Friday, May 28

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 34: Headlines from 5/26 thru 5/28
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Madison Hardy go over the latest news coming out of the Coeur'd Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, the Bonners Ferry Herald, and the Shoshone News-Press from May 26 to 28.
Thursday, May 27

With Little gone, Lt. Gov. McGeachin issues executive order banning Idaho mask mandates
McGeachin announced the order on social media Thursday morning.

Festival welcomes Gladys Knight to lineup
Gladys Knight will perform at the Festival at Sandpoint on Thursday, Aug. 5.

Rod Benders Car Club event taking place June 5
Rod Benders Car Club will take place Saturday, June 5, from 8 am to 2 pm for their 21st annual Borders 3 Jamboree in Downtown Bonners Ferry.

Community calendar - May 27 to June 2
Community calendar - May 27 to June 2

Isenberg gets life in prison
Cd'A woman who stole from nonprofit killed her husband
Laurcene “Lori” Isenberg will spend at least 30 years in prison after pleading guilty to her husband’s murder.

COVID-19 Information - May 27, 2021
The latest novel coronavirus numbers from the region, state and country.

Bonner County GOP asks Woodward to resign

A. Lee Harris carves out her place in the community
You have to drive a couple miles out of town to get to A. Lee Harris’ art gallery but it’s easy to find, her driveway marked with one of her outdoor sculptures and a simple sign that reads “art.”
Lori and Chad Daybell charged with murder
Prosecutors in Fremont County, Idaho announced grand jury indictments today against Chad Guy Daybell and Lori Vallow Daybell, related to the deaths of Tammy Daybell, Tylee Ryan and Joshua Jaxon (JJ) Vallow. Tammy Daybell was Chad Daybell’s wife at the time of her murder. Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow were Lori Daybell’s children.

An adventure drive to remember
Spring scenes as captured by local photographer Robert Kalberg.

Join the fun at the Boundary community cornhole tournament
If you’re looking for something to do Saturday, May 29, look no farther than the second Boundary Community Cornhole Tournament.

Legislative session is complete — for now
Idaho Legislature had a busy — and historic — year.
CPA urges senate committee on finance to address flawed trade preferences
The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) sent a letter to U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, outlining seven serious concerns with his recently introduced Trade Preferences and American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2021. The legislation would update and renew the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) and Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB).
Has the pandemic changed the way consumers access news and information?
Print media has seen significant disruption during the coronavirus pandemic, with lockdowns changing the way we access and consume news and information. But even as familiarity with and use of online media has increased, print on paper remains a widely used and highly valued resource. This according to a new survey, “Paper’s Place in a Post-Pandemic World,” commissioned by non-profit organization Two Sides North America and conducted by global research firm Toluna.
BRIEF: Memorial Day parade
Memorial Day parade

Police log - 05/18 - 05/25
Police log - 05/18 - 05/25

Sheriff's log - 05/18 - 05/25
Sheriff's log - 05/18 - 05/25

From the archives - May 27, 2021
From the archives - May 27, 2021

This week in history - May 27, 2021
This week in history - May 27, 2021

Court records - 05/21/21
Court records - 05/21/21
Legals for May, 27 2021
Wednesday, May 26

A. Lee Harris carves out her place in the community
You have to drive a couple miles out of town to get to A. Lee Harris’ art gallery but it’s easy to find, her driveway marked with one of her outdoor sculptures and a simple sign that reads “art.”

Riverside park receives grants for major improvements
9B Trails received a $74,800 grant from the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation to build a trail system at riverside park.
Lori and Chad Daybell charged with murder
Prosecutors in Fremont County, Idaho announced grand jury indictments today against Chad Guy Daybell and Lori Vallow Daybell, related to the deaths of Tammy Daybell, Tylee Ryan and Joshua Jaxon (JJ) Vallow. Tammy Daybell was Chad Daybell’s wife at the time of her murder. Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow were Lori Daybell’s children.

Badger baseball ends at state tournament
Badger baseball season came back strong after a year with no spring season in 2020 because of COVID-19 disruptions to high school sports. However, even after a skipped season, the Badgers could get back into high gear and played a competitive season.

Join the fun at the Boundary community cornhole tournament
If you’re looking for something to do Saturday, May 29, look no farther than the second Boundary Community Cornhole Tournament.
Boys, girls performed great at state, Henslee takes home hardware
Charles Henslee takes first place for the 1600-meter run at the 3A state championships, bringing back some hardware for the Badgers.
Tuesday, May 25
CPA urges senate committee on finance to address flawed trade preferences
The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) sent a letter to U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, outlining seven serious concerns with his recently introduced Trade Preferences and American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2021. The legislation would update and renew the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) and Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB).
Has the pandemic changed the way consumers access news and information?
Print media has seen significant disruption during the coronavirus pandemic, with lockdowns changing the way we access and consume news and information. But even as familiarity with and use of online media has increased, print on paper remains a widely used and highly valued resource. This according to a new survey, “Paper’s Place in a Post-Pandemic World,” commissioned by non-profit organization Two Sides North America and conducted by global research firm Toluna.

New compound forming, residents present zoning violations to commissioners
Concerned residents of Boundary County near the Moyie River along Earl Lane Road spoke to county commissioners on Tuesday, May 25, about an alleged “Ruby Ridge-style” compound forming in Boundary.

Police log - 05/18 - 05/25
Police log - 05/18 - 05/25

Sheriff's log - 05/18 - 05/25
Sheriff's log - 05/18 - 05/25

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 33: Headlines from 5/22 thru 5/25
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Madison Hardy go over the latest news coming out of the Coeur'd Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, and the Shoshone News-Press from May 22 to 25.

Community calendar - May 27 to June 2
Community calendar - May 27 to June 2

Richard A. Odmark, 79
Richard A. Odmark peacefully left us on May 6, 2021, in Maple Valley, Washington, with loved ones at his side.

From the archives - May 27, 2021
From the archives - May 27, 2021

This week in history - May 27, 2021
This week in history - May 27, 2021
Monday, May 24

Court records - 05/21/21
Court records - 05/21/21
New county deputy leads graduating class
Boundary County Sheriff’s department has a new deputy protecting Boundary. His name is Allen Schlief; he recently completed his 17-week peace officer training and was president of his graduating class, but this is not his first foray into law enforcement.
Friday, May 21

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 32: Headlines from 5/19 thru 5/21
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Josh McDonald go over the latest news coming out of the Coeur'd Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, the Bonners Ferry Herald, and the Shoshone News-Press from May 19 to 21.

Eugene 'Geno' Mendenhall
Eugene "Geno" Mendenhall passed away May 13, 2021.
Thursday, May 20

COVID-19 Information - May 21, 2021
The latest novel coronavirus numbers from the region, state and country.

Police log 05/11 - 05/18
Police log 05/11 - 05/18

COVID-19 Information - May 20, 2021
The latest novel coronavirus numbers from the region, state and country.
Fall's burn piles may still be smoldering
Already this year there have been reports of those still-smoldering piles catching flame.

Bonners Ferry gun club news
The trap club is now open to all trap shooters at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays. New, experienced, youth and the “over-the-hill gang” all are welcome and coaching is available.

McGeachin announces run for Idaho governor
McGeachin is currently Idaho's lieutenant governor

From the archives - May 20, 2021
From the archives - May 20, 2021

BFHS sports schedule 05/20 - 05/26
BFHS sports schedule 05/20 - 05/26

James Hersey Mathison
James Hersey Mathison recently passed away.

This week in history - May 20, 2021
This week in history - May 20, 2021

Court records 05/14/21
Court records 05/14/21
Willison John Parker
Willison John Parker died on May 13, 2021.

Michael Dennis Youngwirth, 78
Michael Dennis Youngwirth passed away on May 14, 2021.
Idaho Bureau of Land Management issues prevention order
May is Wildfire Awareness Month and with fire season already upon much of the state, the Idaho Bureau of Land Management is asking for the public to help prevent human-caused wildfires. Idaho BLM director John F. Ruhs recently signed the 2021 Fire Prevention Order, which prohibits specific fire-related activities from May 10 to October 20.

Sheriff's log 05/11 - 05/18
Sheriff's log 05/11 - 05/18

Community calendar - May 20 - May 26
Community calendar - May 20 - May 26
Clayton and Melba Onstott

Middle school band shines during finale concert
Tuesday night’s middle school band finale gave both the beginner and intermediate bands the opportunity to show how much they’ve learned in the past year. “It’s been a little tough,” band teacher Jessica Hanna admitted. Some of the 6th graders missed half of what should have been their first year of lessons but she was “amazed by how they’ve blossomed.”

Confronting China the Idaho way — by innovating, outcompeting and reflecting our values
Republicans and Democrats can — and should — work together to formulate a China policy.
BRIEF: Pitching and basball lessons
BRIEF: Pitching and basball lessons

It's a dog's life for local author
When Susan Stockdale worked as a veterinary nurse she never considered becoming a writer.
BRIEF: Kinnikinnick Native Plant Society Zoom class
BRIEF: Kinnikinnick Native Plant Society Zoom class
Senate committee passes online country-of-origin-labeling Act
The U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation recently passed, with overwhelming bipartisan support, Senator Tammy Baldwin’s (D-WI) COOL Online Act, which was added as an amendment to the Endless Frontier Act (S. 1260). The bipartisan COOL Online Act would mandate that country-of-origin labeling be clearly and conspicuously stated in any website description of a product. This would protect Americans’ right to know where the products they buy are made.
Legals for May, 20 2021
Wednesday, May 19
Jake's Landing, Cedar Ridge Ranch organize fundraiser
Jake’s Landing and Cedar Ridge Ranch organize a fundraiser on Saturday, May 22, featuring a smoked pig with all the fixings.

City Council approves Memorial Day parade
City Council conducted their bimonthly meeting with new business that included Manny Figueroa requesting approval for a Memorial Day parade, signing a contract with ALLWEST Testing and Engineering, inc

Cabinet Water District Election results
The 2021 Cabinet Water District results are in with three seats available and four people running for those positions

Girls golf makes history, becomes state champions
Girls golf team takes first place on both days of the state competition at Twin Lakes golf course, winning the 3A state championship and bringing home some hardware.

It's a dog's life for local author
When Susan Stockdale worked as a veterinary nurse she never considered becoming a writer.

BFHS sports schedule 05/20 - 05/26
BFHS sports schedule 05/20 - 05/26
Tuesday, May 18
Idaho Bureau of Land Management issues prevention order
May is Wildfire Awareness Month and with fire season already upon much of the state, the Idaho Bureau of Land Management is asking for the public to help prevent human-caused wildfires. Idaho BLM director John F. Ruhs recently signed the 2021 Fire Prevention Order, which prohibits specific fire-related activities from May 10 to October 20.

Community calendar - May 20 - May 26
Community calendar - May 20 - May 26

Police log 05/11 - 05/18
Police log 05/11 - 05/18

Sheriff's log 05/11 - 05/18
Sheriff's log 05/11 - 05/18

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 31: Headlines from 5/15 thru 5/18
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Josh McDonald go over the latest news coming out of the Coeur'd Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, and the Shoshone News-Press from May 15 to 18.
Girls golf take home 3A state champion title
The girls golf team takes first place on day one of the state competition at Twin Lakes golf course.

Mark Kent Sawyer, 70
Mark Kent Sawyer, age 70, passed away on March 21, 2021.
Badgers track ends Timberlake's dominance, sends 29 athletes to state
Boys track ends Timberlake’s 17-year dominance in the 3A District 1 track meet and with the girls track sends 29 athletes to state.

Digital archive documents caribou extirpation from North Idaho
Chris Lamb and Jack Kredell are raising awareness of the caribou’s former existence in the southern Selkirk Mountains by compiling oral histories.
Monday, May 17
Senate committee passes online country-of-origin-labeling Act
The U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation recently passed, with overwhelming bipartisan support, Senator Tammy Baldwin’s (D-WI) COOL Online Act, which was added as an amendment to the Endless Frontier Act (S. 1260). The bipartisan COOL Online Act would mandate that country-of-origin labeling be clearly and conspicuously stated in any website description of a product. This would protect Americans’ right to know where the products they buy are made.

Bonners Ferry gun club news
The trap club is now open to all trap shooters at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays. New, experienced, youth and the “over-the-hill gang” all are welcome and coaching is available.

From the archives - May 20, 2021
From the archives - May 20, 2021

This week in history - May 20, 2021
This week in history - May 20, 2021

Court records 05/14/21
Court records 05/14/21

Thelma M. Dean
Thelma M. Dean passed away on May 14, 2021 in Libby, Montana.

Valley View Elementary, Mountain West Bank purchase book vending machine
Valley View elementary will now be the home of a book vending machine, dispensing books and not snacks for students.
Thursday, May 13
Moyie Springs officials overreaching on complaint
Enter October 2019
A tale of amazing, home-town heroes
I have a story to tell you about the heroes in your hometown.

Community orchestra May concert featuring young pianist
The Bonners Ferry Community Orchestra will be holding its first post-pandemic concert on Sunday, May 23 at 3 p.m. at the Bonners Ferry High School Becker auditorium. The concert will feature a number of Americana pieces, as well as a guest soloist, Daniel Beal. Both the orchestra and Beal will be led by director Glenda Novinger.

Kootenai Valley Resource Initiative hosts meeting May 17
KVRI Meeting scheduled for May 17, 2021, at 7 p.m.

A nice day for an adventure (drive)
Spring scenes

Legislators applaud Little's decision to end programs
Governor ends Idaho's participate in pandemic programs
Gov. Brad Little said effective June 19, the state would no longer participate in the three programs aimed at helping employers get workers back on the job.

BFHS finale concert leaves audience feeling good
The Bonners Ferry High School finale concert last Tuesday night was both entertaining and poignant. Teacher and conductor Jessica Hanna led the concert and jazz bands in pieces chosen by exiting seniors and used the evening to honor outstanding band members as well.

COVID-19 Information - May 13, 2021
The latest novel coronavirus numbers from the region, state and country.

Court records 05/07/21
Court records 05/07/21
BRIEF: BSCD farm tour
BRIEF: BSCD farm tour

From the archives - May 13, 2021
From the archives - May 13, 2021
Tuesday's trouble - annual Idaho bowling tournament
Tuesday's trouble - annual Idaho bowling tournament
BCVS receives grant
Boundary County Victim Services has received a grant from the North Idaho Action Fund. The NIAF is part of the Idaho Community Foundation.
George Conner Rifle Match
On May 1, four shooters from the Kootenai Valley Rifle Club headed to the Spokane Rifle Club for the 50th George Conner Outdoor Smallbore Tournament.

Police log 05/04 - 05/11
Police log 05/04 - 05/11

Sheriff's Log 05/04 - 05/11
Sheriff's Log 05/04 - 05/11
Support needed for bill critical to local journalism’s future
Fairness is not a partisan issue.
Earl and Terry Metier
Earl and Terry Metier passed away on November 19, 2020.

Community calendar - May 13 - May 19
Community calendar - May 13 - May 19

BFHS sports schedule - May 13 - May 19
BFHS sports schedule - May 13 - May 19
Reclaim Idaho files lawsuit to strike down anti-initiatives law
Last week Reclaim Idaho filed suit in the Idaho Supreme Court to strike down Idaho’s recently enacted anti-initiatives law as unconstitutional.

Local teacher earns award from Idaho Education Association
Tama Meyer recognized for dedication to public education
Retired teacher Tama Meyer, of Coeur d'Alene, earns award from Idaho Education Association

This week in history - May 13, 2021
This week in history - May 13, 2021
Legals for May, 13 2021
Wednesday, May 12

Badger baseball wins districts, looks to state
Badger baseball dominated against Priest River and shut the game down early, and continued that success to beat Timberlake 12-10 for the district championship on May 11.
Murder case against Moore dismissed
Daniel Moore’s attorney, Katherine Bolton, requesting a motion to dismiss Brian Drake’s murder case approved by District Judge Barbara Buchanan on May 12, 2021.

Community orchestra May concert featuring young pianist
The Bonners Ferry Community Orchestra will be holding its first post-pandemic concert on Sunday, May 23 at 3 p.m. at the Bonners Ferry High School Becker auditorium. The concert will feature a number of Americana pieces, as well as a guest soloist, Daniel Beal. Both the orchestra and Beal will be led by director Glenda Novinger.
Badger softball ready for districts
Badger softball wins 13-8 against Kellogg and will continue to the district tournament.

BFHS sports schedule - May 13 - May 19
BFHS sports schedule - May 13 - May 19
Badgers track has eyes on state
Hayden Stockton, Holly Ansley win at district one meet of the champions, continuing legacy of winning after the meet was canceled last year due to COVID-19.
Lady Badgers going to state golf competition
Lady Badgers took top honors at the IML district golf tournament held at Twin Lakes Village golf course on Monday, May 10, with Bonners Ferry scoring 395 and beating second-place Kellogg by 44 strokes.
Tuesday, May 11

'It’s time to get back to work'
Gov. Little ends Idaho’s participation in all federal pandemic unemployment compensation programs

Idaho moves to Stage 4 in Idaho Rebounds Plan
FDA has now authorized vaccine for those 12 to 15 years of age and CDC recommendations are expected later this week.
BCVS receives grant
Boundary County Victim Services has received a grant from the North Idaho Action Fund. The NIAF is part of the Idaho Community Foundation.

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 29: Headlines from 5/8 thru 5/11
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Josh McDonald go over the latest news coming out of the Coeur'd Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, and the Shoshone News-Press from May 8 to 11.
George Conner Rifle Match
On May 1, four shooters from the Kootenai Valley Rifle Club headed to the Spokane Rifle Club for the 50th George Conner Outdoor Smallbore Tournament.

Police log 05/04 - 05/11
Police log 05/04 - 05/11

Sheriff's Log 05/04 - 05/11
Sheriff's Log 05/04 - 05/11

Gov. Little signs transportation funding bill
Gov. Brad Little signs historic HB 362, a transportation bill that will provide $80 million in continuous funding and allow the state to bond for up to $1.6 billion in transportation infrastructure projects.

Ove K. (Swede) Gunnarsson, 78
Ove K. (Swede) Gunnarsson, 78, went home to his heavenly father on May 6, 2021.

Community calendar - May 13 - May 19
Community calendar - May 13 - May 19

Court records 05/07/21
Court records 05/07/21
Monday, May 10
Idaho sets June execution date for Gerald Ross Pizzuto Jr.
Idaho death row inmate Gerald Ross Pizzuto Jr. has been scheduled for execution by lethal injection on June 2.

Remembrance Ceremony for Fallen Law Enforcement Officers
On Friday, May 14 at 5 p.m. on the lawn in front of the sheriff’s office in downtown Bonners Ferry, the boundary county sheriff’s office and chaplain corps will host our local county Law Enforcement memorial observance.

From the archives - May 13, 2021
From the archives - May 13, 2021

This week in history - May 13, 2021
This week in history - May 13, 2021

Barbara ‘Bobbi’ Ann Viesca, 86
Barbara ‘Bobbi’ Ann Viesca, 86,
Reclaim Idaho files lawsuit to strike down anti-initiatives law
Last week Reclaim Idaho filed suit in the Idaho Supreme Court to strike down Idaho’s recently enacted anti-initiatives law as unconstitutional.
Tuesday's trouble - annual Idaho bowling tournament
Tuesday's trouble - annual Idaho bowling tournament
Friday, May 7

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 28: Headlines from 5/5 thru 5/7
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Madison Hardy go over the latest news coming out of the Coeur'd Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, the Bonners Ferry Herald, and the Shoshone News-Press from May 5 to 7.
Thursday, May 6

Girl shoots 3 at Idaho school; teacher disarms her
A sixth-grade girl brought a gun to her Idaho middle school, shot and wounded two students and a custodian and then was disarmed by a teacher Thursday, authorities said.

Bonners Ferry student becomes RC champion
Gage Tweedie of Bonners Ferry took top honors at the Spokane fairground after competing in the northwest remote control arena championship.
BRIEF: Sara Strugar fundraiser
BRIEF: Sara Strugar fundraiser

COVID-19 Information - May 6, 2021
The latest novel coronavirus numbers from the region, state and country.

Spring Adventure Drive
Spring scenes as captured by local photographer Robert Kalberg.
Valley View honors students for self-discipline
The wonderful students of Valley View Elementary continue to shine.
Asian Americans and social justice
May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

BFHS sports schedule - May 6-12, 2021
BFHS sports schedule - May 6 - May 12
Washington State Junior Rifle Championship Results
Junior rifle shooters from the Sandpoint and Kootenai Valley clubs participated in the Washington State Smallbore Indoor Championships this past February. The final standings were just registered. Because of the gathering restrictions in Washington, the participants shot at the Kootenai Valley range and sent the scores in for the final tally.

Police Log 04/27 - 05/04
Police Log 04/27 - 05/04

Sheriff's Log 04/27 - 05/04
Sheriff's Log 04/27 - 05/04
BRIEF: Explosive Device
It’s not every day you find a glass jar filled with four half-sticks of dynamite.

Community calendar - May 6-12, 2021
Community calendar - May 6 - May 12
Tuesday's Trouble - Week 32
Tuesday's Trouble - Week 32

Court records 04/30/21
Court records 04/30/21
Rotary supports adult continuing education
Many people in Bonners Ferry know about the Rotary Club’s scholarship program but what most may not know is that the scholarships are not just for graduating seniors. Adults with a desire to continue their education can apply for them as well.
Delta Dental releases Oral Health Report
On April 30, the Delta Dental Plans Association (of which Delta Dental of Idaho is a member company) released the 2020 State of America's Oral Health Report, a nationwide analysis of consumer opinions and behaviors relating to oral health.

We must make sure to teachers that we value them
It is Teacher Appreciation Week across the country

This week in history - May 6, 2021
This week in history - May 6, 2021

From the archives - May 6, 2021
From the archives - May 6, 2021
Reclaim Idaho Files Quality Education Act
Last week, Reclaim Idaho filed a ballot initiative with the Idaho secretary of state called the Quality Education Act. This initiative would boost funding for K-12 education by well over $200 million annually, paid for by a modest tax increase for corporations and the wealthiest Idahoans.

Brandon Vern Hurst, 38
Brandon Vern Hurst passed away on Saturday, November 21, 2020.

Boundary Soil Conservation District 2020 farmer of the year
The Boundary Soil Conservation District is pleased to announce Nystrom Farms Inc as its choice for 2020 Conservation Farmer of the Year. Ben and Tanya Nystrom, along with their family, farm approximately 1,600 acres in the Kootenai Valley, growing wheat varieties, canola, peas, grazing corn, oats and alfalfa.
Legals for May, 6 2021
Wednesday, May 5

BFHS sports schedule - May 6 - May 12
BFHS sports schedule - May 6 - May 12
Lady badgers track win third straight track meet
he Lady Badgers won their third invite in a row scoring 222 points, with the host Timberlake Tigers taking second place, scoring 179 points in the 11 track meet.; boys scored 181.5 points, taking second to Timberlake’s 185.5 points.
Washington State Junior Rifle Championship Results
Junior rifle shooters from the Sandpoint and Kootenai Valley clubs participated in the Washington State Smallbore Indoor Championships this past February. The final standings were just registered. Because of the gathering restrictions in Washington, the participants shot at the Kootenai Valley range and sent the scores in for the final tally.

Badgers baseball IML champs again
Badgers wrapped up the No. 1 seed to districts with the win in the opener, before the Tigers handed the Intermountain League leaders their first league loss.
Tuesday, May 4
COVID-19 Information - May 5, 2021
The latest novel coronavirus numbers from the region, state and country.

Curricular Material Selection for Boundary County School District #101
As your superintendent and elected school board members, we want to take this opportunity to reach out and communicate how curricular materials are selected for Boundary County School District #101. We select curricular materials used in our district at the local level.

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 27: Headlines from 5/1 thru 5/4, these are
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Josh McDonald use the force to go over the latest news coming out of the Coeur'd Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, and the Shoshone News-Press from May 1 to 4.
Badger golf hits the mark with strong finish
Girls golf team swept the competition in the Intermountain league on April 18, after traveling south to the Links golf course for the final IML match of the season.

Police Log 04/27 - 05/04
Police Log 04/27 - 05/04

Sheriff's Log 04/27 - 05/04
Sheriff's Log 04/27 - 05/04

Lincoln Day Dinner scheduled for May 22
Boundary County Republican Central Committee will be hosting their Lincoln Day dinner on May 22 at The Great Northwest Event Center.

Shawn William Musial
Shawn William Musial passed away on April 16, 2021.

Community calendar - May 6 - May 12
Community calendar - May 6 - May 12

Cloud reminiscent of Heron photo taken by Robert Kalberg
Juanita Thorwart captured this photo of a cloud on Turner Hill Road on April 17 at sunset. She stated it reminded her of the Blue Heron flying in the April 8 issue of the Bonners Ferry Herald, depicting a picture of a Blue Heron captured by Robert Kalberg.
Tuesday's Trouble - Week 32
Tuesday's Trouble - Week 32

Boundary Soil Conservation District 2020 farmer of the year
The Boundary Soil Conservation District is pleased to announce Nystrom Farms Inc as its choice for 2020 Conservation Farmer of the Year. Ben and Tanya Nystrom, along with their family, farm approximately 1,600 acres in the Kootenai Valley, growing wheat varieties, canola, peas, grazing corn, oats and alfalfa.
Monday, May 3

COVID-19 Information - May 4, 2021
The latest novel coronavirus numbers from the region, state and country.

Court records 04/30/21
Court records 04/30/21
Rotary supports adult continuing education
Many people in Bonners Ferry know about the Rotary Club’s scholarship program but what most may not know is that the scholarships are not just for graduating seniors. Adults with a desire to continue their education can apply for them as well.

Daniel Robinson helps create school simulator for educators
Daniel Robinson, from Bonners Ferry with a team of entrepreneurs from the University of Idaho, won $7,000 from the Idaho Entrepreneur Challenge.
Delta Dental releases Oral Health Report
On April 30, the Delta Dental Plans Association (of which Delta Dental of Idaho is a member company) released the 2020 State of America's Oral Health Report, a nationwide analysis of consumer opinions and behaviors relating to oral health.

Tyler Warner recognized for impact on students
High school history teacher and cross country coach Tyler Warner, receives the certified employee of the month award.

This week in history - May 6, 2021
This week in history - May 6, 2021

From the archives - May 6, 2021
From the archives - May 6, 2021

Reclaim Idaho Files Quality Education Act
Last week, Reclaim Idaho filed a ballot initiative with the Idaho secretary of state called the Quality Education Act. This initiative would boost funding for K-12 education by well over $200 million annually, paid for by a modest tax increase for corporations and the wealthiest Idahoans.

Governor signs abortion bill, does little to current laws
Gov. Brad Little has signed into law HB 366 on April 27, which prohibits an abortion following detection of a fetal heartbeat.
Saturday, May 1

COVID-19 Information - May 2, 2021
The latest novel coronavirus numbers from the region, state and country.