Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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February 1, 2018 12:30 a.m.

Legals February 1, 2018

NOTICE TO CREDITORS CASE NO. CV-2018-28 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY MAGISTRATE DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: SANDRA SUE JOHNSTON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Public Administrator of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of the Notice to Creditors, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must both be presented in writing to the undesigned at the address indicated, and filed with the Clerk of Court. Dated this 22 day of January 2018. SUSAN M. LARSON Public Administrator P.O. Box 218 Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 BFH Legal 9840 February 1, 8 ,15, 2018

Russ Fulcher urges an end to divisiveness
January 14, 2021 1 a.m.

Russ Fulcher urges an end to divisiveness

Rep. Russ Fulcher (R-Idaho) wrote a letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi urging Democrats to forgo an impeachment process and reiterated those same sentiments on the house floor as they debated to impeach President Donald Trump for a historic second attempt.

The coyote: Clever, evasive and always hungry
February 1, 2018 midnight

The coyote: Clever, evasive and always hungry

“The coyote is a long, slim, sick and sorry-looking skeleton, with a gray wolf-skin stretched over it, a tolerable bushy tail that forever sags down with a despairing expression of forsakenness and misery, a furtive and evil eye, and a long, sharp face, with slightly lifted lip and exposed teeth. He has a general slinking expression all over.

Naples Elementary wins the book lottery
December 12, 2019 midnight

Naples Elementary wins the book lottery

NAPLES — The Idaho Lottery’s Bucks for Books program delivered a couple really big gifts to the Naples Elementary School on Thursday, Dec. 5.

Fun in the bogs on 'mudders day'
May 17, 2018 1 a.m.

Fun in the bogs on 'mudders day'

BONNERS FERRY — Over Mothers Day weekend, May 11-13, trucks and off-road vehicles swarmed to the Moyie Mud Bogs once again. The fields were packed with campers, tents, and muddy vehicles, earning this event the nickname “Mudders Day.”

Oh deer! The fawns are here! Keep an eye out
July 7, 2016 1 a.m.

Oh deer! The fawns are here! Keep an eye out

Everyone thinks whitetail deer fawns are cute and playful; and they are! Last week I was driving by the Kootenai River in western Boundary County when I had the good fortune of spotting a pair of Whitetail twin fawns with their mother beside the road in a grassy open area. They were only a few days old and had some difficulty in managing the terrain and running too safety, but were soon out of sight hiding in the grass and brush. The following morning I saw a single Whitetail fawn beside his mother, he appeared to be only hours old and had trouble walking and keeping up with her, but followed his mother’s lead and was soon gone from my vision, vanishing in the pine trees. I thought how wonderful it is to live in north Idaho where there is an abundance of wildlife and to appreciate their habitat.

September 24, 2020 midnight

Legals for September, 24 2020

September 12, 2019 1:30 a.m.

Legals September 12, 2019

CALL FOR BIDS EQUIPMENT FUEL SUPPLY October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Boundary County, Idaho will receive sealed bids for the supply and dispensing of approximately 10,000 gallons of unleaded gasoline, approximately 40,000 gallons of number 2 diesel, and approximately 1,000 gallons of number 1 diesel to County owned vehicles and equipment at the vendors (bidders) location within a 5 mile radius of the Boundary County Shop and delivered to the county shop, 73 Sunrise Road, to fill 2500 gallon above ground tank. BID FORM, BIDDER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS can be obtained at the Clerk's Office in the Boundary County, Idaho Courthouse located in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Telephone: (208) 267-2242. SUCH BID FORM, INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS must be substantially complied with and such documents include special requirements, including bidder's Security. Bid price is to be based on gallons as set out in paragraph one above. BID MUST BE IN THE OFFICE OF the County Clerk on or before: 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 27, 2019. BIDS WILL BE OPENED ON: Monday, September 30, 2019 at 9:00 a.m., in the Boundary County Commissioners' Office, Rm#28, Boundary County Courthouse, 6452 Kootenai Street, Bonners Ferry, Idaho. EQUAL PHYSICAL AND COMMUNICATIONS access for people with disabilities as required by Title II of the ADA will be provided with reasonable advance notice of "3" working days. NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION IN PROCUREMENT. Boundary County, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 23 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or retaliation in consideration for an award. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to cancel any contract stemming from acceptance of a bid, upon written notice 30 days prior to cancellation. Boundary County Commissioners, Bonners Ferry, Idaho s/ Dan R. Dinning, Chairman s/ Wally Cossairt, Commissioner s/ Walt Kirby, Commissioner BFH Legal 10256 September 5, 12, 2019

January 25, 2024 midnight

Legals for January, 25 2024

January 14, 2021 1 a.m.

Idaho Awarded $6 Million Grant to Support Early Childhood Learning and School Readiness

Idaho Awarded $6 Million Grant to Support Early Childhood Learning and School Readiness

Mt. Hall September Community Letter
September 23, 2021 1 a.m.

Mt. Hall September Community Letter

Mt. Hall September Community Letter

Williams named All-Idaho Player of the Year
April 13, 2023 1 a.m.

Williams named All-Idaho Player of the Year

Bonners Ferry sophomore Asher Williams was voted the 3A All-Idaho Boys Basketball Player of the Year by the state’s coaches. It is not known if a Bonners Ferry boys basketball player has ever received this honor.

Mountain Springs Early Learning Academy to open fall of 2017
June 29, 2017 1 a.m.

Mountain Springs Early Learning Academy to open fall of 2017

BONNER FERRY — Mountain Springs Early Learning Academy opens its doors for the first time this fall. Affiliated with Mountain Springs Church on Main Street, the academy offers a faith-based preschool and pre-K academic program open to the Boundary County community.

Letter to the Editor: Ginger Lawrence  Book Signing
September 20, 2018 1 a.m.

Letter to the Editor: Ginger Lawrence Book Signing

AUTHOR: Former resident to sign latest book

Local man charged with drug possession, domestic violence and violating protective order
April 14, 2022 1 a.m.

Local man charged with drug possession, domestic violence and violating protective order

A Boundary County man is charged with domestic battery, violation of a protection order and drug possession.

Ashworth bids farewell as library director
September 22, 2016 1 a.m.

Ashworth bids farewell as library director

BONNERS FERRY — The library was always a second home for Sandy Ashworth and her family after they moved to Boundary County in the late 1960s.

September 12, 2014 9 a.m.

Be open minded, do your research

January 22, 2009 8 p.m.

Naples grandfather takes up dorm life

Roger Kramer occasionally has to ask his neighbors to turn down the rock music.

July 15, 2010 9 p.m.

$10,000 grant given to local day care center

BONNERS FERRY — Friday IdahoSTARS gave Teddy Bear Daycare owner Lindsay Winn a $10,000 grant to improve the facility’s playground.

Stanley Mastre
February 1, 2018 midnight

Stanley Mastre

Stanley Mastre