Thursday, July 25
Legals July 25, 2019
PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of Directors of the Bonners Ferry Urban Renewal Agency will conduct a public hearing on August 14, 2019 at 6:00 PM at City Hall to review the budget and actual line items below: The public is invited to comment on the preliminary budget at that time. ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED GENERAL FUND: 9/30/2017 9/30/2018 FY 2017-18 FY 2019-20 Revenues: Beginning Balance $ - $ - $ 125,000 $ 160,000 Property Tax Increment 77,431 91,524 60,000 66,725 Interest Total Income $ 77,431 $ 91,524 $ 185,000 $ 226,725 Expenditures: Developer Reimbursement $ 20,000 $ 20,000 Capital Improvements 2,979 13,487 131,900 164,625 Accounting/Admin/URD Creation 6,000 6,000 6,000 14,000 Professional: Legal 1,612 1,430 2,000 3,000 City of Bonners Ferry Rebate 20,000 20,000 Audit 4,478 4,642 4,500 4,500 Office Expense 1,005 166 600 600 Total Expenditures $ 16,074 $ 25,725 $ 185,000 $ 226,725 Ending Balance $ 61,357 $ 65,799 $ - $ - BOND FUND: Revenues: Property Tax Increment $ 28,275 $ 28,275 $ 53,988 $ 53,988 Interest 42 39 150 150 Total Income $ 28,317 $ 28,314 $ 54,138 $ 54,138 Expenditures: Principal Payment on Bonds $ 6,584 $ 35,251 $ 37,045 $ 38,930 Interest Expense on Bonds 21,691 18,887 17,093 15,208 Total Expenditures $ 28,275 $ 54,138 $ 54,138 $ 54,138 Ending Balance $ 42 $ (25,824) $ - $ - Total Revenues $ 105,748 $ 119,838 $ 239,138 $ 280,863 Total Expenditures 44,349 79,863 239,138 280,863 ENDING BALANCE $ 61,399 $ 39,975 $ - $ - BFH Legal 10220 July 25, 2019 August 1, 2019

The hop, skip and bob of the spotted sandpiper!
Last weekend, while traveling along the shoreline of Deep Creek and the Kootenai River, I noticed an unusual bird.
Sheriff's Logs
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office
Friends of Moyie Springs open house is tonight
The City of Moyie Springs is in the process of building a City Park to be located at 3331 Roosevelt behind the City office.
Seen 'n heard
n Congratulations to all the 2019 Best of Boundary County winners! For a complete list of results, see C1.

Two Tones Cafe wins eight Best of Boundary County awards
BONNERS FERRY — As they power through their second year open in Bonners Ferry, Two Tones Cafe has made their impression on the community, as evidenced through the Best of Boundary County competition.

Garlicky Lemon Mahi Mahi
Garlicky Lemon Mahi Mahi
Survey for grant funds
Survey responses sought: The City of Bonners Ferry would like to apply for an Idaho Community Development Block Grants for sewer system lift station upgrades. Since an assessment of the beneficiaries is a requirement of the grant funds, the Panhandle Area Council is conducting an income survey to provide the necessary beneficiary data for the City. If you received a survey and have not yet returned it, please follow the instructions to complete it and return it in the self-addressed stamped envelope that was provided with the survey. If you need a new survey, one can be obtained at City Hall.

Public debates Riverside Road Project options
BONNERS FERRY — People gathered at the Boundary County Fairgrounds Memorial Hall on Tuesday, July 23, to learn about and contribute to the Riverside Road project. This was the second meeting that was held regarding this project, in which the public had a chance to make suggestions and ask questions. The first meeting was held on Aug. 8, 2018, at the Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge.

Kathleen (Kathy) Ann English
Kathleen (Kathy) Ann English
Community Calendar
Coming Events

Larena Gwendolyn (Holmes) Daniel
Larena Gwendolyn (Holmes) Daniel

Lovely Law firm new to Bonners Ferry
BONNERS FERRY — Needing an attorney is not something the average citizen thinks about on a daily basis, but when the time arises, they are immediately on the lookout for the best person to defend them in their time of strife.
Court Reports
Carl Barner, DOB not on file, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (16 MPH or over) by BFPD on June 26.

Heart Rock Wines, CrossTime Saloon: A hit in the community
BONNERS FERRY — When the community looks for a great place to sip on a glass of wine or enjoy a frosty pint of beer, they have several places to choose from in Boundary County. More than 1,000 voters came out to cast their votes for their favorite places, choosing Heart Rock Wines for Best Wine.

The Bread Basket Bakery wins Best Bakery, Best Sandwiches awards
BONNERS FERRY — Having a local place for freshly baked goods such as breads and doughnuts is a treat for many people both on the go, and those looking for that home baked experience.

Severe thunderstorm takes down trees
BONNERS FERRY — A line of severe thunderstorms, along with high winds, blew through Boundary County late Tuesday night and into the early hours of Wednesday morning, taking down trees across the county.

Thanks to all who made Kootenai River Days a success
Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce would like to express our thanks to the community for its support of our Kootenai River Days Event. The generosity of the sponsors was very much appreciated. They are the supporting arch that is needed to have such an event as this. The event started on July 10, and continued until July 13, therefore closing the event with a street fair and the street dance. Music was provided by Area 56 and had the people of all ages dancing away and having a great time.

Bonners Ferry Family Medicine personnel win Best of Boundary County awards
BONNERS FERRY — For a large portion of Boundary County residents, Dr. Troy Geyman and his practice Bonners Ferry Family Medicine is well known, and many people are seen there. The practice recently got a facelift with the expansion of their facility, further enabling the team there to best care for their patients.

Sheriff Dave Kramer voted Best Police Officer
BONNERS FERRY — When it was time for the community to vote for their favorite Police Officer, Boundary County Sheriff Dave Kramer was chosen as their No. 1 pick. Kramer became the Sheriff of Boundary County in January of 2017, but he has worked other law enforcement positions in Boundary County for many years.
Gun Club News
Saturday, July 20
Charles L. (Chuck) Lockman
Charles L. (Chuck) Lockman

Vehicle found totally submerged in Perkins Lake
BONNERS FERRY — On Friday, July 19, a vehicle was reported totally submerged in Perkins Lake. It was unknown as to whether or not there were people in the vehicle. Boundary Search and Dive Rescue, Boundary County Sheriff’s Office, North Bench Fire, Curley Creek Fire, and Boundary Ambulance responded to the call.

Multi-church Vacation Bible School set for Aug. 5-9
Summer fun for all kids ages kindergarten through sixth grade begins Aug. 5-9, noon to 4:30 p.m. each day, including FREE USDA lunch.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Library's summer reading program to host 'spaced out' magic show
Blast off at this years Boundary County Library magic show at the Boundary County Fairgrounds on Wednesday, July 31! Showtime is at 1 p.m., so don’t miss your flight!
Cease and desist order filed against wife of Bonners Ferry man accused of fraud
The Montana State Auditor’s Office has filed for a temporary order to cease and desist against the wife of a Bonners Ferry man who has been accused of securities fraud, conducting unlicensed financial transactions and exploitation of an older person.

Paul Bonnell: Best Teacher and Musician
BONNERS FERRY — Paul Bonnell has been reaching out and positively affecting lives for many years, not only through teaching, but also music. The impact he has made was evident in the 2019 voting results for the Best of Boundary County, where Bonnell was voted Best Teacher at a Local School, and Best Musician.

Mirror Lake Ladies' Golf Report: Margaritaville
The Mirror Lake Ladies’ Margaritaville Invitational took place on Wednesday, July 17, at the Mirror Lake Golf Club with 60 ladies participating.

Fulton Quality Construction named best construction company
BONNERS FERRY — As the ground thaws in North Idaho, people begin to build structures like homes and barns. Having the knowledge to tackle a big project like that helps speed up the process as well as making sure things are done correctly.
Wednesday, July 24
The Best of Boundary County 2019 winners
Best Car Salesman
Thursday, July 18
Legals July 18, 2019
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ZONE CHANGE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the City of Moyie Springs Idaho will conduct a public hearing on July 30th 6:00 P.M. at Moyie Springs City Hall, 3331 Roosevelt Road, Moyie Springs, Idaho, to consider a request by David and Syble Volking, applicants and property owners, for approval of a zone change on a parcel from a Commercial to Suburban Zone. The subject parcel is located along Highway 2 between North Division Street and Elk Road. The site that is the subject of the request is parcel: PARCEL NO LEGAL DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT RP M00000152412A NW4 SEC 15 & SW4 SEC 10 13.25 AC 002-0000 RPM00000152412T SEC 15 T62N R2E S OF HWY & NW OF ELK ROAD PROPERTY DESCRIPTION -VOLKING 13.25 ACRES A tract of land situated in the Northwest Quarter (NW l/4) of Section Fifteen (15} and the Southwest Quarter (SW l/4) of Section Ten (10), Township Sixty-two (62) North, Range Two (2) East of the Boise Meridian, Boundary County, Idaho; more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the west line of said NW l/4 which is N 00°09'39" W, 1080.57 feet from the southwest corner of the NW l/4; thence, leaving said west line in a perpendicular direction N 89°50'21" E, 600.23 feet to the intersection with the northerly right of way of Elk Road, being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, which is marked on the ground by a 5/8" re bar and plastic cap stamped PLS 7877; thence, leaving said right of way N 41°13'16" W, 390.99 feet to the intersection with the southerly right of way of U.S. Highway No. 2 which is marked on the ground by a 5/8" rebar and plastic cap stamped PLS 7877; thence, along said right of way N 71 °04'51" E, 66.05 feet to an Idaho Dept. of Transportation right of way monument; thence, along a curve to the left having a central angle of 02°00'50" (radial bearing= N 27°22'32" W), a radius of 5762.10 feet, for an arc length of 202.52 feet (chord= N 61°37'04" E, 202.51 feet) to a 5/8" rebar and plastic cap stamped PLS 7877; thence N 54°10'58" E, 101.72 feet to a 5/8" rebar and plastic cap stamped PLS 7877; thence, along a curve to the left having a central angle of 02°00'48" (radial bearing= N 30°23'47" W), a radius of 5751.60 feet, for an arc length of 202.11 feet (chord= N 58°35'49" E, 202.10 feet) to an Idaho Dept. of Transportation right of way monument; thence N 51°25'51" E, 101.46 feet to a 5/8" rebar and plastic cap stamped PLS 7877; thence, along a curve to the left having a central angle of 08°14'47" (radial bearing= N 33°24'59" W), a radius of 5741.60 feet, for an arc length of 826.37 feet (chord= N 52°27'38" E, 825.65 feet) to a 5/8" rebar and plastic cap stamped PLS 7877; thence N 48°20'14" E, 152.25 feet to a 5/8" rebar and plastic cap stamped PLS 7877; thence, along a spiral curve to the right having a chord of N 50°33'56" E, 394.73 feet (centerline-a=l.5, L=400) to a 5/8" rebar and plastic cap stamped PLS 7877; thence, along a circular curve to the right having a central angle of 06°50'13" (radial bearing= S 35°24'58" E), a radius of 1859.86 feet, for an arc length of 221.94 feet (chord = N 58°00'09" E, 221.80 feet) to an Idaho Dept. of Transportation right of way monument; thence N 73°02'39" E, 68.48 feet to the intersection with the right of way of Elk Road which is marked on the ground by a 5/8" rebar and plastic cap stamped PLS 3390; thence, leaving the right of way of U.S. Highway No. 2 and along the right of way of Elk Road S 27°25'44" E, 61.31 feet to a 5/8" rebar and plastic cap stamped PLS 3390; thence, along a curve to the right having a central angle of 76°37'50", a radius of 119.74 feet, for an arc length of 160.15 feet (chord= S 10°53'11" W, 148.47 feet) to a 5/8" rebar and plastic cap stamped PLS 3390; thence S 48°59'44" W, 1012.04 feet to a 5/8" rebar and plastic cap stamped PLS 7877; thence S 48°53'32" W, 745.84 feet to a 5/8" rebar and plastic cap stamped PLS 7877; thence S 48°55'32" W, 422.74 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, encompassing an area of 13.25 acres. Said request is on file at the City Office, 3331 Roosevelt Road in Moyie Springs, Idaho, where it may be inspected during regular business hours. Such documents will contain materials relevant to the request, the contents of which may change prior to the date of the hearing. All persons desiring to be heard should appear at this hearing. Written testimony may be sent to the City of Moyie Springs, PO Box 573 Moyie Spring, Idaho 83845. Written testimony must be received no later than July 26th , 2019. Written testimony received after this date will not be entered into the record or read at the public hearing. If you require special accommodation, please contact the City Office (phone (208) 267-5161 prior to the date of the hearing. BFH Legal 10212 July 11, 18, 2019

Cornhole tournament sees great turnout
BONNERS FERRY — Fourteen teams gathered at Riverside Auto Center on July 13, as part of the Kootenai River Days, to test their skills at the game of cornhole, where a team of two players took turns tossing bags of plastic resin at a raised platform, aiming for the hole at the far end.

Hospital earns TSE designations
These designations for Boundary Community Hospital are part of the Idaho Time Sensitive Emergency (TSE) System. They are is reserved for hospitals that meet the stringent criteria established by the state as part of the statewide TSE system of care that includes three of the top five causes of death in Idaho: trauma, stroke, and heart attack (STEMI). BCH is already a Level IV Trauma Center.
Seen 'n Heard
Kudos to the polite drivers that stop to allow side traffic to enter the highway, as well as traffic needing to make left hand turns off of the highway, during the road construction through town. Keep it up! We have a way to go, guys!
Community Calendar
Coming Events
Letter to the Editor: Reboubt Movement
REDOUBT: Fear, hatred have no place here

Vehicle thief pleads guilty
BONNERS FERRY — On May 9, 51-year old Daniel Erwin Burton of Bonners Ferry, was charged with the theft of a 1963 Ford pickup truck.
Gun Clun News
Saturday, July 6

Patricia Ann Patty Kosters
Patricia Ann ‘Patty’ Kosters
Sheriff's Log
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office

GUEST OPINION: DAVE KRAMER - Reducing the chance of becoming a victim
Boundary County is considered a safe place to live overall but looking at the crimes committed by people in custody show that we are not immune to any type of criminal activity. You do not have to be paranoid, but it is wise to use common sense and realize that not everyone that lives, or visits Boundary County has your best interests at stake. What I mean by that: there are things that you can do to reduce the chance of being a victim, especially to thefts. The first part is the realization that “yes, I could be a victim” instead of the mindset that, “This is Boundary County and I don’t need to lock my doors or take the keys out of my vehicle, or think that no one would steal my stuff.”
Letter to the Editor: Idaho Changes to Birth Certificates
There are TWO (2) current sexes of most all living species, including WE the People. These are apparent at the time of conception and birth. No matter what you “want” to be, it does not change what you are, “actually.” It is OK to just “BE … but not to LIE. Changing a document is ludicrous, and is a LIE. DO NOT allow this prerequisite to happen as another falsehood to the Human Species. It’s just FAKE News and falls into the category of communist propaganda ...

Sheriff's Office receives grant for K9 Unit
BONNERS FERRY — A K9 team has many advantages to law enforcement, from drug detection to improving public relations. The Boundary County Sheriff’s Office has not had a K9 team for a while, and it was a goal of Boundary County Sheriff Dave Kramer to establish one again.

Mirror Lake Ladies' Golf Report
For the week of July 9-10, Game of the Day was “Low Gross,” a goal worth striving for but with conservative probabilities unlikely to happen.

Jiu-Jitsu good for exercise, self-defense
BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BFBJJ) has been able to teach people of all ages self defense. People can view classes and see small children all the way up to adults.
Steven John Riebli
Steven John Riebli

Downed power line sparks fire along U.S. 95
BONNERS FERRY — On Sunday, July 14, around 5:30 p.m., Hall Mountain Volunteer Fire Department responded to a fire due to downed power lines on U.S. 95, near mile marker 527. The fire was located in the ditch along the highway, and had a small extension of about 15 feet into the woods.

Crazy Dayz promotion supports local businesses
BONNERS FERRY — During the Kootenai River Days celebrations, local businesses teamed up for Crazy Dayz. Each place had sales and other incentives to bring customers into their business and see all they had to offer.

Man sentenced in residential burglary; items still missing
BONNERS FERRY — On Dec. 25, 2018, Boundary County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of a residential burglary in the Naples area.

Grapes & Barley Walk helps Rotary scholarship fund
BONNERS FERRY — Thirty-nine people turned out to sip wine and beer at local establishments around town on July 11, for the Rotary Grapes & Barley Walk, with the proceeds going to the Rotary Club of Bonners Ferry.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Wild game/pork ribs cook off still finding its feet
BONNERS FERRY — The Wild Game and Pork Rib Cook Off took place during the Kootenai River Days for the second year. It has been a slow start for the fledgling competition, with only two entrants this year, but that has not deterred organizer Lori Allen.

River otters: Well adapted for semi-aquatic living in North Idaho
Recently I was traveling along Myrtle Creek on the Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge loop road, when I was surprised by an adult otter swimming in the water below me.

Chicken Fajitas
Chicken Fajitas

Pack it in? Pack it out!
BONNERS FERRY — With summertime comes more people enjoying the great outdoors, from camping and fishing, to hiking and huckleberry picking.

Dancing in the street for KRD
BONNERS FERRY — For many people in Boundary County, Kootenai River Days is looked forward to as a celebration of summer. Lasting four days, it is packed with activities for all ages, from movie night at the Pearl Theater, to golfing at Mirror Lake Golf Course, to the Farmers Market, Cornhole Tournament at Riverside Auto Center, and finally the main event on Saturday, July 13.
Court Reports
Kumar Amandeep, born 1988, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by ISP on April 21. Amended to misdemeanor offense by person owning or controlling vehicle.

New awards planned for this year's fair
BONNERS FERRY — This year the Boundary County Fair is going to see something new — these special awards ribbons featured throughout the fair! They can be for anything from “Best Lily” to “Best Quick Bread” to “Best Eggs.”
Public meeting is Tuesday for Riverside Road construction project
The U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highways Administration and project partners will host a public meeting in Bonners Ferry on July 23 to provide updates on the Riverside Road Improvements Project.

Summer Youth Theater shows begin tonight
Here’s some local entertainment you’re not going to want to miss! Bonners Ferry Summer Youth Theater will be presenting two fabulous shows for the price of one!

Plea is entered in Lott killing
SANDPOINT — A former Bonner County man accused of murdering his wife in 2004 entered an Alford plea on Tuesday to an amended charge of voluntary manslaughter.

Do you really WATCH golf on TV?
BONNERS FERRY — Today begins the 148th Open Championship at Royal Portrush in Northern Ireland. Being the final Major of 2019, there will be some great golf and plenty of drama on the beautiful linksland golf course.
Thursday, July 11
Legals July 11, 2019
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Boundary County Board of County Commissioners will hold public hearing at 10:00 AM Monday, July 29, 2019 in the Commissioners Office located on the 2nd floor of the County Courthouse to accept public comment on an Urban Subdivision Application, 19-035 by Harold Wedel. This application involves establishing an Urban Subdivision on parcel #'s RP62N01E112120A & RP62N01E111827A (totaling 4.12 acres) which are located in the Suburban Zone about 1 mile north of 3 mile junction on Highway 95 on the south side of Echo Drive. This request is made in conjunction with Ordinance 9B18LOV2: 11.3.7. Urban Subdivision: Subdivision by long plat to create lots intended for residential development in which any lot proposed is less than 2 1/2 acres in size. Written comment may be mailed to Planning and Zoning, PO Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, faxed to (208) 267-7814 or emailed to Written comment will be accepted at public hearing provided the material is read into the record. There may be a five (5) minute limit per person on verbal testimony. Further information is available on this application at the Planning & Zoning Office, room 18 located in the Extension Office behind the Courthouse, and the application is available for public review. Information is also available by calling (208) 267-7212 or by visiting the county website at Anyone requiring special accommodation due to handicap or disability should contact the Commissioners office (208 267-7723) at least two (2) days prior to the hearing. BFH Legal 10215 July 11, 2019
Letter to the Editor
Regarding the July 4 article, “NEW CHURCH BRINGS CONTROVERSY TO AREA,” I must say that I am extremely disappointed in the reporting (if you can call it that) of Tanna Yeoumans and the Bonners Ferry Herald.

Fourth of July in Bonners Ferry
BONNERS FERRY — On the Norman Rockwell scale of how well the 2019 Fourth of July went, in being the ideal small-town celebration, with 10 being the ultimate Norman Rockwell day, organizer Gary Leonard said this year was an eight and a half or a nine.

Balance is key
When you watch people on the PGA and LPGA tours play, one thing they all have in common is great balance. It doesn’t matter if they are short or tall, skinny or stout, the entirety of their swing is balanced.

Eastport Parade draws record crowd
EASTPORT — It always amazes me the number of people that come out for the fun of the Eastport Parade. It’s on the very border of Canada and the U.S., too tiny for anything to thrive, but a little post office and the Port of Entry.

Mirror Lake Ladies' Golf Report
Thunderstorms rained out Tuesday night, July 2, but the Wednesday morning, July 3, ladies who braved the gloomy weather predictions were rewarded. It turned out to be a sunny morning for Game of the Day “Three clubs and a putter.”

Wildlife Refuge auto tour road to close
BONNERS FERRY — The ever popular 4 1/2-mile auto tour road through the Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge will be closed for about a month this summer. This includes closure to all traffic, automobiles, bicycles and hikers.
BFHS class of 1969 50-year reunion Friday
The Bonners Ferry High School Class of 1969 will be celebrating their 50-year class reunion on Friday, July 12 at the Kootenai River Inn. We welcome and invite the public to join us at 7:30 p.m.

Happy 50th Anniversary, John and Jan Taft!

Free avian flu testing for the fair
BONNERS FERRY — As the Boundary County Fair approaches, entrants are getting their ducks in a row — or any other poultry — that may be competing this year. One of the steps for this is getting the poultry tested for Avian influenza (AI), commonly known as “bird flu” or “avian flu.”

Locals finish third in division
BONNERS FERRY — During June 26-29, local residents Josh Friedman, retired U.S. Navy Seal, and Julie Kirk, owner of Mountain Mike’s Health Food store, participated in the Yukon River Quest race for the sixth year in a row.

Lemon Asparagus Chicken
Lemon Asparagus Chicken
Community Calendar
Discover the wonderful world of bats
Learn the facts about these misunderstood, yet beneficial creatures of the night from Jenny Barnett, Zone Inventory and Monitoring Biologist.
Seen 'n Heard
- A concerned citizen would like to remind bicycle riders on Ash Street to the Cow Creek ‘Y’, to PLEASE wear bright colors. Dark clothing makes it very difficult to see the riders from a distance. The citizen is afraid someone is going to get hit.
Sheriff's Log
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office

Long Drift Outfitters brings guides to Kootenai River
BONNERS FERRY — The wide variety of outdoor activities in North Idaho is one of its main attractions. From hiking, wildlife watching, to water recreation and fishing, there are options for everyone to enjoy.

Young heroes emerge on Independence Day
BONNERS FERRY — As the Fourth of July celebration neared the climax and the skies darkened into evening, a scenario unfolded that would result in two young men becoming heroes, and a young life being saved.

Race the Wolf 25K

Jiu-Jitsu wins again
BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has been a welcome asset for local residents and those from around the area that are interested in learning, or have already begun. The discipline teaches self-defense utilizing submission techniques through grappling and ground fighting.

Thatching ant hills only a portion of the nest
Anyone who’s walked through the pine forests of Boundary County has seen them, the large, often knee high mounds of pine needles and other forest debris, which, on a sunny day, are swarming with ants. These are the homes of thatching ants. In bad weather these appear to be lifeless piles of debris, but on sunny days they can be boiling with activity. Thatching ant colonies are abundant, especially in Jack Pine forests wherever there is a site that receives good sunshine. The edges of roads and snowmobile trails are great spots to find them. Warmth from the sun is an important resource for the developing eggs and larvae.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Developing a water source for our future
Supplying healthy, great tasting water is one of the most important things the city does for our residents. The city has relied on Myrtle Creek as its primary water source for nearly 100 years, but as the fire in the Myrtle Creek drainage in 2003 demonstrated, backup water sources are very important. The city has used water from the Kootenai River as a backup for decades, but it is more challenging to treat, and the taste of the water just isn’t as good as the Myrtle Creek water.
Thursday, July 4
Legals July 4, 2019
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Case No. CV11-19-0262 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY In the Matter of the Estate of, LAURENCE CLYDE FRAZEE, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that TERESA CARTWRIGHT has been appointed Personal Representative for the Estate of LAURENCE CLYDE FRAZEE. All persons having claims against the deceased or his estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated, or filed with the Clerk of the Court and a copy furnished to the Personal Representative's attorney. DATED this 19 day of June, 2019. /s/ Rex A. Finney REX A. FINNEY FINNEY FINNEY & FINNEY, P.A. 120 E. Lake Street, Ste 317 Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 Attorney for TERESA CARTWRIGHT, Personal Representative of the Estate of LAURENCE CLYDE FRAZEE BFH Legal 10207 June 27, 2019 July 4, 11, 2019
Lost and Found
Found: fishing pole at Smith Lake on June 26. Call 208-597-5064 to identify and claim.
Fourth of July schedule of events
BONNERS FERRY — The Fourth of July celebratory events will kick off at 4:30 p.m. as people that wish to participate in the parade will be lining up at the Boundary County Fairgrounds. The parade begins at 5 p.m., and will meander through downtown Bonners Ferry and conclude back at the fairgrounds.

Mirror Lake Ladies' Golf Report
For the week of June 25-26, Game of the Day was “Longest Putt on Hole #9” and, being the last Wednesday of the month, it was also “Ace” day.

Eli Richards brings home awards
Bonners Ferry’s Eli Richards participated at the USA Western States Wrestling Championships in Pocatello on June 20-22.

9B Arenacross revs up riders
BONNERS FERRY — Engines revved and dirt flew, as dirt bikes and their riders defied gravity, negotiating the custom track at the Boundary County Fairgrounds on Saturday, June 29.

No headline

Annual barbecue supports Restorium
BONNERS FERRY — On June 30, Boundary County residents came together at the Boundary County Restorium for their annual barbecue fundraiser.
Court Reports
Monica May Abraham, born 2001, charged with misdemeanor driving under the influence by BCSO on April 3.
Community Calendar
Coming Events
Gun Club News
Saturday, June 29
Sheriff's Logs
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office
Kootenai River Days just around the corner
BONNERS FERRY — Now that summer has arrived, it is time for the annual Kootenai River Days, which will kick off at The Pearl Theater on Wednesday, July 10, at 6 p.m. with Family Movie Night, featuring “Mary Poppins Returns.”

Dedication plaque placed by flagpole
BONNERS FERRY — On the drizzly fall day of Oct. 13, 2017, a sign of patriotism rose over the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office during a ceremony, as the American flag was drawn up a flagpole donated by the Idaho Forest Group (IFG).

Retired forensic firearm expert volunteers his time to BCSO
BONNERS FERRY — After a long and successful career that spanned from his time as an Army Ranger, from being drafted into the military in 1971 during the Vietnam War, to years spent working for law enforcement agencies, teaching in colleges, training and much more, retired Forensic Firearm and Toolmark Examiner, Michael Kelley, settled in Bonners Ferry in 2016.

Highway officials warn motorists of Rock Creek slide
BONNERS FERRY — A potentially lethal hazard lurks on a wide sweeping corner of U.S. 95, something that was set in motion during the spring mudslides of 2017, and since has continued to grow and evolve into a larger threat to the people traveling that stretch of highway.
Shane Michael Stevens Spencer
Shane Michael Stevens Spencer

Golf Tips from a Pro
Keep the right elbow from flying out

Wasp, bee and hornet identification
If you’ve just been stung by a buzzing winged insect, like I was last summer, the last thing on your mind are the variations in anatomy, behavior and diet of bees, wasps, or hornets.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Onion Leek Potato Soup
Onion Leek Potato Soup

Local Safeway welcomes new store director
BONNERS FERRY — The Bonners Ferry Safeway has recently welcomed its new Store Director, Rob Foxx.
New church brings controversy to area
BONNERS FERRY — New to Bonners Ferry, the Lordship Church is part of the American Redoubt, which boasts free church, supports homeschooling, patriotism, and the literal translation of biblical doctrine.