Thursday, June 30

Arrest made in Smelterville murder case
Paris could face life in prison
Community input on Comp Plan detailed
Data from community input provided at June 4 Farmer's Marker on the city's Comprehensive Plan is in.

Mirror Lake Ladies’ Golf Association hits the links
All interested lady golfers invited to join the fun

P&Z defers to Commissioners on Owen Benjamin application
The Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission has deferred a decision on Struggle Bear’s a conditional use permit (CUP) for existing additional primary single-family dwellings to county commissioners.

Kootenai Tribe breaks ground on travel center
Construction on Sturgeon Station is set to begin the first week of July.

Repairs at schools paid by federal dollars
Boundary County School District used a combination of federal and forest funds for capital improvement projects at Mt. Hall and Naples elementary schools.

How has $350 billion in COVID relief funds been used?
Last year’s partisan, nearly $2 trillion American Rescue Plan Act gave $350 billion to governments of states, localities, territories and Tribes,

This Week In History — June 30, 2022
Stories of Boundary County's people and places
Council debates balancing inflation
City Council members discussed the city budget Tuesday, including adjustments for inflation, while debating a raise for staff to counterbalance rising inflation.
Teach children to make good choices
Don't ban books or teach others to hate
Supreme Court ruling gives reason to be proud of Idaho
In the Idaho Republican Platform it currently states, "We believe human life begins at conception"

Officers on the lookout for impaired drivers
As Idahoans hit the road this weekend to celebrate Independence Day, The Bonners Ferry Police Department is joining law enforcement agencies across Idaho to keep roads free from impaired drivers.

Court Records for June 30, 2022
Information on local cases in Boundary County.
Michael Elwood Way
Michael Elwood Way passed away on June 8, 2022.

From the Archives - June 30, 2022
Boundary County Historical Society & Museum shares stories about items in its collection
Naples Gallery is back
The Naples Gallery is back.

Banning named All-Idaho Baseball Team
Teigan Banning, a junior at Bonners Ferry High School, has been named as a player for the All-Idaho Baseball team.
Jon Ellis Terry, 80
Jon Ellis was born April 2, 1942 and passed away June 28, 2022.

Calendar June 30 - July 6
The events, activities and meetings taking place in Boundary County over the coming week.

Rickter signs with Waldorf University
Recent Bonners Ferry graduate “Action” Jackson Rickter will be wearing Warrior purple next school year as he has signed to wrestle at Waldorf University in Forest City, Iowa.

Couple’s dream leads to 9B Tacos
9B Tacos began with the dream of husband-and-wife team, Jose and Lovey Cesená.
Rickter goes 5-3 for Team Idaho at Junior Nationals Duals
Bonners Ferry wrestler Savannah Rickter competed for Team Idaho June 15-17 at the 2022 Junior Nationals Duals.

Basketball camps sees 140 campers
Baseball camps for boys, girls and little dribblers were huge hits with 140 campers coming out for the three camps.

Dahlbergs celebrate golden anniversary
Jim Dahlberg and Debra (Carter) Dahlberg exchanged wedding vows on June 16, 1972 at St Pius X Catholic Church in Coeur d'Alene.
Jeffery Jerome Jordan, 63
Jeffery Jerome Jordan, 63, died on June 24, 2022.

'Best of' nominations period done
Best of Boundary County nominations are now closed. Only the top businesses will move on to the voting period which begins Friday, July 1-20. Visit our website and click “Best of” in the task bar or visit to cast your vote.
Legals for June, 30 2022
Wednesday, June 29

Highway 95 construction to pave southbound lane
After the Fourth of July holiday, construction on U.S. 95 will turn to paving the southbound lane in town.

1 dead, 3 missing in boating accident
Accident happened Tuesday evening
Tuesday, June 28

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 144: Headlines from 6/22 thru 6/28
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Molly Roberts take you through the latest news of the last week. Today is a bit of a longer episode, as we are making up for missing Friday!
Monday, June 27

Fourth fun planned in community
A host of Fourth of July festivities are planned for the holiday.
Saturday, June 25

Idaho to receive $35.8 million in federal land payments
North Idaho's five counties receiving $3,189,664 combined
Friday, June 24

ITA’s first North Idaho Youth Project needs volunteers
Idaho Trails Association is looking for youth volunteers for a three-day trail maintenance project on the Coeur d'Alene River on July 8-10.
Stop the Bleed First Aid Training
A preparation for survival meeting on first aid training is scheduled for June 26 from 2-4 p.m. at the Seniors Hospitality Center, 6635 Lincoln St., Bonners Ferry.
Thursday, June 23

Commissioners request second receipt of ARPA
The Boundary County commissioners have requested the second portion of the American Rescue Plan Act funds at the June 21 meeting.

This Week In Boundary County History for June 23, 2022
100 Years Ago A raise of five cents per hour in the pay of the employees at the Bonners Ferry Lumber Company went into effect last Friday. The wage scale of the local company is on par and in some instances is above that of other lumber companies in the Inland Empire.

Court Records for June 23, 2022
Information on local cases in Boundary County.
Another thought on fuel prices
As the U.S. now faces the highest fuel prices in years, the inevitable blame game again makes the news.
When did being disrespectful become the new norm?
On June 16, I went to my first library board meeting

Ernest M. Irons Jr.
Ernest M. Irons Jr. died June 16, 2022
9B Family Foundation holding benefit
The 9B Family Foundation is holding a benefit to raise funds for the Abrego family on Friday, June 24, at 6 p.m. The benefit is in memory of baby Eleanor who passed away Monday morning after a hard-fought battle for her life. Eleanor was born 12 weeks early.
From the Archives for June 23, 2022
In 1916, Fred S. Stoos, a graduate of Bonners Ferry High School, Class of 1914, started his creamery business, calling it Boundary Creamery.
Trail 203 open at Section 16
Trail 203, located at Section 16 in the Paradise Valley, is open to the public.

PHAT Mo’s, new taste in town
Phat Mo’s brings a different taste to town and showcases Hawaiian, Mexican and Asian-inspired dishes.

School bond to run again in August
Boundary County School District plans to rerun a school bond for a new Valley View Elementary in the August election.

9B Trails don’t build themselves
Every Monday, 9B Trails volunteers head out to update and maintain Boundary County trails.

Carol Geeck
Carol Geeck passed away on May 31, 2022.

Go Skateboarding Day skate jam a big hit
The Bonners Ferry Skatepark was abuzz with families and skaters at the Go Skateboarding Day skate jam on June 21.

Library board updates collections policy
Amid an overflowing room of patrons, the Boundary County Library Board updated its policies and discussed individual freedom.

FOR Walking for the Restorium update
Eli Pine’s walking for the Restorium fundraiser has paid off as sponsors and donors have flocked to the cause of fundraising for the residents of the Boundary County Restorium.

Women play central role in Idaho agriculture
As agriculture production heats up in fields and communities across our great state, it is a good time to spotlight the leadership of Idaho women

Care provider charged with grand theft and exploiting client
A care provider is being charged with grand theft and exploitation of one of her clients.

Rosemary (Dolly) Veltri, 96
Rosemary (Dolly) Veltri, 96, passed away on June 8, 2022.

Calendar for June 23 to June 30
The events, activities and meetings taking place in Boundary County over the coming week.
A free take-it-or-leave-it giveaway event
The goal of the swap meet is to keep items out of the landfill. The event will take place from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the fairgrounds parking lot.

Free food distribution event set
The Second Harvest Inland Empire last truck for June will be at the Boundary County Fairgrounds on June 29, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for a drive-through food distribution.

Shelman Realty new ERA affiliate
Shelman Realty is now affiliated with ERA Real Estate, with its familiar colors of “Shelman yellow” changing to red, white and blue.
Legals for June, 23 2022
Tuesday, June 21

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 143: Headlines from 6/18 thru 6/21
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Molly Roberts take you through the latest news coming out of the Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, the Shoshone News-Press, from June 18-21.
Friday, June 17

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 142: Headlines from 6/15 thru 6/17
Listen and subscribe to us on your favorite podcatcher! -Direct MP3 download -Buzzsprout -Apple Podcasts -Spotify -Google Podcasts -PlayerFM -iHeart Radio -Amazon Music -Pandora -Stitcher

IDFG: Hunters shoot grizzly in self-defense
An investigation has found that a grizzly bear shot by hunters in Ruby Creek drainage on June 8, was done so in self-defense, Idaho Department of Fish & Game officials said.
Thursday, June 16
Another thought on fuel prices
As the U.S. now faces the highest fuel prices in years, the inevitable blame game again makes the news.
From the Archives for June 16, 2022
August "Auggie" Schlener (1886-1969) came to Bonners Ferry in 1936, opening a harness and shoe repair shop.

Court Records for June 16, 2022
Information on local cases in Boundary County.

Judgment withheld with conditions on two fentanyl charges
A Boundary County woman was granted withheld judgment on several drug charges in First District Court recently.

This Week In Boundary County History for June 16, 2022
100 Years Ago S.E. Henry is displaying samples this week of gold, silver, and lead ore which was discovered recently at a point about one and a half miles north of the Bethlehem Gold Mines.

Arrest warrant served on Kootenai River Bridge
Walking across the Kootenai River Bridge can get you booked — but only if you have a warrant out for your arrest.

Speeding, active warrant, leads man arrested on drug charges
A Washington man has been arrested on drug charges and an active warrant after being stopped for a speeding infraction.

Rickter wrestling for Team Idaho
Traveling to national competitions cost money and local Badger and Bonners Ferry Wrestling Club member Savannah Rickter is hoping the community can help.

159 students on BCMS 2nd Semester Honor Roll
Boundary County middle schoolers were hard at study this year with 159 students making the honor roll for the second semester of the 2021-’22 school year.
2022 All-American Bread and Butter Wrestling Camp
Bonners Ferry Wrestling Club members have the chance to participate in the 2022 All-American Bread and Butter Wrestling Camp which features clinics with wrestlers from the highest level in college wrestling.

Great training makes greater divers
With the population growth and the water recreation opportunities coming to our community in Boundary County, Boundary County Search and Dive Rescue Team continue to look for the most up-to-date and relevant training possible. With more people moving into the area as the population grows this increases water recreation and the importance of dive training.

Martha Jean (Jantz) Friesen, 90
Martha Jean (Jantz) Friesen passed away on May 10, 2022.

Brenda Antoinette Dirks
Brenda Antoinette Dirks passed away on June 7, 2022.

Why did the IRS destroy 30 million paper returns?
Americans spend millions of hours and billions of dollars filing their taxes. At the very least the Internal Revenue Service should open, read, process and protect what Americans send them.

Moore murder case could see appeal in supreme court
The Idaho Supreme Court is considering a state appeal to reverse a First District Court judge’s dismissal of murder charges against a Bonners Ferry resident Daniel Lee Moore in the 2020 shooting of a fellow chiropractor.

Calendar for June 16-22
The events, activities and meetings taking place in Boundary County over the coming week.

Tick season is in full swing
A home remedy for removing ticks is to saturate a cloth with vinegar and the tick will back out. Once the tick is in the cloth, squash the tick.

5 XC runners made all-league
Bonners Ferry Cross County finished out a strong 2021 season with five athletes taking all-league honors.
Court Assistance is back
Court Assistance is returning to Boundary County the third Friday of the month located at the Boundary County Annex, formerly the National Guard Armory at 6566 Main St. Bonners Ferry, ID.

A beautiful day for a drive
Local photographer Robert Kalberg recently shared this photo
In recognition of World Refugee Day
World Refugee Day is June 20, 2022
Legals for June, 16 2022
Tuesday, June 14

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 141: Headlines from 6/11 thru 6/14
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Molly Roberts take you through the latest news coming out of the Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, the Shoshone News-Press from June 11-14.

Youth sport camps for future Badgers
This summer there are many youth sports camps provided by Bonners Ferry High School coaching staff. Upcoming events include a volleyball camp and basketball camps. It is not too late to sign up.
Monday, June 13
Russell bound over for first-degree murder
James David Russell, 40, is bound over to district court for a count of first-degree murder.
Saturday, June 11

Local law enforcement derail rioters' plans
Police arrested individuals associated with Patriot Front
Police arrested individuals associated with Patriot Front
Thursday, June 9

BCL making updates 'with best practices in mind'
Boundary County Library has approved hiring a new HR firm and a bookkeeping service as well as a move away from the Dewey-decimal system.

Rod Benders Car Club Show attracts residents
Rain didn’t dampen the excitement at viewing classic and vintage cars at the Rod Benders Saturday, June 4 classic car show. Mike & Patty Boes of Post Falls won with their 1964 Pontiac Bonneville.

Calendar for June 9-15
The events, activities and meetings taking place in Boundary County over the coming week.

Advocacy group for skatepark formed
The Boundary County Skatepark Alliance is a new volunteer advocacy group for the express purpose of providing the youth of the community a safe, well-lit, and well-kept facility that the entire community can be proud of.

Community members on same page at workshop
City residents have a chance to share what they want the city to look like over the next 20 years.
We all share the roads
Picture this.

Idaho veterans deserve an accurate electronic health records system
We owe it to Idaho veterans to ensure they get proper access to the services they deserve

Mirror Lake Ladies’ Golf Association returns to action
Club members meet on Wednesdays

Susan Howe
Sue Howe passed away on May 28, 2022.

BCSO seeks information on active warrants
The Boundary County Sheriff’s Office has released information of two people that as of June 8, have active felony arrest warrants. The cases are unconnected.

Free Fishing Day offers fun for the whole family
Fish and Game will host statewide events on June 11 to help beginners get started

Larry Charles Anderson, 82
Larry Charles Anderson, 82, passed away May 27, 2022.

Court Records for June 9
Information on local cases in Boundary County.

BFHS Class of 2022 graduates 77
Bonners Ferry High School graduated 77 students in the Class of 2022 on a rainy day, but the future of this class is bright with potential.

BCH welcomes Bennett as new CEO
Boundary Community Hospital has a new CEO and a new COO.

GROW! receives funds from Forever Idaho North Grant Program
GROW!, or Gardeners for Regional Organic Well-being, has received a $2,346 grant from the Idaho Community Foundation’s Forever Idaho North Grant Program.

5 BFHS seniors to play collegiate sports
Five seniors from Bonners Ferry High School will go on to play collegiate sports next school year.

This Week In Boundary County History for June 9, 2022
100 Years Ago At the meeting of the Kootenai Valley Commercial Club held Monday night, Mayor E.E. Fry suggested a plan whereby it may be possible for the Commercial Club to secure permanent and spacious quarters in the soon to be built new City Hall.

From the Archives for June 9, 2022
The Leland and Beverly Plato family recently donated several items to the museum, including two cases of color slides. It is always a treasure hunt to see what someone might have thought worthy of photographing. This is a slide taken in 1954 of the Moyie Dam.

Best of Boundary County nominating period open
The Best of Boundary County 2022 nomination period is open until June 29.

75th reunion for BFHS Class of '47
The Bonners Ferry High School Class of 1947 held its 75th high school reunion earlier this month at Chic-n-Chop.
Tennis and bocce ball classes coming in July
Boundary County Parks and Recreation will be putting on Tennis and Bocce Ball classes in July.
Senior Walking Class available through Parks and Rec
Boundary County Parks and Recreation is starting a Senior Walking class from June 13 to August 19.

Garth Weme honored by SCIC
Honored for 20 years of dedicated leadership, professional development

Badger all-league athletes honored for 21/22
Bonners Ferry High School athletes who have been named all-league athletes, district champions and state placers were celebrated for their accomplishments recently.
Legals for June, 9 2022
Tuesday, June 7

Limited 'Golden Tickets' grant lifetime of North Idaho State Fair fun
All proceeds from Golden Ticket sales will go to funding a new, much-needed Livestock Building at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds.

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 139: Headlines from 6/4 thru 6/7
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Molly Roberts take you through the latest news coming out of the Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, the Shoshone News-Press, from June 4-7.
Sunday, June 5
Second half property taxes due by June 21
Boundary County Treasurer, Susan M. Larson, would like to remind all Boundary County taxpayers that the deadline for paying the second half of the 2021, property taxes without penalty is Tuesday, June 21, 2022 due to the courthouse being closed on June 20, in observation of Juneteenth.
Community Survey for Parks and Recreation
Boundary County Park and Recreation is running a survey to better the community needs and desires for activities and facilities.
Friday, June 3

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 138: Headlines from 6/1 thru 6/3
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Molly Roberts take you through the latest news coming out of the Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, the Shoshone News-Press, and the the Bonners Ferry Herald from June 1-3
Thursday, June 2
Overdose incident reported at Post Falls High School
Student arrested on suspicion of distributing a controlled substance
Student arrested on suspicion of distributing a controlled substance

Parks and Rec 7- and 8-year-old baseball season close
Boundary County Parks and Recreation 7 and 8 year-old boys baseball teams Pluid Logging and State Farm finished out the season in the final game May 24.

Baseball Senior Night 2022
Badger baseball graduated three seniors, Bo Bateman, Jack Duffy and Wilson Newell, the seniors were honored at Senior Night on April 30, between the double header against Timberlake.
Groups will keep eye on Trestle Creek project
Trestle Creek is the single most important stream for bull trout spawning in the Pend Oreille Basin
Sitting on the sidelines can lead to disaster
Dirty politics, lies and misinformation. That's what it took to beat Jim Woodward.

2022 Primary election campaign finances
Campaign donations from political action committees, businesses, organizations and individuals correlated with the GOP nominations in the May 17 primary election.

Reportedly shuttered disinformation governance board lacks information
This waste of taxpayer dollars and threat to free speech must remain shuttered

Remembering Scroggie’s Service
“I always say God bless America,” he said with a smile.

Ashley Marie Brady, 33
Ashley Marie Brady, 33, recently passed away
Bike Adventure full of service opportunities
After biking 104 miles to Bonners Ferry, a group of riders and volunteers helped build a shed for a local family and made repairs at the Boundary County Fairground on Monday.
Patricia 'Patti' Preston, 66
Patricia "Patti" Preston, 66, passed away on May 23, 2022

Grizzly attacks pigs near McArthur Lake
Two pigs were reported mauled by a grizzly bear last month, with a third pig reported missing and later found dead.

This Week In History for June 2, 2022
100 Years Ago The Great Northern Railroad has an extra gang building dikes at Boulder Creek and near the Great Northern Bridge crossing the stream just west of Leonia.

From the Archives for June 2, 2022
This great photo appeared in the Bonners Ferry High School 1995 yearbook.

Court Records for June 2, 2022
Information on local cases in Boundary County.

Bertling makes All-American
Former Badger, Nik Bertling took sixth in the pole vault, broke the school record for the third time and earned the title All-American at the NAIA Nationals for Lewis and Clark State College on May 27.

Large turnout at Memorial Day parade
The Vets had fun tossing candy to the kids on the parade route.
Bridges to be repaired across county
Boundary County commissioners have applied for funds from the Leading Idaho Local Bridge Program to repair several structures in the county.

Leonard Corwin Brant, 92
Leonard Corwin (Corky) Brant passed away May 16, 2022.
Calendar for June 2 - June 8
The events, activities and meetings taking place in Boundary County over the coming week.
Legals for June, 2 2022
Wednesday, June 1

Athlete of the Week May 29-June 4
Senior Conner Alexander is named Athlete of the Week for boys Track & Field.