Sunday, May 31

Courthouse to open under Stage 3 on Tuesday
BONNERS FERRY — While the Boundary County Courthouse will open Monday under Idaho Rebounds’ Stage 2 guidelines, on Tuesday the courthouse will open its doors under Stage 3 protocols, Andrew O’Neel, director of Boundary County Emergency Management, said.
Thursday, May 28
Boundary County Calendar - May 28, 2020
Coming Events:
Proposed fee increases are coming at the right time
I support the proposed fee increases for Boundary County 110%. It is not so much “long overdue” as it is the right time. Every county employee and department has diligently made every penny count, every part, every vehicle, every computer, etc., function until it turned into dust.
Community pays honor to those lost
BONNERS FERRY — This year’s Memorial Day in Bonners Ferry was smaller than the past gatherings, but equally as important and rich in tradition.
Real pandemic facing country is the disease of lies
We have experienced the most egregious move to socialism and debt ever in our country’s history. Started under the direction of “conservativism” with the excuses of “protecting the people,” freedom and our constitutional republic is summarily dismissed as non-essential. The election laws have been circumvented, and the free, open gathering of people and candidates has been prevented.
LC State announces honor roll for 2020 spring semester
A total of 913 students at Lewis-Clark State College earned honor roll distinction this spring, LC State administrators announced.
CBP continuing reduced hours at ports of entry
PORTHILL — U.S. Customs and Border Protection will continue to operate Porthill Port of Entry as well as six ports of entry in Montana at reduced hours due an agreement signed by Canada and the United States to extend the “essential only” travel restrictions through at least June 22, or until the Administration lifts the current travel restrictions.
Boundary County Sheriff’s Log - May 28, 2020
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office Bonners Ferry Police Department
Grand View Cemetery donation presented

From The Archives — May 28, 2020
In 1960, a person could pick up this “application for loan” from The First National Bank of Bonners Ferry, Idaho. The bank was on the corner of Main and Bonner streets.
Bonners Ferry student honored at University of St. Mary’s
A Boundary County resident is among those included on the University of Saint Mary spring 2020 dean’s list.

Up next: Stage three reopening
Gov. Brad Little is expected to announce Thursday that Idaho will take another step forward toward returning to a post-coronavirus normal by entering stage three of his Rebound Idaho plan.
Kaniksu Health Services reopens area clinics
BONNERS FERRY — Over the past few months, many patients may have missed an important wellness exam, regular diabetes monitoring, dental care, or mental health appointment.

Bullets, beans and (especially) Band-Aids
As the usually bountiful supply of toilet paper disappeared from the earth over the past several months, one thing was rendered clear: a previously unprepared population had gained a sudden interest in preparing for challenging times. Here at Boundary Ambulance, many of us embrace the prepared lifestyle, and we enjoy seeing others ready themselves to weather life’s storms, too.
Innovia Foundation announces community grants
Innovia Foundation recently announced $869,300 in grants awarded to 82 organizations in Eastern Washington and North Idaho through its Community Grant Program.

Leland B. Varney, 89 Leland B. Varney, 89
Leland B. Varney, 89, passed away May 12, 2020 at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center after a brief hospitalization. He was born July 5, 1930, in Reardon, Wash. He grew up in multiple areas to include Priest River, Idaho, Mountain Home, Idaho, and graduated from high school in Livingston, Mont.
Harlan Henry Schrag, 81
Harlan Henry Schrag, 81, passed away on May 16, 2020. No public services are scheduled at this time. A private graveside service will be held on May 29, 2020, at Fairmount Memorial Park.
John Bradley Standal, 73
John Bradley Standal, 73, passed away May 21, 2020, at his home in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. A full obituary and arrangements will be announced at a later date.

Hey, I’ve got something to say
Foster Lynn Mayo, 73
Foster Lynn Mayo, 73, passed away on May 24, 2020 at the Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Washington. A complete obituary and service announcement to follow.
Virpi K. Earnest, 67
Virpi K. Earnest, 67, passed away May 12, 2020. Services are pending and a full obituary to follow.

Uncovering a community treasure
The Pearl Theater brings a variety of entertainment to Boundary County
BCMS announces 8th grade celebration
BONNERS FERRY — When Bonners Ferry Middle School students are promoted to high school on Thursday, June 4, the ceremony won’t look like it has in the past due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
Scott: Governor’s actions threaten Constitutional rights
BONNERS FERRY — Heather Scott was in Bonners Ferry this past Thursday, May 21, to speak to a standing-room-only crowd inside the Bonners Ferry Providence Presbyterian Church.
Grizzly bear damages beehive near Porthill
PORTHILL — A year ago, in May 2019, Darcy and Mandy Lammers experienced livestock loss due to a grizzly bear who killed lambs, and a few miles away from the Lammers’ ranch, another resident lost some sheep.
Osprey: The fisherman with wings!
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) are in a family all their own. It is the only raptor that plunges into water feet first to catch fish.
This Week In History - May 28, 2020
100 Years Ago

COVID-19 cases reported in Benewah County
SANDPOINT — While Benewah County saw its first cases this past week, Boundary County continues to have no confirmed novel coronavirus cases, according to the Panhandle Health District.

Gun club, Dukes Claybusters back in action
The Bonners Ferry Gun Club and the Dukes Claybusters, the Bonners Ferry High School trapshooting team, are back in action with the club’s facilities open and the team scoring well in recent tournaments.
Boundary County Court Records - May 28, 2020
Corbyn M. Bass, born 1993, charged with misdemeanor reckless driving by BCSO on April 20. Disposition: Pleaded guilty. Found guilty with a plea agreement to misdemeanor inattentive or careless driving on May 18 with fines of $142.50 and costs of $157.50 10 days in jail with 10 days of jail suspended and 365 days of unsupervised probation.
Legals for May, 28 2020
Saturday, May 23
Absentee ballot deadline extended
BOISE — U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill ordered the state to give Idaho voters more time — until 8 p.m. Tuesday — to request an absentee ballot for the May primary election.
Friday, May 22
Temple plans expected in fall
MOSES LAKE — It will still be some months before The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints presents its official plans for the church’s new temple in Moses Lake.
Thursday, May 21
Library begins curbside service
Library begins curbside service

Mirror Lake Golf Ladies tee off in 2020
The Mirror Lake Golf Ladies’ opening day was on Wednesday, May 13.
Seen ‘n’ Heard - May 28, 2020
North Bench Flower Patch busy as it reopens
BONNERS FERRY — Whether it’s because more people are home due to stay-in-place recommendations, or simply because it’s spring and the community is ready to grow, there’s been a common theme at many nurseries and places that are selling garden plants, flowers, vegetable starts, etc.: Most of them have been struggling to keep up with sales.
Boundary County Court Reports - May 21, 2020
Gary W. Arthur, born 1967, charged with infraction failure to exercise due care while driving on April 17 by BCSO. Disposition: Found guilty on May 11 with fines of $33.50 and costs of $56.50.
Boundary County History - May 21, 2020
100 Years Ago
Boundary County Sheriff’s Log - May 21, 2020
Boundary County Sheriff Bonners Ferry Police Department

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary ready to serve community
Like nothing else in our lifetime, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected our everyday lives in a myriad of ways. Much of the country is staying at home or self-quarantining.
Mt. Hall pancake breakfast is canceled
Mt. Hall pancake breakfast is canceled
Historic primary participation
BONNERS FERRY — Voting in this year’s primary election is different from past elections.

‘We are family’
BONNERS FERRY — The staff at Bonners Ferry High School misses “their kids.”
University of Idaho sets spring graduation date
A total of 1,650 University of Idaho students statewide applied for 1,795 degrees for the spring semester, which ended May 15. The numbers are the largest in the past six years for a spring term.

Boat safely as creek, river levels are rising
BONNERS FERRY — The forecast for the Kootenai River this week shows an increase from 62 feet from 57 feet, Boundary County Sheriff’s Office officials said in a press release encouraging the community to use caution during the Memorial Day weekend.
‘Forestry Shortcourse’ offered in June in region
Many Idaho forest landowners desire a better understanding of how forests grow and how they can better manage their forest property to meet their goals. Furthermore, forest landowners are often required to demonstrate planned, active forest management to qualify for lower forestry property tax rates and cost-share assistance for management activities such as thinning.

Council tables Fourth of July event discussion
BONNERS FERRY — Carefully following Gov. Brad Little’s stages to reopening Idaho, Bonners Ferry City Council members met in person at their Tuesday, May 19, meeting, which was also available for public participation via the Zoom app.
James Wayland Chubb, 55
James Wayland Chubb, 55, passed away on April 21, 2020, at his home in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.
Author writes children’s novel set in Bonners Ferry area
Seaview, Wash., author Kent D. Walsh is celebrating the nationwide release of his new book, “Danger,” which is set in the Bonners Ferry area.

Memorial Day ceremony planned at Grandview Cemetery
BONNERS FERRY — Past Memorial Day events have included a parade sponsored by the American Legion Post 55, though this year, no one has applied for a special event permit through the city.

Dukes Claybusters win first place for Junior Shooters
Wow! What a bunch of great scores today, May 16, our second time of practicing after a seven-week layoff because of the novel coronavirus. The club is still practicing six foot distancing and good hygiene as well as being very close to the 10-person rule.
Big changes proposed for P&Z fees
BONNERS FERRY — The Boundary County commissioners are poised to make big changes to the planning and zoning fees.
County courthouse reopens with limited access
BONNERS FERRY — While Boundary County officials hope the public continues to conduct business online, over the phone or through the mail for the time being, the county courthouse reopened with limited public access Monday.
Bald eagle triplets: A rare event in nature

Overcoming obstacles: Lessons learned from Joe Rantz
He was only about 4 years old when his mother died while living in Spokane in the early 1900s. Times were tough as his father tried to provide for his family.
Boundary County Calendar - May 21-27, 2020
Coming Events:

Birthday donations add up for Old Granview Cemetery
Boat launch, restrooms reopen
BONNERS FERRY — The city of Bonners Ferry has reopened the boat access behind the Moyie Dam.
Governor Little has declared war on our liberty
We have experienced the most egregious move to socialism ever in our country’s history. Starting under the direction of “conservativism” with the excuses of “protecting the people,” freedom and our constitutional republic is summarily dismissed as non-essential. The election laws have been circumvented, and the free open gathering of prospective candidates has been prevented. Our civil leaders have promoted the lie by declaring counties and the state to be in an emergency. The lie to pacify us is that the state will fill the void with federal funds that will suffice for work, duty, responsibility, freedom, and truth itself. The old proverb that if you don’t work, you don’t eat is somehow outdated.

Beauty in flight
Join together as one to honor, remember our war dead
As I was growing up in the years following America’s victory in the Second World War, I remember being so proud of the country and those who had served and given their lives to win the war. The country had come together as one to accomplish something truly remarkable. Americans of every national origin, faith and creed played a part in the war, although the participation of some — African Americans and Japanese Americans — had been in separate units. Nevertheless, the war dead were honored and mourned by a united, thankful nation.
PHD updates COVID-19 cases in region
Still no Boundary County cases reported

‘Keeping up with the Jones’
Andrew J. Jones, born on Oct. 27, 1830, arrived in the Kootenai Valley in 1899. He and his wife, Maryetta (Starbuck) built a log hotel in Bonners Ferry which they operated for 2½ years.
Legals for May, 21 2020
Sunday, May 17

New COVID-19 cases reported in Kootenai County
SANDPOINT — For the second day in a row, the Panhandle Health District reported a new COVID-19 cases in Kootenai County on Sunday, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in North Idaho to 70. Of the cases in the region, 66 are no longer being monitored.
Friday, May 15
Courthouse to open for limited public access Monday
While Boundary County officials are requesting the public continue to conduct county business online, over the phone, or through the mail whenever possible, the courthouse be opened for limited public access beginning Monday, May 18.
Thursday, May 14
Overman earns spot on Spokane Community College honor roll
Heidi Overman of Bonners Ferry has earned a place on the Spokane Community College Honor Roll for Winter Quarter 2020. Students on the honor roll earned a GPA of 3.0 or above.

Landscapes Initiative announces first projects to conserve essential lands
BONNERS FERRY — Critical wildlife habitat in the Kootenai Valley is being conserved as part of the Pacific Northwest Resilient Landscapes Initiative.

Class of 2020 will have unique sendoff
BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry High School graduation will be held June 6 at the Boundary County Fairgrounds, Boundary County School District Superintendent Jan Bayer said in a press release.
Second Harvest truck returns on Friday
BONNERS FERRY — Second Harvest Inland Empire is at it again! The non-profit will be at the Boundary County Fairgrounds on Friday, May 15 with a truck full of food for those who may need it.

Boundary County Jail gets high marks from state
BONNERS FERRY — The Boundary County Sheriff’s Office recently received the good news that the jail has once again met the Idaho Jail Standards to receive a recommendation for a 2020 certificate of compliance, Boundary County Sheriff Dave Kramer said in a press release.
Census Bureau to deliver 2020 questionnaires
The U.S. Census Bureau, in coordination with federal, state and local health officials, will begin to drop off 2020 Census questionnaire packets at front doors of households in Idaho on Wednesday, May 6.

With disco and YouTube, we will survive
BFHS staff reaches out to students through lip sync/dancing videos
Birthday donations add up for Old Granview Cemetery

Boundary Community Hospital honors hospital’s heroes
Rural hospitals all over the country are struggling and Boundary Community Hospital has similar concerns with the cancellation or postponement of elective surgeries and some outpatient services.
Sheriff’s office nets $19,300 grant for dive, rescue team
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County Sheriff’s Office has received at $19,300 grant from the BNSF Railway Foundation for the community’s dive rescue team and water emergency response. The grant award of $19,300 will be used to update and outfit divers with appropriate safety gear for dive rescue, including underwater communications.
Rabbits and fairies spread niceties downtown
BONNERS FERRY — Passersby in the vicinity of the Boundary County library were greeted with nice gestures by colorful costumed do-gooders.
Columbian ground squirrels emerge from hibernation
“If we had a keen vision of all that is ordinary in human life, it would be like hearing the grass grow or the squirrel’s heart beat, and we should die of that roar which is the other side of silence.”
Suppiger is the best choice for District 1 seat
I support Gary Suppiger for the position of District 1 representative. I have know Gary and his family for many years, as his children attended Sagle Elementary School while I was the principal there. I cannot think of a finer or more qualified person than Gary Suppiger for this position.

From the Archives - May 14, 2020
In 1943, Alfred and Anna Stonklift constructed a motel on the South Hill. They named it after their daughter, “Ruby.” Ruby Maxfield, a well-known school teacher, lived in the motel for 67 years. She passed away in 2010 at the age of 94.

Johnsons share with others after potato giveaway
BONNERS FERRY — Friends of the Johnsons, members of their church, and Facebook friends were gifted with free potatoes this past Saturday, May 9.
True advocacy for people with disabilities
During this year’s legislative session, I worked with Sen. Jim Woodward regarding state rules and regulations around employment opportunities for people with significant disabilities and Jim was there for me every step of the way. I could always count on Jim to help me navigate the legislative arena to best help the people I serve.
Pizza philanthropist Kuper delivers appreciation
Pizza philanthropist Kuper delivers appreciation
Sage Dixon is the only true Republican choice
Spreading untruths about your opponent is the tool of those with no argument.
Gary Suppiger is the right person for District 1 seat
I have known Gary Suppiger for many years. My admiration for him started when he volunteered, at the school where I taught, to teach additional math skills to students before regular school hours. He did this consistently for over 10 years and his program not only excited kids about math but culminated in a yearly math competition and overnight trip which he chaperoned.

BFHS seniors Owens, Rae earn NISTAR award
A pair of Bonners Ferry High School students have been recognized for their achievements and nominated for the North Idaho Student Teacher Achievement Recognition program.
Plant sale, other events to help FFA students
BONNERS FERRY — This past Friday, May 8 and Saturday, May 9, the local Bonners Ferry Future Farmers of America chapter members held their annual plant sale.
We need Suppiger representing us in Idaho Legislature
Gary Suppiger is very well suited to represent District 1B and North Idaho in the Idaho House of Representatives. As a parent, as a business owner, as a volunteer in our schools, and as a member of LPOSD school board Gary has the breadth of knowledge and commitment that will make him an asset for North Idaho in Boise.
In support of Tim Bertling for county commissioner
Of the five candidates running on the Republican primary ballot for County Commissioner, District 2, four are long-time Boundary County residents. Of these four, two have invested a considerable amount of funds in advertising. They have sent flyers in the mail and one has ads running on the local radio station. The man running the radio ads has a campaign committee that is complete with chairman and treasurer. It is unusual for candidates to invest so much when running for a local position.
This Week in History - May 14, 2020
100 Years Ago
Let us know, candidates, where you stand on the issues
I’ve been researching positions on several candidates running for local offices in Boundary County in the upcoming primary. I have not been able to find much information about any of them. The most important issues a society faces is how to protect its most vulnerable members, the unborn and the elderly.
Rep. Sage Dixon is the clear choice for District 1 seat
My family and I moved to Idaho in 2012, in part, to escape the leftist authoritarianism controlling Oregon.

Kootenai River Inn to reopen on Saturday
BONNERS FERRY — The Kootenai Tribe of Idaho announced Wednesday that the Best Western Plus Kootenai River Inn Casino and Spa will reopen this Saturday, May 16.
Let your work, not social media, speak for you
For goodness sake, you are the attorney representing the city of Bonners Ferry. Soon you will be the county attorney by default. I hope your recent engagement in a “tit for tat” commentary on the KVT Facebook page is not indicative of things to come.

Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
Boundary County Calendar - May 14, 2020
Coming Events:
America, a virus and the power of prayer
Such a time as this.
CASA seeking youth advocates
BONNERS FERRY — You can help a child in need.
Vote Tim Tucker for responsible leadership
Tim Tucker has the intelligence and personality to deal with people and issues in a responsible, informed and objective manner.

Five ways to help your local economy, and why it’s important
So, what’s the deal with the “support small business” trend? Aren’t businesses getting support from all those loans and grants that the government is offering? After all, everyone is struggling right now, why would businesses need more support than anyone else?

Lily Blackmore — Participant #12
Lily Blackmore is sponsored by Girl Scout Troop #3801. She is the daughter of Travis and Maureen Blackmore and has three sisters, Anika, Emily, and Mia; and a brother, Caleb.
Boundary County Court Records - May 14, 2020
Amie J. Anderson, born 1997, charged with infraction driving exceeding (16 MPH or Over) the maximum posted speed limit by BCSO on April 13. Disposition: Found guilty on May 6 with fines of $98.50 and costs of $56.50.

Emmaline Pinkerton — Participant #10
Emmaline Pinkerton is sponsored by Chapter AP PEO. She is the daughter of Jim and Alyssa Pinkerton. She has three brothers, Jack, Joseph, and Samuel; and a sister, Olivia

Avery Pluid — Participant #11
Avery Pluid is sponsored by the Moyie Shrine Club. She is the daughter of Justin and Shannon Pluid, and has four brothers, Pacen, Daniel, Cardon, and Oakley; and four sisters, Jerzie, Hannah, Markynn, and Eberley.
Boundary County Police Records - May 14, 2020
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office
Legals for May, 14 2020
Thursday, May 7

Library book drop open on limited basis
The Boundary County Library is working on reopening to the public by following guidelines as set forth in Gov. Brad Little’s Rebound Idaho plan.

Second Harvest truck returns on Friday
Second Harvest truck returns on Friday
Seen 'n' Heard - May 7, 2020
Seen 'n' Heard - May 7, 2020
Vote Bertling for county commissioner
Tim Bertling has shown in several ways that he has the ability, desire and leadership skills to be the person we need for Boundary County Commissioner in District 2. Tim Bertling served as a Boundary Country School District #101 Board Member for 11 years. Eight of those years I worked with him as Superintendent of School. During that time he was respected by the teachers, classified staff, administration, fellow school board members, students, parents and the patrons of Boundary County. Tim is a true leader and stands up for the patrons and students of Boundary County.
Tucker is bad news for Boundary County
A few years ago, Pete Wilson formed a group of local citizens to try and make some sense out of the new environmental regulations. Long Canyon was the major issue with the preservationist organization groups. In order to attempt to settle our county’s roadless area issue, I made up a plan to do just that. The plan was presented to most local officials and receive complete support. At least we thought it had. Three of us had an appointment in Boise to present the plan to the governor. But we were first asked to first present the plan to Tim Tucker. Tucker, after hearing the presentation, stated that he would do nothing to thwart the plan nor would he do anything to interfere with our meeting with the governor.

Pheasant hunting coming to two WMAs in North Idaho
Boundary-Smith Creek near Bonners Ferry is one of the sites

Hospital’s annual Health Fair is going online
Every year for decades, Boundary Community Hospital has held a Community Health Fair and Fun Run during National Hospital Week.
A call to Christians in a time of trouble
I have heard recently of a couple of instances where Christians have been disgruntled and are publicly complaining against the government and planning acts of civil disobedience.
Suppiger dedicated to helping community, youth
Utilizing his role(s) as Lake Pend Oreille School Board trustee and Cocolalla Lake Association Board member, Gary Suppiger was instrumental in creating the association’s annual tours hosted by Idaho Fish and Game with the Southside Elementary School students.

Ziply takes over Frontier locally
HAYDEN — Ziply Fiber finalized its acquisition of the Northwest operations of Frontier Communications in a $1.35 billion transaction Thursday, April 30. An additional half-billion dollars will be used to address network and service improvements, the company announced.

Welcome to gun ownership: Have fun, be safe
In March 2020, a record 3.7 million background checks were conducted for U.S. firearms sales, along with an unknown quantity of private party sales. That number of background checks exceeded any month on record since the National Instant Criminal Background Check System was implemented in 1998. To any new gun owners in Boundary County, I wish to say: welcome.
Suppiger is the right pick for District 1 seat
In the upcoming primary election for the House of Representatives, we have the opportunity to choose a pragmatic Republican to represent all of our great North Idaho’s constituents. Gary Suppiger is my choice for this vital position.

May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
The 2010 U.S. Census counted over 15 million Asian Pacific Americans. The major groups are people of Chinese (3.8 million), Filipino (3.4), Asian Indian (3.2 million), Vietnamese (1.7 million), Korean (1.7 million), and/or Japanese (1.3 million) heritage. Smaller populations include people of Cambodian, Bangladeshi, Thai, Pakistani, Laotian, or Hmong heritage.
This Week in History - May 7, 2020
100 Years Ago
Police Log - May 7, 2020
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office Bonners Ferry Police Department
Tucker, Kramer dedicated to serving community
In the upcoming May 19 primary election, we are fortunate to have qualified and competent candidates for two of the most important jobs in our county — Tim Tucker for county commissioner in District 2 and Dave Kramer for sheriff.
Sage Dixon is the right choice for District 1B
Sage Dixon is the right choice for District 1B
Sage Dixon cares about region’s small businesses
Idaho’s small businesses are hurting. After over a month of closures, some are beginning to open, with the hopes of rebuilding what they’ve lost through no fault of their own.
Labor accepting applications for extended unemployment insurance benefits
Idahoans who are out of work and have exhausted regular unemployment insurance benefits can now apply for extended benefits under the CARES Act online at
Boundary County Court Reports - May 7, 2020
Boundary County Court Reports.
Suppiger supports education, we should support him
I’m voting for Gary Suppiger in the May 19 Republican primary for seat 1B in the Idaho State House of Representatives, representing Bonner and Boundary counties.
Tree buds spring into leaves
“Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May.”
City council ‘zooms’ through light agenda
BONNERS FERRY — Courtesy of the Zoom app, which has helped to keep local city residents involved with the City Council meetings during this extraordinary time of social distancing, the Bonners Ferry City Council met on Tuesday, May, 5 at 6 p.m.
Boundary County Calendar - May 7, 2020
Coming Events:

From the Archives - May 7, 2020
This United States flag pennant displayed in the military exhibit at the museum was carried by a member of the Martin and Nels Peterson families of Moravia, Idaho. The Petersons homesteaded near Mirror Lake (later Drainage District 1) — now the Mirror Lake Golf Course.
Tim Tucker is the right choice for District 2 seat
I would like to remind S. Bonchini, author of “sheep’s clothing” that in 1955 Ronald Regan was a union president and a registered Democrat.
Arbor Day grant is awarded to B.F.
The Idaho Nursery and Landscape Association, in cooperation with the Idaho Department of Lands, Avista, Rocky Mountain Power, and Idaho Power, has announced Arbor Day grant recipients for 2020.
Surprenant seeks your support
My input on the current situation regarding the Covid virus and Governor Little’s plan for reopening. Some of you will agree and some of you won’t, but I can tell you this, I have talked to people in the healthcare industry and this thing is not going away for several years. That is if it does not mutate, if it mutates, we could be looking at a lot longer.
Moyie Boat Launch could open May 30
Moyie Boat Launch could open May 30
Jerry Arnold, 72
Jerry Arnold, 72, passed away April 24, 2020. He is survived by his wife, Lynne Arnold, son, John Arnold, and daughter, Stefanie Arnold.

A second helping of Second Harvest
A second helping of Second Harvest

City backs gradual reopening
BONNERS FERRY — Modifications to Boundary County’s services and operations will remain in place through May 18 — and both city and county officials are reminding residents it is important to follow the steps outlined in the governor’s Rebound Idaho plan.
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Funds surpass $2.1 million
The COVID-19 Response and Recovery Funds for Eastern Washington and North Idaho have surpassed $2.1 million in fundraising efforts, Innovia Foundation announced recently.
Moyie Boat Launch could open May 30
Moyie Boat Launch could open May 30

Norman Eugene Harrington Norman Eugene Harrington
Norman Eugene Harrington, formerly of Scottsbluff, Neb., passed away at home in Thornton, Colo., on April 30, 2020. He had just celebrated his 96th birthday last month.

Donations sought for Fourth of July celebration
BONNERS FERRY — What better way to rebound from the shutdown surrounding the COVID-19 crisis than with a good, old fashioned, Fourth of July celebration?
Crash spills 3,000 gallons of liquid fertilizer
Bonners Ferry truck driver uninjured; pickup truck driver found by police

Morning glory

FFA Plant Sale is Friday at high school
BONNERS FERRY — Warmer weather and the days of spring mean it is time for the annual Future Farmers of America (FFA) Plant Sale.

Absentee ballot request forms headed to voters
Ballot request forms for the May primary election will begin landing in registered voters mailboxes this week.
Correction - May 7, 2020
In an April 30 story about the production of 3D printed masks, Brian Hengel-Lentz’s name was incorrectly listed. The date of his decision to go launch his own firm, Texas CADDpro LLC in Buda, Texas, was incorrect and should have been listed as 2002.

Local students earn UI honors
The University of Idaho recently announced its 2019 fall dean’s list. More than 2,600 students qualified for the academic honors at the Moscow, Idaho, university for the fall 2019 semester.
Legals for May, 7 2020
Wednesday, May 6

Governor: So far, so good, but keep an eye on autumn
Even as Gov. Brad Little’s four-stage re-opening program proceeds positively, he still has time to look ahead, to plan — and to worry.
Monday, May 4
Library opens for book drop today
BOUNDARY COUNTY — The Boundary County Library is working on reopening to the public by following guidelines as set forth in Gov. Brad Little’s Rebound Idaho plan.

Festival at Sandpoint cancels 2020 season
SANDPOINT — The Festival at Sandpoint, in consultation with local health officials, music industry experts, and the Festival at Sandpoint’s Board of Directors, announced Monday that the 2020 Festival will be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.