Tuesday, March 31
Federal courthouses in Idaho closed
The United States District and Bankruptcy Courts for the District of Idaho announce that the federal courthouses in Idaho will be closed through April 15 in compliance with Governor Little’s “stay-in-place” order.

North Idaho coronavirus cases increase to 31
Kootenai County has another confirmed case of novel coronavirus, bringing the total number of cases of COVID-19 is 31 in the Panhandle area, according to the Panhandle Health District.
Monday, March 30

Idaho’s primary election stays on May 19, will be conducted by mail
Governor Brad Little and Secretary of State Lawerence Denney announced today there will be no change in Idaho’s primary election date of May 19.
PHD announces new COVID-19 case in region
Panhandle Health District and Kootenai Health have confirmed one additional case of novel coronavirus, bringing the total number of cases to 28 in the Panhandle area.
Sunday, March 29

Share a story or a joke
BONNERS FERRY — With the residents of the Boundary Community Hospital (BCH), Extended Care Facility / Nursing Home closed off from visitors during the COVID-19 pandemic, the staff is working hard to make that time fun for all.

Bonner County has first COVID-19 case
PHD announces 12 cases of COVID-19 in region, apparent community transmission
Saturday, March 28

Motorcycle accident on Westside Road
BONNERS FERRY — A man was transported to the hospital after a motorcycle accident on Westside Road this afternoon, Saturday, March 28.
Friday, March 27
IPNF temporarily closes campgrounds to limit COVID-19 spread
Effective Saturday, March 28, many or most developed campgrounds and certain other recreation sites on the Idaho Panhandle National Forests will be closed until further notice for the health and safety of visitors and staff.

Little signs order to boost funds for coronavirus response
Boise — Governor Brad Little’s latest executive orders and proclamation will boost funds available for Idaho’s coronavirus response, manage the impact of the crisis on the state budget, and help the thousands of Idahoans suddenly unemployed due to the 2019 novel coronavirus.
Thursday, March 26

Affected Government Services
BONNERS FERRY — According to a press release from Andrew O’Neel, Director of Emergency Management and Public Information Officer, the Boundary County essential government services have been affected as a result of Governor Brad Little’s statewide Stay-Home Order issued yesterday.

Idaho reports 3 COVID-19 deaths
The Department of Health and Welfare and two local public health districts are reporting the state’s first deaths related to COVID-19.

10th COVID-19 case confirmed in Kootenai County
A Kootenai County woman in her 50s has been confirmed as having novel coronavirus, according to a press release from the Panhandle Health District and Kootenai Health. The woman is self-isolating at home and contact tracing is ongoing.
Teryl Sue Dirks
Teryl Sue Dirks
Legals March 26, 2020
NOTICE OF SALE The Boundary County Sheriff's Office will sell, at public auction, for cash or certified bank check, on Monday, March 30, 2020, at 10:00 a.m., at the impound lot at Dyck's Auto, 6697 Main St., Bonners Ferry, Boundary County, Idaho, a white 2014 Ford Escape, vin # 1FMCU0GX9EUC86124, Michigan license plate DRH1296. The vehicle has no key, is locked, with unknown contents or mileage, and unknown whether running or not. The vehicle will be sold where is, as is. The registered owner is Jeremiah William Wedde, 325 School St., Decatur, MI, 49045, with an underlying lienholder being Honor Credit Union, 8385 Edgewood Rd., Berrien Springs, MI, 49103. The current possessory lienholder is Dyck's Auto, having a lien for towing, labor, and storage and costs of publication of $5948.59, which will constitute the minimum opening bid. BFH LEGAL 10361 MARCH 19, 26, 2020
Seen ‘n Heard
Council orders bars and restaurants to close
BONNERS FERRY — While there are no reported COVID-19 cases in Boundary County, the effects of the worldwide pandemic has finally made its way to the local area, specifically with the City of Bonners Ferry and Boundary County through local government response.

Best Shot

Firefighters take to the ice for training
EASTPORT — In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic — where businesses are temporarily closing, people are practicing social distancing or hunkering down at home, and toilet paper is the hot commodity — some things have not changed.

Local churches think outside the box
Livestreaming services, other measures taken amid COVID-19 pandemic

Fire on Westside Road burns three acres
BONNERS FERRY — Firefighters responded to a brush fire on Westside Road around 3:30 p.m. Sunday, March 22.
Coming Events:
Court Reports
Pavlo Lavrushchak, born 1977, charged with infraction exceeding the maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by BFPD on Feb. 28.
William Henry Shaw
William Henry Shaw
William Henry Shaw passed away March 13, 2020 at the age of 60. Services will be held at a later time.
Tundra swans stop over for bed and breakfast!

Cardiac arrest chain of survival: Part Two
This Week In Boundary County History
100 Years Ago

From the Archives
This fun artifact is an ink blotter from the First National Bank on the corner of Kootenai and Main streets. Ink blotters were printed every month for several years and given to bank patrons. Each day had an insightful “thought.”
Finalists announced for North Idaho Athletic Hall of Fame awards
Five Badgers in contention for sports honors
Senior Center temporarily cancels Congregate meals
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Seniors Hospitality Center will be closed to the Congregate Nutrition Services Program meals until April 10. The meals normally take place at noon every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
Boundary County government restricts physical access
Boundary County began restricting physical access of members of the public to government offices on March 20, and will continue until further notice.
Idaho Department of Labor services available remotely
Local Idaho Department of Labor representatives are not able to meet in person with customers due to the temporary statewide office closures.

Voters asked to vote absentee for May election
BONNERS FERRY — Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Boundary County Courthouse is not open to the public, so Boundary County voters are asked to take part in #VoteEarlyIdaho and vote absentee for the May 19 Primary Election.

Jan Jarrott
Jan Jarrott
Jan Jarrott (Burnap, Metcalf, Bigsby), born in Walla Walla, Wash., on Nov. 6, 1935, has passed away in her Bonners Ferry summer home due to rapid onset Lung Cancer diagnosed March 6, 2020.
Marketing help for local business
BONNERS FERRY— The Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce is available for local business needs.
Legals for March, 26 2020
Wednesday, March 25

Little issues statewide stay-home order
BOISE — Following the guidance of Idaho’s public health experts, Governor Brad Little issued a statewide stay-home order today for all Idahoans.

Ninth COVID-19 cases confirmed in Kootenai County
The Panhandle Health District and Kootenai Health have confirmed 1 additional case of COVID-19 in Kootenai County, bringing the total number of cases to nine in the Panhandle, which includes the five northern counties in Idaho.
Tuesday, March 24

BCSD into soft closure until April 20, maybe longer
BONNERS FERRY — With the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the desire to slow down the spread, the State Board of Education has implemented a soft closure for all schools across Idaho until April 20, which means students in Boundary County will not be physically attending school until that time, or possibly longer.
Monday, March 23

Mountain West Bank temporarily closes lobbies
BONNERS FERRY — Mountain West Bank has temporarily closed the lobbies of its offices in Bonners Ferry, as well as throughout Idaho and Washington. The precaution was taken to help slow the spread of the Coronavirus.
Sunday, March 22

Brush fire on Westside Road
BONNERS FERRY — Firefighters responded to a brush fire on Westside Road around 3:30 p,m, today, Sunday, March 22.
Saturday, March 21
BCSD helping will meals, childcare
BONNERS FERRY — The Boundary County School District #101 (BCSD) is stepping up to help during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing childcare and meals.
Friday, March 20
Mayor Staples declares State of Emergency for Bonners Ferry
BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry Mayor Dick Staples has declared a state of emergency for Bonners Ferry on Friday, March 20, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is following a state of emergency being declared for Boundary County on March 17.

Portions of KRI closing temporarily
BONNERS FERRY — According to a press release from the Kootenai River Inn Casino and Spa (KRI), the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho has decided to close portions of KRI due to the current COVID-19 pandemic to ensure the safety of their guests and team members.

PHD announces two new COVID-19 cases in N. Idaho
Panhandle Health District and Kootenai Health have confirmed two additional confirmed cases of novel coronavirus in Kootenai County, bringing the total number of cases to three in the panhandle area.

Friend saves woman during a fire on Cedar Street
BONNERS FERRY — Adrianne Louviers said she may not have been alive if her friend had not kicked down the door of her apartment when the building caught fire early Monday morning.
Thursday, March 19

Coming Events:
The Pearl Theater closes until further notice due to pandemic
The Pearl Theater closes until further notice due to pandemic
Sheriff’s Log
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office Bonners Ferry Police Department

Facts, not fear, will get us through these tough times
Information and opinions change more frequently than a baby’s diaper on the topic of coronavirus (COVID-19), depending on where you are getting your information. We are fortunate to live in an area that is highly self-reliant and supportive of helping others, but yet we see the results of people who panic. Who would have thought that you can’t find a roll of toilet paper in many stores with their inventory being “wiped” out on a regular basis.

From the Archives
The Museum has partnered with the Boundary County Fair Board and Volunteers to create a history of our county fair. This year is the 100th year of the fair! How exciting for us all.
Court Reports
Kathleen Susan Blackmore, born 1974, charged with infraction exceeding the maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by ISP on March 2.
New Farm & Art Market starting in spring
Upper Pack River Road community members have organized the Upper Pack Farm & Art Market, to be opening this spring. It will be held the first and third Saturdays, May through September, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the lot next door to the Samuels Store on Highway 95.

Schools close in wake of virus outbreak
BONNERS FERRY — Following the COVID-19 pandemic spreading into Idaho, schools have been taking precautions and many are temporarily closing down to stop the spread of the virus. Now Boundary County will join those ranks.
Seen ‘n Heard

Manly men vie for ‘Mr. BFHS’ title
BONNERS FERRY — Ben Tompkins proved how manly he was by taking the title of Mr. BFHS last Friday, March 13.
Tree roots serve many purposes
“When the roots are deep there is no reason to fear the wind.”
This Week In Boundary County History
100 Years Ago
To our valued readers:
As we strive to gather and deliver the most relevant, reliable, and credible local news coverage of the COVID-19 situation, and timely community news, we want you to know that we are taking extra measures to keep you informed.

2020 Mr. BFHS Gallery
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished twenty weeks of bowling
The Tuesday’s Trouble have finished twenty weeks of bowling
Driver’s License Office closed until April 1
Driver’s License Office closed until April 1

Ready to compete ... at some point
Bonners Ferry Robotics team unveils robot; competition postponed

Merrill Allen Marcy
Merrill Allen Marcy
Merrill Allen Marcy was born July 10, 1925, in his grandparents’ house in Latah County to Leon and Claribel Marcy, the fourth of six boys. He came to Naples in the Highland Flats area when he was a few months old. He lived in Highland Flats as a child and then moved to Naples as a young man. He died March 11, 2020, and was very proud of the fact that he lived in the County longer than anyone else alive.
Thomas “Tom” Leroy Keating
Due to travel restrictions the Celebration of Life planned for Saturday, March 21, 2020 has been postponed and will be announced at a later date.

Hannah Facha — Participant #5
Hannah Facha is sponsored by the Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce. She is the daughter of Mike Jr. and Dawn Facha. She has one brother, Hunter, and one sister, Courtney. Hannah plans to attend college to become a Fish and Game Officer. Hannah finds modern personality Donald Trump interesting, as well as historical personality Christopher Columbus.
Hospital Auxiliary exceeds last year’s donations
BONNERS FERRY— On Monday, March 16, the Boundary Community Hospital Auxiliary met at the Senior Center for a traditional bake sale.

Teryl Sue Dirks
Teryl Sue Dirks
Teryl Sue Dirks was born to Clarence and Phyllis Dirks on March 2, 1951, in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.

Ella Huggins — Participant #9
Ella Huggins is sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi. She is the daughter of Loren and Katie Huggins. She has two brothers, Loren Patrick and Colman, and one sister, Abby. Ella would like to attend University of Hawaii at Manoa and pursue a career in business. A historical personality that interests Ella is Ghandi, while a modern personality she finds interesting is Malala Yousafzai.
New circulation system
BONNERS FERRY — The Bonners Ferry Herald is in the process of converting to a new circulation computer system.

Anna Bliss – Participant #8
Eagles Aeries #3522 is happy to sponsor Anna Bliss. Anna is the daughter of Andy and Crystal Bliss. She has two brothers Isaac and Jacob. After graduation, Anna plans to attend University of Washington to study architecture. Extracurricular activities she enjoys include softball, basketball, National Honor Society, volleyball, Beta Club, youth group, and reading.

Aleah Jones — Participant #6
Aleah Jones, sponsored by Masonic Organizations, is the daughter of Brian and Angie Jones. She has two brothers, Chris and Tyler. Aleah plans on attending the Rhode Island School of Design to pursue a career as an Art Director. In her spare time, Aleah participates in Softball. She enjoys drawing, singing, and playing guitar.

Rikki Cowin — Participant #7
Rikki Cowin, the daughter of Richard and Eve Cowin, is sponsored by Veterans of Foreign Wars #3622. She has two sisters, Jordan and Klaryssa, and one brother, Brycen. Rikki plans to attend University of Idaho and pursue a career as an Agriculture Literacy Advocate.
Gun Club News
Sunday, March 15
Bonners Ferry High School Trap Team, “Dukes Claybusters”
BFHS 1963 Class Reunion set for July 24
BONNERS FERRY — The Class of 1963 reunion will be held the same weekend as the All Class Reunion, which is scheduled for July 24, 2020 in Bonners Ferry.

Some businesses stay open amid COVID-19 pandemic
BONNERS FERRY— Local businesses and services struggle through recommendations to limit access and self-close due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Memorial Services Postponed
Thomas ‘Tom’ Leroy Keating
Memorial services for Kathleen Marie (McNally) Curtis scheduled for this Saturday, March 21, 2020 in Spokane have been postponed due to the coronavirus. The service will be held at a later date.
Inspiring Idaho Women
Amelia Cutsack (Aitken) (Trice)
The 2020 Idaho Legislature, through its Idaho Day legacy program, encourages the recognition of Idaho women. This year is known as “Idaho Women 100 Celebration,” the centennial of the 19th Amendment. The Boundary County Historical Society and Museum will be submitting a series of articles about inspirational women who have contributed to our community, past and present.

Brian Stephen Drake
Brian Stephen Drake
Our dearest Brian Stephen Drake went home to be with the Lord on Thursday, March 12.
Local events postponed, canceled due to virus pandemic
BONNERS FERRY — The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown a hitch in the giddyup of life in Boundary County.
Boundary Community Hospital and COVID-19
Given the current circumstances facing the world today, I felt it was important to reassure Boundary County residents that your local community hospital is prepared if we are needed. Boundary Community Hospital, Extended Care Facility (Nursing Home), and Boundary Community Clinics’ priority is the safety of our patients, their families, our staff and our community.

GoFundMe account set up for man who was killed in Bonners Ferry
GoFundMe account set up for man who was killed in Bonners Ferry
Legals for March, 19 2020
Monday, March 16
Boundary County School District will be closed starting Wednesday
BONNERS FERRY - Following the COVID-19 pandemic spreading into Idaho, schools have been taking precautions and many are temporarily closing down to stop the spread of the virus. Now Boundary County will join those ranks.
Saturday, March 14

Name of the March 12 shooting victim released
BONNERS FERRY — The name of the victim of the March 12 shooting has been released and law enforcement expressed that they feel that the incident was “an intentional act.”
Friday, March 13

Investigations continue into last night’s shooting
BONNERS FERRY — A shooting occurred last night, March 12, around 7:30 p.m., in Bonners Ferry and the victim was discovered deceased on the scene by law enforcement.
Thursday, March 12

BCSO warns of suspicious event
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County Sheriff’s Office advised the city’s residents to lock their doors and to report any suspicious vehicles or activity after an unspecified incident was reported in the city’s South Hill area.

No headline
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County Sheriff’s Office advised the city’s residents to lock their doors and to report any suspicious vehicles or activity after an unspecified incident was reported in the city’s South Hill area.
Legals March 12, 2020
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER FEE INCREASE FOR USE OF MEMORIAL HALL The County of Boundary has proposed to increase its rental processing fees for uses of Memorial Hall located at the Fair Grounds. FROM TO $41.80 $65.00 All citizens are invited to attend a public hearing to be held at the office of the Boundary County Commissioners, located in the Boundary County Courthouse, 6452 Kootenai Street, Room #28, Bonners Ferry, Idaho, at 1:30 p.m., on Monday, March 30, 2020. The purpose of the hearing will be to receive public comment and to explain the reasons for the proposed increase of the rental processing fees. Any person requiring a special accommodation due to a disability condition should contact the Boundary County Commissioners' Office at (208) 267-7723. This contact should be made at least two days prior to the hearing. BFH LEGAL 10362 MARCH 12, 19, 2020

No headline
Evelyn Marie Albano
BCSD 101 prepares for virus
BONNERS FERRY— As of March 5, there have only been a few school closures due to the COVID-19 virus, better known as coronavirus. Many of those schools are in the Seattle, Wash., area. Additionally, on Wednesday, March 4, Los Angeles, Calif., officials declared a public health emergency; whereas, they spoke to the community to prepare for school closures.
No headline
BONNERS FERRY — By a narrow margin, Boundary County voters opted for U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders in Tuesday’s Democratic presidential primary, according to preliminary results released by the Boundary County Clerk’s office.

No headline
Buckhorn Mine
Jack Douglas announces his upcoming retirement
Today I am announcing that I will not be a candidate for re-election to the post of Boundary County Prosecuting Attorney in 2020.
Local cast, crew to present 'Cheaper by the Dozen'
BONNERS FERRY — Cast and crew are working hard in preparation for a four-show run of “Cheaper by the Dozen,” which premieres at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 12 at the Pearl Theater.
Gun Club News
Today the weather was 36 degrees — cold sun and snow.
Robot reveal is Saturday
n The First Team 2130 Alpha+ robot will be revealed on Saturday, March 14, at 6 p.m. at the robotics workshop at the Boundary County Middle School. People will have the opportunity to see the robot that will compete at the 2020 Idaho Regional in Nampa. Information: 2130alphaplus@gmail.com

Fundraiser to help fund Vogl's battle with cancer
Mike Vogl has been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. He is ready to battle for his life. He has undergone the Gamma knife surgery for tumors in his brain. Cancer cells were recently found in the pancreas, also. This is the time for family and friends to join in this fight. Mike will never ask for help so let’s all step up to help in any way we can.

No headline
Seen 'n Heard
n Winter isn’t quite done yet!
Standard cold/flu hygiene is best defense against coronavirus
Coming Events:

Eva Amy Barber Daniels
Eva Amy Barber Daniels
Jack Douglas announces his upcoming retirement
Today I am announcing that I will not be a candidate for re-election to the post of Boundary County Prosecuting Attorney in 2020.
Seen ‘n Heard

Madison Emily McIntyre — Participant #1
Moyie Shrine Club is happy to sponsor Madison Emily McIntyre. Madison is the daughter of Brian and Kirsten McIntyre. She has three sisters, MaKenzie, Macy and Marias. After graduation, Madison plans to attend college at Idaho State University and study Dental Hygiene. Extracurricular activities she enjoys include soccer, track, cross country, swimming, photography, skiing, and hiking.
Steller’s Jay: Pretty, noisy with a great haircut!
“Anyone who has watched Steller’s Jay knows that they are anything but birdbrained”
Bonners Ferry vocalists to perform at Carnegie Hall
BONNERS FERRY— The local vocal ensemble, BOUNDLESS, are on their way back to Carnegie Hall for an April 16 performance in the legendary New York City venue.

Ember Rose Allred — Participant #3
Bonners Ferry Rotary Club is happy to sponsor Ember Rose Allred. Ember is the daughter of Rachel Jeffs. She has two sisters, Majasa and Lavinder, and three brothers, Riston, Nathaniel, and Tason. Ember plans to attend Gonzaga University, University of Idaho, or North Idaho College and study veterinary medicine. She participates in Cheerleading and enjoys swimming, hiking, and training her horse in her spare time.
Robot reveal is Saturday
Local cast, crew to present ‘Cheaper by the Dozen’
BONNERS FERRY — Cast and crew are working hard in preparation for a four-show run of “Cheaper by the Dozen,” which premieres at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 12 at the Pearl Theater.
Court Reports
Devon B. Blackmore, born 1998, charged with infraction exceeding the maximum posted speed limit (16 MPH or over) by BCSO on Feb. 6.

Anderson joins city police department
BONNERS FERRY — Dale Anderson spent 27 years in law enforcement before moving with his family to Bonners Ferry last August with intent of retiring.

Thomas ‘Tom’ Leroy Keating
Thomas ‘Tom’ Leroy Keating

Alisa Renee Hannaman — Participant #2
Bonners Ferry Rod Benders is proud to sponsor Alisa Renee Hannaman. Alisa is the daughter of Ray Hannaman and Julie Richardson, and has two brothers, Tyler and Tristan. Alisa aspires to attend Oregon State University, where she plans to study Pharmacy. Modern personalities that interest Alisa are Billie Eilish and Shane Dawson.
Heavy loads required to reduce speeds on U.S. 95, U.S. 2
BONNERS FERRY —With roads alternatively freezing and thawing this spring, the Idaho Transportation Department has placed speed restrictions on heavy loads on U.S. 95 and U.S. 2 to protect the pavement.

Kathleen Marie (McNally) Curtis
Kathleen Marie (McNally) Curtis

Coming Events:

Evelyn Marie Albano
Evelyn Marie Albano, age 90, peacefully passed away in her sleep, at Hearthstone Village in Kootenai, Idaho, on Thursday March 5. Evelyn was born on Dec. 11, 1929, to Art and Ernestine Anschutz in Union County, New Mexico. Her family moved to Tulia, Texas, until she was four years old, and then moved back to the Rocky Mountains in New Mexico. She had fun with her family going to neighborhood dances that lasted until dawn. They didn’t have a lot, but they enjoyed life.
Happy Anniversary!
Read, reuse and recycle the Bonners Ferry Herald

Kaylee Dawn Worley — Participant #4
Kaylee Dawn Worley is sponsored by the Knights of Pythias. She is the daughter of Michael and Anastasia Worley. She has five brothers, Malin, Nicholas, Brent, Noah, and Jace, and three sisters, Ayla, Grace, and Breawna. Kaylee plans to attend North Idaho College in order to study Nursing. Kaylee finds modern personalities Liza Koshy and Jess Conte interesting.

Fundraiser to help fund Vogl’s battle with cancer
Mike Vogl has been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. He is ready to battle for his life. He has undergone the Gamma knife surgery for tumors in his brain. Cancer cells were recently found in the pancreas, also. This is the time for family and friends to join in this fight. Mike will never ask for help so let’s all step up to help in any way we can.

Veterinarian moves into new location
Dr. Chad Burt opens his own practice
Standard cold/flu hygiene is best defense against coronavirus
Gun Club News
Sunday, March 8
Graduation signs cleared off The Island
BONNERS FERRY — “The Island” is a serene strip of land on the Kootenai River next to the bridge. For many years this has been the site of proud signs boasting a year, put up by the many graduating seniors of Bonners Ferry High School, or returning alumni, celebrating their reunions.

Best Shot
BCSD 101 prepares for virus
BONNERS FERRY— As of March 5, there have only been a few school closures due to the COVID-19 virus, better known as coronavirus. Many of those schools are in the Seattle, Wash., area. Additionally, on Wednesday, March 4, Los Angeles, Calif., officials declared a public health emergency; whereas, they spoke to the community to prepare for school closures.

Eva Amy Barber Daniels
Eva Amy Barber Daniels

First responders use rope rig to rescue driver
BONNERS FERRY — A single-vehicle accident occurred at 3:50 p.m. on Tuesday, when a truck left the roadway at the junction of Highway 95 and Highway 1.
Sheriff’s Log
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office Bonners Ferry Police Department

Valley View Elementary School Newsletter
Valley View Elementary School (VVES) is having a wonderful early spring and enjoying the warmer weather. We are planning many memorable educational field trips, preparing for ISAT testing, and challenging students academically and socially.
This Week In Boundary County History
100 Years Ago
Letter to the Editor
PEARL: Safety policy is the correct one
I am one who is pleased that the Pearl Theater has a ‘safety policy’.
The Tuesdays Troubles have finished nineteen weeks of bowling
Alice VanGundy got high scratch game 168 and high scratch series 457. Donna Kent got second high scratch game 167, second high scratch series 435, and second high handicap agame 233. Kathy Konek got third high scratch game 157, third high scratch series 429, high handicap game 235, and high handicap series 663. DaVonna Cada got third high handicap game 231 and second high handicap series 650. Zetta Graupner got third high handicap series 636.

From the Archives
Buckhorn Mine
Sanders the choice of Boundary County Dems; Biden wins statewide vote
Biden wins statewide presidential primary
Court Reports
Devon B. Blackmore, born 1998, charged with infraction exceeding the maximum posted speed limit (16 MPH or over) by BCSO on Feb. 6.

Steller's Jay: Pretty, noisy with a great haircut!
“Anyone who has watched Steller’s Jay knows that they are anything but birdbrained”

Veterinarian moves into new location
BONNERS FERRY — Dr. Chad Burt tends to all animals, big and small. The accomplished veterinarian has experience treating elephants, sea lions, and even a pelican.

Kaylee Dawn Worley - Participant #4
Kaylee Dawn Worley is sponsored by the Knights of Pythias. She is the daughter of Michael and Anastasia Worley. She has five brothers, Malin, Nicholas, Brent, Noah, and Jace, and three sisters, Ayla, Grace, and Breawna. Kaylee plans to attend North Idaho College in order to study Nursing. Kaylee finds modern personalities Liza Koshy and Jess Conte interesting.
The Tuesdays Troubles have finished nineteen weeks of bowling
Alice VanGundy got high scratch game 168 and high scratch series 457. Donna Kent got second high scratch game 167, second high scratch series 435, and second high handicap agame 233. Kathy Konek got third high scratch game 157, third high scratch series 429, high handicap game 235, and high handicap series 663. DaVonna Cada got third high handicap game 231 and second high handicap series 650. Zetta Graupner got third high handicap series 636.

Graduation signs cleared off The Island
BONNERS FERRY — “The Island” is a serene strip of land on the Kootenai River next to the bridge. For many years this has been the site of proud signs boasting a year, put up by the many graduating seniors of Bonners Ferry High School, or returning alumni, celebrating their reunions.

Ember Rose Allred - Participant #3
Bonners Ferry Rotary Club is happy to sponsor Ember Rose Allred. Ember is the daughter of Rachel Jeffs. She has two sisters, Majasa and Lavinder, and three brothers, Riston, Nathaniel, and Tason. Ember plans to attend Gonzaga University, University of Idaho, or North Idaho College and study veterinary medicine. She participates in Cheerleading and enjoys swimming, hiking, and training her horse in her spare time.

No headline
Sheriff's Log
Monday, March 2

First responders use rope rig to rescue driver
BONNERS FERRY — A single-vehicle accident occurred at 3:50 p.m. on Tuesday, when a truck left the roadway at the junction of Highway 95 and Highway 1.

Madison Emily McIntyre - Participant #1
Moyie Shrine Club is happy to sponsor Madison Emily McIntyre. Madison is the daughter of Brian and Kirsten McIntyre. She has three sisters, MaKenzie, Macy and Marias. After graduation, Madison plans to attend college at Idaho State University and study Dental Hygiene. Extracurricular activities she enjoys include soccer, track, cross country, swimming, photography, skiing, and hiking.

Kathleen Marie (McNally) Curtis
Kathleen Marie (McNally) Curtis

Alisa Renee Hannaman - Participant #2
Bonners Ferry Rod Benders is proud to sponsor Alisa Renee Hannaman. Alisa is the daughter of Ray Hannaman and Julie Richardson, and has two brothers, Tyler and Tristan. Alisa aspires to attend Oregon State University, where she plans to study Pharmacy. Modern personalities that interest Alisa are Billie Eilish and Shane Dawson.

No headline

Valley View Elementary School Newsletter
Valley View Elementary School (VVES) is having a wonderful early spring and enjoying the warmer weather. We are planning many memorable educational field trips, preparing for ISAT testing, and challenging students academically and socially.
Heavy loads required to reduce speeds on U.S. 95, U.S. 2
BONNERS FERRY —With roads alternatively freezing and thawing this spring, the Idaho Transportation Department has placed speed restrictions on heavy loads on U.S. 95 and U.S. 2 to protect the pavement.

Bonners Ferry vocalists to perform at Carnegie Hall
BONNERS FERRY— The local vocal ensemble, BOUNDLESS, are on their way back to Carnegie Hall for an April 16 performance in the legendary New York City venue.

Thomas 'Tom' Leroy Keating
Thomas ‘Tom’ Leroy Keating
Letter to the Editor
PEARL: Safety policy is the correct one

Anderson joins city police department
BONNERS FERRY — Dale Anderson spent 27 years in law enforcement before moving with his family to Bonners Ferry last August with intent of retiring.
This Week In Boundary County History
100 Years Ago
Legals for March, 12 2020
Thursday, March 5
Local student named National Geographic GeoBee Idaho State Competition semifinalist
The results are in! The National Geographic Society named Riley Thompson, an eighth-grader at Boundary County Middle School, as one of the semifinalists eligible to compete in the 2020 National Geographic GeoBee State Competition. The contest will be held at BYU Idaho in Rexburg on Friday, March 27.
Dear People of Idaho!
Dear People of Idaho!
Pearl Theater ‘safety policy’ causes stir
BONNERS FERRY — On Feb. 15, The Pearl Theater has voiced their safety policy to the public and has many people at odds with the decision.
About the Douglas fir
“The big tree is nature’s forest masterpiece, and so far as I know, the greatest of living things.” — John Muir 1838-1914 “Father of the National Parks” and author.

Jo Ann Fessler Jo Ann Fessler
Jo Ann Fessler, 86, of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, passed away Thursday, Feb. 27, 2020, at Kootenai Health in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, March 6, 2020, at St. Ann’s Catholic Church in Bonners Ferry. Interment will follow at Grandview Cemetery.
Gun Club News
Sunday, March 1

Boundary County Human Rights Task Force: Jane Addams and Dorothy Day
Women’s History Month celebrates the achievements of people typically excluded from the telling of U.S. history. In that spirit, the Boundary County Human Rights Task Force acknowledges several remarkable social reformers.
Court Reports
Trevor Lynden Blackmore, born 1997, charged with infraction exceeding the maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by BFPD on Feb. 17.

Eighth grade Lady Badgers win tournament
The eighth-grade middle school girls basketball team concluded their season last week with a bang, winning the 72nd Annual Bonners Ferry eighth grade tournament, a feat that hasn’t been accomplished since 2012. The Badger girls went 14-1 this year, their only loss to Kellogg, coming early in the season after several of the Badgers found themselves in foul trouble. With determination, the girls went back into the gym motivated to win every remaining game of the season and take first place in the tournament.

Dental powder for your dentures
Fasteeth Alkaline Dental Powder was sold in the United States until the mid-1950s. The powder was used to form a film on dental dentures to keep them in place to allow a person to eat and drink without fear of their dentures falling out of the mouth. This size container was given to patients by the dentist as a sample. The powder could then be purchased at the local pharmacy. This one and a half inch tin belonged to Ruth Lozier Campbell (1898-1987). You can see this small tin in the medical exhibit on Nurse Chadwick’s shelf.

Badgers wrestle at state tournament
NAMPA — Evan Barajas captured the state title at 126 pounds and five other Badgers placed at the 3A state wrestling championships this past weekend.
The Potentate comes to town
BONNERS FERRY — Mugsy’s Tavern and Grill patrons were graced with a group of sparkly, fez wearing men, dedicated to raising money for children in need. Calam Shriners are known for their philanthropy to the varied Shriners Hospitals for Children.

Top 10 senior students of 2020
BONNERS FERRY — After much hard work, the top 10 senior students of 2020 were named on Monday. This was the first year where there were additional criteria to take into consideration.
DMV closed March 19-20 for employee training
The Boundary County Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office located in the County Courthouse will be closed March 19 and 20 for mandatory employee training by Idaho Transportation Department. Please plan accordingly, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused to the public.

Alfred (Al) Victor Pennock Alfred (Al) Victor Pennock
Alfred (Al) Victor Pennock of Libby, Mont., passed away peacefully Thursday, Feb. 27, 2020, at the age of 91.
Grins On The Go: Free dental sealants for BCMS students
Helping to prevent cavities for Idaho children:
John F. Shelton
John F. Shelton

Bonners Ferry Herald moves temporarily to The Plaza
The Bonners Ferry Herald has a temporary new home at The Plaza Downtown. The staff moved in on Tuesday and will remain at the Plaza while their office is being remodeled after being purchased by Victor and Tess Rae.
El Salvadorian restaurant open for business
BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry Pupuseria, located at 6418 Kootenai St., right across the street from the post office in downtown Bonners Ferry, has been open and serving patrons authentic el Salvadorian cuisine for the past three months.
Seen ‘n Heard
• To set the record straight… the Bonners Ferry Herald office is not closing. We are temporarily moving next door to The Plaza Downtown while our office undergoes renovations.

Preparing for coronavirus
Boundary Ambulance turns Freightliner into infectious disease transport unit

Jacqueline Shirley Moss Jacqueline Shirley Moss
Jacqueline Shirley Moss, 89, passed away peacefully at home Friday, Feb. 28, 2020, in Sandpoint, Idaho, surrounded by family. She will be laid to rest with her husband, Bobbie Moss at the Hillside Cemetery in Issaquah, Wash.
This Week In Boundary County History
This Week In Boundary County History
Sandra L. Adler
Sandra L. Adler
The Tuesdays Trouble have finished 18 weeks of bowling
Donna Nystrom got high scratch game 169 and second high handicap game 245. Donna Kent got second high scratch game 163 and second high scratch series 419. Alice VanGundy got third high scratch game 158 and third high scratch series 414. Carlyn McNeill got high scratch series 445 and third high handicap series 628. Dolores Sweet got high handicap game 247 and high handicap series 674. Michelle Sweet got third high handicap game 239 second high handicap series 657.

El Salvadorian restaurant open for business
BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry Pupuseria, located at 6428 Kootenai St., right across the street from the post office in downtown Bonners Ferry, has been open and serving patrons authentic el Salvadorian cuisine for the past three months.
Pearl Theater 'safety policy' causes stir
BONNERS FERRY — On Feb. 15, The Pearl Theater has voiced their safety policy to the public and has many people at odds with the decision.
Legals March 5, 2020
NOTICE OF PENDING ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF BOUNDARY YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, AS FOLLOWS: That a delinquent entry was entered as of January 1, 2017 in the records of the COUNTY TREASURER, TAX COLLECTOR OF BOUNDARY COUNTY, STATE OF IDAHO, for the following described properties and that the name of the last known address of the record owners of said properties are as follows: 1 RPB0820004010CA LOT 10 BLK 4 PARK ADD SEC 27 T62N R1E BELLMORE DEBORAH A 6499 VAN BUREN STREET BONNERS FERRY ID 83805 $875.17 2 RP60N01W261152A W2NE4, S OF BNRR; NW4SE4 LESS RR R/W; SE4NE4 N OF UPRR SEC 26 T60N R1W BOLTON ANDREW 253 SHILOH LOOP NAPLES ID 83847 $3,570.50 3 RP60N01W037950A TAX 28 SEC 3 T60N R1W BURTON ROY PO BOX 376 NAPLES ID 83847 $2,145.96 4 RP62N03E083000A TAX 2 SEC 8 T62N R3E CUNNINGHAM CYNTHIA A 4801 OLD HIGHWAY TWO LOOP MOYIE SPRINGS ID 83845 $402.85 5 RP61N01E124700A TAX 1 SEC 12 T61N R1E DENNISON HELEN M 526 RED CLOUD ROAD BONNERS FERRY ID 83805 $563.72 6 RPB0420001002AA TAX 2 JACKSON'S SUNNY HOME SITES SEC 34 T62N R1E FALCK LEVI G 509977 HIGHWAY 95 BONNERS FERRY ID 83805 $3,485.66 7 RP62N01E020501A TAX 15 & 18 SEC 2 T62N R1E FALCKCO LLC 6924 WESTVIEW DRIVE BONNERS FERRY ID 83805 $1,170.99 8 RP62N01E021955A TAX 20 SEC 2 T62N R1E FALCKCO LLC 6924 WESTVIEW DRIVE BONNERS FERRY ID 83805 $1,518.20 9 RP65N02E264490A TAX 9 SEC 26 T65N R2E GATHERERS CHRISTINE 534934 HIGHWAY 95 BONNERS FERRY ID 83805 $1,597.60 10 RP62N02E170705A TAX 177 S/T R/W SEC 17 T62N R2E HUGHES JAMES L ESTATE C/O CHRISTINA MOORE-HUGHES 7420 31ST ST CT WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE WA 98466 $1,666.26 11 RP62N02E241361A LOTS 5,8,9, SE4SW4 LESS TAX 2 SEC 24 T62N R2E HUTCHINSON CHRISTOPHER 6219 KATKA ROAD BONNERS FERRY ID 83805 $314.17 12 RP62N02E246010A SW4SW4 SEC 24 T62N R2E HUTCHINSON CHRISTOPHER 6219 KATKA ROAD BONNERS FERRY ID 83805 $657.41 13 RP65N02E293013A NW4NW4 LYING N OF DITCH SEC 29 T65N R2E LOCO CABIN LLC 1043 KRISHELE COEUR D'ALENE ID 83814 $2,376.00 14 RPB01400020050A LOT 5 BLK 2 BON-VUE SEC 34 T62N T62N R1E MENDEZ JUAN & MENDEZ ANGELITA PO BOX 1701 BONNERS FERRY ID 83805 $745.20 15 RP64N01E204100A TAX 8 SEC 20 T64N R1E NEWMAN DAVID M PO BOX 1773 BONNERS FERRY ID 83805 $985.70 16 RP63N03E323800A N2SW4NW4 S & W OF CENTERLINE CO RD SEC 32 T63N R3E PAYNE MICHAEL A 1614 PERKINS LAKE ROAD MOYIE SPRINGS ID 83845 $647.00 17 RPB00000226642A TAX 192 SEC 22 T62N R1E REICHERT FRANK M 684 ALL SEASONS ROAD NAPLES ID 83847 $1,774.94 18 RP61N01W262560A W2N2NE4NW4 SEC 26 T61N R1W REICHERT FRANK M 684 ALL SEASONS ROAD NAPLES ID 83847 $943.58 19 RP61N01E317281A S 295' OF W 295'OF W2SE4 W OF SIRR R/W SEC 31 T61N R1E SAUNDERS FAYE ESTATE & SAUNDERS EUGENE E ESTATE & SAUNDERS TIMOTHY SCOTT & ROWE CHERYL E PO BOX 751 BONNERS FERRY ID 83805 $1,197.96 20 RP63N01E347805A N 675' OF TAX 8 SEC 34 T63N R1E SEKESAN VERONICA 429 S MECHANIC STREET BERRIEN SPRINGS MI 49103 $3,437.55 21 RP60N02W217660A TAX 20 SEC 21 T60N R2W WILLIAMS JON A & WILLIAMS RITA F 1621 S TUXEDO AVENUE STOCKTON CA 95204 $735.64 22 RPB0240041012BA LOTS 10 THRU 12, LESS E 20' OF EACH TO CITY BLK 41 EATON SEC 26 T62N R1E 3D EQUITY LLC 9030 N HESS STREET HAYDEN LAKE ID 83835-9827 $912.98 Said delinquent entries were made in respect of unpaid taxes assessed for the year 2016. Additional cost of advertising and interest will be charged to the date of payment. You are further notified that if said delinquent entry is not redeemed at the Treasurer's Office, 27, in the Boundary County Courthouse, I shall make application to the Boundary County Commissioners at a Hearing to be held on March 30 2020 at 10:00 AM, for a TAX DEED conveying the above described property to Boundary County, State of Idaho, absolute title, free of all encumbrances, except any lien for taxes which may have attached subsequently to the assessment herein above referred to. You are further notified that the record owner or owners or any party of interest as defined by Section 63-1005 Idaho Code may appear in person or by counsel and be heard, and cross examine any evidence appearing therein, and to obtain and present evidence on behalf of said record owner, owners of said party in interest. That all inquires or objections shall be directed concerning this notice and the information contained herein to the Boundary County Treasurer, Boundary County Courthouse, Room 27, P.O. Box 218, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, Phone 208-267-3291, no later than five (5) days prior to the Hearing date noted above. Susan M Larson Boundary County Treasurer and Ex-officio Tax Collector BFH#10342 February 13, 20, 27; March 5, 2020

Alfred (Al) Victor Pennock
Alfred (Al)

Badgers wrestle at state tournament
NAMPA — Evan Barajas captured the state title at 126 pounds and five other Badgers placed at the 3A state wrestling championships this past weekend.
Local student named National Geographic GeoBee Idaho State Competition semifinalist
The results are in! The National Geographic Society named Riley Thompson, an eighth-grader at Boundary County Middle School, as one of the semifinalists eligible to compete in the 2020 National Geographic GeoBee State Competition. The contest will be held at BYU Idaho in Rexburg on Friday, March 27.
Gun Club News
Bonners Ferry High School Trap Team, “Dukes Claybusters”: I would like to announce that the Claybusters won first place in the Big Sky – I Net competition winter eight-week shoot. I did not get any individual places as all the scores are not yet tallied up. Awards will be made at our “Dukes Memorial” shoot, April 5. I’m sure all of Boundary County is as proud of our team as we are out here at the club. The Spokesman-Review results will be out in a week or two. The team is still competing in the Camas Prairie Winter Shoot, which is on March 15, then there will be 10 Claybusters shooters with parents. We’ll be heading down for the Camas Prairie Handicap Shoot in Walla Walla, Wash., March 20-22, an 800-target event. Individual and team shooting — 16 yards — handicap — and doubles. Let’s wish them all the Best of Luck.
The Tuesdays Trouble have finished 18 weeks of bowling
Donna Nystrom got high scratch game 169 and second high handicap game 245. Donna Kent got second high scratch game 163 and second high scratch series 419. Alice VanGundy got third high scratch game 158 and third high scratch series 414. Carlyn McNeill got high scratch series 445 and third high handicap series 628. Dolores Sweet got high handicap game 247 and high handicap series 674. Michelle Sweet got third high handicap game 239 second high handicap series 657.

Boundary County Human Rights Task Force: Jane Addams and Dorothy Day
Women’s History Month celebrates the achievements of people typically excluded from the telling of U.S. history. In that spirit, the Boundary County Human Rights Task Force acknowledges several remarkable social reformers.
Sheriff's Log
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office

Jacqueline Shirley Moss
Jacqueline Shirley Moss
DMV closed March 19-20 for employee training
The Boundary County Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office located in the County Courthouse will be closed March 19 and 20 for mandatory employee training by Idaho Transportation Department. Please plan accordingly, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused to the public.
This Week In Boundary County History
100 Years Ago

Eighth grade Lady Badgers win tournament
The eighth-grade middle school girls basketball team concluded their season last week with a bang, winning the 72nd Annual Bonners Ferry eighth grade tournament, a feat that hasn’t been accomplished since 2012. The Badger girls went 14-1 this year, their only loss to Kellogg, coming early in the season after several of the Badgers found themselves in foul trouble. With determination, the girls went back into the gym motivated to win every remaining game of the season and take first place in the tournament.
Sandra L. Adler
Sandra L. Adler

Jo Ann Fessler
Jo Ann Fessler
Grins On The Go: Free dental sealants for BCMS students
Helping to prevent cavities for Idaho children:

Top 10 senior students of 2020
BONNERS FERRY — After much hard work, the top 10 senior students of 2020 were named on Monday. This was the first year where there were additional criteria to take into consideration.

The Potentate comes to town
BONNERS FERRY — Mugsy’s Tavern and Grill patrons were graced with a group of sparkly, fez wearing men, dedicated to raising money for children in need. Calam Shriners are known for their philanthropy to the varied Shriners Hospitals for Children.

About the Douglas fir
“The big tree is nature’s forest masterpiece, and so far as I know, the greatest of living things.” — John Muir 1838-1914 “Father of the National Parks” and author.

Bonners Ferry Herald moves temporarily to The Plaza
The Bonners Ferry Herald has a temporary new home at The Plaza Downtown. The staff moved in on Tuesday and will remain at the Plaza while their office is being remodeled after being purchased by Victor and Tess Rae.
Seen 'n Heard
- To set the record straight… the Bonners Ferry Herald office is not closing. We are temporarily moving next door to The Plaza Downtown while our office undergoes renovations.

Preparing for coronavirus
BONNERS FERRY — With the coronavirus, COVID-19, continuing to spread and nine deaths reported in the U.S. as of Tuesday, Boundary Ambulance has taken action to prepare for the possibility of cases in Boundary County.
Court Reports
Trevor Lynden Blackmore, born 1997, charged with infraction exceeding the maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by BFPD on Feb. 17.

Dental powder for your dentures
Fasteeth Alkaline Dental Powder was sold in the United States until the mid-1950s. The powder was used to form a film on dental dentures to keep them in place to allow a person to eat and drink without fear of their dentures falling out of the mouth. This size container was given to patients by the dentist as a sample. The powder could then be purchased at the local pharmacy. This one and a half inch tin belonged to Ruth Lozier Campbell (1898-1987). You can see this small tin in the medical exhibit on Nurse Chadwick’s shelf.
Legals for March, 5 2020
John F. Shelton
John F. Shelton
Letter to the Editor
STUDENT: Share your Idaho