs
January 22

Judy James
Judy James
Scholarship available from American Legion Post 55
Bonners Ferry American Legion Post 55 is pleased to offer a $1,000 scholarship to a Bonners Ferry High School senior who is the child, grandchild or great grandchild of a U.S. military veteran who served during time of war or conflict.
'Cabin Fever' event offers fun and games
The Boundary County Democrats Central Committee is holding its annual Cabin Fever party on Saturday, February 3, from 2-5 p.m. at the Boundary County Fairgrounds Valley Event Center.

Honor Guard seeks funding
Have you ever been to a funeral or event where an Honor Guard has provided services such as flag folding, presentations, or marches? It is very moving to the public and an honor to be a member of an Honor Guard, I know I have been in two.

Doris Kathryn Troxel
Doris Kathryn Troxel
Deadline for SBA Disaster Loans is Feb. 20
The following is from Director of Emergency Management Michael Meier:

Amos Woodrow Morgan
Amos Woodrow Morgan