Thursday, March 29
Legals March 29, 2018
The Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a continuance of a public hearing at 5:30 PM Thursday, April 19, 2018 in the Courtroom, County Courthouse, to accept public comment on a Conditional Use Application, 18-042, 18-043, 18-044, 18-045 by Levi Falck DBA FALCKCO LLC and FALCKCO LLP. This hearing was tabled on 2/15/2018 in order to obtain additional information. Applications 18-042-18-045 involve establishing a Commercial Junk Yard on parcels # RP62N01E142861A, RP62N01E142876A, RP62N01E142870A, RP62N01E142841A (totaling 5.51 acres) for the purpose of providing a location for the disposal and/or storage of derelict vehicles. This request is made in conjunction with Ordinance 9B18LOV1: 15.14. Commercial/Light Industrial zone 15.14.5. Conditional Uses Commercial junkyards The deadline for written comment and material for 18-042-18-045 is 12 PM Wednesday, April 11, 2018. Written comment may be mailed to: Boundary County Commissioners, PO Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, faxed to (208) 267-1205 or emailed to Written comment will be accepted at public hearing provided the material is read into the record. There may be a five (5) minute limit per person on verbal testimony. Further information is available on this application at the Planning & Zoning Office, room 18 located in the Extension Office behind the Courthouse, and the application is available for public review. Information is also available by calling (208) 267-7212 or by visiting the county website at Anyone requiring special accommodation due to handicap or disability should contact the planning office at least two (2) days prior to the hearing. BFH Legal 9870 March 29, 2018

Boundary County Middle School prepares for Fourth Quarter
It’s quiet at BCMS for the next month or so…

Adam Hall coaches N.C. State to fourth at NCAA Division I Wrestling Championships
After placing 17th as a team in 2017, the goal this year was to bring back an NCAA team trophy. Adam Hall, former Badger, Boise State 2-time All American, and current Wrestling Assistant for North Carolina State University Wolfpack accomplished that goal in exciting fashion. Hall helped coach four All-Americans, Kevin Jack, sixth, Tariq Wilson, third, Hayden Hidlay, second, and Michael Macchiavello, National Champion, as well as earn a fourth place trophy at the 2018 NCAA Division I Wrestling Championships in Cleveland, Ohio. This was the most All-Americans, the highest placement in NC State wrestling history, and Hall was an integral part of it. He is the son of Dr. Roland and Linda Endow Hall of Bonners Ferry. Congratulations Coach Adam Hall!

Mt. Hall students honored
RESILIENCE: The Biology of Stress
A free event on April 12, at the Bonners Ferry High School, including a free spaghetti dinner at 5 p.m., film presentation at 6 p.m., and panel discussion at 7 p.m. There will be door prizes. Adult attendance only please. The event is sponsored by: Community Coalition for Families, Boundary County School District and OPTUM.
Competition Shooting
March 24-25

Getting motivated with the 9B Ladies
BONNERS FERRY — 9B Ladies Feeling Great in 2018, hosted by the Chamber of Commerce, brought local ladies together March 23 at the Kootenai River Inn and allowed them to get to know each other, open lines of communication, and motivate each other in their businesses and ventures.
The Tuesdays Trouble have finished 27 weeks of bowling
Donna Kent got high scratch game 176, high handicap game 263 and third high handicap series 671. Regina Colby got second high scratch game 175, high scratch series 460, second high handicap game 248 and high handicap series 679. Carolyn McNeill got third high scratch game 168 and third high scratch series 448. Melayne Stevens got second high scratch series 460. Evelyn Smith got third high handicap series 245. DaVonna Cada got second high handicap series 676.
Join the Border Patrol Explorer Program
Are you are between the ages of 14 and 21, interested in law enforcement, and want to serve your community?

In celebration of puppies
BONNERS FERRY — Puppies are exciting additions to a person’s life, heralding many years to come, of fun and challenges, to a person’s or family’s life. Those years can be made more fun, and less challenging, based on the level of commitment that the new owner gives to the health, training and well-being in the formative years of that puppy’s life.
Community Calendar
Court Reports
Chelsea K. Sams, born 1990, charged with misdemeanor driving without privileges by BFPD on Oct. 27, 2017. Amended to misdemeanor driver’s license or commercial driver’s license violation.
Seen and Heard
n Possible reward to the first person who finds Spring and returns it to Boundary County.
Letter To The Editor
We live a block east of Community Hospital in Bonners Ferry. On March 21, I was startled and grieved to find in our barn a little black and brown wiener-type dog curled up under the stairway on some matting who had unfortunately passed away.
Kindergarten Registration
2018/2019 Boundary County Dist. 101 Kindergarten registration:

Church rises from the ashes

4-H Friday Friends
Happy Spring everyone! Though the ground is thawing and that unreachable last day of school is becoming more and more reachable, 4-H Friday Friends is still in full swing.

Chicken Tortilla Soup
Sheriff's Logs
March 19

A manly competition
BONNERS FERRY — On Friday, March 23, young men from Bonners Ferry High School took to the stage, thrilling and amusing the audience, during the Mr. BFHS competition. The Becker Auditorium was packed for the night, lasting more than two hours, and resulting in Jesse Sandelin taking the title of Mr. BFHS.

GROW! Community garden plots available
GROW! Gardeners for Regional Organic Wellbeing, Boundary County’s community garden and a 501.c.3 nonprofit, is excited to announce they are kick-starting their tenth growing season with sales of regular plots and senior beds.

Tundra Swans stop-over in North Idaho
Springtime is here and swans have returned to the ponds of North Idaho. The ponds at the Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge currently host 40-60 and the Boundary Creek Wildlife Management Area host 200-300 hundred Tundra Swans and several hundred ducks and geese. The ponds of North Idaho are alive with quacks, honks, whistles, wing flapping and birds anxious to head north.

Badgerettes dance their hearts out
The Badgerettes ended the year with a bang! On Jan. 20, we attended the Limelight competition in Lakeland. Receiving first place in kick, first place in prop, and third place in hip hop.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

BFHS first home track meet a success
BONNERS FERRY — On March 22, Bonners Ferry High School hosted a double duel track meet against Timberlake and Coeur d’Alene Charter. With tough competition, the Badgers were scored separately with the other schools, and came out on top against Coeur d’Alene Charter, but lost to the Timberlake team.
Thursday, March 22
Legals March 22, 2018
Legal Notice Public Sale of stored goods March 29th, 2018. A Public Sale to settle the delinquent account of Duane Dees, 5559 McArthur Lake Road, Naples, Idaho 83847 will be conducted in accordance with Idaho State Law, Title 55 Chapter 23. Goods will be sold for cash to the highest bidder. Public Sale to be held March 29th, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. at Kennedy Street Storage, Unit 2, 6985 Kennedy Street, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805. Goods to be sold include metal detector, sausage maker, dresser, tools, Cd's and Videos, clothing and miscellaneous household goods. BFH Legal 9864 March 15, 22, 2018
Students celebrate Idaho Day with archaeological dig
The date was 1863, and the place somewhere far north in Kootenai County. Settlers were coming into the area, clearing land, preparing to build homes and start farms. This became the setting for an archaeology dig celebrating Idaho Day.
Sheriff's Log
March 12
Community Calendar
THURSDAY, March 22
Joy Kathleen Marcy
MARCY, Joy Kathleen, 86, passed away on March 19, 2018 at the Boundary Community Hospital in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Memorial Services will be held on Saturday, March 24, 2018 at 11 a.m. in the Trinity Lutheran Church at Bonners Ferry, with private interment in the Grandview Cemetery.

Bringing Boise to Boundary County
BONNERS FERRY — Citizens of Moyie Springs and surrounding areas came together March 16 for Idaho Gov. Butch Otter’s arrival during the 100th Capital for a Day event.

Emily Sabrina Blackmore – DYW Participant #1
Emily is the daughter of Travis and Maureen Blackmore. She has one brother, Caleb, and three sisters, Anika, Lily, and Mia. After graduation, Emily plans to attend college at BYU Idaho and study business communication. Extracurricular activities she enjoys include golf, basketball, soccer, National Honor Society, youth group, baking, and reading.

Shawna Elizabeth Siver – DYW Participant #2
Bonners Ferry Eagles Aeries #3522 is proud to sponsor Shawna Elizabeth Siver. Shawna is the daughter of Sam and Stacy Siver, and has one sister, Hattie, and one brother, Brady. Shawna aspires to attend Cornell University, where she plans to study zoology. One historical figure who interests Shawna is Edgar Allen Poe. She is also intrigued by modern personalities Phil Collins and Elton John.

Tips to starting a business
BONNERS FERRY — Starting a business can be challenging mentally, physically and financially, but with a good idea, a market for the idea, and through planning, it is possible.

Jump Rope for Heart a hit with Valley View Elementary students
Valley View Elementary hosted their eighteenth annual Jump Rope for Heart event on Wednesday, February 28. With over 90 students, many parents, teachers and other adults in attendance, they were jumping for a good cause. Students learned about heart attack signs, heart disease risk factors, healthy food planning, and the need for 60+ minutes a day of exercise in their PE classes during the month of February. These lesson plans and PE activities were in conjunction with the American Heart Association’s heart campaign.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago
Seen and Heard
n Dispatch reports 1 O’Clock is in the Lobby at 10 minutes to 1.

A great day for a dip
BONNERS FERRY — St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, was a beautiful, sunny day, with warm rays of sun lighting up the snow that still clung to the ground at the Waterway’s building and dock on the frigid Kootenai River.

Lindsey Michelle Christopherson – DYW Participant #3
P.E.O. is happy to sponsor Lindsey Michelle Christopherson. Lindsey is the daughter of Stan and Aimee Christopherson. She has two sisters, Ashley and Sammy, and one brother, Alan. Lindsey plans to attend Eastern Washington University where she plans to study child psychology. She participates in Dance Team and National Honor Society and enjoys dancing, painting, and running in her spare time.

No headline

Bonners Ferry Potluck held in Wenden, Ariz.
Bonners Ferry Potluck in Wenden, Ariz., is always the third Wednesday of February. Next year it will be on Feb 20.

Chasing dreams
BONNERS FERRY — Local author Morgan J. McCallum started writing his first novel when he was 12 or 13 years old. By the time he was 17, he had completed “A Hole in the Ice,” the first in a trilogy called The Weather Casters’ Saga.

2018 Terrific Tots Contest underway
Great news! The 2018 Terrific Tots Photo Contest, presented by Shelman Realty, is going live this Thursday, March 22, with a few new changes.
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished 26 weeks of bowling
Carolyn McNeill got high scratch game 195, high scratch series 482, high handicap game 247 and second high handicap series 638. Helen Heritage got second high scratch game 159, tied for third high scratch series 409 and got third high handicap game 224. Lil Jimenez got third high scratch game 155. Melayne Stevens got second high scratch series 425. Donna Kent tied for third high scratch series 409, got second high handicap game 236 and high handicap series 673. Dolores Sweet got third high handicap series 629.
Motorist arrested on meth charge after traffic stop
BONNERS FERRY — On March 18, an arrest was made for delivery of a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia, after 2.1 ounces of methamphetamine were found.

Birth Announcement
Emberlynn Kaye Figgins was born Jan. 13, 2018, at Bonner General Health in Sandpoint, Idaho. The daughter of Josh and Rachel Figgins of Bonners Ferry, Idaho. She weighed 7 pounds, 5.3 ounces and was 20 inches long at birth.

Meat Loaf

Red-winged blackbirds indicate return of spring
As we enjoy spring, one of the most abundant birds across Boundary County — and one of the most boldly colored — the red-winged blackbird is a familiar sign atop cattails, along soggy roadsides, and on telephone wires. Glossy-black males have scarlet-and-yellow shoulder patches they can puff-up or hide depending on how confident they feel. Females are a subdued, streaky brown, almost like a large, dark sparrow. Their early and tumbling songs are happy indication of the return of spring.

Badgers sweep Maniacs to start season
The Bonners Ferry Badgers baseball team started its 2018 season 3-0 by sweeping the Orofino Maniacs last weekend. The Badgers scored 10 or more runs in each game, and also had a combined 5-hit shutout from seniors Mason Eby and Shayne Walker.

BFHS students, teachers visit Washington, D.C.
On March 4-9, eight Bonners Ferry High School students and two of their teachers went to Washington DC on an in-depth tour of our national capitol.

Out and About
Teri Neumayer in Fairbanks Alaska with the Bonners Ferry Herald. These were taken at Black Spruce Dog Sledding on March 13.
Court Reports
Timothy G. Petefish, born 1965, charged with misdemeanor domestic violence without traumatic injury against a household member by BFPD on Aug. 28, 2017.
Leroy Wedell
Leroy Wedell
Competition Shooting
B.F. School Trap Team
Naples Elementary lists second trimester honor roll
The following students made the second trimester honor roll at Naples Elementary School:
Thursday, March 15
Legals March 15, 2018
Legal Notice Public Sale of stored goods March 29th, 2018. A Public Sale to settle the delinquent account of Duane Dees, 5559 McArthur Lake Road, Naples, Idaho 83847 will be conducted in accordance with Idaho State Law, Title 55 Chapter 23. Goods will be sold for cash to the highest bidder. Public Sale to be held March 29th, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. at Kennedy Street Storage, Unit 2, 6985 Kennedy Street, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805. Goods to be sold include metal detector, sausage maker, dresser, tools, Cd's and Videos, clothing and miscellaneous household goods. BFH Legal 9864 March 15, 22, 2018

Enhanced Concealed Carry Permit class offered
BONNERS FERRY — For 21 years Bonners Ferry attorney Tim Wilson flew many missions as a fighter pilot for the Marine Corps. Bonners Ferry resident Bob Young served in the United States Air Force during the Vietnam War.
Russell Owen Vernon
Russell Owen Vernon
Meredith Tritt
Meredith Tritt
n In the article “Passing the baton at City Hall,” the correct spelling of the new city clerk’s name is Colleen Garrigan. We apologize for the error.
Sheriff's Log
March 5
No headline
‘Penguins’ take the Plunge on Saturday
Letter To The Editor
Pondering a new playground

Artist of the Month: Darrelyn Rose
Showing work entitled “People” is Artist of the Month Darrelyn Rose. Darrelyn’s paintings realistically portray children and adults in various situations. Her work will hang in Mountain West Bank from March 13 to April 10. Darrelyn is a member of the Boundary County Artist’s Association (BCAA). The bank features a new artist from BCAA each month.
Court Reports
Erik Ray Kreiger, born 1967, charged with felony intimidating a witness by BCSO on June 1, 2017.

Nine girls to participate in 2018 Distinguished Young Woman program
Nine of Bonners Ferry’s most outstanding junior girls will be given an opportunity to win scholarship money and prizes in this year’s annual Bonners Ferry Distinguished Young Women Scholarship Program (formerly Junior Miss). Set for April 28, at the Becker Auditorium, get ready for a night of vintage family fun as they present “Under the Big Top.”
Competition Shooting Results
Bonners Ferry School Trap Shooters ‘Duke’s Clay Busters’

NIC, Boundary Community Hospital announce latest CNA graduates
In affiliation with North Idaho College (NIC), Boundary Community Hospital provides classes to earn a State of Idaho certification as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) four times a year. The course consists of 120 hours of instruction: 80 hours in the classroom and 40 hours of clinical experience. At the end of the 120 hours of training, the student will take a certification examination at the North Idaho Workforce Training Center in Post Falls, Idaho.
Seen and Heard
n Surely spring can’t be far off when the scent of skunk is wafting through the air.

Thinking of - and wishing for - spring
“It’s spring fever. This is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want — oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!”

Community comes together after fire levels barn
BONNERS FERRY — Living in and around a tight knit community like Boundary County, residents going through hardships only need to ask, and the community members come together to provide help of many kinds collectively. That community help knows no boundaries.

Clover & Co.: New clothing exchange store
BONNERS FERRY — Clover & Co. opened its doors on March 1, welcoming the community into the cozy boutique with a flair for style and design. Unique pieces of clothing and jewelry adorn the hangers and walls, inviting the shopper to peruse through the ever-changing collection, maybe pull out a particularly pleasing blouse, and try it on for size in one of the light, spacious dressing rooms.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Turkey Pot Pie
Turkey Pot Pie

Hawaiian Days bring sun to the gloom
BONNERS FERRY — Craig Anderson, director of the Boundary County Library, has not only stepped up and brought books to seniors in the community who reside in the Restorium and the Boundary Community Hospitals extended care facility, but he has also brought adventure,
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished 25 weeks of bowling
Carolyn McNeill took it all, high scratch game 209, high scratch series 540, high handicap game 262 and high handicap series 699. Shirley Elliott got second high scratch game 166, third high scratch series 415, second high handicap game 252 and second high handicap series 673. Alice VanGundy got third high scratch game 160 and second high scratch series 428. Evelyn Smith got third high handicap game 240. Nancy Furtado got third high handicap series 662.

The Pearl to present 'Little Mermaid' production
Audiences of all ages will get a fresh look at an age-old favorite this weekend when the Missoula Children’s Theatre and more than 50 local students present “The Little Mermaid.”

No headline
Moyie Springs to become 'Capital for a Day' on Friday
Governor Butch Otter announced that the Boundary County community of Moyie Springs will host his 100th Capital for a Day on Friday, March 16.

No headline

9B Ladies: Feeling great in 2018
Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce is presenting 9B Ladies: Feeling Great in 2018 on March 23, at the Kootenai River Inn Conference Room from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Join them for a day of friendship, fun, and self-exploration.
Community Calendar
Coming Events

Naples Elementary School newsletter
Happy March, Naples Families!

Local student aims for state in history contest
BONNERS FERRY — The National History Day® Contest (NHD) was founded in 1974 at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, and since its beginning, it has blossomed into an international competition, impacting the lives of millions of students and teachers.
Theodore Don Moline, Jr.
Theodore Don Moline, Jr.

Bonners Ferry High School FIRST Robotics Team 2130 Alpha+ to host open house
Bonners Ferry High School FIRST Robotics Team 2130 Alpha+ invites our wonderful community to attend our annual Open House on Friday, March 16, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. We will be showcasing our twelfth season robot, built in just six weeks! Our workshop is located on the east side of Boundary County Middle School. Please follow signs at the front of the school.
Wednesday, March 14

Eric Dante to face jury trial
BONNERS FERRY — Eric Dante withdrew his guilty plea of second-degree murder Thursday in the shooting death of Jesseka Musson and will now go to trial.
Thursday, March 8
Legals March 8, 2018
PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNUAL REPORT TO THE CITY OF BONNERS FERRY The Bonners Ferry Urban Renewal Agency Board of Directors will meet at Bonners Ferry City Hall on March 13, 2018 at 5:00 pm to hear comments on the annual report to the City of Bonners Ferry. All interested citizens are welcomed to appear and comment on the plan. The report can also be viewed at Bonners Ferry City Hall or by contacting Administrator John Austin at BFH Legal 9860 March 8, 2018
Competition Shooting Results
Competition shooting results
Court Reports
Curtis M. Tucker, born 1991, charged with misdemeanor second offense driving without privileges by BFPD on Sept. 21, 2017.

Rally, peaceful protest held prior to Eric Dante's sentencing
BONNERS FERRY — A Rally and Peaceful Protest gathered at the Boundary County Fairgrounds on March 3, at 11 a.m. About 40 people came out to support the family of Jesseka Musson, who was murdered last year in Boundary County.
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished 24 weeks of bowling
Lil Jimenez got high scratch game 167, high scratch series 433, third high handicap game 236 and third high handicap series 640. Melayne Stevens got second high game 158 and second high series 421. Virginia Sanborn tied for third high game 148 and got second high handicap game 238. Carolyn McNeill tied for third high game 148 and got third high series 397. Tamie Patzer got high handicap game 241 and high handicap series 648. DaVonna Cada got second high handicap series 640.

Learning First Aid in the wilderness
BONNERS FERRY — Owner Jason Luthy of Longleaf Wilderness Medicine came to Boundary County on Feb. 24-25 to put on a two day Wilderness First Aid, organized by Hall Mountain Volunteer Firefighter Sandy Steinhagen.
Seen and Heard
n Kudos to Luke, Blue Mt. Water, for pulling Kevin out of the ditch in a snow storm, not once, but twice the same day.

Be Free! Natural Living offers body care products
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County is an area where many community members utilize different methods of self sufficiency, and also hold an interest in natural and holistic remedies for everyday ailments.

Passing the baton at City Hall
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County community members get to know the people behind the counters in all of the establishments in and around Bonners Ferry, one of which is City Hall. In many places of business, the faces behind the counters change. Some move on to other jobs, others retire, and both may find other opportunities to enjoy.

Terry R. Boss
Terry R. Boss

Parents praise Garner as coach, mentor
BONNERS FERRY — Being involved in school sports can be fun, challenging, rewarding, and not only team building, but self building. Having the encouragement of the coaches and teammates, helps one push themselves to be their best both physically and mentally.

Hooded Merganser ducks make a handsome couple!
Last week while exploring in Boundary County I came across a handsome pair of ducks that I didn’t recognize. After taking a few pictures of them I consulted my Birds of Idaho field guide and learned they were Hooded Mergansers. I discovered that Hooded Mergansers are found from southeastern Alaska, central British Columbia and southwestern Alberta to Oregon, Washington, Idaho and northwestern Montana.

Local Jiu-Jitsu climbs the national ladder
On March 3 and 4 in Tacoma, Wash., the Tri-Annual Revolution Jiu-Jitsu Tournament was hosted at the Pacific Lutheran University.

Creole Fish 1/3
Creole Fish

Five Badgers earn all-IML honors
Three Bonners Ferry girls and two boys recently were named to the all-Intermountain League basketball teams.
Sheriff's Log
Feb. 26
Coming Events:
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Practice makes perfect
“The Bonner County Sheriff’s Office has requested Boundary County assist them in trying to locate two missing snowmobile riders. Bonner County was notified last night at approximately 21:00 after two missing riders failed to return home on time. Bonner County initiated a search and failed to locate the vehicle or the missing riders. Bonner County advised the riders are new to the area, and recently purchased the snowmobiles from a local dealer. The local dealer suggested numerous areas which are popular among snowmobile enthusiasts ...”
Thursday, March 1
Legals March 1, 2018
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Case No. CV-2018-038 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATES OF: EDDIE DWAYNE LEACH and LESLIE ANN LEACH, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Melissa Lovejoy has been appointed Administrator of the Estates of Eddie Dwayne Leach and Leslie Ann Leach, deceased. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be filed with the Clerk of the Court and presented to the undersigned attorney for the Administrator at the following address: 312 S. First Ave., Ste A, Sandpoint ID 83864. DATED this 31 day of January, 2018. BERG, McLAUGHLIN & NELSON, CHTD By: William M. Berg Attorneys for Administrator BFH Legal 9849 February 15, 22, 2018 March 1, 2018
Terry Boss
Terry Boss passed away on Feb. 22, 2018. Services are pending and a full obituary to follow.

Area volunteers receive Presidential awards
BONNERS FERRY — After a lifetime of working and caring for themselves and their families, it can be a difficult transition for those that are retired from their careers to find things to fill their time. There are clubs and services around Boundary County that allow retired community members to fill their free time with productive activities such as quilting.
Free Crime Prevention Night
Crime Prevention Night: Boundary County Sheriff Dave Kramer, and his crime prevention specialists, will be putting on a Crime Prevention Night on March 15, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Moyie City Council room. The training is free and open to the public. They plan on offering the same training on later dates in the Naples and Eastport areas.

No headline

The beat goes on for pileated woodpecker
Moments after the red-crested forest ghost landed on the pine tree with the suet bird feeder perhaps 50 feet away, another more distant rattling call resonated through the woods, silencing the constant chatter of a squirrel protesting the intruder. Another three second burst of loud tree whacking confirmed that a mate was near-by.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Omelet in a Basket
Omelet in a Basket

Bernard Nels Stemmene
Bernard Nels Stemmene

Elvis at the high school
BONNERS FERRY — Under the direction of David Carpenter, the head of the drama department at Bonners Ferry High School, students all over Boundary County have been preparing for three months to perform their show, All Shook Up.

The Little Mermaid Audition
An audition will be held for the Missoula Children’s Theatre (MCT) original adaptation of THE LITTLE MERMAID Monday, March 12, at BFHS Becker Auditorium from 4-6:30 p.m. to (end time). Those auditioning should arrive at 4 p.m. and plan to stay for the full two and a half hours. Some of the cast members will be asked to stay for a rehearsal immediately following the audition.
Competition shooting in the snow
Bonners Ferry School Trap Team ‘Dukes Claybusters’:

Free dental sealants offered for students
Helping to prevent cavities for Idaho children. Beginning March 5, Valley View Elementary School first and second graders can receive free dental sealants and fluoride varnish to help prevent cavities, as part of Delta Dental of Idaho’s Grins on the Go program. Naples Elementary School and Mount Hall Elementary Schools will begin the program on March 12 for first and second graders.
Seen and Heard
Bad things come in threes ... and that includes squirrels, when Edgar the Squirrel’s wife met his mistress after a failed attempt at a city trash can.

No headline
Sheriff's Log
Feb. 19

Logs on highway prompt U.S. 95 cleanup
On Friday, Feb, 23, a log truck had trouble on U.S. 95 near Kootenai Street and logs spilled out onto the highway. Crews were on scene quickly and the logs and overturned trailer were removed.

The future looks bright
BONNERS FERRY — In high school, the world is wide open for many students. Making that career choice can be both exciting and daunting. Bonners Ferry High School Guidance Counselor Jenny Mackey had a goal: she wanted to not only provide a career day for the students, she went above and beyond to create a personalized experience for each and every student.

2018 Penguin Plunge set for Saturday, March 17
Once again it is “Freezin for a Reason” time, Penguin Plunge 2018 — the event that supports Special Olympics and is simply a lot of fun to watch. Sheriff Kramer has promised the icy bits in the Kootenai River will be small.
Court Reports
Marilyn J. Willard, born 1969, charged with misdemeanor domestic violence without traumatic injury against a household member by BCSO on June 6, 2017. Amended to misdemeanor disturbing the peace.
Letter To The Editor: Bonners Ferry linked to proposed Newport Smelter
Newport smelter would impact Bonners Ferry
Beth Lucile (Williams) Holdeman
Beth Lucile (Williams) Holdeman

National Outdoor Book Award winner visits North Idaho
Liz Thomas has some interesting things on her resume. Outdoor writer for the New York Times. Former holder of the women’s self-assisted speed record on the 2,181-mile long Appalachian Trail. Vice president of American Long Distance Hiking Association-West (ALDHA-West). She’s author of “Long Trails: Mastering the Art of the Thru-Hike.” And, her “trail name” is “Snorkel.”
Coming Events:

George D. Gemind
George D. Gemind

Barking Saddle opens
BONNERS FERRY — There are many residents in Boundary County who own at least one horse. In this county, there are groups of people who either host or coordinate activities to bring local horse owners together.

Homecoming a 'Runaway' success
BONNERS FERRY — There is a town, close to the border between the United States and Canada, where a welcoming smile and a friendly hello greet both visitors and local residents. Bonners Ferry, and the whole of Boundary County, bring a wide variety of talents to this community, one of which is the art of music.
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished 23 weeks of bowling
Melayne Stevens took it all — high scratch game 224, high scratch series 570, high handicap game 291 and high handicap series 771. WOW.

VVES Newsletter
The students and staff at Valley View Elementary School (VVES) are enjoying this time of year and preparing for a very exciting and busy second half of the year. We have many educational field trips, an overnight Outdoor School event, field days, plant sales, carnivals, Dr. Suess Week and much more. It is an enjoyable time for our hard-working staff and terrific students as we prepare for the hope of spring.

No headline

Two fires break out in South Boundary Fire District
BONNERS FERRY — On Thursday, Feb. 22, at 8:48 a.m., South Boundary Fire protection District received a call about a structure fire on 20 Mile Road. South Boundary, along with Boundary Ambulance EMS Chief Lindsay responded, and North Bench Fire was called out for mutual aid. Paradise Valley Fire District was also called to provide assistance.

Three Badgers bring home state wrestling medals
Bonners Ferry senior Jesse Sandelin (160 pounds) finished second at the Idaho High School State 3A Wrestling tournament over the weekend in Pocatello.

West My Friend on a Sunday Afternoon
Looking for fun on a Sunday afternoon? Look no further. The Pearl Theater welcomes West My Friend on Sunday, March 11 at 3 p.m.