Thursday, January 31

Meet the new assistant police chief
BONNERS FERRY — The Bonners Ferry Police Department has gained a North Idaho native with 29 years of law enforcement experience. Bonners Ferry Assistant Police Chief Marty Ryan started just before Thanksgiving last year.

Badger cheerleaders prepare to compete
BONNERS FERRY — The Badger cheerleaders have diligently been to each game and supported the Badger teams throughout the school year.
Court Reports
Gwindolyn E. Ballard, born 1974, charged with infraction failure to provide vehicle proof of insurance by BCSO on Jan. 3.

Dirty Dog Salon opens in Bonners Ferry
BONNERS FERRY — At the small strip mall between Safeway and Conoco, both pets and their owners can get salon pampered. Dirty Dog Salon, LLC has recently opened up its doors next to Mane Street Hair, so while the fur baby gets a haircut and nails done, so can their owner, taking a salon day to the max.
Community Calendar
Coming Events:
Gun Club News
Jan. 27
Darrel William Copeland
Darrel William Copeland
Opinions sought for new Superintendent
School board seeks input on search for new superintendent
Sheriff's logs
Boundary County Sheriff

A special start on Senior Night
BONNERS FERRY — There was an emotional start to the boys basketball game last Friday, but the game ended with a decisive win for the Badgers.
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished eighteen weeks of bowling
Alice VanGundy took it all. High scratch game 212, high scratch series 519, high handicap game 276, and high handicap series 711. Donna Kent got second high scratch game 177, second high scratch series 447, second high handicap game 249, and second high handicap series 663. Nancy Clatworthy got third high scratch game 165 and third high handicap game 244. Carolyn McNeill got third high scratch series 407. Michelle Sweet got third high handicap series 631.

BOCO Backpack program strives to end child hunger
BONNERS FERRY — In Boundary County, one out of five children may be left with food insecurity. Some families fall under tough times financially and may not qualify for state assistance. That is where the BOCO Backpack program comes in to play.

Seen 'n Heard
n This 40-pound pike, landing it just below the state record, caught by Isaac C., can be visited at Shelman Realty.

Pirates on the Kootenai River?
BONNERS FERRY — The time when members of the community come together and plunge into the icy waters of the Kootenai River is fast approaching, and this year promises to be even more fun.
Restorium Ramblings
Just wanted to share what has been going on at the Restorium, month by month, through the fall.

VVES counselor is January Certified Employee of the Month
Mrs. Adetta Umphenour is the guidance counselor at Valley View Elementary School and currently fulfilling her 1st year. Although she is new to the district she is already a key member of the Valley View team and is a wonderful edition to our school.

Buddy Badger helps with Hands Only CPR demo
BONNERS FERRY — The audience at the boys basketball game on Jan. 25 was treated to a fun learning experience by Boundary Community Hospital and South Boundary Firefighters. Put to music, and with Buddy Badger playing the part of a victim, the audience learned about Hands Only CPR – which is Call 911, Push Hard, Push Fast.

BFHS dance team begins competitions
BONNERS FERRY — The Badgerette Dance Team has been working hard and providing entertaining halftime shows at the Badger games throughout the school year.

Wrestling wins dual meets; has success at 'Rumble'
BONNERS FERRY — On Jan. 22, the Badger wrestlers faced off against Libby/Troy at the Bonners Ferry High School gym, winning the dual meet 48-24.

Man sought on warrant found, arrested
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County Sheriff’s Deputies arrested 20-year old Shykeim Daquan Chavis on the evening of Wednesday, Jan. 23 on a $75,000 felony warrant for a robbery charge out of Kootenai County.

No headline

The northern pygmy-owl: What a little hoot!

Chicken and Dumplings
Chicken and dumplings
Local students place in GeoBee competition
BONNERS FERRY — On Jan. 17, Boundary County students participated in the National Geographic GeoBee.

Engagement Announcement
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago
Wednesday, January 30
Search for a suspect near Fawn Road
BONNERS FERRY — At 10:14 p.m., a high speed pursuit ended with the pursued vehicle turning off of HWY 95 and crashing on Fawn Lane, at approximately mile post 514.5, across from Camp Nine.
Thursday, January 24
Legals January 24, 2019
The following is a synopsis of the official Boundary County Commissioners' minutes per Idaho Code 31-819. Detailed minutes are available for public inspection at the Auditor's Office in the Courthouse during normal working hours. Minutes of open meetings held on October 1, 2018 through October 30, 2018. Approved Motions: Designate Clint Kimball as Natl. Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, Notice of Intent, Storm Water Protection Acct contact person with authority to sign documents for Kootenai Trail Rd-Atkins Canyon Repair project; Sign: Certificates of Residency, Amendment # 1 to PAC Professional Svcs Agreement for IDL Grant #14COMP-LKRWR, Right-of-way acquisition/land purchase documents for Kootenai Trail Rd (Atkins Canyon) repair project, Idaho State Police MOA for Livescan System, CATX Environmental Assessment/Ground-Hangar Lease for James Pannell, Idaho Public Safety Communications Commission FY19 Idaho Public Safety Grant Program grant award for E911 Svcs, Request for Reimbursement #5/Invoice Summary for AIP 3-16-0004-014-2016, Comment letter to Dept. of Ecology pertaining to proposed silicon smelter in Newport Washington & request monitoring be done for one year if project goes through, Letter of intent regarding the purchase of property, IDL South Boundary Hazardous Fuels Reduction Proj. Reimbursement Request; 2018 Hazardous Fuels Treatment (HFT) Proj. Proposal for Temple Deer Dawson Proj.; Authorize IFM to submit project documents to IDL on Commissioners' behalf & to further authorize Chairman to sign documents as needed; Resolutions to: Establish fire mitigation grant revenue acct/expense budget, Establish Selkirk Coop Weed Mgmt Grant revenue acct/expense budget, Increase Rd/Bridge Budget, Amend schedule of starting wages & Increase FY17-18 Justice Fund Sheriff budget; 1 indigent matter; Dyck's Oil/Auto bid for fuel supply; Certify certain delinquent mobile home property taxes, delinquent Cabinet Mtn Water District charges, delinquent Three Mile Water District charges & delinquent Yield taxes to Real Property Roll for collection; Cancel/extend various taxes; 9/17-9/18, 9/24-9/25, 10/1-10/2, 10/8-10/9/18 minutes; Authorize Sheriff's Ofc to apply for funding through Bulletproof Vest Partnership Reimbursement program; Seek grant through Livescan System for processing finger/palm prints; Rd Naming Committee recommendations to rename Emerson Drive to Ch Road & approve private road names of Hardy Loop, Bug Lane & Cutsack Rd.; Authorize a county officer to be absent from the state for more than 20 days, as allowed per IC 31-2013, for up to 30 days. Denied Motions: 4 indigent cases. Commissioners reviewed & approved claims for end of the fiscal year. Fund totals are as follows: Current Expense ($)24,065.23, Rd/Bridge 59,183.47, Airport 12,127.12, Dist. Court 3,987.24, Justice Fund 75,343.83, 911 Funds 36,302.34, Indigent/Charity 9,574.99, Jr. College Tuition 500, Parks/Rec 6,379.27, Revaluation 6,080.63, Solid Waste 20,288.56, Tort 10,143.40, Vets Memorial 10.96, Weeds 13,472.95, Restorium 9,492.47, Snowmobile 3,000, Waterways 3,081.86, Grant, Selkirk Coop Weed Mgmt 23,150.02, Grant, Boat Safety 1,297.64. TOTAL $317,481.98. Trusts: Auditor's 2,137.76, Driver's License 5,445, Sheriff's 140, Odyssey Bond Account 3,000, Odyssey Restitution Acct 302.86, TOTAL $11,025.62. GRAND TOTAL $328,507.60. Citizens are invited to inspect detailed records on file in the Courthouse (individual claims & Commissioners' allowance & warrant register record 2017-2018). Commissioners reviewed claims for payment. Fund totals are as follows: Current Expense ($)22,152.63, Rd/Bridge 61,968.81, Airport 3,433.16, Dist. Court 1,293.06, Justice Fund 13,646.08, 911 Funds 878.71, Indigent/Charity 10,929.01, Jr. College Tuition 27,978, Parks/Rec 1,549.72, Revaluation 109.53, Solid Waste 3,380.28, Tort 644, Vets Memorial 105.23, Weeds 225.96, Restorium 15,723.49, Waterways 123.01, Grants, Fire Mitigation 6,569.57. TOTAL $170,710.25. Trusts: Boundary Co. Drug Court 33.93, Indigent Reimbursements 46,427, Motor Vehicle Acct 19, Odyssey Court Acct 21,455, Odyssey Restitution Acct 365.12. TOTAL $68,300.05. GRAND TOTAL $239,010.30. Payroll claims $628,476.15. Citizens are invited to inspect detailed records on file in the Courthouse (individual claims & Commissioners' allowance & warrant register record 2018-2019). BFH Legal 10077 January 24, 2019
Community Calendar
Coming Events:
Seen 'n Heard
n A large flock of robins visiting Lisa W.’s maple tree in Bonners Ferry on Friday. May be to wish husband Tim a Happy Birthday.
Kaniksu Health Services programs address community needs
As any classroom teacher or parent knows, a child’s emotional state can have a profound impact on his or her ability to learn. Emotional issues often lead to problem behaviors limiting their ability to function satisfactorily and succeed at school. And when a child expresses extra challenging behaviors, teachers and parents need extra support. So what can we do to ensure a child’s success?

School shootings: Do they have to happen?
BONNERS FERRY — Shots fired in a school. It’s a nightmare scenario. Not only for the students, teachers, and parents, but also for law enforcement and first responders.
Tax tips, assistance available for area seniors
’Tis the season for taxes. Once again the AARP Taxaide program is here to assist you with free filing and e-filing.

Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. and human rights
BONNERS FERRY — The Boundary County Human Rights Task Force (BCHRTF) hosted its annual celebrating of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Saturday, Jan. 19. People gathered at The Pearl Theater to enjoy music by local musicians and art displays by students, as they considered human rights issues close to home.

Advanced learning opportunities available for 7th-12th graders
BONNERS FERRY — On Monday, Jan. 14, Stephanie Childress, Advanced Opportunities Coordinator for region I/II, came to Bonners Ferry High School to speak to students about advanced learning opportunities.

Girls keep it close, but fall to Timberlake
BONNERS FERRY — The Timberlake Tigers, ranked No. 1 in the coaches’ and media polls in 3A, jumped out to a 18-9 lead at the end of the first quarter of their Jan. 19 visit to Bonners Ferry.
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished seventeen weeks of bowling
Carolyn McNeill got high scratch game 203, high scratch series 467 and tied for high handicap game 251. Melayne Stevens got second high scratch game 180, second high scratch series 434, tied for high handicap game 251 and got third high handicap series 647. Regina Colby got third high scratch game 170, third high scratch series 428, second high handicap game 250 and second high handicap series 668. Donna Nystrom got third high handicap game 235. Evelyn Smith got high handicap series 670.

Bee Haven helps local growers prepare
BONNERS FERRY — Last August, community members came together in a focus group and discussed the topic of our Boundary County food system, which kicked off the 9B Community Potlucks and Local Food System Speaker Series.
Letter to the Editor
HUNTING: Disabled vet thanks landowners

No headline

No headline

No headline
Yolanda Gallegos DeBoer
Yolanda Gallegos DeBoer

Winter in North Idaho

BFHS basketball swept by Timberlake
BONNERS FERRY — On Jan. 19, the Badgers hosted Timberlake in a matchup of unbeaten Intermountain League teams. Bonners Ferry fell victim to the Tigers’ hot-shooting, losing 58-43.
Gun Club News
Jan. 19, 2019

Dixie Lee (Richards) Fulgham
Dixie Lee (Richards) Fulgham

District Spelling Bee winners listed
BONNERS FERRY — On Jan. 19, students participated in the Boundary County School District 101 Elementary School Spelling Bee sponsored by the Rotary Club of Bonners Ferry, Naples Helping Hands, and Boundary County School District #101, hosted at the Free Methodist Church.

A long night of fire reports
BONNERS FERRY — On Sunday night, around 10 p.m., North Bench Fire, with mutual aid from South Boundary Fire, responded to a chimney fire on Oxford Loop. The fire had spread into the structure by the time fire crew arrived.

Wild Horse Mercantile fire ruled an accident
BONNERS FERRY — The Wild Horse Mercantile, located in the Round Prairie area on U.S. 95 and owned by Ray and Beth Holmes, suffered a devastating fire on Oct. 9, 2018.
Court Reports
Brian James Bean, born 2000, charged with infraction failure to use vehicle safety restraint by ISP on Jan. 11.

Badgers dance team brings school spirit
BONNERS FERRY — The Badgers dance team has been on routine with keeping the crowd entertained during halftime at the sporting events throughout the school year.
Sheriff's Logs
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office
Four Badgers go unbeaten at Van Tuinstra Duals
SPIRIT LAKE — Despite gaps in their lineup, the Bonners Ferry wrestling had some success at the Van Tuinstra Duals on Jan. 19 at Timberlake High School.

Valerie Elaine Sandaker
Valerie Elaine Sandaker

Fettuccine Alfredo
Fettuccine Alfredo
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Berneice A. Morgen
Berneice A. Morgen

Kathleen (Kathy) Ann English
Kathleen (Kathy) Ann English

Birth announcement: Conor Wade Kincade
Conor Wade Kincade was born Jan. 17, 2019, at 6:32 p.m. in Libby, Mont., the son of Charlet Banks and Justin Kincade of Moyie Springs, Idaho.
Thursday, January 17

Bradley Steven Booth
Bradley Steven Booth

BFHS can't hold off top-ranked Timberlake
Grace Villelli scored 8 first half points and the Badgers used a 17-7 second quarter scoring advantage to take a 25-19 lead into halftime at Timberlake, the state’s top-rated 3A team.

Wayne Ted Fisher
Wayne Ted Fisher

Reserve a place at next week's North Idaho Cereal School
Please join us for this year’s North Idaho Cereal School on Thursday, Jan. 24, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Boundary County Extension Office.

Faye 'Mamo' Gladney
Faye ‘Mamo’ Gladney
Distinguished Young Women Program gearing up for 2019
The Bonners Ferry Distinguished Young Women Scholarship Program (formerly Junior Miss) will soon be underway for 2019-2020. This scholarship and honors program recognizes, rewards, and encourages excellence while promoting self-esteem among young women.
Mount Hall Elementary School to celebrate literacy, school choice
More than 140 students, families, and friends of Mount Hall Elementary School will gather for a special reading event in celebration of National School Choice Week.

Mountain ash: Brightening winter in Boundary County!
Driving around many neighborhoods in Boundary County through the fall and winter, you’ll find yourself brushing past clusters of showy orange berries, hanging down from the limbs of mountain ash trees. By late winter many of the berries have fallen to the ground, but through much of the drab months they provide a warm spot of color against the gray sky and white snow.

'Grueling' rescue of snowmobiler a success
BONNERS FERRY — On Friday, Jan. 11, a snowmobiler was injured approximately 150 feet below Roman Nose peak in the Fall Creek drainage. Boundary Search and Dive Rescue (SAR), Boundary Ambulance, and South Boundary Fire Protection District responded shortly after 2 p.m.
Gun Club News
Jan 13, 2019

'Incredible' generosity stocks CAP shelves
BONNERS FERRY — For the families in Boundary County that struggle to keep food in their refrigerator and pantry, Community Action Partnership (CAP) has been the place many turn to in their time of need. Thanks to the generosity of our community, the CAP is filled with more food than it ever has been before.

Trujillo joins city police department
BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry Police Officer Jason Trujillo joined the police department on Dec. 9. Trujillo enters law enforcement after 21 years of service in the U.S. Navy aboard a submarine.
BFHS FIRST Robotics Team 2130 Alpha+ in 13th season
BFHS FIRST Robotics Team 2130 Alpha+ began its 13th season at the start of the school year. FIRST Robotics enables students to access cutting edge technology, use sophisticated hardware, and develop strong teamwork skills, while working with a group of skilled mentors. For more information about FIRST Robotics, go to

WineShop At Home: Wine, food, and friends
BONNERS FERRY — Getting friends together for an evening of social fun while drinking wine, and learning more about different kinds of wines and their pairings, is just what happened at Breanna Stippich’s home on Jan. 12.

Kenneth Lee Spence
Kenneth Lee Spence

AARP tax aid for seniors available in Sandpoint and Cd'A
The AARP TAX-AID preparation help will not be at the Senior Hospitality Center in Bonners Ferry this year because of a shortage of volunteers. There will be a Tax-Aid help in the Sandpoint Senior center, Sandpoint, or in Coeur d’Alene at the Silver Lake Mall.
Court Reports
Amanda Marie Clemons, born 1992, charged with infraction failure to use vehicle safety restraint by ISP on Jan. 4.

Mt. Hall Elementary School Newsletter
Happy 2019! With a new year among us and two weeks off, the students and staff at Mt. Hall Elementary are excited to get back to school. We enjoyed a successful first half to our year so far. We had a lot of notable events: the Mt. Hall Auction, our fall Scholastic Book Fair, and our Christmas Program. Along with all of these exciting events, our students have also made tremendous gains in the classroom as well. Improving reading has always been a main focus of Mt. Hall, and this year we are enjoying the rigor of our new math curriculum. We are looking forward to see how our hard work will pay off. If you would ever like to see how Mt. Hall Elementary and the other schools in our district compare to other districts in Idaho, you can go to

Darrell Boyd Brown
Darrell Boyd Brown

BFHS wrestlers win dual over Priest River
BONNERS FERRY — The Badger wrestlers competed against Priest River on Jan. 8 at home, with the Badgers bagging a 54-27 dual-meet win in Intermountain League action.
Seen 'n Heard
n Gary P. comes to the rescue with a great interception, saving Mandi B.’s camera from certain annihilation from a basketball.
Beverly J. Maples
Beverly J. Maples

VVES students advance in Elks Hoop Shoot
Valley View students did well at the district Elks Hoop Shoot on Saturday, Jan. 5.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished 16 weeks of bowling
Melayne Stevens took it all. High scratch game 171, high scratch series 446, high handicap game 243 and high handicap series 662. Jeanne Osborn got second high scratch game 153 and second high scratch series 423. Nina Saunders got third high scratch game 147, second high handicap game 241 and second high handicap series 657. Alice VanGundy got third high scratch series 400. Donna Nystrom got third high handicap game 228. Regina Colby got third high handicap series 640.
Sheriff's Log
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office
Community Calendar
Coming Events:

Badger boys beat Kellogg for first time in five years
BONNERS FERRY — To say Saturday night’s Bonners Ferry boys basketball game was big might be an understatement.

Boundary County Middle School hitting stride
It is already halfway through this school year? This is the comment I have heard from numerous students as we enter the last couple weeks of first semester. It is always surprising when time passes so quickly. Those of us who have been here a while also know from here on out time will go even faster. BCMS has had a very successful year so far and students and staff alike getting into their stride as we hit the busy season of semester tests and basketball.
Wednesday, January 16

Naples school robbed; funds stolen
NAPLES — In the early hours of Tuesday morning, between 12:17 and 2:46 a.m., the Naples Elementary School was burglarized.
Thursday, January 10
Legals January 10, 2019
NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult or Emancipated Minor) Case No. CV11-18-582 IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY IN RE: Allen Jeff Stafford Legal Name A Petition to change the name of Allen Jeff Stafford, now residing in the City of Moyie Springs, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Boundary County, Idaho. The name will change to Allen Jeff Avery. The reason for the change in name is: I would like to be able to pass on my fathers family name. A Hearing on the petition is scheduled for 9:30 o'clock a.m. on 1-29-2019 at the Boundary County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: December 19, 2018 GLENDA POSTON CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: Jamie Wilson Deputy Clerk BFH Legal 10068 December 27, 2018 January 3, 10, 17, 2019
Legal Aid Lawyer in Town
Legal Aid visit planned: A lawyer from the Coeur d’Alene office of Idaho Legal Aid Services will visit Bonners Ferry on Monday, Jan. 28, to meet with low-income Boundary County residents who have legal problems or questions — if there are four or more community members signed up.

Badgers volleyball made strides in 2018
BONNERS FERRY — As the 2018 season of sports has come to a close, Bonners Ferry High School’s volleyball team strived to improve its play as it battled in the Intermountain League.
Community Calendar
Coming Events

Airport News
The year 2018 was a busy one at the Boundary County Airport. Spring and summer ushered in new students and huckleberry pancakes. On the last Saturday of every month, May through September, the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) hosts a Fly-In breakfast open to all community members. The proceeds benefit the Young Eagles Flight Scholarships for local youth. The next breakfast will be in May 2019, and Northern Air always posts reminders on our Facebook page, so be on the lookout!
Gun Club News
High School Trap Shooting Team, ‘Dukes Claybusters’

9B Community Food System Potluck set for Wednesday
Looking to learn more about what folks are producing for our local food system? Wednesday, Jan. 16, at 6 p.m., is the second 9B Community Food System Potluck at the Boundary County Fairground’s Memorial Hall.

Bonners Ferry girls open league play with a win
BONNERS FERRY — The Lady Badgers opened up Intermountain League play jumping out to a 18-0 first quarter lead on their way to a convincing 52-21 win over the visiting Priest River Spartans on Jan. 4.
Court Reports
Joshua Harrison Briles, born 1984, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by BFPD on Dec. 20, 2018.
Bonners Ferry woman killed in Sagle accident
SAGLE — A Bonners Ferry resident was killed early in the evening on Friday, Jan. 4, when the car she was driving was struck by southbound tractor-trailer as she attempted to turn onto U.S. 95.
Sheriff's Logs
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office

Feeling chilly? Have some chili!
BONNERS FERRY — People gathered together in the Memorial Hall of the Boundary County Fairgrounds on a chilly day to warm their hearts and bellies with another kind of chili. The inaugural “Veteran and First Responder Chili & Cornbread Cook Off” started at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 5.

The 'chicken hawk' with a red tail!

Yolanda DeBoer
Yolanda DeBoer

Beverly Jean Dillon-Maples
Beverly Jean Dillon-Maples
Seen 'n Heard
- Ida T.’s warped sense of humor will be missed in the Bonners Ferry Herald Office.

Fire destroys mobile home
BONNERS FERRY — A fire broke out in a mobile home on Tuesday afternoon on Crossport Road. By the time fire crews arrived, the structure was fully involved and spread to nearby trees.
Three Badgers win titles at St. Maries tourney
ST. MARIES — On Jan. 4 and 5, the Badger wrestling team competed at the Chad E. Ross Memorial Tournament in St. Maries, finishing fourth among eight teams and having three Badgers earn individual titles.

Zucchini Bread or Muffins
Zucchini Bread or Muffins

The Alley Fabric Nook is closing soon
BONNERS FERRY — About eight years ago, The Alley Fabric Nook opened their doors to the quilting and sewing community.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Johnson joins city police department
BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry Police Officer Brandon Johnson joined the police department on Dec. 10, after spending about two years working as a reserve for the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office.

Bonners Ferry boys win league opener
BONNERS FERRY — The Badger boys basketball team began the new year with a league win against Priest River on Jan. 4. The team went to halftime break ahead 40-23, and finished the evening winning the game 82-54.

Robert Joseph Manley
Robert Joseph Manley
Human Rights Task Force to host historian, show documentary
The BCHRTF invites the public to join us at 3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 19, at The Pearl Theater in celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day as we consider human rights issues close to home and enjoy music by local musicians and art displays by local students.
BF woman dies in Spokane River accident
POST FALLS — The victim of Monday’s fatality in the Spokane River at Post Falls was identified on Tuesday by the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office as Valerie E. Sandaker, 54, of Bonners Ferry.
Bradley Steven Booth
Glen Joseph Erickson
Thursday, January 3
Legals January 3, 2019
NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult or Emancipated Minor) Case No. CV11-18-582 IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY IN RE: Allen Jeff Stafford Legal Name A Petition to change the name of Allen Jeff Stafford, now residing in the City of Moyie Springs, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Boundary County, Idaho. The name will change to Allen Jeff Avery. The reason for the change in name is: I would like to be able to pass on my fathers family name. A Hearing on the petition is scheduled for 9:30 o'clock a.m. on 1-29-2019 at the Boundary County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: December 19, 2018 GLENDA POSTON CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: Jamie Wilson Deputy Clerk BFH Legal 10068 December 27, 2018 January 3, 10, 17, 2019
Community Calendar
Coming Events:

Mexican Bake
Mexican Bake

VFW names local essay contest winners
BONNERS FERRY — The Voice of Democracy essay contest has been the main scholarship program for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, with about 40,000 students competing in an essay competition to earn a school scholarship.
Court Reports
Scott Tyler Acklin, born 1978, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by ISP on Dec. 8.
Looking back at a busy year
The following is a quick look back at the top stories in each issue of the Bonners Ferry Herald during the year 2018.

No headline

No headline

Badgers 2018 sports year in review
BONNERS FERRY — The 2018 year has come to a close, but not without the Badger teams accomplishing some of their goals.

Far North Logo is renovated
BONNERS FERRY — Far North Logo Shop has had a recent facelift. With the new outer decor and inner renovations that are in the process of completion, the new storefront has brought attention to the shop.
Gun Club News
School Trap Shooting Team, ‘Dukes Claybusters’
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Brrr... irds! How our feathered friends adapt in the winter
Some North Idahoans dread winter and, if they have the time and the means, will travel to warmer parts of the country to wait it out. Others enjoy the cold temperatures and can’t wait for the first snow. Most just adapt to the season, adding layers to keep them warm or staying indoors in front of a warm fire. Birds, it turns out, also face the winter season similarly.

Helping animals, big and small, and their owners ... for 31 years
BONNERS FERRY — Pets are family; livestock a livelihood. When they are injured, sick, pregnant, or just need a check or vaccination to stay healthy, people turn to their veterinarian. Standing behind that vet is a team of people who keep the clinic running.

New Kootenai River burbot fishery to opens for anglers Jan. 1
Idaho anglers will once again have the opportunity to fish for and harvest burbot in the Kootenai River, its tributaries and Bonner Lake starting Jan. 1. The Idaho Fish and Game Commission recently approved fishing rules for 2019-21 that included a burbot season, allowing anglers to harvest six burbot per day with no size restrictions in those waters.
Seen 'n Heard
Copy Editor Joel D. forgetting the name of this paper as he wrote a New Year’s photo caption.

Badger Alumni Tourney a slam dunk success
The 2018 Badger Alumni Tournament was played on Saturday, Dec. 29, with eight teams showing up for a great day of basketball for both players and spectators.
Badger girls close out 2018 with two wins
The Lady Badgers traveled to West Valley High School in Spokane, Wash., to participate in the 2018 Eagle Holiday Classic. A total of 49 varsity teams (26 girls and 23 boys) from Idaho and Washington played in 69 games during the three-day event on Dec. 27-29.