Friday, July 31

Community transmission identified in Boundary, Shoshone counties
Panhandle Health District has identified community transmission of COVID-19 in Boundary and Shoshone counties.
Boundary County Sheriff's Office looking for missing person, Floyd Eby
The Boundary County Sheriff’s Office is looking for anyone with information on the whereabouts of Floyd Eby as a possible missing person. Eby is described as 66 years old, about 5’6”, 300lbs.
Thursday, July 30
Boundary County Sheriffs looking for missing person, Floyd Eby
The Boundary County Sheriff’s Office is looking for anyone with information on the whereabouts of Floyd Eby as a possible missing person. Eby is described as 66 years old, about 5’6”, 300lbs.
Pearl Theater announces fall production auditions
Playwright Paul Rawlings, Bonners Ferry, will conduct informal auditions for adults to fill roles in a production scheduled for fall performances at the Pearl Theater.
Boundary County Police Records - July 30, 2020
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office Bonners Ferry Police Department
Scripture instructs us to follow God, obey those governing us
Dear City Council,
This Week in History - July 30, 2020
100 Years Ago
Working together to preserve our land
Forest legacy easements at McArthur Lake provide wildlife, recreation, timber industry benefits in perpetuity
Boundary County Calendar - July 30, 2020
Fawns: Cute, but not totally innocent!
Boundary County Court Records - July 30, 2020
Wally D. Amoth, born 2000, charged with exceeding the maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) on July 5 by BCSO. Disposition: Found guilty on July 20 with fines of $33.50 and costs of $59.50.

Überleben bushcraft brand comes to Bonners Ferry
Company sells fire starters, other outdoors gear
Bloomsday canceled for 2020
SPOKANE — After months of holding out hope for an in-person Bloomsday on Sept. 20, COVID-19 has clearly not abated to the point where that will be possible.
Help place education initiative on the November ballot
Federal officials say schools in novel coronavirus “hot spots” could require distance-learning. As of mid-July, three in four Idaho students lived in areas that meet that definition.
ISP reminds motorists to buckle up
ISP reminds motorists to buckle up

Hospital updates community on COVID-19
BONNERS FERRY — With COVID-19 present in the community, the Boundary Community Hospital COVID-19 Task Force has been meeting frequently to implement internal protocols to meet the increasing challenges to keep our patients, nursing home residents, employees and community safe.
Roots of religious intolerence being established in community
Last Tuesday evening, July 21, I joined a number other people in attending the City Council meeting where the city’s relatively new (the vision statement was only adopted in 2019) vision statement was discussed.
Compass Grille features quality food at reasonable prices
Compass Grille, a place to grab quality food for a reasonable price, can be easy to miss. If you are not looking for the green trailer, you might drive past this hidden gem in the parking lot, next to Bonners Bottom Dollar.

BCSD approves plan for schools to reopen
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County School District has approved a reopening plan that will be the basis for the upcoming school year.
Idaho lawmakers discuss Covid-19 liability
The Idaho legislature’s judiciary and rules working group met in session to discuss limited liability for employers during the COVID-19 pandemic. No votes were made but the lawmakers heard from many lobbyists.

Railroad crossing safety upgrade is done
A railroad crossing at District Two Road in Bonners Ferry was upgraded and made safer with new crossing gates and lights earlier this month.

New virus cases reported in county, region
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County added another couple of COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, bringing the county’s total number of cases to 33, with 27 of them considered active.

From the Archives - July 30, 2020
Holger George Thuesen and Gerald A. Hale (engineering professors at Oklahoma State University) designed the first working parking meter, the Black Maria, in 1935. They began working on the parking meter in 1933 at the request Carl C. Magee, a lawyer and newspaper publisher in Oklahoma City, Okla. Magee wanted to “instill some order to the chaos of street parking.”

Rose launches write-in campaign
BONNERS FERRY — Dan Rose has announced a write-in campaign for the position of state representative, Legislative District 1B, currently held by Republican Sage Dixon.

Moving at the speed of family
Have you ever experienced a moment where you felt that you were living in more than one dimension of time? Or perhaps, you were watching two movies — one in slow-motion and one fast-forwarded — and you were trying to watch both of them together?
Dukes Claybusters brings home honors
Duke’s Claybusters, the Bonners Ferry High School trapshooting team, again brought home to Bonners Ferry another great recognition to the school and to North Idaho on Saturday, July 11, at Libby, Mont.
Arson fires on Highway-95
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County firefighters responded to multiple wildfires along Highway 95 south of milepost 499 around 3:45 p.m. on Monday, July 27. The fires allegedly are due to arson.

Wilmer Charles (Bill) Stemmene
Wilmer Charles (Bill) Stemmene lost his fight with cancer on July 20, 2020, at Kootenai Health in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
State OKs $10M to help supply schools for reopening
Idaho Gov. Brad Little’s Coronavirus Financial Advisory Committee approved $10 million to equip schools with supplies needed to reopen safely.
Meet-and-greet events delayed until September
Meet-and-greet events delayed until September

Hanging out on a hot day
Dehlbom earns academic honors
Kimberly Dehlbom of Bonners Ferry has been named to Sherman College of Chiropractic’s president’s list for the spring 2020 academic quarter. President’s list students have achieved a grade point average of 4.0 for the quarter.
Legals for July, 30 2020
Tuesday, July 28
Boundary County Sherriff’s Office issues a heat warning
Boundary County Sherriff’s Office issues a heat warning
Thursday, July 23
Melvina Mae Amoth
Melvina Mae Amoth was born to Walter and Susie (Wiebe) Amoth on March 1, 1933, and passed from this earth life in the early morning hours of July 19, 2020, at Sunset Home in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.
Idaho taxpayers could see a one-time property tax reduction
BONNERS FERRY — The city of Bonners Ferry and Boundary County are among the 82 cities and counties which submitted letters of intent to participate in Idaho Gov. Brad Little’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act plan.
New sheriff’s K-9 unit is no buddy to drug traffickers
There’s a new officer in the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office: a Labrador named Buddy, partnered with Corporal Michael Valenzuela.
This Week In History - July 23, 2020
100 Years Ago
UI offering more outdoor career options
Students who want to learn in Idaho’s beautiful outdoors will have the chance this fall to enroll in online or in-person classes.
Census Bureau mails reminder postcards
Census Bureau mails reminder postcards

Boundary County 4-H Horse Leaders host show
The Boundary County 4-H Horse Leaders put on their Mid-Summer Horse Show on July 15-16 at the Boundary County Fairgrounds. Judges were Tiffany Corson and Nicole Dunn.

Museum to remain closed due to virus
BONNERS FERRY — The Boundary County Museum will remain closed for the time being, museum officials said.

From the Archives - July 23, 2020
George Irving enjoyed raising several pigs for 4-H. Here he is with his 1954 pig. What a ‘big pig!”

Wanda Gail (Palmer) Hanson Wanda Gail (Palmer) Hanson
Wanda Gail (Palmer) Hanson passed away Dec. 2, 2019, at Kootenai Health. Gail was born on July 24, 1945, in Longview, Wash., to Melvin and Francis Palmer.
Conrad Robert ‘Charlie’ Laasch, 81
Conrad Robert “Charlie” Laasch, 81, passed away on Jan. 8, 2020.
Census Bureau mails reminder postcards
Census Bureau mails reminder postcards

City Council hears debate, doesn’t change vision statement
BONNERS FERRY — The Bonners Ferry City Council upheld its vision statement as it stands after Tuesday’s council meeting brought lively debate both in support and against the document.
AG sees spike in computer technical support scams
Consumer specialists in the Office of the Attorney General and Boise Police Department are warning Idahoans after a recent increase in reported fraud attempts involving tech support scams. Over the last several weeks, three area seniors lost a total of $14,700. Local cashiers prevented another $6,000 in losses by recognizing the fraud when potential victims went to purchase large sums of gift cards. Boise Police report that all recent victims have been seniors.
Boundary County Court Records - July 23, 2020
Kathryn A. Austin, born 1986, charged with driving speed (1-15 MPH) exceeding the maximum posted limit, on June 28 by BFPD. Disposition: Found guilty on July 11 with fines of $33.50 and costs of $56.50.
Boundary County UI Extension offering free avian flu testing
Mark your calendar for free Avian Flu testing on Tuesday, July 28, from 2-6 p.m. in the Boundary County UI Extension Office back parking lot.
IBE aims to ‘Close the Divide’
Over half of Idaho students without computers heading into the school year
Bonenr County Police Records - July 23, 2020
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office Bonners Ferry Police Department

COVID-19 continues to spread in Boundary County
BONNERS FERRY — In the last few weeks, Boundary County has seen a dramatic increase in COVID-19 cases in the community.

Fontenot defeats Franke in BCTA Singles Championship
On July 18, the Boundary County Tennis Association held its annual Singles Championship. Eleven players survived 10 rounds of play that started at 7:30 in the morning and finished just a bit before 6 in the evening. The format was round robin with every player playing each other, with the top four players making the semifinals. Players played a five-game format with their total games won being their point totals.
Overman named to SCC honor roll
Heidi Overman of Bonners Ferry has earned a place on the Spokane Community College Honor Roll for Spring Quarter 2020. Students on the honor roll earned a GPA of 3.0 or above.
Boundary County Calendar - July 23-39, 2020

Second Harvest food distribution is July 30
BONNERS FERRY — From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., on Thursday, July 30, Second Harvest Inland Empire emergency food distributors will be conducting another drive through food distribution at the fairgrounds.

Annual Fry Healthcare Foundation golf tournament canceled
As the non-profit that supports Boundary Community Hospital, the board of directors for Fry Healthcare Foundation has decided to cancel their annual golf tournament for 2020.
Glacier lilies: A natural wonder of wildflowers
UI announces spring dean’s list honors
A number of local students earned a spot on the dean’s list, according to the University of Idaho. Dean’s list for fall and spring semesters is released approximately one month after the close of the semester.
Local students earn degree at University of Idaho
MOSCOW — The University of Idaho has released the names of local graduates.

Mirror Lake Ladies’ Golf Report - July 23,2020
The Mirror Lake Ladies’ Golf Association held their special annual summer “Margaritaville” open, an 18-hole golf tournament, on Wednesday, July 15.

SpaceX engineer Katz helps put Americans in space
SpaceX engineer Katz helps put Americans in space
USMCA implementation is disheartening to see
The headline on Page 4 of Western AG on Thursday, July 9, 2020, was indeed disheartening. It read “AG organizations applaud the implementation of the USMCA.”

On viewing comets and a ‘Blue Moon’
Recently my wife and I have taken our binoculars outside in the evening to look at the Neowise Comet above the Selkirk Mountains.

The panhandle health district’s health board met for a special meeting to discuss a potential mask mandate; the motion was denied and postponed following further discussion.
The Panhandle Health District’s health board met for a special meeting last week to discuss a potential mask mandate; the motion was denied and postponed following further discussion.
Northwest Farm Credit Services pays mid-year cash patronage dividend
Owners of agricultural, forestry and fisheries businesses in Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Montana and Alaska who are customer-members of Northwest Farm Credit Services, will soon receive a mid-year payment of their 2020 patronage dividends, according to Board Chair Greg Hirai. This early distribution was approved to enhance the wellbeing of Northwest FCS customer-members and their communities.

Douglas Clyde Smith
Douglas Clyde Smith passed from this world on July 14, 2020, at Yuma Regional Medical Center, Yuma, Ariz. He was so weary from having health issues these last few months it was time to let go and make his way home.

Summer reading finale set for July 29
BONNERS FERRY — The Boundary County Library will conclude its summer reading with a finale event at Memorial Park on Thursday, July 29, between 1–3 p.m.

Oh deer, do you think they saw us?
Follow healthcare officials advice and wear a mask
Just want to say thank you to opinion writer Gil Beyer. Ron White’s phrase “You can’t fix stupid” has crossed my mind often in seeing the response from some Idaho residents (and tourists) who refuse to protect themselves and others from COVID-19.
Legals for July, 23 2020
Tuesday, July 21

PHD sets Thursday board meeting
Panhandle Health District will be holding its upcoming Board of Health meeting on Thursday, July 23, at the Kootenai County Administration building. The meeting will begin at 12:30 p.m.
Friday, July 17

Boundary County counts 6 more COVID-19 cases
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County has been notified of six more cases of COVID-19, bringing the total number of active cases now in the county to 13. Panhandle Health District is working to confirm those cases and will begin contact tracing and case investigation, Andrew O’Neel, Boundary County Emergency Management director, said.
Panhandle Health District denies mask mandate
The panhandle health district’s health board met for a special meeting to discuss a potential mask mandate; the motion was denied and postponed following further discussion.
Thursday, July 16

Free sports physicals offered at BCH
Boundary Community Hospital offers a sports physical clinic annually as a free service for Boundary County student athletes. This year the event will be held on Tuesday, July 28 from 5-7 p.m.

From the Archives - July 16, 2020
This is a 1940s photograph of the outdoor arena at the fairgrounds. Cattlemen, FFA, and 4-H entrants are lining up to show their dairy cows and steers. Looks to be quite the event! What a fascinating wooden entrance overhead. Are you getting ready for this year’s 100th Boundary County Fair?
Board approves plan for digital campus
The Idaho State Board of Education today approved an initial implementation plan to expand online postsecondary education opportunities to Idahoans regardless of where they live.
Kootenai River Days canceled
BONNERS FERRY — The Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce announced last week that the organization’s Kootenai River Days events were being canceled for 2020 due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
Diversity statement affirms everyone’s equality
You know, I don’t claim to speak for everyone here in Bonners Ferry. However, my predecessors settled in what now is Montpelier, Idaho, circa 1855. Knowing this heritage, I can imagine our Native American hosts find it rather ironic that a bunch of European-American immigrants are arguing over who arrived here first or has lived here the longest.
Chamber seeks board volunteers
BONNERS FERRY — The Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce is looking for a few (or more) volunteers and chamber board members.

Astronaut visits Boundary County airport
Dr. Jay Apt, former astronaut and current professor and co-director of Carnegie-Mellon University’s Electricity Industry Center, visited Northern Air at the Boundary County Airport for flight training.
Articles failed to tell the complete story
Two front-page articles in the July 9, 2020, Bonners Ferry Herald, “Residents criticize city on vision statement” and “Fourth of July parade rolls on,” both written by staff writer Victor Martinez, were in part misleading and lack a full, accurate reporting.

Entrepreneurship is so 2020
“How do you actually make money?” a bewildered employee asked me after a brief discussion about overhead and cost-of-goods-sold. This young teenager had never seen a profit and loss sheet, much less had to live and budget by one.

Plunge postponed, but prized penguin still picked
BONNERS FERRY — When Special Olympics Idaho and the Idaho Law Enforcement Torch Run Board recently decided to hold off on rescheduling the annual Penguin Plunge, local officials quickly went to work on a “Plan B.”
Deputy earns statewide honors
BONNERS FERRY — With two BNSF railroad employees trapped on a derailed locomotive in the river, Boundary County Sheriff’s Deputy Caleb Watts didn’t hesitate, jumping into action to help rescue the pair.
Nona R. Damiano, 83
Nona R. Damiano, 83, passed away in Spokane, Wash., on July 7, 2020. Arrangements are entrusted to Hennessey Funeral Home & Crematory.

Boundary County businesses receive more than $500,000 in relief funding
BONNERS FERRY — A total of 69 businesses in Boundary County received $572,188.42 in small business grants that are funded by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) — a $2 trillion economic stimulus bill passed by Congress and signed into law by President Donald Trump.
Crazy Days still happening in Bonners Ferry
Crazy Days still happening in Bonners Ferry
This Week In History - July 16, 2020
100 Years Ago
Selkirk Association of Realtors announces scholarships, grants
BONNERS FERRY — Each year the Selkirk Association of Realtors gives thousands of dollars to local groups in need of funding for their community projects and programs in Boundary and Bonner counties. This year, real estate officials locally granted more than $21,000 to individuals and groups in the two counties.

BFHS teacher finalist for national award
BONNERS FERRY — For the second year, Bonners Ferry High School teacher Francis Carlson has been named a finalist for the 2020 Harbor Freight Tools for Schools Prize for Teaching Excellence.
Local student makes honor roll at Oregon State University
A Boundary County resident is among the students named to Oregon State University’s scholastic honor roll for spring term 2020.
Your animals are in Gentle hands
BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry Veterinary Clinic welcomes Dr. Lauren Gentle, the new veterinarian with experience and research in mixed animal practice.

The common loon: An uncommon splendor!

Boundary County has 8 coronavirus cases
BONNERS FERRY — Since last week, Boundary County has seen a spike in COVID-19 cases, according to the local officials and the Panhandle Health District.
Mirror Lake Ladies Golf Report
The Game of the Day for the 17 ladies who came out for a beautiful day of golf on Wednesday morning, July 8, was “Longest Drive on Hole No. 7.”
Court records - July 16, 2020
Andrew BD Beggerly, born 1985, charged with failure to provide proof of vehicle insurance on June 11 by BCSO. Disposition: Dismissed by court on July 9.
PHD calls on providers to write COVID-19 test orders
Panhandle Health District announced Tuesday it would only be writing orders for COVID-19 testing for individuals who are uninsured and do not have a primary care provider.
Return to Work bonuses sought
Governor Brad Little announced that more than 10,000 Idaho Return to Work bonuses were sought for employees by nearly 2,000 Idaho businesses Monday — the first day of the application window opening.
Forest Service road improvements to create temporary driving delays near Bonners Ferry
Road improvement work began Monday on the Bonners Ferry Ranger District of the Idaho Panhandle National Forests. The work will cause temporary driving delays on several Forest Service roads in the Boulder Creek/Twentymile Creek area. Drivers can expect short delays in most cases, but several planned culvert replacements could delay traffic up to 4 hours at a time.
Boundary County Calendar - July 16-23, 2020
Upcoming Events:
Bonner County Police Records - July 16, 2020
Bonners Ferry Police Department Boundary County Sheriff’s Office Kootenai Tribal Police Department
Crazy Days still happening in Bonners Ferry
Crazy Days still happening in Bonners Ferry
Legals for July, 16 2020
Friday, July 10

Best of Boundary County voting to start Wednesday
Due to a technical glitch, voting in the Best in Boundary County will be delayed two days. Voting will now be live from July 15 through July 26.
Thursday, July 9

Kootenai River Days events canceled
BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce-sponsored Kootenai River Days events are being canceled for 2020 due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

PHD ‘strongly’ endorses wearing masks in public
SANDPOINT — The Panhandle Health District 1 endorsed community-wide face mask use Wednesday to fight the spread of the coronavirus, and has recommended that businesses ask customers to wear masks.
Boundary County Court Records - July 9, 2020
Wally D. Amoth, born 2000, charged with infraction failure to annually register a vehicle on June 25 by BFPD. Disposition: Found guilty on July 1 with fines of $10.50 and costs of $59.50.
Report shows impact of Alzheimer’s disease in Idaho
According to the Alzheimer’s Association’s Disease Fact and Figures Report, over 5 million people live with Alzheimer’s disease in the United States, with that number expected to triple to as many as 15 million by 2050.
Nominees sought for tourism, recreation award
Nominations are now open for outstanding lifetime achievement in the fields of Idaho recreation and tourism. Idaho Gov. Brad Little will select and recognize a nominated individual who has made significant contributions to developing, managing, or conserving Idaho’s recreation resources, or developing, managing, or promoting tourism in Idaho.
New lottery game features Idaho’s state parks
The Idaho Lottery and the Idaho Department of Parks & Recreation have teamed up this summer to celebrate Idaho’s scenic treasures, our State parks. A new $5 Scratch Game from the Lottery features the artwork of renowned Idaho artist, Ward Hooper, and focuses on eleven of Idaho’s State Parks from across the Gem State.
Mirror Lake Ladies’ Golf Report — July 9, 2020
Ten Mirror Lake ladies braved threatening weather to play on Wednesday morning, July 1. They all completed nine holes before the storm hit.

Fun on the Fourth
This Week In History - July 9, 2020
This Week In History - July 9, 2020
Boundary County Calendar - July 9-15, 2020
Commissioners discuss use of CARES Act money
BONNERS FERRY — A lot was accomplished for the first week of July among the Boundary County Commissioners.

It’s not acceptable to delay our work
As the dust was still settling on September 12, 2001, and the horror of the day prior’s events were still being discovered, the 107th Congress did not stay home. The 65th Congress did not stay home during the Spanish Flu, nor did the 81st during the worst of the polio outbreak. The 37th Congress met while our country was engaged in Civil War. The 65th and 77th Congress carried on after the United States entered World War I and World War II, respectively.
Artists have home at Vigilante Studios
BONNERS FERRY — Daniel Seward, the founder of Vigilante Studios, brings a state of the art design facility for creatives pursuing graphic design.
Proclamation disregards community’s beliefs, values
The Bonners Ferry City Council several months ago stated that “[w]e are an inclusive city that welcomes all people, regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity and encourages their participation in city government and city programs.”

From The Archives - July 9, 2020
The American Legion Boundary Post No. 55 held many fundraisers over the years. During the 1943 Boundary County Fair, Legionnaires set up a Housey-Housey game to help fund the fair premium money.
State board to consider school reopening plan
The Idaho State Board of Education will hold a virtual meeting today at 7:30 a.m. PDT to consider a school reopening plan developed by the K-12 Emergency Council’s Public School Reopening Committee.

Outdoor recreation and high mountain lakes
U.S. Forest Service, Idaho Department of Lands to restrict access to top of fire lookout towers
Several historic lookout towers across the Idaho Panhandle continue to be staffed by various agencies, including the Forest Service and Idaho Department of Lands.
Best of Boundary County voting starts Monday
Who is the best of the Best in Boundary County?
Residents criticize city on vision statement
Bonners Ferry City Council met Tuesday, July 7, for its bi-monthly meeting. Coronavirus precautions were implemented by requiring six feet of distance and limiting people within the council chambers.

Boundary County confirms second case of COVID-19
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County has its second confirmed novel coronavirus case — albeit the first of a county resident currently residing in the county.
Bear raids continue in county
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County Sheriff’s Office reported Tuesday that an unknown bear had raided an unsecured pig food storage near Three Mile Junction at 7:17 p.m.

You talkin’ to me?!

Robert ‘Bob’ Louis Fitch
It is with great sadness that the family of Robert “Bob” Louis Fitch announces his passing on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2019, in Sandpoint, Idaho, at the age of 90 years. Graveside services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday July 16, 2020, at the Grandview Cemetery in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.
Cornerstone Christian School welcomes new head teacher
BONNERS FERRY — Cornerstone Christian School has welcomed its new head teacher, Esther Holley, from Great Falls, Mont. She brings an extensive experience in education, including home, public, and private school teaching in multiple grade levels.

Crime in county decreased in 2019
BONNERS FERRY — Crime in the region went up from 2018 to 2019, according to an annual report by Idaho State Police.
Fourth of July parade rolls on
BONNERS FERRY — Due to liability issues and insurance coverages related to coronavirus concerns, Boundary County officials did not allow for the annual Fourth of July parade. But this did not stop Bonners Ferry residents from hosting their own parade.
Defending its nest

Tracy Obert Saboe, 40 Tracy Obert Saboe, 40
Tracy Obert Saboe, of Sioux Falls, S.D., died Monday, June 29, 2020. Tracy was 40.

Addressing the lack of affordable housing
BONNERS FERRY — The estimated median household income for Bonners Ferry is found to be $31,724, compared to $52,225 for the rest of Idaho, yet it could be argued that housing prices are similar to that of places with higher income opportunities.
Legals for July, 9 2020
Thursday, July 2

Reduce landfill waste? Take it or leave it!
BONNERS FERRY — Helping Hands of Naples held its biannual ‘Take it or Leave it’ event Saturday, June 27, at the Boundary County Fairgrounds, to reduce waste in the landfill by allowing people to repurpose belongings.

Hospital seeks cloth masks
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary Community Hospital is in need of additional cloth masks for our staff and patients.
‘Know before you go’ celebrate the Fourth in the forests
As the Fourth of July holiday approaches, the Idaho Panhandle National Forests would like to remind visitors that fireworks, and the possession of fireworks, are prohibited on National Forest System lands, regardless of weather conditions or holidays. Exploding targets and other pyrotechnic devices, such as Tannerite, are also prohibited on public lands administered by the Idaho Panhandle National Forests.
SDE distributes hand sanitizer, masks for schools across Idaho
This week the State Department of Education distributed thousands of gallons of hand sanitizer and thousands of masks to school districts in Idaho to help protect vulnerable populations when school resumes.
Bonner County Police Records - July 2, 2020
Boundary County Sheriff Bonners Ferry Police Department
Bullock’s Oriole: A fascinating, colorful bird!
Bullock’s Orioles guard their nest and may mob squirrels, crows, jays, and other predators. Females tend to sing near the nest site, while males often sing elsewhere.
PHD seeks volunteers for COVID-19 call center
Panhandle Health District is in need of volunteers to assist in the COVID-19 call center that the District has been operating since early March. The call center was established to answer questions from the public regarding COVID-19. Since its inception, call operators have fielded around 10,000 calls.
From the Archives - July 2, 2020
On July 19, 1941, the Bonners Ferry Lions Club became a charter member of Lions International. Its charter night program, with dinner, was held at the fairgrounds in Memorial Hall. Dinner included dishes with “Congo” themes: Lion Salad, Tropical Salad, Jungle Meats, Tiger Tidbits, and Voodoo Brew. A dance was held in Fry Memorial Hall (high school on Oak Street) with the KHQ Orchestra as entertainment. As President of the newly formed organization, Dr. Fred W. Durose presided over the affair.

Community grant creates lasting impact
BONNERS FERRY — Three years have passed since Bonners Ferry began a collaborative effort with city administration, local stakeholders and Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health, with Bonners Ferry receiving a grant to help with projects and programs to enable children to eat healthy foods and remain active.
Thank you to all involved in truck’s recovery
I greatly appreciate all parties that were involved in the recovery of my truck that was in the Kootenai River.
Mind Your Wake boater outreach campaign launched by Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation
The Idaho Department of Parks & Recreation has initiated the Mind Your Wake boater outreach campaign to help educate the boating public about how a boat wake can impact shoreline property owners, swimmers, and other boaters.
Medical massage and spa business opens downtown
BONNERS FERRY — June 12 was the grand opening of Holliday Hills Medical Massage and Spa, located next to the Far North Coffee Shop at 6811 Main St. Suite B.

Jean Eddy Jean Eddy
Jean Lamberson was born in the old livery stable at Bonners Ferry, Idaho, on Sept. 21, 1930. She was the daughter of Edna May and Corbet Lamberson.

Texas barbecue comes to Boundary County
Every year as we celebrate the founding of our United States, one debate at every picnic table is what region makes the best barbecue. If you were to ask barbecue expert Johnney Walker, without hesitation, he will say Texas.

James Williams, 84 James Williams, 84
James Williams, 84, passed away on Friday, June 19, 2020, at Kootenai Medical Center in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
George Raymond Clark, 63 George Raymond Clark, 63
George Raymond Clark, 63, passed away in his home on June 19, 2020.

Local resident tests positive for COVID-19
BONNERS FERRY — While the community confirmed its first COVID-19 case last week, the woman from Boundary County in her 20s contracted the virus while out of state and was never infectious while in Boundary County.
Boundary County Court Records - July 2, 2020
Savannah J. Alt, born 2000, charged with infraction driving speed (1-15 MPH) Exceeding the maximum posted speed limit on June 13, by BCSO. Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty on June 26 with fines of $33.50 and costs of $59.50.

City: No parade, fireworks permit has been sought for Fourth of July
BONNERS FERRY — As of Wednesday, the city has not received — or issued — a complete parade permit for a parade or fireworks show on the Fourth of July, Bonners Ferry officials said.

Life and a freedom from fear
Around the Fourth of July, the word “freedom” is frequently spoken but seldom defined. We might consider two categories: “freedom to” and “freedom from.”
This Week in History - July 2, 2020
100 Years Ago
Boundary County Calendar - July 2, 2020
Coming Events:
Golf League News
“Ace of the Month” is always the game of the day for the last week of the month for the Mirror Lake Ladies. For this last Tuesday/Wednesday in June, Renee Murphy was Ace of the Month for June 2020, with her low net of 34. Congratulations, Renee!

This Independence Day, let’s unite for a thriving future
The celebration of Independence Day this year will be unlike any other.
Keep it simple and live by the golden rule
Re: Steve Tanner addressing “The recently added segment of the vision statement” at a recent council meeting:
Kootenai River Run canceled; three BFHS graduates receive scholarships
BONNERS FERRY — The annual Kootenai River Run is canceled for this year, “in the spirit of social responsibility,” reported the Kootenai River Run committee.
Seen ‘n’ Heard - July 2, 2020

State Rep. Scott to conduct ‘civics class’
BONNERS FERRY — Heather Scott, District 1 state representative, will be in Bonners Ferry on Thursday, July 9, to conduct a “civics class” with representatives from the Center for Self-Governance.

Log truck crash kills man
NAPLES — A Washington state man was killed when the log truck he was driving left U.S. 95 near Naples, according to Idaho State Police.
Lily Blackmore named 2020 Distinguished Young Woman
BONNERS FERRY — The 2020-21 Distinguished Young Woman of Bonners Ferry is Lily Blackmore; the title given at the annual program held Saturday, June 27, at Becker Auditorium.

Laboratory testing for COVID-19 in Boundary County
I will try to teach this using questions and answers: