Thursday, November 29

No headline

Trees that stay forever green!
“The smell of pine needles, spruce and the smell of a Christmas Tree-these to me, are the scents of the holidays.”
Community Calendar
Coming Events:
Court Reports
Twyla Dawn Basil, born 1978, charged with misdemeanor driving without privileges by BFPD on July 27.
Seen 'n Heard
n There is a rumor going around that Santa Claus will be visiting Boundary County very soon ...

Small Business Saturday: Shopping local pays off
BONNERS FERRY — During the national Small Business Saturday event, people are encouraged to shop locally and help support their communities throughout the country.

Shirley Darlene Estabrooks
Shirley Darlene Estabrooks
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished ten weeks of bowling
Helen Heritage got high scratch game 164 and high scratch series 446. Lil Jimenez tied for second high scratch game 163. Nancy Clatworthy tied for second high scratch game 163, third high scratch series 422, high handicap game 246, and high handicap series 671. Donna Nystrom got third high scratch game 155, second high handicap game 242, and second high handicap series 653. Carolyn McNeill got second high scratch series 423. Melayne Stevens got third high handicap game 234. Nancy Furtado got third high handicap series 624.

Connie's Enchie's
Connie’s Enchies
This Week in Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Running for a cause ... and running for pie
BONNERS FERRY — Despite a cold rain that hovered on the edge of snow, roads slippery with ice and slush, 230 brave and dedicated people of all ages showed for the 10th annual fun, family-friendly and free Turkey Trot 5K/10K on Thanksgiving morning.

Boundary County Middle School is in the spirit!
Boundary County Middle School is already three eighths of the way through the year and this has been a very positive one so far. Students and staff alike are breathing well, staying busy, and looking forward to keeping the momentum going.

No headline

Sharon R.Hunstiger
Sharon R. Hunstiger

William C. Pease (Bill)
William C. Pease (Bill)

High Five funding to help pool, skate rink
BONNERS FERRY — The City of Bonners Ferry is currently in the second year in the utilization the $250,000 High Five! Community Transformation Grant that was awarded in October 2016. The grant money comes from the Blue Cross Foundation of Idaho, which works with communities around the state in order to combat childhood obesity.
Sheriff's Log
Monday, Nov. 19

Ron Shelman
Ron Shelman

Free holiday orchestra performance
The Bonners Ferry Community Orchestra will play its seasonal concert on Sunday, Dec. 2, at 3 p.m. at Bonners Ferry High School Becker Auditorium.

Santa's Chariots of Fire
BONNERS FERRY — The Chariots of Fire is the local fire departments’ way of celebrating the winter holidays together. And 2018 marks the third year for ‘Santa’s Chariots of Fire’ and the 10th year for the Naples Holiday Festival.

Home for the holiday
BONNERS FERRY — The Pearl Theater reverberated with music and laughter on the Friday after Thanksgiving, as the Shook Twins — with special guest John Craigie — took to the stage in something that has become a Black Friday tradition for Boundary County.
Dukes Claybusters, Fall Meat Shoot results
Saturday, Nov. 17, School Team — “Dukes Claybusters”: The team’s only young lady shooter Melanie Campbell, getting used to shooting a different shotgun, breaking a low score first round then improving the next round. That’s great ... just like school grades, improving them.

No headline
Thursday, November 22
Legals November 22, 2018
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Friday, the 1st day of March, 2019, at the hour of 12 o'clock P.M. of said day, on the steps before the Boundary County Courthouse, 6452 Kootenai St., Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, Josh Hickey, or someone on his behalf, as Trustee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash (the Trustee is authorized to make a credit bid for the Beneficiary) in lawful money of the United States of America, all payable at the time of the sale, the following described real property, situated in Boundary County, State of Idaho, to-wit: The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 61 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Boundary County, Idaho. For the purposes of compliance with Idaho Code 60-113, the Trustee has been informed that the address of 167 Silhouette Lane, Naples, ID 83847 may sometimes be associated with said real property.Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the deed of Trust executed by and among Bill Cartmell and Evelyn Schmidt, husband and wife, the Grantors; and Community Title, LLC, Trustee; and Victor Frederickson, Beneficiary; said Deed of Trust was filed of record on July 13, 2012 as Instrument No. 254484, official records of Boundary County, Idaho. Josh Hickey of Berg, McLaughlin, & Nelson Chtd. has been appointed as Successor Trustee, per the Appointment of Successor Trustee recorded in the records of Boundary County on October 26, 2018, under instrument number 275789. The above Grantors are named to comply with Idaho Code Section 45-1506(4)(a). No representation is made that they are or are not presently responsible for this obligation. The default for which this sale is to be made is failure of the Grantors to pay when due, monthly payments, as set forth on the Promissory Note, executed by and between the parties on July 11, 2012 in the principal amount of $64,423.91, secured by said Deed of Trust, with monthly payments in the amount of $579.00 due on the 13th day of each month, with said payments being unpaid since July 13, 2018. Due to the default by the Grantors, the Beneficiary has called all amounts owing thereunder due in full immediately. All amounts, including interest and late fees, are now due and payable along with all costs and fees associated with this foreclosure. The principal balance with interest through September 19, 2018, on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust, is $47,388.56, plus interest accruing after September 19, 2018, unpaid taxes, late fees, escrow fees, attorney's fees and costs. Dated this 29th day of October, 2018. Berg, McLaughlin, & Nelson Chtd. Signed: /s/ Josh Hickey Successor Trustee STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss. County of Bonner ) On this 29th day of October, 2018, before me, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, personally appeared Josh Hickey, known to me to be the Successor Trustee of the Deed of Trust mentioned in this Notice of Trustee's Sale, and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument on behalf of said Trustee and acknowledged to me that he executed the same on behalf of said Trustee and that said Trustee executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed by hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. /s/ Susan Shelledy (SEAL) NOTARY PUBLIC FOR IDAHO Residing at Sagle, Idaho My Commission Expires 1-27-2024 BFH Legal 10038 November 8, 15, 22, 29, 2018
This Week in Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

St. Ann's brings back the Craft Fair
BONNERS FERRY — On Nov. 16-17, St. Ann’s Catholic Church in Bonners Ferry hosted their annual Craft Fair for their women’s group. This is the first craft fair the ladies were able to host after the church burned down two years ago.
Court Reports
Alyssa S. Allen, born 1990, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by ISP on Aug. 31.
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished 10 weeks of bowling
We have picked up several new bowlers this year.

Giving thanks as a community
BONNERS FERRY — On Nov. 18, community members gathered at the Bonners Ferry Middle School cafeteria for the annual Thanksgiving dinner hosted by the Boundary County Ministerial Association.

Boundary Community Hospital: We saved lives today
As a Critical Access Hospital in a rural community, many folks think Boundary Community Hospital is defined as an emergency department only. What they do not realize is that we are more than “just a hospital” but a health resource for the community with many services offered locally.
Facts about the Veterans of Foreign Wars
The Veterans of Foreign Wars organization helped veterans recoup $7.7 billion in earned benefits from the Veterans Association, including $1.2 billion in new claims in 2017.
Kathleen Ann English
Kathleen Ann English, 77, passed away on Nov. 17, 2018, at the Boundary Community Hospital in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Services to be announced and a full obituary to follow.

'Who-who' wants to see live raptors?
‘Who-who’ wants to see live raptors? Birds of Prey Northwest is coming to Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge on Dec. 4 and 5, with three programs. On Dec. 4, the programs are at 5:30 or 7 p.m.; and on Dec. 5, at 10 a.m. Doors will open 15 minutes before each program starts.

Pound Cakes
Pound cakes

Cabinet-Yaak and Selkirk Mountains grizzly bear monitoring update
Selkirk Mountains Research Monitoring
Community Calendar
Coming Events:

Alpine Linens have new prospective owners
BONNERS FERRY — The Alpine Linen Inc. has prospective new owners, Raymond and Rebecca Jolley. The couple has been pouring their hearts into the business for years, and have recently received the opportunity to purchase the incorporation.

Checks presented to local veterans
BONNERS FERRY — The Active Heroes North Idaho presented checks to the local Disabled American Veterans Organization and the Veterans of Foreign Wars both in the amount upward of $2,000. The money was raised through fundraisers throughout the year and the national Carry the Fallen ruck march.
Sheriff's Logs
Monday, Nov. 12

Vintage Christmas Market a sign of the season
BONNERS FERRY — As the holidays approach, there are many things that signify the beginning of the season. For some in Boundary County, it is the annual Vintage Christmas Market, held every year on the Friday and Saturday before Thanksgiving at the Boundary County Fairgrounds.

Electrical fire contained on Sandy Ridge Road
BONNERS FERRY — South Boundary Fire was called to a structure fire on Sandy Ridge Road on Wednesday, Nov. 14, at 7:10 a.m. The fire was initially thought to be a chimney fire, but the quick thinking of firefighters allowed them to locate the source of the flames.
District Five Road to close Nov. 26
The county road and bridge department announces the following road work for the week of Nov. 26. Please drive safely through construction areas.
Seen 'n Heard
- Elves invaded the Bonners Ferry Herald office ... and one completely missed a rung on a ladder. Almost had a broken elf.

The wild turkey: So much more than Thanksgiving dinner
Ben Franklin called the wild turkey a “bird of courage” and thought it would make a better national symbol than the bald eagle.
Letter to the Editor
AMBULANCE: BVA a strong foundation
Care and Share program supports local children
BONNERS FERRY — Thirty-six years ago, a local bank had leftover toys from a contest. Linda Lederhos had worked for the WIC Program for about seven years and was asked if she was aware of any children in need of toys for the holiday season.

Veterans thank the Kootenai River Brewing Co.
BONNERS FERRY — Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) Officers and board member from Chapter 890 came to the Kootenai River Brewing Co. (KRBC) to thank owner Mike Naumann and staff for their contribution to them during the Sandpoint Renaissance Faire that took place over Labor Day Weekend.

Mildred Lavina Mendenhall
Mildred Lavina Mendenhall

Robert Henry Laasch
Robert Henry Laasch
Thursday, November 15
Legals November 15, 2018
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Friday, the 1st day of March, 2019, at the hour of 12 o'clock P.M. of said day, on the steps before the Boundary County Courthouse, 6452 Kootenai St., Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, Josh Hickey, or someone on his behalf, as Trustee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash (the Trustee is authorized to make a credit bid for the Beneficiary) in lawful money of the United States of America, all payable at the time of the sale, the following described real property, situated in Boundary County, State of Idaho, to-wit: The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 61 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Boundary County, Idaho. For the purposes of compliance with Idaho Code 60-113, the Trustee has been informed that the address of 167 Silhouette Lane, Naples, ID 83847 may sometimes be associated with said real property.Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the deed of Trust executed by and among Bill Cartmell and Evelyn Schmidt, husband and wife, the Grantors; and Community Title, LLC, Trustee; and Victor Frederickson, Beneficiary; said Deed of Trust was filed of record on July 13, 2012 as Instrument No. 254484, official records of Boundary County, Idaho. Josh Hickey of Berg, McLaughlin, & Nelson Chtd. has been appointed as Successor Trustee, per the Appointment of Successor Trustee recorded in the records of Boundary County on October 26, 2018, under instrument number 275789. The above Grantors are named to comply with Idaho Code Section 45-1506(4)(a). No representation is made that they are or are not presently responsible for this obligation. The default for which this sale is to be made is failure of the Grantors to pay when due, monthly payments, as set forth on the Promissory Note, executed by and between the parties on July 11, 2012 in the principal amount of $64,423.91, secured by said Deed of Trust, with monthly payments in the amount of $579.00 due on the 13th day of each month, with said payments being unpaid since July 13, 2018. Due to the default by the Grantors, the Beneficiary has called all amounts owing thereunder due in full immediately. All amounts, including interest and late fees, are now due and payable along with all costs and fees associated with this foreclosure. The principal balance with interest through September 19, 2018, on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust, is $47,388.56, plus interest accruing after September 19, 2018, unpaid taxes, late fees, escrow fees, attorney's fees and costs. Dated this 29th day of October, 2018. Berg, McLaughlin, & Nelson Chtd. Signed: /s/ Josh Hickey Successor Trustee STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss. County of Bonner ) On this 29th day of October, 2018, before me, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, personally appeared Josh Hickey, known to me to be the Successor Trustee of the Deed of Trust mentioned in this Notice of Trustee's Sale, and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument on behalf of said Trustee and acknowledged to me that he executed the same on behalf of said Trustee and that said Trustee executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed by hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. /s/ Susan Shelledy (SEAL) NOTARY PUBLIC FOR IDAHO Residing at Sagle, Idaho My Commission Expires 1-27-2024 BFH Legal 10038 November 8, 15, 22, 29, 2018

Same great place, new name: Boundary Consignments
BONNERS FERRY — The business formerly known as Baby Go Round held an online vote to choose a new name. After about 200 votes over roughly a month of online voting, the new name was decided by popular choice.
Court Reports
Andrew B.D. Beggerly, born 1985, charged with felony aggravated battery by the county on June 25. Amended to misdemeanor battery.

Marjorie Louise (Odegard) Nishek
Marjorie Louise (Odegard) Nishek

Kootenai Valley Fog; a river 'mist'ery!
“In nature, everything has a job. The job of the fog is to beautify further the existing beauties!” — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Wilson named BCSD Classified Employee of the Month
Mrs. Dallas Wilson teaches Computer Lab, oversees state testing, and has taken on the yearbook duties for Valley View Elementary. Although this is her first year with us she is already a key member to our well-established team.

No headline
This Week in Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Salvation Army seeks volunteers to 'ring a bell' this season
The Salvation Army’s Kettle Campaign begins Nov. 24 and continues through Dec. 24.
Seen 'n Heard
- Mandi B. hit the wall at work ... literally. Final score: Herald wall 1, Herald editor 0.

Joshua David Foust
Joshua David Foust

Person rescued from burning house
BONNERS FERRY — A house fire occurred on Atlanta Street around 6:40 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 10. Bonners Ferry Fire Department, Boundary Ambulance Service, and Boundary County Sheriff Deputy Bob Elam all responded to the scene.

Patricia A. Stewart
Patricia A. Stewart
Sheriff's Log
Monday, Nov. 5
Community Calendar
Coming Events:
Sign up today for annual Turkey Trot
Bonners Ferry is looking forward to its 10th annual fun, family-friendly-and-free Turkey Trot 5K/10K this year on Thanksgiving morning. Organizer Carolyn Testa will be at the Fairgrounds at 8 a.m. for the run to begin at 9 a.m.

Boundary Ambulance rolls with the changes
BONNERS FERRY — For Adelle Ward, when the call went out that she needed an ambulance, her life hung in the balance. Boundary Ambulance Service responded, and thanks to changes that were made a few year ago, she had the best chance to survive. More than just alive, Ward says that she is no longer afraid.

Practice begins for Bonners Ferry wrestlers
BONNERS FERRY — The Badgers had their first wrestling practice for the 2018-2019 season on Nov. 12. The upper room in the Bonners Ferry High School’s gym was crowded with sweaty wrestlers and coaches as they practiced and learned their winning moves.

Shook Twins, John Craigie bring concert to The Pearl
Bonners Ferry has a day-after-Thanksgiving tradition: not Black Friday, not leftover turkey (we can have those, too) ... but The Shook Twins, gracing our local stage. This year’s show is 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 23, inviting their friend, John Craigie, and bringing the biggest party of the year to The Pearl Theater.

Hometown holiday celebrations planned
BONNERS FERRY — The day after Thanksgiving is one of the biggest shopping days of the year throughout the country, and Boundary County has plans to celebrate not only that day, but the holidays to come.

Pasta Salad
Pasta salad

Cross country celebrates a strong season
BONNERS FERRY — On Nov. 7, the Badgers cross country team came together with friends and family to recap the season and hand out awards.

FFA annual auction a success
BONNERS FERRY — On Nov. 9, community members came together once again to support the local FFA chapter at their 70th annual auction.
Greetings weather spotters and observers
Weather spotters, observers sought: A weather spotter training class is scheduled next week, Tuesday, Nov. 20 from 6-8 p.m. at the National Armory Building, 6566 Main St., Bonners Ferry. Please use side entrance via gate through the fence, at the side of parking lot.
Gun Club News
School Team, ‘Duke’s Claybusters’

Mt. Hall Elementary Newsletter
Great things are happening at Mt. Hall Elementary! Looking back over the past month, I’m surprised at all we have managed to accomplish. The Mt. Hall Auction took place Saturday, Oct. 20, and it was tremendous success. The auction raised over $12,000. A huge thank you to our amazing PTO for putting it all together. Another thank you to everyone who donated and came out to support our school. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for next year.
Free winter driving class scheduled
A Winter Driving class will be held at the National Guard Armory building on Saturday, Nov. 17, from 8:30-11 a.m. There is no cost to attend and the first 30 people registered for each class will receive a free ice scraper courtesy of Les Schwab Tires and have a chance of winning a door prize donated by Les Schwab along with a discount coupon for snow tires for those that attend the training.

A somber Sunday
BONNERS FERRY — On the eleventh month, the eleventh day, at 11 a.m., people gathered in the Veterans Memorial Park on a chilly day, to remember and honor veterans, past and present, on the 100th Anniversary of the Armistice of World War I.
Thursday, November 8
Legals November 8, 2018
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Friday, the 1st day of March, 2019, at the hour of 12 o'clock P.M. of said day, on the steps before the Boundary County Courthouse, 6452 Kootenai St., Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, Josh Hickey, or someone on his behalf, as Trustee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash (the Trustee is authorized to make a credit bid for the Beneficiary) in lawful money of the United States of America, all payable at the time of the sale, the following described real property, situated in Boundary County, State of Idaho, to-wit: The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 61 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Boundary County, Idaho. For the purposes of compliance with Idaho Code 60-113, the Trustee has been informed that the address of 167 Silhouette Lane, Naples, ID 83847 may sometimes be associated with said real property.Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the deed of Trust executed by and among Bill Cartmell and Evelyn Schmidt, husband and wife, the Grantors; and Community Title, LLC, Trustee; and Victor Frederickson, Beneficiary; said Deed of Trust was filed of record on July 13, 2012 as Instrument No. 254484, official records of Boundary County, Idaho. Josh Hickey of Berg, McLaughlin, & Nelson Chtd. has been appointed as Successor Trustee, per the Appointment of Successor Trustee recorded in the records of Boundary County on October 26, 2018, under instrument number 275789. The above Grantors are named to comply with Idaho Code Section 45-1506(4)(a). No representation is made that they are or are not presently responsible for this obligation. The default for which this sale is to be made is failure of the Grantors to pay when due, monthly payments, as set forth on the Promissory Note, executed by and between the parties on July 11, 2012 in the principal amount of $64,423.91, secured by said Deed of Trust, with monthly payments in the amount of $579.00 due on the 13th day of each month, with said payments being unpaid since July 13, 2018. Due to the default by the Grantors, the Beneficiary has called all amounts owing thereunder due in full immediately. All amounts, including interest and late fees, are now due and payable along with all costs and fees associated with this foreclosure. The principal balance with interest through September 19, 2018, on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust, is $47,388.56, plus interest accruing after September 19, 2018, unpaid taxes, late fees, escrow fees, attorney's fees and costs. Dated this 29th day of October, 2018. Berg, McLaughlin, & Nelson Chtd. Signed: /s/ Josh Hickey Successor Trustee STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss. County of Bonner ) On this 29th day of October, 2018, before me, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, personally appeared Josh Hickey, known to me to be the Successor Trustee of the Deed of Trust mentioned in this Notice of Trustee's Sale, and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument on behalf of said Trustee and acknowledged to me that he executed the same on behalf of said Trustee and that said Trustee executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed by hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. /s/ Susan Shelledy (SEAL) NOTARY PUBLIC FOR IDAHO Residing at Sagle, Idaho My Commission Expires 1-27-2024 BFH Legal 10038 November 8, 15, 22, 29, 2018
Soccer team celebrates strong year
BONNERS FERRY — On October 30, the Badger boys soccer team gathered in Naples for an award dinner with their friends and family members. The group talked about the season and its ups and downs, final player statistics, and bid a farewell to the senior teammates.

Cossairt elected to 1st district county commission seat
BONNERS FERRY — Republican Wally Cossairt was elected to the 1st District County Commissioner seat in Tuesday’s general election.

Diane Eisenhour
Diane Eisenhour

No headline
Info Sought In Grizzly Bear Shooting
An adult female grizzly bear was shot and killed near Spruce Lake in northern Boundary County over the Labor Day weekend.
'Earn This'
Next Sunday is Veterans Day. This will be the 100th anniversary of what was originally called Armistice Day, the end of World War I. It came at 11 a.m. on the 11th day of the 11th month, 1918, “the war to end all wars.”

FFA Harvest Auction, dinner is Friday
On behalf of the Bonners Ferry FFA Chapter and the 2018-19 Officer Team, I invite the community to attend the 2018 Harvest Auction on Nov. 9, 2018. The Harvest Auction will be held at Bonners Ferry High School in the Becker Auditorium. A complimentary dinner will precede the auction and will begin promptly at 5:30 p.m. At 6:30 p.m. the auction will begin. Items ranging from home decorations to mechanical equipment, and baked goods to animal feed, will be available to purchase. In addition, the Chapter will have our hand poured soy candle line available for purchase.

?Six charismatic girls rise up with fists, flowers for human rights
The Pearl Theater presents Girl, Awake!, an original production by Brook Bassett, performed by six girls between the ages of 10 and 17 in two performances at The Pearl Theater on Saturday, November 17, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 18, at 2 p.m. Different performances each day present different issues, so audiences may attend one or both.
Letter to the Editor
Cemetery: Water line fund

Spaghetti feed, auction to benefit Brian Ashby
Brian Ashby, a Bonners Ferry native, was recently diagnosed with cancer which is already in an advanced stage and affecting numerous internal organs. Brian is a log truck driver in Boundary County and is the sole supporter for his wife Susannah, four children, and a new little one on the way. Brian is a wonderful friend, neighbor, and community member.

Badger swimmer Cummings brings home state medals
BOISE — In the first season with new qualifying standards and new enrollment classifications, Bonners Ferry swimmer Julia Cummings continued her strong performances at state.

The Western White Pine: Idaho's state tree
“The pine stays green in winter ... wisdom in hardship.” — Norman Douglas 1868-1952
Thanksgiving dinner to be held at BCMS
Donations, help sought for annual dinner: Everyone is welcome to join us for the Fourth Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner on Sunday, Nov. 18, from 2-6 p.m. It will be held in the Boundary County Middle School Cafeteria. The dinner is being hosted by the Boundary County Ministerial Association and will only be possible with the gracious donations of our community members. We are happy to accept food donations or cash donations to purchase food. We will also need help preparing food, serving, and cleaning up after. If you would like to make a donation, help in any way, or have any questions contact Jacob Hinson at 208-597-5618 or We have also created a Facebook page for the event: Fourth Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Free martial arts demo
Boundary Martial Arts, in Moyie Springs, is celebrating nine years of doing business here in the county. A big, “Thank You” to everyone who has participated in the program!

BFHS Newsletter
Bonners Ferry High School just wrapped up the first quarter of the 2018-2019 school year, and we are all celebrating a busy autumn. Through all the hustle and bustle of extracurricular activities, co-curricular events, and the standard busyness of high school, it is important to highlight the hard work that happens behind the scenes.
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished eight weeks of bowling
Tuesday’s Trouble week 8: Carolyn McNeill got high scratch game 190, high scratch series 458 and second high handicap game 242. Alice VanGundy got second high scratch game 186, second high scratch series 453, high handicap game 252 and high handicap series 651. Helen Heritage got third high scratch game 167 and third high scratch series 435. Donna Kent got third high handicap game 235. Tamie Patzer got second high handicap series 639. DaVonna Cada got third high handicap series 627.
Since the printing of the article “Sheriff Kramer Graduates from National Program,” Boundary County Sheriff Dave Kramer received an email from the National Sheriffs Institute after he asked them if they could check their records for past Sheriffs from Boundary County that had attended the training.
Sheriff's Log
Monday, Oct. 29
Spaghetti dinner and auction to help couple buy Alpine Linen
Raymond and Rebecca Jolley will be hosting a spaghetti dinner and auction on Nov. 12, 6 p.m. at the Valley Event Center at the Boundary County Fairgrounds.
Calling all youth!
It’s time for open enrollment for the 2018-2019 4-H year! From Oct. 10, 2018 to Jan. 10, 2019 you can go online to, create a profile or update your existing profile and submit! It’s easy. Once you have enrolled online come to the University of Idaho Extension Office located at 6447 Kootenai St., behind the courthouse, in Bonners Ferry and pay your entry fees and you are ready to have fun and learn. 4-H offers lots of exciting projects from Rocketry, Fishing, Livestock, Cooking, Jewelry Making, Pottery, Vet Science, Archery, Geology and SO much more. If you are interested or have questions please call 208-267-3235 and ask for Debbie, or email

'The Dreamer and the Doctor' book program set
BONNERS FERRY — In the turn-of-the-20h-century Northwest, the lives and passions of an American physician and her Swedish naturalist husband helped shape a territory on the cusp of change.
Indoor Soccer announcement
The Adult CoEd Indoor Soccer season will be starting up in mid November. If you’re interested in playing please sign up at Far North Outfitters or call/text Wayne Wilkerson at 208-946-6150 for more info.
This Week in Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Hunting down food, fun, fowl
BONNERS FERRY — The annual Ducks Unlimited (DU) dinner and auction took place on Friday, Nov. 2, at the Boundary County Fairgrounds Memorial Hall, drawing a record attendance of around 180 people.

No headline

Local wrestler second at nationals
BONNERS FERRY — Eli Richards of the Bonners Ferry Wrestling Club traveled to Denver Colorado on Nov. 4 with the Blue Hawk Wrestling club out of Thompson Falls, Mont., along with a few boys from the Libby, Mont. wrestling club for the RMN Monster Match Nationals.
Can you be found?
Boundary County Director of Emergency Management Mike Meier would like to remind the community that all Emergency Services rely on the ability to find your location when they are needed. The last thing you want is for someone coming to help, driving up and down the road trying to find and locate which driveway is yours.
A Night For the Museum
Oktoberfest music permeated the Museum’s hallowed spaces, greeting guests coming for the annual “A Night for the Museum” fundraising dinner and auction. A German-themed dinner and beverages were provided by Jill and Dan Nystrom of The Rusty Moose, featuring bratwurst with sauerkraut, German cucumber salad, potatoes, and slaw, topped off with German Chocolate Cake donated by our local Safeway grocery store. Museum artifacts provided entertainment as part of the Museum Trivia game activity: Prussian Helmet from WW1, an Armadillo taxidermy handbag from Mexico, “Talc-em Brush” for powdering baby’s behind, Medicine/Ceremonial Rattle made from Deer dew-claws belonging to Simon Francis, and a white granite “Mano” once belonging to Catherine Francis, used for scrubbing hair from soaked hides were among the pieces from the Museum’s collection. Cal Russell, Society President and emcee, led the group in the heads/tails/50/50 game netting the winner half the “pot,” which was won by Laurie Edwards who promptly donated it back to the Museum.

Shrimp Mango Taco Salad
Shrimp Mango Taco Salad
Community Calendar
Coming Events:
Seen 'n Heard
- Only Bonners Ferry’s famous wizard would eat cereal complete with milk out of a plastic baggie.

Local businesses celebrate Halloween
BONNERS FERRY — Businesses and members of the community utilized the Halloween holiday to celebrate and support one another for the various harvest celebrations. Parents bundled up themselves and their costume-clad children, and attended festivities around town, some beginning with pre-Halloween nights out for themselves.

Memorial for local hero is dedicated
BONNERS FERRY — On a windy and chilly Nov. 3, community members met at the gazebo on the downtown side of the Kootenai Bridge to remember Grace Siler with a memorial statue made by North Idaho Iron Works.

Lost hunter rescued
BONNERS FERRY — On Sunday, Nov. 4, around 7 p.m. Boundary County Sheriff’s Office and Boundary Search and Dive Rescue Team responded to a report of a lost hunter in the Dodge Peak area.
Court Reports
Richard Allen Allison, born 1961, charged with felony failure to register, report change of address, or name as a sex offender by the county on Oct. 29.

No headline
Thursday, November 1
Seen 'n Heard
Ida T. seen fishing for chicken in the office (it went down the front of her shirt!)
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished seven weeks of bowling
Tuesday’s Trouble week 7: Jeanne Osborn got high scratch game 192, tied for second high scratch series 435 and got second high handicap game 251. Helen Heritage got second high scratch game 191, high scratch series 502, high handicap game 252 and high handicap series 685. Carolyn McNeill got third high scratch game 163. Lil Jimenez tied for second high scratch series 435 and got third high handicap series 636. Alice VanGundy got third high scratch series 430. DaVonna Cada got third high handicap game 244 and second high handicap series 660.

Multiple agencies respond to fire on Ridgewood Road
BONNERS FERRY — A fire broke out on Ridgewood Road on the evening of Saturday, Oct. 27. The initial report was that the roof of a house was on fire and the fire was spreading to the interior.
Letter to the Editor
ELECTION: Robinson knows Boundary County
Construction / Delays
Turner Hill Road from address 3757 continuing north to address 4233 will be closed Nov. 5-8, to replace the Rock Creek Culvert. Please use alternate route.

Man arrested on drug trafficking charges
BONNERS FERRY — On Friday, Oct. 26, local resident Stephen Humberg, 32, was arrested on multiple charges, including drug trafficking.
Basketball games
Girls basketball practices start

Jiu-Jitsu strikes again
BONNERS FERRY — On Oct 6, members of Bonners Ferry Jiu-Jitsu attended the first Spokane Submission challenge. This tournament was hosted by Adam Smith at Corefit Inc. Adam Smith is the co-owner and operator of Spokane Valley Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The tournament included both male and female competitors starting as young as four years old.
Court Reports
Amoth, Jeremy Jon, born 1963, charged with infraction motor carrier overweight (1-4000 Lbs.) by POE on Oct. 10.

Beware of white rot in your garlic and garden
While garlic is easy and fun to grow here in Boundary County, there are some serious soil-borne diseases that can affect your ability to grow this crop. This year, a garlic sample from the GROW Community Garden on the grounds of the Trinity Lutheran Church tested positive for white rot (Stromatinia cepivora). White rot affects all Allium species, including onions, shallots and garlic. It is also highly contagious and easily spread through the small, black sclerotia the disease produces. Sclerotia (plural = sclerotia, individual = sclerotium) are tough survival structures of the white rot fungus that can potentially survive in the soil for decades. Sclerotia are very small, about a quarter of the size of the ball point of a pen or the size of a poppy seed. An infected bulb can produce hundreds of sclerotia – meaning over just a few seasons the soil can become severely infested with the pathogen.

Black Cottonwood: The tree that snows!
“Trees, for example, carry the memory of rainfalls. In their rings we read ancient weather — storms, sunlight, and temperatures, the growing seasons of centuries. A forest shares a history, which each tree remembers even after it has been falled.” — Anne Michaels

Coconut Milk Shrimp
Coconut Milk Shrimp

Eight Badgers run at state meet
LEWISTON — The Badgers Cross Country team went to state, which took place on Saturday at the Lewiston Orchards course. The 5K course featured a lot of turns with some uphills, but oddly created a lot of downhills. As a result, times were very fast for the eight Badgers who competed. The 3A girls were the first race of the day at 10 a.m.
This Week in Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago
Community Calendar
Coming Events:
Forest Service begins burning piles
It is the start of the pile burning season and according to Boundary County Public Information Officer Mike Meier, the Forest Service will be likely to be burning piles the next few weeks if they are cleared for smoke, not always a guarantee.

Iron Mike's hosts fundraiser
BONNERS FERRY — There is one thing Boundary County community members may agree on, and that is when support is needed, the community comes together to assist.

Sheriff Kramer graduates from national program
AURORA, Colo. — Boundary County Sheriff Dave Kramer became the first sheriff from Boundary County to participate and graduate from the National Sheriffs’ Institute (NSI) held in Aurora, Colo., on Sept. 24-28.

No headline
Sheriff's Logs
Monday, Oct. 22
Veteran's Service Office rep to visit Bonners Ferry
On three Thursdays in November — Nov. 8, 15, and 29 — the representative from the Idaho State Veteran’s Service Office will be in Bonners Ferry to answer questions about current veteran’s benefits, assist with ongoing claims, and take new claims for benefits for eligible veterans and their dependents.
Gun Club News
School Trap Shooting — “Dukes Claybusters”:
Superintendent Scoop: Busy days for the BCSD
I will get this edition of our districts update out on the scariest of all school days— HALLOWEEN! Not scary for the ghosts and goblins that will come to school on Wednesday but for the extra special work by our teachers and admin to keep kids focused and away from mischief … I’m just saying!

Boundary County Middle School starts strong!
Boundary County Middle School is back at another school year and this has been a very positive year so far. Students and staff alike are breathing well and looking forward to another great school year of activity and learning.

Lake Country Log and Beam Work: Award-winning custom construction
BONNERS FERRY — Living in an area surrounded by tree-blanketed mountains, beautiful views, and lots of room to roam, brings a nostalgic country feel to those both visiting and residing in and around Boundary County.

Riding alone, knowing herself
BONNERS FERRY — So many of us travel through life wearing masks, a persona that we cultivate for work, for social life, a projection of who we want to be, or think people want us to be.

Rollover accident reported on U.S. 95
A one-vehicle rollover accident occured on Oct. 24 around 2 p.m. on Highway 95 in the McArthur Lake area.
Cleanup Week in the City of Bonners Ferry
It’s cleanup week!

Wayne (Tex) Cheatham
On Thursday morning, October 24, 2018 Wayne “Tex” Cheatham passed away from heart failure. He was 88 years old.
Letter to Editor
ELECTION: Vote for Jeannie Robinson
Veteran Submissions for the Herald
Veteran submissions to the Herald due Monday

Badger swimmer heading to state
MOSCOW — Bonners Ferry High School swimmer Julia Cummings earned her place at State after the Districts swim meet on Saturday, Oct. 27, at the University of Idaho pool.

Beck, Escalante win Fall Classic Wooden Racquet Tournament
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County Tennis Association had its season ending Fall Classic Wooden Racquet Tennis Tournament on Tuesday evening, Oct. 23. All players played with wooden tennis racquets that dated back to the 1970s and earlier.