Friday, April 26
No headline
Thursday, April 25
Joan Branscome
Joan Branscome

Easter Bunny lays eggs at Fairgrounds
BONNERS FERRY — The large field at the Boundary County Fairgrounds filled with excited children toting Easter baskets or bags as they anticipated the annual Easter egg hunt hosted by the Bonners Ferry Lions Club on Saturday, April 20.
Letter to the Editor: Looking for a Ship
CAP’N BAILEY: Looking for a ship

Shawna Siver takes to the stage for the last time
Shawna Siver will take the stage at the Becker Auditorium one final time on April 27, as the Distinguished Young Woman of Bonners Ferry to welcome a new recipient of the title.
Auditions for men's choir are May 2
Auditions for “Resonance,” an international men’s choir with singers from Creston, B.C., Bonners Ferry, and Sandpoint will be held Thurs. May 2, at 6:30 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church on Cody Street in Bonners Ferry.

Rooms, restaurant receive new look at Kootenai River Inn
BONNERS FERRY — Visitors to the Kootenai River Inn Casino and Spa may have noticed some changes to The Springs Restaurant and the River Side rooms.

Fettuccine with Asparagus
Fettuccine with Asparagus
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Easter Egg Hunt Winners
The winners of the Curley Que Homemakers
The Pearl Theater and GROW! part of this year's Idaho Gives campaign
This year both local nonprofits, The Pearl Theater and GROW! Gardeners for Regional Organic Wellbeing, are participating in a statewide giving movement called Idaho Gives!
Calling all women and young ladies who love to craft
CREATE Day is taking place this Saturday, April 27, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Boundary County Fairgrounds. Pay $6 at the door to make and take six different crafts. All materials supplied yet limited to 100.

Spring migration at McArthur Lake
Just a few short weeks ago, McArthur Lake and the northern Panhandle remained in the reluctantly-loosening grip of winter. Ice was still thick over the entire reservoir and the red-winged blackbirds that arrived early resorted to singing in the pines, waiting for snowdrifts to reveal the cattails they would aim to claim as their territory.

Likin' lichens!
“There is a low mist in the woods ... it is a good day to study lichens”
Tryouts and open gym set for cheerleading
BONNERS FERRY — Open gym will be held on May 2, 9, and 16 from 4:15-6 p.m. at BFHS Gym.
Letter to the Editor
SMART METER: We weren’t notified

Lucille Fulton
Lucille Fulton
Seen 'n Heard
n Joe W.... next time leave the ant hill alone.
Sheriff's Logs
Monday, April 15

Search and Rescue tips for enjoying the outdoors safely
BONNERS FERRY — As the weather warms, many people shake off the winter doldrums by venturing into the great outdoors. With many options, from hiking to boating, luring people, it is a great time to consider safety gear and making sure to plan ahead for the coming adventures.

Badger golf in full swing
BLANCHARD — The Badger golf team competed at the Stoneridge Golf Course in Blanchard for an Intermountain League match.
Sheriff's office to offer free boating class
The Boundary County Sheriff’s Office is hosting a Free Boating Class for all ages, coming May 4, 11, and 18. Class starts at 8 a.m. and runs about six hours. They have two different courses to choose from, a Motorized or Paddle Sport class.

A local history lesson going back 20,000 years
BONNERS FERRY — “Fourteen thousand years ago — if we were here — there would be a thousand feet of ice over our head,” U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Zone Archaeologist Carla Burnside told the packed barn full of people during the ‘Kootenai Valley After the Glaciers’ slide presentation at the Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge.

BFHS baseball rallies past Kellogg
BONNERS FERRY — The Badgers were down 11-3 after the top of the fifth inning and staged a dramatic 20-14 win against the Kellogg Wildcats in IML league play. The win propels their record to 3-2 in league and 3-4 overall.

Sydney Aaron Stevens
Sydney Aaron Stevens

Bonners Ferry Super 1 celebrates Easter
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County residents brought their children and families to Super 1 Foods for their Easter celebration.
Court Reports
Jason Michael Abbott, born 1976, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by ISP on April 4.
Community Calendar
Coming Events

Orlena Christina Crum
Orlena Christina Crum
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished twenty-nine weeks of bowling
Elaine Wheeler got high scratch game 188, second high scratch series 479, high handicap game 262, and high handicap series. Helen Heritage tied for second scratch game 180, got second high scratch series 488, and third high handicap series 677. Donna Kent tied for second high scratch game, got third high scratch series 431, and second high handicap game 247. Alice VanGundy got third high scratch game 165. Virginia Sanborn got third high handicap game 244 and second high handicap series 686.
Thursday, April 18
Legals April 18, 2019
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Case No. CV11-19-0143 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY In the Matter of the Estate of: VALERIE ELAINE SANDAKER, Deceased. Pursuant to I.C. § 15-3-801, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Avery Strobel, whose address is 3011 E. Hoffman Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99207, has been appointed Personal Representative of the estate of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent, or the estate, are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the Personal Representative, at the address indicated herein. ATTORNEYS NORTHWEST, INC. Attorneys for Personal Representative By:/s/ James T. West JAMES T. WEST BFH Legal 10148 April 18, 25, 2019 May 2, 2019
Kris Crocker to emcee DYW program again this year
Bonners Ferry Distinguished Young Women is thrilled to welcome back KXLY’s Chief Meteorologist Kris Crocker to emcee this year’s Distinguished Young Women Scholarship program on Saturday, April 27.

William (Bill) Petersen
William (Bill) Petersen
Mt. Hall Elementary School Honor Roll
The following students made the second trimester honor roll at Mt. Hall Elementary School:
Sheriff's Logs
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office
Court Reports
Benjamin T. Allinger, born 1992, charged with infraction motor carrier overweight (1-4000 Lbs.) exceeding allowable gross loads by POE on April 2.
Public open houses scheduled for Moyie Springs sewer project
MOYIE SPRINGS — The City of Moyie Springs is hosting two open houses over the next month to gather public input on its upcoming sewer treatment facility project.
Online handgun safety training course update
According to Boundary County Public Information Officer Mike Meier, the Idaho Sheriffs’ Association offers an online handgun safety training course that satisfies the firearms familiarity requirements for a basic Idaho Concealed Weapons License. The site can be accessed at The recent change allowing 18 year old persons to carry concealed throughout Idaho and will be updated on July 1, when that law becomes effective.
Naples Elementary School Honor Roll
The following students made the second trimester honor roll at Naples Elementary School:
Valley View Elementary School Honor Roll
The following students made the second trimester honor roll at Valley View Elementary School:
Lucille Corine Fulton
Lucille Corine Fulton

A calm voice in a crisis
BONNERS FERRY — 911 dispatchers respond to emergency and non-emergency calls. They provide dispatch and communication support services for law enforcement, fire, emergency and related services. They are often the life line for people, but the importance of their job is often overlooked.
Community Calendar
Coming Events:
The Tuesday's Troubles have finished their twenty-eighth week of bowling
Alice VanGundy got high scratch game 179, second high scratch series 448 and second high handicap game 241. Helen Heritage got second high scratch game 175, high scratch series 466, third high handicap game 239 and second high handicap series 657. Carolyn McNeill got third high scratch game 161 and third high scratch series 426. Tamie Patzer got high handicap game 258. Michelle Sweet got high handicap series 677. Elaine Wheeler got third high handicap series 652.

Badger softball team begins IML schedule
BONNERS FERRY — The Badger softball team played its first games against visiting Timberlake on April 12, with the first ending in a 32-0 Tiger victory in five innings.
Tomas A. Macias
Tomas A. Macias
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Asparagus and Shrimp Penne with Saffron
Asparagus and Shrimp Penne with Saffron

Gun Club News
Sunday, April 7

Bryan LeRoy Ashdown
Bryan LeRoy Ashdown
Clean-up Week
Clean-up Week: The City of Bonners Ferry’s spring clean-up week is April 22, 2019 through April 29, 2019. Please have all leaves in bags and all sticks bundled. If you have any questions, please call 208-267-3105.
Drug Take Back event
Drug Take Back event: On Saturday, April 27, the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office, in conjunction with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), will host this year’s Drug Take Back event in the parking lot of Super 1 Foods, beginning at 10 a.m. and continuing through noon.

Valley View Elementary School news
Valley View Elementary School (VVES) is off to a great start after spring break and we are excited to begin our educational field trips, our annual Outdoor School event, and beginning to get outside and learn. The wonderful staff at VVES is passionate about kinesthetic learning and creating lifelong positive memories in an educational setting.

Night Activities program provides mentoring, fun
BONNERS FERRY — There were many rules to the game and the kids had to think quickly to avoid making a mistake as they threw the heavy medicine ball to one another. Standing in a circle, they could not throw to the person immediately next to them, they had to call out the person’s name that they were throwing it to, they couldn’t let the ball touch the ground, and the decisions must be made quickly as they could not hold onto the ball for longer than three seconds.
Seen 'n Heard
n Sheriff’s Deputy 1502 is now know as 150MOO after dealing with a small calf on Deep Creek Loop.

New owners uphold traditions at Northside School Bed and Breakfast
BONNERS FERRY — The former Northside School building was transformed years ago into a bed and breakfast with a historical background for visitors to enjoy.
Naples Elementary School newsletter
Dear Naples Families,

No headline

Nests are something to get 'egg-cited' over this spring!

BFHS sweeps Priest River in IML twinbill
BONNERS FERRY — The Badgers opened Intermountain League baseball play last Friday, losing two to the visiting Timberlake Tigers. But Bonners Ferry rebounded in its next IML doubleheader, sweeping visiting Priest River 2-0 and 9-8 on Tuesday, April 16.
Thursday, April 11
Legals April 11, 2019
INVITATION TO BID 2019 CHLORIDE DUST PALLIATIVE MATERIALS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Boundary County, Idaho will be accepting bids for Chloride Dust Palliative Materials in place on Boundary County roadways. BID FORM, BIDDER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS can be obtained at the Clerk's Office in Boundary County, Idaho Courthouse located in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Phone: (208) 267-2242. SUCH BID FORM INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS must be substantially complied with and such documents include special requirements including Bidder's Security. The amount of the bid bond shall be 5% of the total bid for the product that is bid on. Bid prices to be based on tonnage, as set out in paragraph one. EQUAL PHYSICAL AND COMMUNICATIONS access for people with disabilities as required by Title II of the ADA will be provided with reasonable advance notice of "3" working days. NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION IN PROCUREMENT. Boundary County, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 23 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or retaliation in consideration for an award. Idaho Code 67-2801; 67-2805 (2); 67-2349. BIDS MUST BE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK on or before Friday, April 19, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. Sealed bids can be hand delivered to the Clerk's Office at 6452 Kootenai St., Rm#22, Bonners Ferry, Idaho, or mailed to P.O. Box 419, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805. Bids will be opened in the Boundary County Commissioners' Office, 6452 Kootenai St., Rm#28, Bonners Ferry, Idaho, on Monday, April 22, 2019, at 9:00 a.m. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept bids deemed in the best interest of Boundary County. BOARD OF BOUNDARY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: s/ Dan Dinning, Chairman s/ Wally Cossairt, Commissioner s/ Walt Kirby, Commissioner BFH Legal 10140 April 4, 11, 2019

Bonners Ferry wrestlers place at Northwest Regional event
Bonners Ferry Wrestling Club took 11 wrestlers to the Northwest Regional Freestyle/Greco Wrestling Championships in Centralia, Wash., with wrestlers from Alaska, Washington, California, Florida, Illinois and 10 other states from around the country, plus Canada, competing for the top four places.

Majestic tundra swans visit Boundary County

Fish Tacos
Fish Tacos
Court Reports
Amy C. Allcock, born 1979, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by BFPD on March 31.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago
Suther B. Fulton, Jr.
Suther B. Fulton, Jr.

High tech training comes to Boundary County firefighters, EMS
NAPLES — While most people are aware that firefighters risk their lives on the job every day — battling burning buildings, wildland fires, and more — many do not think about the risks involved with getting to a scene in a timely manner. The fire engines are large vehicles that must maneuver through traffic safely and through all types of adverse weather conditions.
Sheriff's Log
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office

Community Action continues to support those in need
BONNERS FERRY — In every community, there are those who are able to make ends meet, and there are those who struggle to pay the bills.

New weed identification book available
The SCWMA (Selkirk Cooperative Weed Management Association) has published a new booklet for Bonner and Boundary County residents on weed identification and control along with many other guides.
Umpires needed for softball league
9B Adult Co-Ed softball is looking for three local people to be umpires for our growing league. Anyone (even current league players) can umpire. Training and clinics are included.
Advanced directives: Making your wishes known
While making healthcare decisions is often difficult in the best of circumstances, making decisions for others is even more complicated. Each of us has the ability to guide our healthcare providers and our loved ones about what we want. Advance Directives give you the ability to document the types of healthcare you do and do not want, and to name an “agent” to speak for you if you cannot speak for yourself.

Martin Christian Riebe
Martin Christian Riebe

Sharpening skills serve community
BONNERS FERRY — In Boundary County, one of the main industries is logging and mill work, with the addition of a wide variety of hobbyists and homesteaders. There are many people who utilize tools such as chainsaws, axes, knives, and a variety of other tools that need to be maintained and sharpened.
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished twenty seven weeks of bowling
Melayne Stevens got high scratch game 178, second high scratch series 440, and second high handicap game 249. Dolores Sweet got second high scratch game 168, high scratch series 444, high handicap game 254, and high handicap series 702. Donna Kent got third high scratch game 161. Donna Nystrom got third high scratch series 438 and second high handicap series 678. Evelyn smith got third high handicap game 247 and tied for third high handicap series 665. Michelle Sweet tied for third high handicap series 665.

Historic Herald newspapers available online
BONNERS FERRY — Whether for research or just for fun, a trip to the past can be an adventure. One of the ways to take that trip is through old newspapers, written snapshots of time.
Community Calendar
Coming Events
Seen 'n Heard
n The Herald office received phone call from a man wanting to purchase our egg incubator.
Sheriff addresses bump stocks executive order
Boundary County Sheriff Dave Kramer reports there was an executive order signed regarding bump stocks. To clarify any questions regarding this executive order, the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office will not accept bump stocks being dropped off, nor will be involved in the confiscation of bump stocks.

People helping people ... with used and baked goods
BONNERS FERRY — On a drizzling spring weekend, people gathered early at the back door of the Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) Aerie #3522 in Bonners Ferry on Friday, April 5, to enjoy the annual Rummage and Bake sale. The sale continued on Saturday with all of the proceeds going directly to the Boundary County Library.
Badger softball team finally takes the field
BONNERS FERRY — The Badger softball team hosted its first home game on April 6 against Troy, losing 18-15 in a seven-inning, nonconference affair.
Thursday, April 4
Legals April 4, 2019
BOUNDARY COUNTY, IDAHO GOVERNMENT-WIDE STATEMENT OF NET POSITION September 30, 2018 Primary Government Component Unit Governmental Business-type Boundary Activities Activities Total Ambulance District ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 9,294,307 $ 435,656 $ 9,729,963 $ 165,921 Receivables, net of uncollectible 37,021 10,940 47,961 Property taxes receivable, net 369,264 13,667 382,931 Total Current Assets 9,700,592 460,263 10,160,855 165,921 Non-current Assets Capital assets, net of depreciation 7,316,431 255,878 7,572,309 - Capital assets not being depreciated 2,072,640 98,012 2,170,652 - Total Non-current Assets 9,389,071 353,890 9,742,961 - Other Assets Assets whose use is limited 1,054,211 - 1,054,211 - Total Other Assets 1,054,211 - 1,054,211 - TOTAL ASSETS 20,143,874 814,153 20,958,027 165,921 Deferred Outflows of Resources 393,767 62,528 456,295 - LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable 57,713 10,120 67,833 - Compensated absences 149,568 14,058 163,626 - Accrued Interest 7,610 - 7,610 - Current maturities, long-term debt 115,975 - 115,975 - Total Current Liabilities 330,866 24,178 355,044 - Non-current Liabilities Long-term debt, less current maturities 342,740 - 342,740 - Net pension liability 1,699,742 271,873 1,971,615 - Other post-employment benefits 173,110 173,110 - Estimated landfill closure and post- closure care costs 1,340,147 - 1,340,147 - Total Non-current Liabilities 3,555,739 271,873 3,827,612 - TOTAL LIABILITIES 3,886,605 296,051 4,182,656 - Deferred Inflows of Resources 317,222 50,740 367,962 - NET POSITION Invested in capital assets, net of related debt 8,922,746 353,890 9,276,636 - Restricted for landfill closure 1,054,211 - 1,054,211 - Unrestricted 6,356,857 176,000 6,532,857 165,921 TOTAL NET POSITION $ 16,333,814 $ 529,890 $ 16,863,704 $ 165,921 Published pursuant to Idaho Code 31-819 Glenda Poston, Boundary County Auditor BFH Legal 10141 April 4, 2019

Man sought on controlled substance arrest warrant
This week the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office is seeking information on Daniel D. Hill, born April 1994.

Granola-Sour Milk Muffins
Granola-Sour Milk Muffins

Josephine Leyden – DYW Participant #9
Boundary County Middle School Leadership is happy to sponsor Josephine Leyden. Josie is the daughter of Joseph and Shereen Leyden. She has one brother, Calvin, and two sisters, Zoey and Eva. After graduation, Josie plans to attend college at Lewis and Clark State College and study nursing. Extracurricular activities she enjoys include Leadership, track, volleyball, hiking, hunting, and spending time with her family.
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished twenty-six weeks of bowling
Donna Nystrom got high scratch game 187 and high handicap game 267. Jeanne Osborn got second high scratch game 168 and second high scratch series 429. Nancy Furtado got third high scratch game 162, third high handicap game 253 and third high handicap series 675. Donna Kent got high scratch series 430. Zetta Graupner got third high scratch series 427 and high handicap series 682. Michelle Sweet got second high handicap game 255 and second high handicap series 679.
Court Reports
Jason A. Benscher, born 1982, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (16 MPH or over) by BFPD on March 17.

Lillian Goad – DYW Participant #10
Bonners Ferry Rod Benders is proud to sponsor Lillian Goad. Lillian is the daughter of Robert Goad and Stacey Goad, and has three brothers, Cody, Collin, and Bobby. Lillian aspires to attend Boise State University, where she plans to pursue a career that allows her to spend time outdoors. Modern personalities who interest Lillian are Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Patrick Swazye.

Coldwell Banker welcomes new agent
BONNERS FERRY — Northwoods Realty Coldwell Banker recently hired a new agent, Tim Cady.

No headline

Softball season springs to life
BONNERS FERRY — As the flowers and trees show signs of spring, the Badgers softball team has been out practicing for its upcoming games. With their first game being canceled due to weather and field conditions, the team crosses their fingers that their game scheduled for April 6 against Troy High School remains in the plan.

Kootenai Wildlife Refuge tour road opens for spring
BONNERS FERRY — For outdoor enthusiasts in Boundary County, one awaited sign of spring arrived Monday, April 1. The gates opened to the auto tour road that threads its way through the Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge, and it was quickly filled with people in cars, on bikes, and on foot.
Community Calendar
Coming Events

4-H youth spend a day with law enforcement officers
On March 22, Sheriff Dave Kramer visited the 4-H Friday Friends Program and talked to the kids. He discussed what law enforcement officers do and what equipment they use. He also discussed some ways for us to stay safe, like looking both ways before crossing the street.

Come for the chili, return for the training
BONNERS FERRY — Community members came together on March 30 at the Paradise Valley Fire Department for their chili cookoff fundraiser.

Wildland fires put out Tuesday
BONNERS FERRY — Three separate wildland fires broke out around the county on Tuesday, April 2, around 4 p.m. Hall Mountain Fire, North Bench Fire, South Boundary Fire, and Paradise Valley Fire Departments all responded to the calls and were able to get them under control before they spread.

Large turnout for BFHS boys, girls track
BONNERS FERRY — The Badger track teams have kicked off their season, as evidenced by the many young runners seen jogging throughout town.
DYW Style Show scheduled April 11
Being stylish is just one of the many attributes the 2019-2020 Distinguished Young Women of Bonners Ferry participants possess, and they will share this gift at the upcoming Style Show, scheduled for Thursday, April 11.

Shelman's friends are hiding, where can they be?
BONNERS FERRY — Shelman Realty is hosting a fun event for children younger than 6: they are hiding Shelman’s friends in businesses around town for them to find. This event is to promote local shopping as well as celebrate Easter.
Weed control deadline extended to April 12
The Boundary County Weed Department will be extending the deadline for the Neighborhood Cooperative Weed Control application to Friday, April 12.

No headline

Biohazard class educates students
BONNERS FERRY —- On March 21, a class was held at the Armory building about identifying biohazards. The AWR-118 class is a new class for Idaho and is free to all first responders and members of the community.

Fourth of July fireworks show saved
BONNERS FERRY — Although the warm, lazy days of summer seem a distant future, the planning is already underway for a celebration that is loved in the community — the Fourth of July. With its small town parade, entertainment, and spectacular fireworks display, it brings the people of Boundary County together. But something happened this year that threatened to take away the climactic finale of fireworks.

Back to work on U.S. 95
BONNERS FERRY — The road construction on U.S. 95 through Bonners Ferry is in full swing this week, seeing a major change as the signal light at Alderson Lane is removed.
Gun Club News
Upcoming: Terry “Duke” Guthrie Memorial Shoot on Sunday, April 7, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. All trap shooters welcome — young and old. Meat Shoot and 50 Bird Handicap. If you don’t shoot, come on out and watch. The moving clay targets turn to dust when they are hit.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago
Sheriff's Logs
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office

Seen 'n Heard
“Shhhh ...”

Chaplain Corps supports law enforcement
At a recent Boundary County Emergency Management tabletop exercise, an issue was raised concerning the emotional and mental toll that law enforcement personnel experience in the performance of their duties. That strain is not just something that officers experience; their families also feel the pressure and see the effects of the dangers and stresses of the job which come home with their loved ones.

Spring sounds are music to our ears!
Spring has finally arrived, bringing the sweet sound of music to our ears. One of the most apparent sounds of spring are birds singing. You know warm weather has arrived when the sun forces you to take off that winter coat, but also because you hear birds chirping and singing in the morning. Fresh off their winter naps, birds’ singing their melodies is one of the delightful sounds that usher in spring.

Kylee Olson – DYW Participant #11
P.E.O. is happy to sponsor Kylee Olson. Kylee is the daughter of Erik and Cassie Olson and the late Hallie Olson. She has one sister, Makenna, and two brothers, Nolan and Dylan. Kylee plans to attend a performing arts college or fine arts college to study graphic design or acting. She enjoys dancing, singing, acting, and drawing in her spare time.