Thursday, November 30

District 1 volunteers celebrate Open Primaries goal
Open Primaries Initiative volunteers celebrated a big milestone Saturday — qualifying the measure for the 2024 ballot. “Legislative District 1 is one of the very first districts in Idaho with enough signatures to qualify our Citizens’ Initiative for the 2024 ballot,” Luke Mayville told initiative volunteers from Bonner and Boundary counties who packed Sandpoint Community Hall.

Boundary County Calendar - Nov. 30-Dec. 7, 2023
The events, activities and meetings taking place in Boundary County over the coming week.

This Week in History - Nov. 30, 2023
Local history in Boundary County, from Naples to Porthill, and from Bonners Ferry to Moyie Springs.

From the Archives - Nov. 30, 2023
This Week in History - 50 Years Ago: "On a rainy afternoon recently, work began toward relocating the David Thompson memorial. It is indeed a 'monumental' task moving a 15-ton historical marker from the Burlington Northern Depot, where it has stood since 1926, to this new site in the downtown mini-park."

Supporting Idaho crime victims
The Senate recently unanimously passed legislation important for exacting justice and helping crime victims in Idaho and across the country. S. 499 would reauthorize the Debbie Smith Act, which has provided Idaho law enforcement agencies with resources to complete forensic analyses of DNA from crime scenes and untested rape kits. I have been a longtime supporter of this important legislation that supports prompt and thorough forensic investigations to bring perpetrators of crime to justice.

ITA sets membership drive
As the holiday season approaches, Idaho Trails Association is launching its annual membership drive, strategically beginning on Giving Tuesday, Nov. 28.
BFHS production deserves applause
I would like to express my appreciation to the director, Kelly Collett, the production team, the cast of the Bonners Ferry High School play "Sound of Music," and Heidi.

Woelfe boys share hunting photos
Boundary County youth, Gordon Woelfe, 12, shares his hunting photos with the Herald. Gordon successful harvest a deer and several turkeys.

Fowler Creek grizzly habitat conservation project expanded
Key wildlife habitat and the rural, scenic character of Montana’s Yaak Valley will be protected for generations to come as The Vital Ground Foundation enlarged its Fowler Creek conservation project with a 64-acre land acquisition last week.

Hundreds flock to 15th annual Turkey Trot
Roughly 115,500 calories were burned before Thanksgiving feasts were enjoyed — at least for those who came out for the 15th annual Bonners Ferry Turkey Trot.

KTOI receives grant to help reduce overburdened landfill
The Kootenai Tribe of Idaho has been selected for the Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling program by the Environmental Protection Agency. The program, which is for recycling grants is for tribes and intertribal consortia.

Badger Sports Calendar Dec. 1- 7
Badger Sports Calendar Nov. 30-Dec. 7.

Local senior evicted, community looking to help
A Boundary County senior has been evicted and the community is coming together to move her before winter sets in.

Boundary County Court Records - Nov. 30, 2023
Court Records for Boundary County.

Badgers fall to 5A Vikings in season opener
The 3A Bonners Ferry Badgers stormed back to take the lead after a 12 point deficit at halftime to the 5A Coeur d’Alene Vikings on Monday night, the bigger-school Vikings had an answer.

Cornerstone Urgent Care now open
An Urgent Care has opened just north of Bonners Ferry and offers family medicine, s-rays and more.

Badgers fall to Bulldogs in second game of season
After leading by 14 points at the end of the first quarter, 4A Sandpoint (1-0) cruised to a 66-47 road victory over 3A Bonners Ferry (0-2) on Tuesday Nov. 21 in non-league play.

Tuesday's Trouble: Osborn wins high scratch for Week 11
Jeanne Osborn got high scratch game 167 and third high handicap game 242.
Jam packed Christmas gift opportunities this weekend
This weekend is jam packed with craft fairs and local shopping opportunities in preparation for Christmas.
Legals for November, 30 2023
Thursday, November 23
Legals for November, 23 2023
Wednesday, November 22

Groups offer details on property tax relief
The Idaho Legislature passed several bills during the 2023 session to provide property tax relief based on the Fiscal Year 2023 surplus. The bills include House Bill 292, HB258, and changes to the property tax reduction program, which was formerly known as "circuit breaker."

Pearl Theater hosting annual Christmas holiday movie
The Pearl Theatre is hosting the annual Christmas Holiday Movie Saturday, Dec. 2 at 2 p.m.

Local senior facing eviction
A local woman living on Turner Hill Road is facing eviction following a contract dispute over a property she said she had a lifetime right to reside under the previous landowner.

Expanding markets for Idaho specialty crops
Idaho farmers grow specialty crops in abundance. Specialty crops include fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, flowers and more, and are distinct from what are considered the traditional staple crops of wheat, sugar beets, dairy and meat. Idaho’s specialty crops range from the famous Idaho potato, to onions, peas, lentils, hops, honey, apples, cherries, grapes, peppermint, barley and so much more. Recognizing 95 percent of the world’s consumers are located outside the U.S. and Idahoans produce far more than can be consumed in our great State, being able to sell Idaho products in foreign markets is critical to the long-term success of those who farm the fields, package or process agricultural products, or market them beyond our borders.

Boundary County Court Records - Nov. 23, 2023
Information on local cases in Boundary County.

Badger cheer squad goes co-ed
The Bonners Ferry cheer team is preparing for competition season and is now co-ed with two boys coming out to cheer.

WRESTLING SEASON PREVIEW: Large turnout, girls team grows
This year, 31 boys and 11 girls have turned out to wrestle for Bonners Ferry.

Herald closed Thursday, Friday
The Bonners Ferry Herald's office will be closed on Thanksgiving Day and Friday to allow staff to spend time with their loved ones.

VanGesen comments on past racial profiling lawsuit
Settlement of a 2015 lawsuit alleging racial profiling was a matter of expediency and practicality, not an admission of guilt, according to a Boundary County sheriff candidate involved in the Washington state case.

Tuesday's Trouble: Week 10 Wheeler takes all
Elaine Wheeler got high scratch game 174, third high scratch series 396 and second high handicap game 234.

Idahoans should honor America’s veterans
Americans can commemorate Veterans Day twice this year. The official observance is November 11. It dates back to the armistice ending World War I, which went into effect on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. It was originally called Armistice Day, but renamed Veterans Day in 1954. November 11 fell on a Saturday this year, so the state and federal holiday was observed on Friday, Nov. 10.

Community unites against hate at forum
“We need to recognize that our differences among us make us stronger,” U.S. Attorney Josh Hurwit told over 170 Bonner and Boundary residents in the Heartwood Center on Nov. 14. “We need to listen to one another,” he said via Zoom on a big screen on the stage behind the in-person speakers. “I hope you’ll accept today’s program in the spirit with which it was intended.” U.S. Departmentt of Justice officials based in Boise, Coeur d’Alene and Seattle along with human rights task force members from both counties explained how they work to prevent and combat and hate crimes.

This Week in History - Nov. 23, 203
Local history in Boundary County, from Naples to Porthill and From Bonners Ferry to Moyie Springs.

From the Archives - Nov. 23, 2023
Visit the museum Thursday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., or visit the museum online at

Boundary County Calendar - Nov. 23-Dec. 3, 2023
The events, activities and meetings taking place in Boundary County over the coming week.

Kiosks enhance winter access information
Idaho Department of Lands and Idaho Parks and Recreation recently teamed up to build and install kiosks in the region to post information on winter access on endowment lands.

Shook Twins deliver Thanksgiving tradition
A 12-year tradition continues with the after-Thanksgiving return of the Shook Twins' Giving Thanks Show at the Pearl Theater at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 24.

Bayer twins sign to play collegiate golf at D1 schools
Twin sisters and Bonners Ferry High School seniors Avery and Braylyn Bayer have signed to play collegiate golf at two D1 level colleges.

BF soccer players net all-league, MVP honors; Bonnell named coach of the year
Badger boy and girl soccer players earned Intermountain League honors for the 2023 season, with Eli Newell being named most valuable player and boys coach Paul Bonnell named coach of the year.

Season opener: Back-and-forth battle against the Bears
Badger girls basketball had a back-and-forth battle against the 4A Moscow Bears, with freshman Taren Bateman scoring 25 points for the Badgers.

GIRLS BASKETBALL SEASON PREVIEW: Badger girls tiny, but mighty team
Badger girl basketball has seen a decrease in players coming out, but that doesn’t phase Bonners Ferry coach Mike Crowley.

BOYS BASKETBALL SEASON PREVIEW: Returning after historic season
The boys are back in town—after taking second in the 3A State Championship last year, Badger boys basketball and back and hitting the court hard.
Tuesday, November 21

BOCC to seek clarification on civil protection order
In a split vote, Bonner County commissioners approved a motion to seek clarification on a civil protection order involving two members of the board.
Saturday, November 18

McGrane: SOS office can’t enforce GOP voter affiliation deadline
Says office must follow state law, not political party rules
Idaho Secretary of State Phil McGrane said Thursday that his office cannot enforce the Idaho Republican Party’s new party rule requiring voters to affiliate with the GOP by Dec. 30 in order to vote in the party’s upcoming primary election.
Friday, November 17

$53 million property value error to delay tax notices
Some taxing districts are affected by the mistake
A typo resulting in a multimillion dollar property value assessment error is expected to affect multiple taxing districts in Kootenai County and delay the distribution of property tax notices.

'Operation Snowstorm' intercepts mailed drugs in Wallace
Investigation revealed drugs mailed from California were sent to Wallace
Thursday, November 16

Senators reprimanded over writings criticizing other senators
Senate President Pro Tem Chuck Winder has removed Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld as the vice chair of the Senate House and Welfare Committee and reprimanded Sen. Scott Herndon over editorials those two senators wrote that were critical of other senators.
Care-N-Share program needs community's help
The Care-N-Share program needs your help. The program got its start in 1981, when Linda Lederhos was working at the Panhandle Health Clinic and was given some toys from a contest.

Elementary students learn veterans through military hats
With Veterans Day on the horizon, area elementary students learned about the military services through a show-and-tell guest.

Martin sentenced to 15 to life for lewd conduct
A local man was sentenced to at least 15 years in prison on Wednesday, Nov. 8, in connection to his conviction in a lewd conduct case.

BFWC at North Idaho Panhandle Championships
The Bonners Ferry Wrestling Club competed at the North Idaho Panhandle championships over the weekend with approximately 750 wrestlers.

Four Badger Volleyball players named All League
For the 2023 season four Badger volleyball players nabbed Intermountain League All-League honors.

Four VVE students advance in Elk Hoop Shoot contest
Once again, the fourth and fifth graders at Valley View Elementary have been practicing their basketball free throw shots for the annual Elk’s Hoop Shoot contest.

Comer and Harris, A-class shooters at Washington state shooting contest
Two members of the Kootenai Valley Junior Rifle Team traveled to the Spokane Gun Club on Nov. 4 to compete in the Washington State Indoor three position International Rifle Championships..

Boundary County Court Records---Nov. 16, 2023
Boundary County Court Records for the Week of Nov. 16, 2023.

Turkey Trot returns for 15th anniversary
For many county residents, Thanksgiving morning starts with a warm cup of hot cocoa followed by a 5K run at the annual Turkey Trot at the Boundary County Fairgrounds.

Moose on the loose in region
Temperatures continue to drop in North Idaho, which means animals like moose and elk are coming further down the mountain in search of food and shelter.

VanGesen Announces candidacy for Boundary County Sheriff
Jon VanGesen, 54, of Naples, is entering the race for Boundary County Sheriff.

The Tale of Andrew Cunningham
As we celebrate Veterans Day, the Bonners Ferry Veterinary Clinic would like to share a story of tragedy turning into victory.

Badger Sports Calendar — Nov. 17-21
Sports calendar for BFHS sports from Nov. 17-21.

The Tuesday's Trouble: Wheeler takes high scratch week 9
Elaine Wheeler got high scratch game 168 and high scratch series 410.

Boundary County Calendar - Nov. 16-23, 2023
The events, activities and meetings taking place in Boundary County over the coming week.

Jessica Stewart, 46
Jessica (Jessie) Mary Stewart passed away unexpectedly in her home in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, on November 3, 2023.

Dennis Ray Cooper, 71
Dennis Ray Cooper, formerly of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, died October 12, 2023.

Rena Martin, 67
Rena was born to Charles and Joann Armstrong in Bell Gardens, Calif., on July 1, 1956.

Why we celebrated Idaho veterans Nov. 11
It may be common knowledge that Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day. Why we celebrate veterans on November 11 may be less known. According to the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), “World War I officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919. However, the fighting ended about seven months before that when the Allies and Germany put into effect an armistice on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.” Therefore, November 11 became recognized as Armistice Day.

From the Archives - Nov. 16, 2023
This Week in History - 100 Years Ago: "A deal was closed last Thursday whereby the Bonner Bakery was sold by Leo Buteau to John Chervenell of Northport, Wash. Mr. Chervenell has had 22 years experience as a baker and has been in business at Northport for five years. He plans to add new equipment to Bonner Bakery, including an electric oven."

This Week in History - Nov. 16, 2023
Local history in Boundary County, from Naples to Porthill and From Bonners Ferry to Moyie Springs.
Woodward's decision to run is a blessing
As a lifelong Christian and constituent of our former Idaho state senator, Jim Woodward, I thank God Jim has decided to run against Scott Herndon in next year’s primary.

Kootenai Tribe hosting free Supaman concert
In honor of November’s Native American Heritage month, the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho is proud to sponsor a free community concert performed by the national touring artist known as Supaman.
Advocating for women, families isn't a partisan issue
Recently, the Scott Herndon-led Bonner County Republican Central Committee distributed a fundraising newsletter titled "Democrats that Deceive," in which he highlights my personal and business support for Idaho Moms, Good Government Bulldogs, North Idaho Voter Services, Jim Woodward and Steve Johnson.
Herdon: Pointing out backers isn't bashing
A recent letter writer asked why the Bonner County Republican Central Committee sent an email “bashing” the local “Idaho Moms PAC."
Veteran Profile: Dean Larry Hosterman
Dean Larry Hosterman enlisted in the United States Navy 17 years old in 1960.

Marine Corps celebrates birthday
More than 50 people turned out to celebrate the U.S. Marine Corps' 248th birthday on Nov. 10. The local Marine Corps League presented a free dinner of grilled chicken, lasagna and green beens to the Marine veterans who turned out to celebrate. Also joining in the celebration were Army, Navy and Air Force veterans.

Moyie sewer contract with engineering company amended
The City Council voted to amend its sewer contract with the Keller Associates to reflect additional costs.

Community celebrates local veterans’ service
Community members and veterans came out in full force at the local Veterans Day remembrance tribute on Saturday, Nov. 11.
Legals for November, 16 2023
Monday, November 13

COLLEGE NOTEBOOK: Barajas takes down Iowa State wrestler at Grand View Open
Barajas took down Iowa State’s Thomas Freking, 5-2 in Round 2 for his second victory of the season.
Sunday, November 12

No answers after Spirit Lake shooting
More than week after a woman died amid an “officer-involved shooting” in Spirit Lake, city and county officials remain tight-lipped.

Officers testify at Kaylor motion hearing
Shoshone County District Judge Barbara Duggan heard testimony from two law enforcement officers as part of a motion to suppress evidence filed by Majorjon Kaylor’s defense.
Friday, November 10

Omodt OK'd to records request Williams's emails
Two Bonner County commissioners voted Tuesday morning to allow Commissioner Luke Omodt to continue utilizing Idaho Code for the purpose of requesting access to Commissioner Asia Williams’s emails.

Executive session recordings raise questions
Bonner County commissioners voted Tuesday to seek further clarification on a protection order against Commissioner Steve Bradshaw filed earlier this year by Commissioner Asia Williams. The vote came after a deputy was found to be recording executive sessions.
Thursday, November 9

Veteran Profile: Jeff Petersen
Jeff Petersen has served in the military for nearly 22 years.

From the Archives - Nov. 9. 2023
In 1892, Joseph P. Beeler he had a 24x50 wooden building built on the corner of Main and Bonner streets. Known as Beeler Hall, many dances, plays and movies were held in the structure.
Open primaries would enable all voters
There’s an old adage that a lie can get ‘round the world before the truth gets its boots on. As I explain to everyone who will listen, there are over 1,000 volunteers like myself working in all areas of Idaho to get signatures of registered voters on the Citizen’s Petition for Open Primaries.

No contested races means no November election
None of the city nor school board races were contested in Boundary County and so, no election took place.
Foreign aid violates our Constitution
Events are being planned to honor U.S. veterans. While I appreciate being honored, I would like to make a few comments on the misuse of our military, which is responsible for so many veterans.

Tax audit directive raises more questions than answers
President Biden has hit the campaign trail touting the so-called victories of “Bidenomics.” However, for most Idahoans, Bidenomics has meant record-high grocery bills, soaring housing costs, a $33 trillion national debt and a higher tax burden.
Jessica Mary Stewart, 46
Jessica Mary Stewart, 46, died at her home on November 3, 2023.
Eugene Hoy Perry, 92
Eugene Hoy Perry, 92, passed away on November 6, 2023.

Rena Martin, 67
Rena Laverne Martin departed this world on October 22, 2023

Council to consider golf manager contract and hiring process
The Bonners Ferry City Council is scheduled to consider the Mirror Lake golf manager position contract and the hiring process at a special meeting on Thursday.

Operation Green Light returns to Boundary County
Boundary County is showing its support for veterans by lighting the courthouse green from November 6-12, as part of the national Operation Green Light.

Tuesday's Trouble: Wheeler takes high scratch week 8 of bowling
Elaine Wheeler got high scratch game 161 and high scratch series 418.

Walleye aren't bad fish, just the wrong fish for Idaho
Fish and Game provides them in three reservoirs, but they keep showing up elsewhere.

BFWC strong contenders at home tournament
The Bonners Ferry Wrestling Club hosted the North Idaho Wrestling league in a home tournament on Saturday, with many members placing.

Court Records - Nov. 9, 2023
Boundary County Court Records for the Week of Nov. 9, 2023.

This Week In History — Nov. 9, 2023
Local history in Boundary County, from Naples to Porthill and From Bonners Ferry to Moyie Springs.

Boundary County Calendar - Nov. 9-16, 2023
The events, activities, and meetings taking place in Boundary County over the coming week.

Holiday Markets coming to town
With the holidays right around the corner winter markets and craft fairs are popping up to help you find the perfect gift or treat.

Innovia honors Community Coalition for Families
Innovia Foundation recently recognized the life-changing work of the Boundary County's Community Coalition for Families at the foundation's annual reception on Oct. 9.

BCSA makes strides toward skatepark
The Boundary County Skatepark Alliance continues to make strides toward a community skatepark. Key among that was a donation from supporter Laura Kitchen, who ran into BCSA officials at a recent event. After a conversation, Kitchen turned to them and said she wanted to donate.

Local youth gets first deer
Youth gets first deer.

Remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice
When thinking of those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country, images of rows upon rows of white headstones from Arlington Cemetary may come to mind. This image often comes to my mind, but not because I’ve seen a headstone on the TV screen of one lone name as the camera pulls back to reveal the multitude of stones memorializing the dead.
Veteran Profile:Gerald Higgs
Gerald Higgs served as a repair division chief and fire marshall aboard the battleship USS New Jersey from 1987 to 1988.

Veterans earn a wide variety of services
Idaho's Veterans Services officers are tasked with helping the state's veterans access the services they have earned.

American Legion mural project to honor veterans
The American Legion Post 55 is working to add a mural honoring veterans on the outside of the Veterans of Foreign War and Veterans Alliance building in Bonners Ferry.

Valor: A Tribute to Veterans
Honoring those who serve.
Veteran Profile: Dustin Woelfle
At 19 years old, Dustin Woelfle received a call from a Navy recruiter asking if he'd like to meet. At that meeting, Woelfle signed up for a six-year term due to the extensive schooling required for his rate of fire controlman (as in missile fire not firefighting).

The Gaffield family, serving generationally
Both sides of the Gaffield family have served for generations across the U.S. military branches.

Bill Hunt: Missing in action; never forgotten
Bill Hunt was 31 when he was last seen alive. Leaning up against a tree, badly wounded, the Special Forces ranger provided cover for a wounded comrade that November in 1966. He never came home. Married with two kids, Hunt had served in the military before but got out after one enlistment to return home to Sandpoint.

Dean Larry Hosterman
Dean Larry Hosterman enlisted in the Navy at the age of 17 in 1960.
Legals for November, 9 2023
Friday, November 3

BF City Administrator resigns, set to take job in Hayden
Bonners Ferry City Administrator Lisa Ailport has resigned, letting the council and mayor know Nov. 2 that she had accepted the position of city administrator in Hayden.

Boundary County residents may qualify for three months of free rent
Boundary County residents may qualify with three months of free rent through the Community Resource EnVision Center.
Thursday, November 2
Burn Ban on the Kootenai Reservation
Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, in coordination with the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho has issued an air quality advisory and a ban on open burning on the Kootenai Reservation until Monday, Nov. 5 at 5 p.m.
Arminda Thompson, 97
Arminda Thompson, 97, died peacefully on October 25, 2023, at Boundary County Nursing Home in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.

Volleyball returns to state, tie for fifth place
Bonners Ferry went 1-2 on the first day and finished tied for fifth at the state 3A tournament at Coeur d’Alene High’s Viking Court.

Glen Elvin Patterson, 88
Glen Patterson passed away on October 26, 2023, at his home in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.

BCSD announces school closure information
With the winter months at hand, Boundary County School District are letting area residents know the procedure for emergency school closure announcements.

Better FAFSA is coming, but delayed
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid will be much easier for families to fill out starting this year, but it will be a few more weeks before it is actually available, state officials said.

Anderson off to Nationals for 4-H Horse Program
Myia Anderson, a Boundary County 4-H Horse Program member, is off to the 4-H national competition for public speaking.
Violence is never the answer
An October 26 article in The Guardian said that nearly one in four Americans believe violence is justified to achieve their political views.

Idaho legislators gearing up for 2024 session
November meetings will help set stage for legislative session
Idaho legislators will set the stage for the upcoming 2024 legislative session during a series of seven meetings at the Idaho State Capitol in Boise over the next two weeks. Although the 2024 legislative session does not begin until Jan. 8, activity will pick up inside the Statehouse halls starting Thursday, with the first of seven consecutive days of meetings. During some of the meetings, legislators are expected to discuss deadlines for the legislative session and begin looking at budget requests and revenue reports.

Dale Archie Taylor, 75
Dale Archie Taylor died on October 19, 2023.

Marsha Buroker Sayre, 83
Marsha Kay Buroker Sayre passed in her sleep on Monday, Aug. 7, 2023, in Ashland, Ore.
BCMS claims 12-6 win over Libby
The Boundary County Middle School Badgers' seventh-grade football team defeated the Libby Loggers from Montana, 12-6, in their final game of the season.

This Week in History - Nov. 2, 2023
Local history in Boundary County, from Naples to Porthill and From Bonners Ferry to Moyie Springs.

BFPD hires two new officers, getting dash and body cams
The Bonners Ferry Police Department has hired two new officers since the city council removed the hiring freeze in October.

From the mailbag: hunting safety and archery programs
Idahoans contact me with valuable input about the issues our country faces. Concerns with the Biden Administration’s efforts to defund hunting safety and archery programs at schools are among the issues Idahoans have contacted me about recently.

XC State: Beckle and Steirn run for BF, elevation takes it toll for northern teams
Badger cross country runners Sydney Beckle and Matisyn Stiern represented Bonners Ferry at the IHSAA State Cross Country Championships held at the Portneuf Wellness Complex on Saturday.
Lotspiech set to retire from Mirror Lake
Mirror Lake Golf Course will begin a new chapter in the spring of 2024 as the course management shifts in a direction yet to be determined by the city of Bonners Ferry.

Swanson honored with Diamond award at BCH
Boundary Community Hospital honors Alison Swanson, PT, DPT with the Diamond Award for exceptional compassion in Patient Care.

BCVS hosting festival, fashion show
Many community residents are both loyal attendees and contributors to the Boundary County Victim Services’ annual Fall Festival & Fashion Show. This year’s fundraiser will take place on Saturday, Nov. 4. The doors open at 5 p.m. and the action will start at 6 p.m.

Tuesday's Trouble: Wheeler wins high scratch game, series in Week 7
Elaine Wheeler got high scratch game 174 and high scratch series 430 for Week 7 of the Tuesday's Trouble bowling league.

BFWC sees large turnout, NIWL in BF on Saturday
The Bonners Ferry Wrestling Club has seen an exponential increase in youth wrestling with approximately 110 wrestlers between ages 4 to 14, compared to 50 wrestlers in past years.

Blood Drive scheduled for November
The November Vitalant Blood Drive will take place over two days and donors will have the chance to win one of five $5,000 prepaid gift cards.

Former resident publishes memoir
Former Bonners Ferry resident Eunice (Goyen) Boeve has recently published her memoir titled "This Thin Veil Between Us".

Boundary County Calendar - Nov. 2-9, 2023
The events, activities, and meetings taking place in Boundary County over the coming week.

Veterans Day tributes planned
A host of community events are planned to honor Boundary County residents.

From the Archives - Nov. 2, 2023
On February 8, 1973, 50 years ago, Ralph Anglen began writing "Anglin' With Anglen," a fishing column that ran weekly in the Bonners Ferry Herald.

Community makes SAR food drive a success
Thanks to the community's generous support, Selkirk Association of Realtors officials said the organization's annual fall food drive raised $1,582.05 and 1,345 pounds of food. The donations were given to the Bonners Ferry Food Bank to support the local Community Action Partnership Food program.

BCC holding open house
Boundary Community Clinics, a division of Boundary Community Hospital, is holding an open house on Saturday, Nov. 11.
Month celebrates Native Americans, culture and history
November is acknowledged as Native American Heritage Month; a time to honor the diverse culture of Native Americans and to celebrate the true history. The following is a “brief” historical view of the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho.

Pumpkin Drop returns, smashing success
The Wicked Witch of the East had a house dropped on her, but this Halloween in Bonners Ferry another villain had a pumpkin dropped on him, as the annual Pumpkin Drop returned from a multi-year hiatus.
Legals for November, 2 2023
Wednesday, November 1

Turco, Yount appointed to open WBCSD seats
The West Bonner School District gained positive traction Monday with two milestones: Trustees hired an experienced interim superintendent and filled two board vacancies