Wednesday, June 30

BCSO and ISP collaborating to prevent impaired driving
Boundary County Sheriffs will be collaborating with ISP and working to prevent unsafe impaired driving.

Region GOP Chairman endorses Branden Durst for State superintendent
Region I GOP Chairman, Bjorn Handeen, has announced his endorsement of Branden Durst for the Republican nomination for Idaho state superintendent of public instruction.

Independence Day packed with activities
Independence Day celebration Saturday, July 3 at 11 a.m. with a hometown parade, the theme is “2021 Our Past and Our Future.”

Community calendar - July 1 to July 7
Community calendar - July 1 to July 7
Volleyball camp debuts new training program and new varsity coach
The gymnasium at Bonners Ferry High School was buzzing with enthusiasm and activity on Wednesday, day three of the Gold Medal Squared high school volleyball camp.
Tuesday, June 29

Police log - 06/22 - 06/29
Police log - 06/22 - 06/29

Sheriff's log - 06/22 - 06/29
Sheriff's log - 06/22 - 06/29
Monday, June 28
Operation Safe Streets yields fentanyl seizures, felony arrests
"I am very proud of the work from the men and women in Kootenai County Law Enforcement," Sheriff Norris said. “I'm very pleased with the operation.”

Court records - 06/25/21
Court records - 06/25/21

Doris Jean Marshall Thomas Talcott
Doris Talcott passed away on June 26, 2021.
PHD Expresses Gratitude and Farewell to National Guard
Since December 2020, Panhandle Health District and other healthcare providers in the area were supported by the Idaho National Guard for the COVID-19 response. With case counts shrinking and a decreased demand for the vaccine, it is time for these service men and women to head home.
BCSO takes part in Operation Dry Water
As boaters look forward to the 4th of July holiday, thousands of law enforcement officers across the United States will be on heightened alert looking for those violating boating under the influence laws.
AAA warns don’t leave pets or kids in hot cars
With temperatures soaring across Washington and North Idaho, AAA reminds drivers not to leave children or pets in a vehicle, even for a short amount of time. Because children’s body temperatures rise three to five times faster than adults, leaving them in a car — even when parked in the shade with windows open — creates a dangerous risk for heatstroke.
City stresses fireworks prohibition during heatwave
As the Fourth of July holiday approaches and weather conditions look to be hot and dry, the city of Bonners Ferry has been receiving questions about the use of fireworks in city limits.
Friday, June 25

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 42: Headlines from 6/23 thru 6/25
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Madison Hardy go over the latest news coming out of the Coeur'd Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, the Bonners Ferry Herald, and the Shoshone News-Press from June 23-25.
Thursday, June 24

This week in history - June 24, 2021
This week in history - June 24, 2021
North Idaho still grows good kids
Thank you guys, you are greatly appreciated
Upcoming youth sports camps
Upcoming youth sports camps

Police Log - 06/15 - 06/22
Police Log - 06/15 - 06/22

Sheriff's log - 06/15 - 06/22
Sheriff's log - 06/15 - 06/22
New Initiative Launches to Cover 100% of Idaho Children
Idaho Voices for Children recently announced a new advocacy initiative focused on ensuring that 100% of Idaho kids have access to health coverage. Known as Idaho Kids Covered, this effort taps the state’s top children’s health experts to push forward a number of public policy goals focused on ensuring kids reach their full potential.

Mountaintop Plumbing comes to town
When Mike and Terisa Dunson visited Bonners Ferry in 2020 to see her father, they didn’t realize it would be a life changing trip.
BRIEF: Community orchestra playing in Troy for July 4th
BRIEF: Community orchestra playing in Troy for July 4th

Community calendar - June 24 to June 30
Community calendar - June 24 to June 30

From the archives - June 24, 2021
From the archives - June 24, 2021

Court records 06/18/21
Court records 06/18/21

COVID-19 Information - June 24, 2021
The latest novel coronavirus numbers from the region, state and country.

Herndon announces state Senate bid
Local home builder Scott Herndon announced plans to seek the Republican Party nomination for Idaho Senate seat in District 1.
Smith accepts plea deal, 4 controlled substance charges
Shallyn Smith, 28, pleaded guilty to possession of a controlled substance, substances into a correctional facility and driving under the influence.

Cutthroat trout record broken by 3 inches
Madison Nackos of Spokane set a new catch-and-release state record from Priest Lake.

Gary Boyd Ashdown
Gary Boyd Ashdown passed away on December 14, 2020.

Reginald Treece (Rex) Spiller
Reginald Treece (Rex) Spiller passed away on June 18, 2021.

David Martin Ross Gibney
David Martin Ross Gibney has passed away.
Enthusiasm high at summer basketball camp
Enthusiasm and team spirit was high at Wednesday’s boys basketball camp. The Bonners Ferry High School gym was filled with the noise of balls hitting the floor, squeaking sneakers and kids yelling encouraging words at each other, all punctuated with the sound of athletic director Nathan Williams’ whistle.

Mary Elizabeth (Betsy) Peyton, 80
Mary Elizabeth (Betsy) Peyton passed away on June 15, 2021.
Community supports Senator Jim Woodward
The majority of Boundary County supports our state senator, Jim Woodward.
Recent poll shows fantasy is eclipsing reality
Like the belief that the election was stolen, the story is utterly without merit.
God designed Earth to take care CO2
God takes care of his creation in many wonderful ways.
Legals for June, 24 2021
Wednesday, June 23
Enthusiasm high at summer basketball camp
Enthusiasm and team spirit was high at Wednesday’s boys basketball camp. The Bonners Ferry High School gym was filled with the noise of balls hitting the floor, squeaking sneakers and kids yelling encouraging words at each other, all punctuated with the sound of athletic director Nathan Williams’ whistle.
Upcoming youth sports camps
Upcoming youth sports camps

Police Log - 06/15 - 06/22
Police Log - 06/15 - 06/22

Sheriff's log - 06/15 - 06/22
Sheriff's log - 06/15 - 06/22
Tuesday, June 22
New Initiative Launches to Cover 100% of Idaho Children
Idaho Voices for Children recently announced a new advocacy initiative focused on ensuring that 100% of Idaho kids have access to health coverage. Known as Idaho Kids Covered, this effort taps the state’s top children’s health experts to push forward a number of public policy goals focused on ensuring kids reach their full potential.

Mountaintop Plumbing comes to town
When Mike and Terisa Dunson visited Bonners Ferry in 2020 to see her father, they didn’t realize it would be a life changing trip.

Community calendar - June 24 to June 30
Community calendar - June 24 to June 30

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 41: Headlines from 6/19 thru 6/22
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Josh McDonald go over the latest news coming out of the Coeur'd Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, and the Shoshone News-Press from June 19 to 22.
Traffic stop leads to drug arrest, defense motions to suppress evidence
Lynn Hardwick, 64, is scheduled to appear in court on July 7; after being charged with four different counts with possession of a controlled substance, Hardwick’s lawyer has requested a motion to suppress evidence.
Monday, June 21

Court records 06/18/21
Court records 06/18/21

Celebration of Sherry Britton's life planned for July 10
The Bonners Ferry chapter of The Well Armed Woman Shooting Chapter is holding a casual celebration of life for Cheryl “Sherry” Britton on July 10, 2021, at 10 a.m. in the Church of the Nazarene located at 158 Meadow Creek Road.

BCSD outlines improvement projects
We are excited to announce that Boundary County School District continues to fulfill the recommendations made by our Facilities Committee to improve and be proactive with our school facilities.
Friday, June 18

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 40: Headlines from 6/16 thru 6/18
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Madison Hardy go over the latest news coming out of the Coeur'd Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, the Bonners Ferry Herald, and the Shoshone News-Press from June 16-18.
Russ Fulcher announces cancer diagnosis
U.S. Rep. Russ Fulcher has announced on a social media post his recent medical diagnosis confirming he has cancer in his renal system

Idaho recognizes Juneteenth, holiday marking end of slavery
Idaho recognizes Juneteenth, holiday marking end of slavery

Passport processing services delayed
oday, United States Department of State Passport Services has updated their website to include additional information concerning the turnaround processing times for routine and expedited passport applications.
Thursday, June 17

Suspected Kellogg animal hoarder identified
Adoption applications pour in
Multiple organizations issue joint statement on legislative efforts to restrict education
American Historical Assoc. issues joint statement on legislative efforts to restrict education

Police log - 06/08 - 06/15
Police log - 06/08 - 06/15

Sheriff's log - 06/08 - 06/15
Sheriff's log - 06/08 - 06/15
BRIEF: Boundary Co. SD #101 will not hold summer meal program
Summer sports camps
Summer sports camps

COVID-19 Information - June 17, 2021
The latest novel coronavirus numbers from the region, state and country.

From the archives - June 17, 2021
From the archives - June 17, 2021
Chamber of Commerce announce hire of new representative
Chamber representative Nancy Croll has stepped down from the position to spend more time with her family, according to Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce officials.

City pool open for business
Summertime brings the heat and what better way to cool off than a day of swimming? The Bonners Ferry Municipal Pool offers community members exactly that.

Scenes from an 'Adventure Drive'
Spring scenes as captured by local photographer Robert Kalberg.
Another name for federal control is tyranny
This is in response to Daryl Kirby's guest opinion.
Has God failed us? Or have we failed Him?
Can we trust whom we don't know?

This week in history - June 17, 2021
This week in history - June 17, 2021
Boundary county middle school 2nd semester honor roll
Boundary county middle school 2nd semester honor roll
God gives everyone the right to choose
We all should support

Community calendar - June 17 to June 23
Community calendar - June 17 to June 23
Jim Woodward is a welcome independent thinker
I love the fact that Jim Woodward is an independent thinker.

Court records 06/11/21
Court records 06/11/21

Parks and Rec offers soccer and tennis programs
Summer is here, which means Boundary County Parks and Rec has two more sports programs for area kids to participate in.
Legals for June, 17 2021
Wednesday, June 16

Westside Restoration Project environmental assessment finds no impact
Environment assessment finds no significant impact for the Westside Restoration Project.

Two Tones hosting blues performance Saturday, June 19
Sat. June 19, at 5 p.m., Brother Music will be performing at Two Tones for a rare summer concert experience.

North Bench responds to fire caused by lightning strike
North Idaho braced for a strong thunderstorm on Tuesday, June 15, that required North Bench Fire to respond to a wildland fire in the area of Chippewa Street.
Chamber of Commerce announce hire of new representative
Chamber representative Nancy Croll has stepped down from the position to spend more time with her family, according to Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce officials.

City pool open for business
Summertime brings the heat and what better way to cool off than a day of swimming? The Bonners Ferry Municipal Pool offers community members exactly that.
Boundary county middle school 2nd semester honor roll
Boundary county middle school 2nd semester honor roll

A field day, farm tour scheduled for Houck Farm
A field day and farm tour at Houck Farms won Thursday, June 24, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., will feature new wheat and canola varieties as well as pest and disease updates.

Parks and Rec offers soccer and tennis programs
Summer is here, which means Boundary County Parks and Rec has two more sports programs for area kids to participate in.
Valley View unveils first book vending machine in North Idaho
Valley View elementary school unveiled its book vending machine on Tuesday, June 8, the first in North Idaho.

Wrestling team brings home hardware, ready for nationals
State Freestyle and Greco-Roman Wrestling tournament held May 8 and 9, Bonners Ferry’s wrestling team brought home plenty of hardware.
Multiple organizations issue joint statement on legislative efforts to restrict education
American Historical Assoc. issues joint statement on legislative efforts to restrict education
Summer sports camps
Summer sports camps
Tuesday, June 15

Phil Tashoff, 80
Phil Tashoff, 80, passed away on June 12, 2021.

Warren Thompson Scott
Warren Thompson Scott passed away on June 11, 2021.

Sheriff's log - 06/08 - 06/15
Sheriff's log - 06/08 - 06/15

Police log - 06/08 - 06/15
Police log - 06/08 - 06/15

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 39: Headlines from 6/12 thru 6/15
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Josh McDonald go over the latest news coming out of the Coeur'd Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, and the Shoshone News-Press from June 12 to 15.

Ginger Lee Fowler-Perrenoud
Ginger Lee Fowler-Perrenoud passed away on June 12, 2021.

Community calendar - June 17 to June 23
Community calendar - June 17 to June 23

Miller accepts plea deal, faces Montana charges
Nathan Miller, 42, accepted a plea agreement on June 9 for lewd conduct with a minor under 16.

Marti faces two counts of rape, accepts plea deal
Eric Marti, 27, plead guilty to two charges of statutory rape on June 4 under a plea deal.
Monday, June 14

From the archives - June 17, 2021
From the archives - June 17, 2021

This week in history - June 17, 2021
This week in history - June 17, 2021

Lonny Duane Jelinek, 77
Lonny Duane Jelinek passed away June 8, 2021.

Mavis Arline (Tofte) Allenberg Baker
Mavis Arline (Tofte) Allenberg Baker passed away on June 8, 2021.

Court records 06/11/21
Court records 06/11/21

Nominations now open for Best of Boundary County
Nominations opened today and close
Saturday, June 12

State snafu delays initiative drive
The grassroots citizens group learned early Friday that the Idaho Secretary of State's office had neglected to give the group a required financial impact statement.
Thursday, June 10
Idaho Humanities Council Announces SHARP Grants
The Idaho Humanities Council has received funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities as part of the American Rescue Plan. The primary purpose of this funding is to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the coronavirus. The funding is also meant to assist Idaho’s humanities-based organizations restore and sustain their core functions.

Accused killer bound over for trial
The case of a Bonners Ferry man accused of shooting his girlfriend in the head while she was driving has been bound over for trial.

COVID-19 Information - June 10, 2021
The latest novel coronavirus numbers from the region, state and country.
Fulcher speaks at Lincoln Day Dinner
Boundary County Republican Central Committee held their Lincoln day dinner on Saturday, May 22, at The Great Northwestern Territory event center in Naples to fundraise for the committee’s projects.
Idaho Supreme Court schedules hearing for Reclaim Idaho initiative rights case
The Idaho Supreme Court announced this morning that they will hear Reclaim Idaho’s case against the new anti-initiatives law.

Court records 06/04/21
Court records 06/04/21
Mirror Lake ladies league golf results
Mirror Lake ladies league golf results

Local vaccine clinics
Local vaccine clinics
Second half property taxes due by June 21, 2021
Boundary County Treasurer, Susan M. Larson, would like to remind all Boundary County taxpayers that the deadline for paying the second half of the 2020 property taxes without penalty is Monday, June 21, 2021 due to the 20th falling on a weekend this year.

From the archives - June 10, 2021
From the archives - June 10, 2021

This week in history - June 10, 2021
This week in history - June 10, 2021
Free Fishing Day at Rotary Park
If you’re looking for a fun activity for your kids Saturday, the Rotary Club of Bonners Ferry has you covered.
Trying to eliminate racism by focusing on race is wrong-minded
I would like to take a moment to respond to a letter to the editor by Timothy Braatz.

Rein in the radical GOP takeover
Don't let Idaho Freedom Foundation ruin our state and North Idaho.
Woodward needs to represent North Idaho, not Boise
Elected officials have avoided comment, but their comment is reflected in their own Idaho Freedom Foundation cumulative voting scores.
Take the time to learn about your community
The people they accuse of changing our community have lived here for decades or generations.
BCRCC demand is an egregious abuse of power
Senator Jim Woodward received 22,433 votes in the November 3, 2020 election.
Graduating Badgers and their future plans
Congratulations to all graduating Badgers!

Community calendar - June 10 to June 16
Community calendar - June 10 to June 16

Police log - 06/01 - 06/08
Police log - 06/01 - 06/08

Sheriff's log - 06/01 - 06/08
Sheriff's log - 06/01 - 06/08
Legals for June, 10 2021
Legals for June, 10 2021
Wednesday, June 9

Planning and Zoning issues formal complaint to Owen Benjamin
Boundary County Planning and Zoning issued a formal complaint to Owen Benjamin last week, detailing potential land use violations for his Moyie River property.
Free Fishing Day at Rotary Park
If you’re looking for a fun activity for your kids Saturday, the Rotary Club of Bonners Ferry has you covered.
Mavis Baker, 94
Mavis Baker passed away peacefully on Tuesday, June 8, 2021, while in the company of her long-time husband, Don Baker.
Tuesday, June 8

Community calendar - June 10 to June 16
Community calendar - June 10 to June 16

Police log - 06/01 - 06/08
Police log - 06/01 - 06/08

Sheriff's log - 06/01 - 06/08
Sheriff's log - 06/01 - 06/08

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 37: Headlines from 6/5 thru 6/8 and interview with PHD Program Manager Mary Rehnborg and IDEQ Remediation Manager Andy Helkey
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Josh McDonald go over the latest news coming out of the Coeur'd Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, and the Shoshone News-Press from June 5 to 8 (special cold open appearance by Lola the Bulldog).

Special message to the Badger community
Hello to our Badger Community,

Rockey Lee Burkholder, 72
Rockey Lee Burkholder, 72

Valdie Virginia Burkholder, 95
Valdie Virginia Burkholder, 95

Shaun David Helsper, 59
Shaun David Helsper passed away peacefully Sunday, May 30, 2021.

From the archives - June 10, 2021
From the archives - June 10, 2021

This week in history - June 10, 2021
This week in history - June 10, 2021

Winter survival estimates for mule deer, elk above average
Statewide survival of collared mule deer fawns and elk calves was above average through the end of April.
Monday, June 7
Idaho Humanities Council Announces SHARP Grants
The Idaho Humanities Council has received funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities as part of the American Rescue Plan. The primary purpose of this funding is to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the coronavirus. The funding is also meant to assist Idaho’s humanities-based organizations restore and sustain their core functions.
Second half property taxes due by June 21, 2021
Boundary County Treasurer, Susan M. Larson, would like to remind all Boundary County taxpayers that the deadline for paying the second half of the 2020 property taxes without penalty is Monday, June 21, 2021 due to the 20th falling on a weekend this year.
Mirror Lake ladies league golf results
Mirror Lake ladies league golf results

Court records 06/04/21
Court records 06/04/21
Traffic stop turns into drug bust
What began as a reported reckless driving call quickly turned into a drug bust that included fentanyl pills and methamphetamines by arresting officer Branden Johnson.
Katheryn Louise (Anderson) Dyer
Katheryn Louise (Anderson) Dyer passed away May 29, 2021.
William (Billy) Gene Andrews
William (Billy) Gene Andrews passed away on June 5, 2021.

Kathleen (Kathy) Renee Hunsaker
Kathleen (Kathy) Renee Hunsaker passed away on June 2, 2021.
Idaho Supreme Court schedules hearing for Reclaim Idaho initiative rights case
The Idaho Supreme Court announced this morning that they will hear Reclaim Idaho’s case against the new anti-initiatives law.
Friday, June 4

Best of Boundary County is about to begin
Best of Boundary County is about to begin.
Thursday, June 3

Bruce Wayne Voegele, 41
Bruce Wayne Voegele unexpectedly went to be with the Lord on May 16, 2021; he was 41.

Be beary aware
Idaho’s black bears are out of their winter dens looking for food
The key to keeping Idaho bears wild is to never let them have access to human food.

The power of partnerships
Red tape, environmental hurdles often stymied timber harvests a decade ago, but collaborations have led to uptick
A heavily timbered swath of mixed-ownership land in northern Idaho is managed using a model of collaboration.
Volunteers needed for trail projects in North Idaho
The nonprofit organization Idaho Trails Association is looking for hikers who are interested in helping on one-day, weekend, and week-long projects throughout the summer to maintain trails in North Idaho.

Under the Sun debuts parklet
When Under the Sun’s owner Kendall Cady first heard about the city’s proposed parklet program she was “gung-ho for it.”

From the archives - June 3, 2021
The shelves were stocked clear to the ceiling, some items reached only by climbing ladders that glided easily along the shelving.

This week in history - June 3, 2021
This week in history - June 3, 2021

Community calendar - June 3 to June 9
Community calendar - June 3 to June 9

WIC recipients to receive extra fruits and vegetables
Participants in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children will see a temporary increase in their June through September benefits for the purchase of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Allen J. Jeppesen, 81

Festival welcomes Young the Giant
The Festival runs July 29 to Aug. 8.
Government overreach is very real, dangerous
Our basic rights and civil liberties are being infringed upon.

Thoughts on racism and antiracism in today's world
Why do we categorize people according to skin and facial features?

Court records - 05/28/21
Court records - 05/28/21
David Lee Crum, 62
BRIEF: Grace Bible Fellowship fundraiser
BRIEF: Grace Bible Fellowship fundraiser

Sheriff's log - 05/25 - 06/01
Sheriff's log - 05/25 - 06/01

Police log - 05/25 - 06/01
Police log - 05/25 - 06/01
AAA warns of teen driving and the '100 Deadliest Days' of summer
Summer presents a particularly dangerous stretch for teen drivers who have more time to spend behind the wheel, yet lack the experience, skills and maturity of more seasoned drivers. AAA encourages parents to help reduce crash risks during these “100 Deadliest Days” by modeling safe driving behaviors and ensuring their teens adopt them.

Hinthorn Anniversary
Hinthorn Anniversary

COVID-19 Information - June 3, 2021
The latest novel coronavirus numbers from the region, state and country.
Legals for June, 3 2021
Wednesday, June 2
Boundary welcomes new detention deputies
Boundary County Sherriff’s have two new detention officers, Ryan Wright and Ryan Hoskin. They will work to help maintain the detention center and provide compassionate service for the community.

Under the Sun debuts parklet
When Under the Sun’s owner Kendall Cady first heard about the city’s proposed parklet program she was “gung-ho for it.”
All league student athletes
"Congratulations to the players and families on a job well done. It is great to see hard work and dedication pay off. Coaches, thank you for a great year and for creating wonderful memories for these student-athletes," Nathan Williams, BFHS Athletic Director

Pastor Charlie Frederico fundraising for church in Sierra Leone
Pastor Charlie Frederico is hosting a fundraiser starting June 4, Friday and Saturday, to help pastors in the African country of Sierra Leone.
Memorial Day parade and ceremony did not disappoint
Memorial Day started with beautiful sunny skies as downtown Bonners Ferry slowly filled with people. A loudspeaker in Georgia Mae Plaza played instrumental music, pieces designed to pay honor to the day and fallen soldiers, from “America the Beautiful” to the “Star Spangled Banner.”
Cub scouts work, honor veterans at Grandview cemetery
The cub scouts troop 201 and pack 114, with support from the older scouts and parents, came together to honor the memory of veterans who have passed away at the Grandview cemetery on Friday May 28.

City, Festival prevail in 2nd lawsuit
“We are currently finalizing the permit with the Festival at Sandpoint for this year’s concert series,” Mayor Shelby Rognstad said. “The Festival is an event our community and visitors look forward to each and every year and it is an important economic driver for our community.”
Tuesday, June 1

Judge rules in favor of city, Festival in gun ban lawsuit
The lawsuit was the second filed over the Festival’s ban on firearms possession at its 2019 Festival.

Second Harvest to distribute food June 17
The next Second Harvest Inland Empire food distribution in Boundary County will occur on Monday, June 17, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.
AAA warns of teen driving and the "100 Deadliest Days" of summer
Summer presents a particularly dangerous stretch for teen drivers who have more time to spend behind the wheel, yet lack the experience, skills and maturity of more seasoned drivers. AAA encourages parents to help reduce crash risks during these “100 Deadliest Days” by modeling safe driving behaviors and ensuring their teens adopt them.

WIC recipients to receive extra fruits and vegetables
Participants in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children will see a temporary increase in their June through September benefits for the purchase of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Police log - 05/25 - 06/01
Police log - 05/25 - 06/01

Sheriff's log - 05/25 - 06/01
Sheriff's log - 05/25 - 06/01

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 35: Headlines from 5/29 thru 6/1
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Josh McDonald go over the latest news coming out of the Coeur'd Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, and the Shoshone News-Press from May 29 to June 1.

Court records - 05/28/21
Court records - 05/28/21

Nelson Harris

Community calendar - June 3 to June 9
Community calendar - June 3 to June 9

This week in history - June 3, 2021
This week in history - June 3, 2021

From the archives - June 3, 2021
The shelves were stocked clear to the ceiling, some items reached only by climbing ladders that glided easily along the shelving.
Volunteers needed for trail projects in North Idaho
The nonprofit organization Idaho Trails Association is looking for hikers who are interested in helping on one-day, weekend, and week-long projects throughout the summer to maintain trails in North Idaho.

Marion Neil 'Butch' Padgett