Tuesday, May 31

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 137: Headlines from 5/28 thru 5/31
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Molly Roberts take you through the latest news coming out of the Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, the Shoshone News-Press, and the the Bonners Ferry Herald from May 25-27.
Friday, May 27

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 134: Headlines from 5/25 thru 5/27
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Molly Roberts take you through the latest news coming out of the Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, the Shoshone News-Press, and the the Bonners Ferry Herald from May 25-27.
Thursday, May 26

Calendar for May 26 - June 2, 2022
The events, activities and meetings taking place in Boundary County over the coming week.

47.9% voter turnout at May 17 primary
The Boundary County commissioners canvassed the May 17 primary election ballots on Monday, May 23.

From the Archives for May 26, 2022
Coloured Postcards Sometime after the turn of the 20th century, shops began selling inks and brushes. It must have been quite popular to buy “hand-painted” postcards.

BCSO OHV training success with youth
Several youths attended the motorcycle and ATV training course held by the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office.

STATE TRACK MEET: Abubarkari and Burt take first
Badger track and field sent 24 athletes to 3A state competition at Eagle High School May 20-21, and came away with two state champions and several top finishers.

Baseball competes at state for sixth straight year
Badger baseball played hard at the 3A state tournament on May 19-20. Going 0-2 and losing to the eventual state champion Marsh Valley in the first game.

Court Records for May 26
Information on local cases in Boundary County.

This Week In Boundary County History
100 Years Ago The contract was let this week by the Board of County Commissioners for the construction of a steel bridge across the Moyie River, just above the site of the city electric power plant. The bridge will cost $29,774.

It's best to leave young wildlife alone during spring baby boom
Spring is here, and so is the peak of baby wildlife season

Rise in police deaths nationwide reinforces need to support Idaho police officers
The statistics are dreadful.
County built, sustained on backs of volunteers
Let’s not lose sight of that

Elaine Cross, 102
Elaine (Shelly) Cross, 102, passed away May 21, 2022.
Ashley M. Brady, 33
Ashley M. Brady, 33, passed away on May 23, 2022.

Advancing opportunity, prosperity, growth
Innovia Foundation announces LaunchNW initiative
Nonprofit announces LaunchNW initiative

Sater gives back one last time
John Sater, long time resident, writer and Shriner has passed, but his charitable giving and his stories live on.
Celebrate National Trails Day with ITA
The nonprofit organization Idaho Trails Association is encouraging the public to get out and enjoy National Trails Day on June 4.

Jantz named 2021 Farmer of the Year
Lynn and Leah Jantz of Kootenai Valley Ranch farms are named the 2021 Conservation Farmer of the Year.

Traffic Committee no more
The City of Bonners Ferry will no longer have a traffic committee.
PE celebration at Valley View Elementary
Close to 200 students, parents, school district employees, and younger siblings walked from the city parking lot to Valley View. This is an annual event coinciding with the National Bike to School Day.
Upcoming sports camps and activities
Upcoming sports camps and activities for youths and the whole family.

This Week In History for May 26, 2022
100 Years Ago The contract was let this week by the Board of County Commissioners for the construction of a steel bridge across the Moyie River, just above the site of the city electric power plant.
Legals for May, 26 2022
Tuesday, May 24

Athlete of the Week May 22- 28
Camille Ussher, Senior, is named Athlete of the Week for girl’s track

City surplus equipment-sealed bid Auction
The City of Bonners Ferry is disposing of several items by sealed bid due by May 25, 2022, by 3 p.m. The vehicles and items will be displayed at the city utility yard at 6362 Washington Street from May 23-25, 2022 between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Public invited to shape city’s future
The city of Bonners Ferry is updating its comprehensive plan and wants the community to have an active part in deciding how the city looks, functions, and serves the needs of its residents as the future brings change.
Sunday, May 22
Getting Lost in the '50s
Car show attracts fans of classic cars, great music
Annual car show attracts hundreds of cars, thousands of fans
Friday, May 20

Outdoor summer soccer League coming
Open to ages 12 and up. The league will take place June 20-July 25 on Mondays at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, May 19

Let's do away with federal overreach — vaccine mandates a good place to start
One of my priorities as U.S. Senator representing the great people of Idaho has been to prevent federal overreach

Boulder Creek Academy closing
Boulder Creek Academy officials said the school will assist students and their families to transition to a new school through Aug. 12.

Mai pleads guilty in case
Ryan V. Mai, 46, of Bonners Ferry guilty to one count of sexual battery of a minor child as part of a May 6 plea agreement.

Softball Senior Night 2022
Badger softball paid tribute to its four graduating seniors, honoring them at Senior Night on April 29.

Badger track sends 24 athletes to state
The Badgers stayed strong in the two-day 3A District Championship track meet, with both teams finishing in second place and 24 athletes qualifying for state.

Baseball to play top-seed at state
Bonners Ferry baseball beat Timberlake by one run on May 11, becoming district champions for the third year in a row and advancing them to play in the state tournament May 19 to 21 at Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa.

Volleyball Camps scheduled for summer
A volleyball camp is scheduled for July 11-13 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m for girls entering 5th - 8th grades. The high school camp is scheduled for June 27-30.

Softball finishes out season at districts
Badger softball finishes out their season in a Class 3A district 1 loser-out game against Priest River softball.

Court Records for March 19, 2022
Information on local cases in Boundary County.

7 BFWC wrestlers win hardware at USA Idaho State
Bonners Ferry Wrestling Club wrestlers win hardware at the USA Idaho freestyle and greco championships May 6-7.

From the Archives for May 19, 2022
The Museum will celebrate “Mining Idaho” on Saturday, May 21, between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. with programs, complimentary lunch, and a tour through the Lazy Susan Mine.

This Week In History for May 19, 2022
100 Years Ago Work started this morning on the driving of the pilings for the new high school of Independent School District No. 4. As soon as the piling is driven, the concrete foundation will be started.

Calendar for May 19 - May 25, 2022
he events, activities and meetings taking place in Boundary County over the coming week.

Carol Kristin 'Kris' (Chubb) Lefebvre
Carol Kristin “Kris” (Chubb) Lefebvre passed away on May 4, 2022.

Before you head out on your boat, first things first
One the Water is a column about boating by the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

Birds of Prey visit Valley View
A golden eagle, falcon and owl, oh my!

Girls golf takes second at state
The Badgers girls golf team finished second at the 3A state tournament, held May 16-17 at the River Bend Golf Course.
Legals for May, 19 2022
Wednesday, May 18

Sports Schedule May 19- 21
Thursday, May 19:Baseball at state v. Marsh Valley at Northwest Nazarene University at Nampa at 10 a.m

Fioravanti, Robertson win GOP nod for commissioners
Both incumbents lost their bid for reelection as they were upset in Tuesday’s primary election.

Herndon and Dixon win D1 bids in primary
The votes are in and counted for the May 17 primary and the results are as posted.

Athlete of the Week May 15-21
Eli Blackmore is named Athlete of the Week for boys golf.
Tuesday, May 17

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 133: Headlines from 5/14 thru 5/17
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Molly Roberts take you through the latest news coming out of the Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, and the Shoshone News-Press from May 15-17.
Randy Weaver dies at 74
North Idaho man was at the center of Ruby Ridge standoff that claimed his wife, son, FBI agent
Randy Weaver dies.

Officers remind Idahoans to 'Click it Don’t Risk It'
Officers from the Bonners Ferry Police Department are taking part in a statewide effort to increase seat belt use in Idaho. The emphasis is ongoing through Memorial Day weekend.
Saturday, May 14

Local Old-Time Fiddlers chapter to restart May 28
First meeting will be held May 28
Friday, May 13

Two elk carcasses found, probable poaching?
Idaho Fish and Game is seeking information on two bull elk which were illegally killed and left to waste near Kerr Lake.

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 132: Headlines from 5/11 thru 5/13
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Molly Roberts take you through the latest news coming out of the Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, the Shoshone News-Press, and the the Bonners Ferry Herald from May 11-13

Signs question candidates' Republican legitimacy
KCRCC placing cameras to monitor their own signs
Anonymous 'RINO' signs send political message while circumventing campaign finance reporting laws
Thursday, May 12

Badger track stays strong day one of districts
The Badger track teams competed in the first day of the 3A Class district 1 track meet and are currently placed in first and second place.
Vote Humphreys to be Idaho's next governor
Governor's race

Tuesday's Trouble: Final Week of Bowling
Jeanne Osborn took it all with a high scratch game of 204, a high scratch series of 494, a high handicap game of 272 and a high handicap series of 698.

Candidates Questions
Voters Guide 2022

Election Day 2022 FAQs
The primary election will be held May 17

Todd Engel
Legislative District 1, Idaho House of Representatives, Seat 1B candidate

Sage G. Dixon
Legislative District 1, Idaho House of Representatives, Seat 1B candidate

Jim Woodward
Legislative District 1, Idaho Senate candidate

Scott Herndon
Legislative District 1, Idaho Senate candidate

Spencer Hutchings
Legislative District 1, Idaho House of Representatives, Seat 1A candidate
Adam Rorick
Legislative District 1, Idaho House of Representatives, Seat 1A candidate

Mark Sauter
Legislative District 1, Idaho House of Representatives, Seat 1A candidate

Travis Thompson
Legislative District 1, Idaho House of Representatives, Seat 1A candidate

Cynthia P. Weiss
Legislative District 1, Idaho House of Representatives, Seat 1A candidate

Tim Bertling
Boundary County Board of County Commission candidate, District 2

Steve Fioravanti
Boundary County Board of County Commission candidate, District 2

Dan R. Dinning
Boundary County Board of County Commission candidate, District 2
Ben Robertson
Boundary County Board of County Commission candidate, District 3
Primary elections in Idaho
Idaho's primary election is Tuesday, May 17

Court Records for May 12
Information on local cases in Boundary County.

Meet of Champions: Badgers finish fifth and eighth
Badger track teams finished fifth and eighth at the District 1 Meet of Champions at Timberlake High School on May 5. The boys took eight overall scoring 33.17 points. The girls finished fifth with 78.25 points.

From the Archives for May 12
Two Tails Mine
Not much was written about the Two Tails after 1896. The June 1, 1907 Herald stated: “The Idamont Mining Co. is driving a 100-foot tunnel on their claims six mile southeast of Bonners Ferry. This property was formerly known as the Two Tails claims. They were located many years ago by John Massam, and some work done on the property. They have been relocated and are showing up great promise. The tunnel will crosscut the lead in about ten days and it is believed that it will expose a valuable ledge.”

This Week In History for May 12
100 Years Ago A truly remarkable performance was given by the children of the grade schools at the Amazon Theatre Tuesday night in their presentation of the beautiful cantata, “In a Flower Garden,” under the direction of Miss Laurel Gleed.

Voting Precincts for May 17 Election
Wondering where to vote in the upcoming election on May 17?

Calendar for May 12 - May 18
The events, activities and meetings taking place in Boundary County over the coming week.

Parklets are here to stay
Parklets will be returning to the Bonners Ferry street scene.

City planning for comprehensive plan update
The city of Bonners Ferry is seeking community input as it works to update its comprehensive plan.

Girls golf back-to-back league and district champs
The Bonners Ferry Badgers are the Intermountain League and district girls golf champions for the second year and are headed to state to defend their 3A state title.

Class of 1977 is planning a reunion dinner
If you were in the Class of 1977 or you know someone who was, email the reunion planning committee at bfhs.classof1977@gmail.com

Badgers get even with Wildcats winning 11-1
In the bottom of the fifth with bases loaded, zero outs, Badger baseball won by a walk to beat Kellogg in district play, 11-1.
Myrna Lavey Phillips Carlson Watkins, 86
Myrna Lavey Phillips Carlson Watkins, 86, passed away on May 5, 2022.
Carol 'Kris' Lefebvre, 73
Carol "Kris" Lefebvre, 73, passed away on May 4, 2022

BMCS track brings home hardware at districts
Boundary County Track and Field teams finished out the season with big wins at districts, taking first and second place out of 12 schools.
Folks, I have some questions
Idaho Senate race
Humphreys is the right pick for governor
Governor's race
Herndon is our best choice for North Idaho
Idaho Senate race
Robertson will help ensure our quality of life
County commissioner race
Local folks need to show up at the polls and vote
The new folks here seem to assume that Idaho Republicans are a far-right, ultra-conservative group
We need Republicans like Scott Herndon
Idaho Senate race
Dixon lives among, dedicated to his constituents
Idaho House 1B race
Humphreys will make positive change for Idahoans
Governor's race

Richards signs with U of Alberta
Badger wrestler Eli Richards will be trading in his Badger singlet for green and gold as he has signed to wrestle for the University of Alberta.
It's time for a change in county, state
It's time for change
Dixon, Thompson are who we need in Boise
Idaho House races

Sports schedule May 12-17
Thursday, May 12 Track Districts at Timberlake 4 p.m. Varsity Softball at Highest Seed 4 p.m. Varsity Baseball at Highest Seed 4 p.m.
Hutchings will fight against Boise swamp
Idaho House 1A race
Mark Sauter has sound, conservative ideas
House of Representatives 1A race
Candlelight Vigil for Fallen Officers May 13
“We will for the first time read the names of all Idaho peace officers who have died in the line of duty since records began in 1883, a total of 74 names,” officials said.
Sage Dixon is integrity in action
Idaho House 1B race
Dixon is solutions-oriented thinker, man of integrity
Idaho House 1B race
Dixon is proven to represent right, justice
Idaho House 1B race

Planning issues dominate at commissioners’ meeting
Boundary County commissioners addressed residence complaints before the county’s Planning and Zoning department and other issues at a recent press conference.
4-H seeks raffle items for grange fundraiser
Club members are seeking donations from local businesses for a raffle. Members will sell tickets in May and June and winners will be announced in early July.
To have a voice, you must vote
My final thoughts on Idaho’s May 17 primary election are simple: Elections matter. If you don’t vote, you don’t count.
Legals for May, 12 2022
Monday, May 9

Athlete of the Week May 8-14
Athlete of the Week May 8-14: Kaylee Sumpter, junior
Friday, May 6

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 130: Headlines from 5/4 thru 5/6
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Molly Roberts take you through the latest news coming out of the Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, the Shoshone News-Press, and the the Bonners Ferry Herald from May 4-6

Abubakari longest throw at Moobery Relays
Asha Abubakari was the lone Badger at the Moobery relays at Rogers High School April 23.
Thursday, May 5
Critchfield stands apart from competition
What distinguishes her is a “can-do” attitude
Radical politics have no place in Idaho
What a sad and destructive situation that is occurring with our electoral system when a senatorial hopeful can slander, denigrate and lie about a sitting conservative, Republican senator.

Badgers track takes second at Timberlake Invitational
Both Badger track teams took second place at the Timberlake Invitational April 27.

County celebrating National Corrections Week May 1-7
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office give thanks this week to those that serve in detention facilities around the Country, and especially to the Detention Deputies that serve with the BCSO.

Walking with Fay
“It's a heartwarming story about the caregiving journey of a daughter with her mother, from the early stages of dementia through to the inevitable end,” Birrell said.

Badgers fall to Tigers despite strong start
The Badgers had a good start, but fell to the Timberlake Tigers in a softball double header on April 29.

BCSD to re-run bond in August
Following a recommendation by its facility committee and based on results of a bond survey, the Boundary County School Board voted 3-1, to re-run the bond in August.

Badgers win big, will play Kellogg in district opener
The Badgers beat the Wildcats in a double header scoring 12-10 and 3-0 respectively on May 3.

Katie Sherman, 96
Katie Sherman passed away on April 18, 2022.

Voter Guide coming May 12
The Bonners Ferry Herald will have a special Voter Guide section in the May 12 edition of the paper.

Girls golf wins all four IML matches, boys see improvement
Badger golf teams rounded out Intermountain League play May 2 at Pinehurst Golf Course.

Mobile Vet Center is coming May 10
“Our goal of coming to your area is to connect you (the Veteran) with resources, VA Benefits (disability compensation, burial, and medical) counseling, readjustment counseling, and answering any question you may have concerning your benefits that you have earned.” officials said.

Myrtle Creek Game Preserve considered for animal harvesting
The city is seeking restoration of wildlife management at the Myrtle Creek Game Preserve for fishing, hunting and trapping.
It is time to speak out … and vote
Don't believe lies on postcards

Phyllis A. Dirks, 91
Phyllis Adaline Dirks passed away on April 27, 2022.

Tuesday's Trouble: 31 weeks of bowling
The Lupines (Alice VanGundy, DaVonna Cada and Lil jimenez) took it all with a high scratch game of 480, a high scratch series of 1245, a high handicap game of 699 and a high handicap series of 1902.

Mission Possible: Moellmer named DYW 2022
While all 11 participants are distinguished young women, Leah Moellmer was named Distinguished Young Woman of Bonners Ferry for 2022.

This Week In History - May 5, 2022
100 Years Ago Roy W. Hupe, a homesteader of the Addie district was killed on Tuesday by a premature explosion of picric acid stumping powder, which he was using to blow stumps on logged over land on his homestead.

From the Archives for May 5, 2022
Julius Runkles remodeled and furnished a portion of the Riverside Hotel for the saloon to accommodate locals and the mining clientele. He placed an advertisement in the March 18, 1892 Kootenai Herald. Business was booming.
Idahoans face a big decision on May 17
Your vote will determine what kind of world you leave for your children

Sports Schedule May 5-9
Thursday, May 5 Track at Meet of Champions at Timberlake 2:30 p.m.

Calendar for May 5 - May 11
The events, activities and meetings taking place in Boundary County over the coming week.

Court Records for May 5
Information on local cases in Boundary County.

Birth Announcement: Dawson Duke Basenberg
Birth Announcement: Dawson Duke Basenberg
Legals for May, 5 2022
Tuesday, May 3

North Idaho Now podcast Episode 129: Headlines from 4/30 thru 5/3
In this episode of the North Idaho Now Podcast, Chanse Watson and Molly Roberts take you through the latest news coming out of the Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls Press, the Bonner County Daily Bee, and the Shoshone News-Press from April 30-May 3.

Reclaim Idaho submits final signatures for education initiative
Set to appear on November ballot

Athlete of the Week May 1-7
Athlete of the Week May 1-7, Bo Bateman, Senior
Monday, May 2
Letters to the Editor for Primary
All letters to the editor relating to the May 17 primary election must be turned in by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 6, in order to get into the May 12 edition of the Bonners Ferry Herald.